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polian's response to irsay.


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Where exactly is the tact in your comments?

plenty of tact, I would say yours lacks any now that you brought it up. Below, your comments to AMFOOTBALL:

You made her point because you came here to start trouble because you knew people would be sensitive to this subject this week, and you misconstrued the words to fuel the rationel behind your ludicris interpretation. If I didn't do my job well when it mattered the most and my boss called me on it, I would be like "Yeah I dropped the ball."

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So you agree with him? That means I can come over here and start a thread about all of Manning's one and done's and his one ring and you will say nothing?

Yeah, what argument do I have to the contrary? He puts up flashy stats and is a great QB and human being, but at the end of the day all we have is a new stadium, empty feelings from championships we should have won, and a lot of AFC South Championship banners. Call me crazy but I'm not bragging about my red ribbons.


I also have grown tired of the  "You know if Peyton didn't get drafted the Colts would be playing in Frog Legs, Arkanasas." Because the Nostradomus' of the world are certain we wouldn't have drafted Brady, Brees, or Rogers.

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plenty of tact, I would say yours lacks any now that you brought it up. Below, your comments to AMFOOTBALL:

You made her point because you came here to start trouble because you knew people would be sensitive to this subject this week, and you misconstrued the words to fuel the rationel behind your ludicris interpretation. If I didn't do my job well when it mattered the most and my boss called me on it, I would be like "Yeah I dropped the ball."

And? Show me one of your Pulitzer winning responses. I mean out of 1,810 you would think you could slip one through the uprights.

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Yeah, what argument do I have to the contrary? He puts up flashy stats and is a great QB and human being, but at the end of the day all we have is a new stadium, empty feelings from championships we should have won, and a lot of AFC South Championship banners. Call me crazy but I'm not bragging about my red ribbons.


I also have grown tired of the  "You know if Peyton didn't get drafted the Colts would be playing in Frog Legs, Arkanasas." Because the Nostradomus' of the world are certain we wouldn't have drafted Brady, Brees, or Rogers.

Your take on Manning is stunning. As a rival fan, I am the first to call out Manning's post-season woes but honestly even I know they are not all on him and that he is one of the best to play the game. I am not sure if we will ever see anyone have as complete control of an offense like him. He isn't just a nice human being. He is a stand up guy, teammate and the best rival the Pats ever had. And as much as I hate it, I know that without Manning, Brady's lore is probably not as great. Just as Magic Johnson was to Bird.


I get one one level that Irsay is still answering questions about releasing him but why the shots at him personally? First he says earlier in the week that he is going to pay tribute to him and then he tells USA Today that it was his fault that Indy only has one ring. Even the owner in GB who has a zillion reasons to hate Favre did not do that to him when he came back. At th end of the day, Manning can't control his wins and losses. You would think Irsay would get that at some level. He seems bent on hammering home how Indy made the right choice with Luck (which they have) but can't seem to bring himself to the reality that Manning not only recovered from his neck surgeries but is playing lights out football this year.

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Your take on Manning is stunning. As a rival fan, I am the first to call out Manning's post-season woes but honestly even I know they are not all on him and that he is one of the best to play the game. I am not sure if we will ever see anyone have as complete control of an offense like him. He isn't just a nice human being. He is a stand up guy, teammate and the best rival the Pats ever had. And as much as I hate it, I know that without Manning, Brady's lore is probably not as great. Just as Magic Johnson was to Bird.


I get one one level that Irsay is still answering questions about releasing him but why the shots at him personally? First he says earlier in the week that he is going to pay tribute to him and then he tells USA Today that it was his fault that Indy only has one ring. Even the owner in GB who has a zillion reasons to hate Favre did not do that to him when he came back. At th end of the day, Manning can't control his wins and losses. You would think Irsay would get that at some level. He seems bent on hammering home how Indy made the right choice with Luck (which they have) but can't seem to bring himself to the reality that Manning not only recovered from his neck surgeries but is playing lights out football this year.


Jim Irsay @JimIrsay 2h

My comments meant if we gave Peyton better SP Teams n Def,we would have won more than 1 Sup/Bowl,instead of asking Peyton 2do too much


I'm appreciative of what he accomplished, and what he meant to the fanbase. I will get the warm and fuzzies and nostalgia when he retires. Right now his postseason legacy is what it is. Sorry I was a Colts fan before Peyton played here, and I will be long after he retires. I didn't defend his postseason woes when he was here, and I'm not going to start now.

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I agree with Irsay as well. The Colts should have won more rings while Manning was a Colt. That said, Irsay needs to wise up to the fact that his comments are becoming bulletin board material for other teams and think about what he says in interviews and delete his Twitter account. He just posts/says what he does without thinking of the potential consequences to the team it would seem.

Bulletin board material? What, think about the potential consequences of his words being misinterpreted by people that apparently have reading comprehension problems? Not sure how he could foresee all of the possibilities.

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For Irsay to say that Peyton was let go because they only won one super bowl with him is crap. The last time I checked, football is a team sport.

He never said that.

Did you read what he said? Or did you just want to have something to say?

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Bulletin board material? What, think about the potential consequences of his words being misinterpreted by people that apparently have reading comprehension problems? Not sure how he could foresee all of the possibilities.


Good point, because the media has never been known to twist what someone says and make a boatload of drama out of it to get a bigger story (sarcasm). No, this is something that Irsay, being an intelligent person, should see a mile away before he makes comments likes he does. He should have known that the way he said what he did that it would be completely taken out of context to add to the drama of this coming Sunday. And yes, it is bulletin board material for Broncos regardless of what Irsay intended when he said it.

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There's no need for him to apologize. What exactly did Irsay say wrong? He prefers championships > stats. Just like 31 other owners. The media is spinning this into a Peyton vs. Irsay thing and you're falling for it. Hook n' sinker.

Do you know why the media can't spin Peyton's recent comments about Irsay and the Colts?







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That does happen but Jim's comments were very pointed. He is also a smart owner not a clueless player. I think he is trying to still justify Manning's release given how well Manning is playing. For some reason he still feels the need to even though going with Luck was the right choice long term. I also think he micro manages his GM and coaches for the same reason and then tweets about it.



This was clearly a non story that was built up by the media in order to hype the game up as much as possible. You where just a big enough sucker to fall for it. Thats all.

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This was clearly a non story that was built up by the media in order to hype the game up as much as possible. You where just a big enough sucker to fall for it. Thats all.


I agree

The people leading the charge are not colts fans.  And most are people who have issues with anything Jim Irsay does




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This was clearly a non story that was built up by the media in order to hype the game up as much as possible. You where just a big enough sucker to fall for it. Thats all.

If you ask me, the sucker was Irsay for falling for it. He should know how the media works by now. 

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If you ask me, the sucker was Irsay for falling for it. He should know how the media works by now. 

This!  Why are people giving Irsay a free pass for falling into it.  He already knows (or should know) this is how it would be played out in the media.  So it makes sense that it leads many to believe this was an intentional move to attract more publicity to himself and the Colts.

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This!  Why are people giving Irsay a free pass for falling into it.  He already knows (or should know) this is how it would be played out in the media.  So it makes sense that it leads many to believe this was an intentional move to attract more publicity to himself and the Colts.


bingo. :thmup:

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This!  Why are people giving Irsay a free pass for falling into it.  He already knows (or should know) this is how it would be played out in the media.  So it makes sense that it leads many to believe this was an intentional move to attract more publicity to himself and the Colts.


^100% agreed.

Think about it... "Operation Blue out"  - done because the Colts are "prime time" again. Irsay wants the attention, good or bad. Ask the Kardashians it works!


This is already a big game that was going to bring in a lot ratings... but now it's a national spectacle! This will be the #1 story across all sports media outlets across the country and EVERYONE is going to tune in.


Now just think about the Money that will bring in. Sounds like Irsay did some research of his own.



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Polian was just on NFL Live on ESPN. And he said...

I think he's disappointed we didn't win more Super Bowls....I know this, the franchise was a lot better off when we left than when we got there....we're proud of what we accomplished...Baltimore won their 2nd Super Bowl with Jim Caldwell....what we accomplished is in the record books. And if that wasn't enough, that's fine...its a shame this all detracts from Peyton's return to Indianapolis....I also think the fans in Indianapolis don't need any contrived celebration for his return..."

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I don't know why anyone other than Colts and Bronco fans would care about this.  When Peyton played for us, most teams hated him, called him choker, horsehead, frankenhead, ...made fun of his choppy steps and wobbly passes, etc.....  In other words, they were jealous of him.  NOW, everybody that's ever hated him, wants to come in and rescue him from the evil meany Irsay.  Does that mean that Irsay hates Peyton more than everybody else?  No, he is crazy about Peyton and cares about him more than any of us do.  Colts fans are divided about his release but Bronco fans should be ECSTATIC and should shut their mouths. They got a legendary QB for a few years and should smile and be quiet.  They don't have to "take up" for Peyton against us.  Every Colt fan respects, if not loves, Peyton and what he did for us.   

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