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Marvin and Edge to be in the House Sunday


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Come on now, the Colts owner is recognizing Peyton for his years of service and Colts fans should also thank him for all those years of great entertainment. But they are Ex-Colts not Broncos. The will be rooting for the Colts and Peyton as a player. GO COLTS and find a way to win.

I have no clue who they will cheer for but keep in mind other than a handful of guys they didn't with many of the guys on the Colts roster now and Peyton is their friend so who knows what they will do.  My guess is just stand there and enjoy the game happy when something goes well for the Colts and also happy for Peyton when things go well for him.  I am sure they wont be the only two in the stadium that feel that ways on Sunday.

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Irsay has become quite the marketing genius. Even if it makes others hate him, he knows how to take advantage of a situation.

Apparently, the Peyton video tribute wasn't enough. Marvin & Edge must be a little extra insurance policy to mess with Manning's psyche. Either that or he figures if we lose, the fans will forget the loss & remember seeing the old Blue horseshoe gang under the same roof. Smart diversion tactic actually. 


Kinda like promising a little kid a ton of ice cream after you remove their tonsils. The loss may hurt, but remember the sweet photo op with Marvin, Edge, Reggie, & Peyton. Jim Irsay will slap that image on a ton of Colts merchandise too. Ka Ching! I see no problem with that at all. 

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Actually Irsay went out of his way to make sure Grigson didn't make the call on rather to go with Luck or Manning he made that call so he did make one of those calls.  Also who do you think hired the right people?  Also if you ready Dungy's book it was Irsay, not Polian, that made the phone call to him that got him to Indianapolis.


Also please show your proof that Jim Irsay has ever had a drinking problem to support your name calling there at the end.  Also if was greedy which means he cares about money above all else he would run the Colts to make as much profit as he possibly could, he wouldn't be nearly as involved with the community that he is and he wouldn't donate as much money as he does to charities or give it away on twitter.  Also, he wouldn't have spent the money it took to get a guy like Bill Polian here and wouldn't have spent the money he did to get good players here. 


If you want to dislike Jim Irsay that's fine but at least use facts to base that on not things you want to be true because you don't like him. 

Edited by Superman
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, November 16, 2013 - abusive/inflammatory
Hidden by Nadine, November 16, 2013 - abusive/inflammatory

Jim Irsay being called a genius is a laugh. He has nothing to do with the team's success. All he has done is hire the right people that drafted Luck/Manning and I doubt he even made those decisions himself. 


Now he is talking  crap about Peyton not winning him enough Superbowls the week that we have to play him? He wouldn't have any Superbowls, a new stadium, and he probably would have moved the team if not for Peyton!


Irsay is a drunken greedy * just like his Dad. He is a spoiled rich brat that has had everything handed to him in life and complains he needs more. I wish someone in the organization could convince this moronic loud mouth to delete his Twitter account. 

You mad bro?

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post

Actually Irsay went out of his way to make sure Grigson didn't make the call on rather to go with Luck or Manning he made that call so he did make one of those calls.  Also who do you think hired the right people?  Also if you ready Dungy's book it was Irsay, not Polian, that made the phone call to him that got him to Indianapolis.


Also please show your proof that Jim Irsay has ever had a drinking problem to support your name calling there at the end.  Also if was greedy which means he cares about money above all else he would run the Colts to make as much profit as he possibly could, he wouldn't be nearly as involved with the community that he is and he wouldn't donate as much money as he does to charities or give it away on twitter.  Also, he wouldn't have spent the money it took to get a guy like Bill Polian here and wouldn't have spent the money he did to get good players here. 


If you want to dislike Jim Irsay that's fine but at least use facts to base that on not things you want to be true because you don't like him. 


I acknowledged that he hired some good people. Having money and being rich doesn't make you a genius. If he doesn't drink then why does he look like W.C. Fields? That is all the proof I need.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post

I acknowledged that he hired some good people. Having money and being rich doesn't make you a genius. If he doesn't drink then why does he look like W.C. Fields? That is all the proof I need.

So in other words you have no proof just tossing it out there with what you think he does. 

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post
Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - quoting removed post

Also, pretty sure he admitted to have a painkiller addiction in the 90's. Who doesn't drink and take pills? They go hand and hand.

He did and has since dealt with it, I am still waiting for you to offer some real proof that he's a drunk.  Like I said before if you don't like the man you don't have too.  Just don't make stuff up. 

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Apparently, the Peyton video tribute wasn't enough. Marvin & Edge must be a little extra insurance policy to mess with Manning's psyche. Either that or he figures if we lose, the fans will forget the loss & remember seeing the old Blue horseshoe gang under the same roof. Smart diversion tactic actually. 


Kinda like promising a little kid a ton of ice cream after you remove their tonsils. The loss may hurt, but remember the sweet photo op with Marvin, Edge, Reggie, & Peyton. Jim Irsay will slap that image on a ton of Colts merchandise too. Ka Ching! I see no problem with that at all. 

Ha, ha, ha.....funny.....so even after we get blown away by Peyton and the Broncos, all the fans go home happy.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - inflammatory, abusive
Hidden by Superman, October 16, 2013 - inflammatory, abusive

So everything else I said about him is true and you do not have a problem with? Just that  he may not be the drunk I think he is. Or you are okay with him embarrassing himself the team and the city of Indianapolis all over Twitter? Oh and don't forget taking a jab at Peyton for no reason.

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If they are in game shape tell them to suit up. We could use the boost on offense!

i know that's a joke but in 2010 when we went to Philly Marvin was there and Polian asked if he could still go because they could use him and Marvin told him he was done. Typical Marvin that's the closest he ever came to saying he retired. Of the triplets he's the only one to play his whole career here and didn't get some kind of tribute in his final game at LOS (of course this might not be Peyton's last game here only time will tell.)
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i know that's a joke but in 2010 when we went to Philly Marvin was there and Polian asked if he could still go because they could use him and Marvin told him he was done. Typical Marvin that's the closest he ever came to saying he retired. Of the triplets he's the only one to play his whole career here and didn't get some kind of tribute in his final game at LOS (of course this might not be Peyton's last game here only time will tell.)

Actually in the last game of the 2008 season vs. Tennessee they threw him the ball on almost every play to enable him to be the 2nd leading receiver in receptions. They announced it on the board in game and the game was delayed for a moment so he could acknowledge the fans. I thought that was pretty cool.

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i know that's a joke but in 2010 when we went to Philly Marvin was there and Polian asked if he could still go because they could use him and Marvin told him he was done. Typical Marvin that's the closest he ever came to saying he retired. Of the triplets he's the only one to play his whole career here and didn't get some kind of tribute in his final game at LOS (of course this might not be Peyton's last game here only time will tell.)


Marvin never came back to LOS as an opponent. He never had an official "final game" in LOS. The Colts had a Ring of Honor ceremony for him in 2011. 

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Actually Irsay went out of his way to make sure Grigson didn't make the call on rather to go with Luck or Manning he made that call so he did make one of those calls.  Also who do you think hired the right people?  Also if you ready Dungy's book it was Irsay, not Polian, that made the phone call to him that got him to Indianapolis.


Also please show your proof that Jim Irsay has ever had a drinking problem to support your name calling there at the end.  Also if was greedy which means he cares about money above all else he would run the Colts to make as much profit as he possibly could, he wouldn't be nearly as involved with the community that he is and he wouldn't donate as much money as he does to charities or give it away on twitter.  Also, he wouldn't have spent the money it took to get a guy like Bill Polian here and wouldn't have spent the money he did to get good players here. 


If you want to dislike Jim Irsay that's fine but at least use facts to base that on not things you want to be true because you don't like him. 



Didn't Irsay drop a $500K check for the victims of the tornado in Southern Indiana a while back?

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