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Eric Dickerson and Marshall Faulk to join the ROH


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This suprised me a bit, I know alot of people don't care for either player for various reasons.  Do you think they get some boos at the ceremony?

Doubtful.  Honestly I am not sure many remember Dickerson's act at the end.  If any of them do it will be Faulk because he hasn't always had the nicest things to say about his old team since joining the media but Colts fans in general are a respectful bunch and both of them played major roles in the Colts three playoff season before Manning got here. 

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I really think Glenn needs to go in.  I was a little surprised it wasn't Saturday. 


Still Faulk and Dickerson are the first two guys to truly make the Hall of Fame in part based on what they did in Indianapolis (Dent is in there too as an "Indianapolis" Colt but that was a year or two at the end of his career).  If it's going to be a Ring of Honor I would think they should be a part of it.  Easily the best two players of the Pre-Manning era in Indianapolis and this is coming from someone who still lists Jim Harbaugh as his all-time favorite Colt. 

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Marshall if he wants to be should be...his numbers here were still very impressive and was a very important part of some (few) successful teams we had...Eric I don't think did enough here to really desearve that....almost like we are trying to latch on to their greatness they had on other teams....sorry..we can't claim Eric Dickerson. Marshall we drafted and he was very successful while here.


Kinda sad that we don't have any Baltimore Colts on there....I don't get that...maybe someone can explain that. Also we don't have any defensive players on there. You would think we would have 1 great defensive player that represents the team since its been in Indy.

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Just looking at it...if Dickerson counts then I'm saying someone like Bob Sanders should be in our ring of fame lol...he was defensive player of the year here and a pro bowler a couple times and was key in our SB victory...right?? lol



There will be some great players in the years to come though, Saturday, Glenn, Freeney, Mathis, Peyton, Wayne.


Also....why isn't Ray Donaldson in it. Hey had more pro-bowl caliber seasons  Marshall or Eric.

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when dickerson left indy, he said his best memory here was the opportunity to play next to jeff george


to be fair, dickerson has softened his stance over the years. i'm all for letting bygones be bygones. but i am not sure i can say the same for faulk


ironically both of them are remembered mostly as rams

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Just looking at it...if Dickerson counts then I'm saying someone like Bob Sanders should be in our ring of fame lol...he was defensive player of the year here and a pro bowler a couple times and was key in our SB victory...right?? lol



There will be some great players in the years to come though, Saturday, Glenn, Freeney, Mathis, Peyton, Wayne.


Also....why isn't Ray Donaldson in it. Hey had more pro-bowl caliber seasons  Marshall or Eric.

Dickerson and Faulk are both in the Hall of Fame thanks in part of what they did in Indy and did it an era where they were the only or one or two stars on the team and got the Colts to the playoffs.  They weren't on loaded teams with Sanders and Sanders isn't going to the Hall of Fame either.  Sanders may one day go into the Ring of Honor but the Colts HOFers should go in as well.


As for Donaldson I wouldn't have a problem with him going in either.  Although he went to the pro-bowl six times over his career while Faulk did it seven times and Dickerson had six trips. 


Agreed we have a huge era of football to join the Ring of Honor. 

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This suprised me a bit, I know alot of people don't care for either player for various reasons.  Do you think they get some boos at the ceremony?

There won't be any Boos for these two.  Fans are too classy for that and besides, we all loved both of them for the time they were here and that they were part of the best franchise ever, with the possible exception of 49ers/Steelers.

There may not be many dry eyes either.  I know this means a tremendous amount to Eric and Marshall.  They don't take this stuff lightly.  I know Eric probably wishes he would have been asked back sooner.

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This is strictly a marketing ploy in my opinion. Neither of these guys are anything more than ties to HOFers. Faulk really only had 3 highly productive seasons (kind of 4 depending on what you are judging on) and only played here 5 years. I don't agree with the addition of either.

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Neither were in the best parts of their careers as Colts. Both were better as Rams.


There are some real Colts legends that should be in. Faulk and Dickerson are two hall of famers, but I'm kinda mixed on both. 

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Some you guys need to back and look at just how bad the Colts the were from 1984 till the Manning years.  Dickerson is what got the Colts in the playoffs for the first time in Indianapolis and Faulk was a star player for the Colts at time that the Colts had no star players.  They were not playing on the super loaded Colts teams that we have grown used to yet both played key roles in the Colts getting the playoffs (even if Faulk missed the 95 playoff games themselves due to injury).  They were really the only star players the Colts had from 1984 till 1998 when they drafted Manning (outside of one year from Harbaugh).  We put Harbaugh in the Ring of Honor for just four years and really just one super season so the Colts have already shown number of years doesn't mean a lot towards if you should go into the Ring of Honor or not. 

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I won't boo them or anything, but this is not my choice of who to put in the Ring of Honor....not that I have a say in it. These guys were Hall of Fame players and have a very high name recognition. But they did not earn these honors by what they did for the Colts. These guys are Rams, not Colts. It seems like we picked these guys because we don't have anyone else worthy who were Colts for the productive periods of their careers. What about Jeff Harrod, or Tarik Glenn or Jeff Saturday. I know they were linemen but gee, these guys were COLTS.

I am not diminishing the ones selected, but I wish we would let Rams, be Rams. Well that is water over the dam now.

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We put Harbaugh in the Ring of Honor for just four years and really just one super season so the Colts have already shown number of years doesn't mean a lot towards if you should go into the Ring of Honor or not. 


harbaugh played the best football of his career in indy. he was great in 96 as well even though it didn't equate to a similar playoff run

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harbaugh played the best football of his career in indy. he was great in 96 as well even though it didn't equate to a similar playoff run

First of all Harbaugh is still my all-time favorite Colt and I full heartly agree that he should be in our Ring of Honor AND played his best football here.  However, if people are going to say Faulk shouldn't be in because he only played five years here that goes out the window with Harbaugh being in after being here for only four years. 


As for 1996 Harbaugh's numbers were 14 games with 14 starts completing 57% of his passes 2630 yards with 13 TDs and 11 INTs.  While a decent season that's hardly playing great.  In 95 he threw for 2575 yards with 17 TDs and only 5 INTs.  While yards were down his TDs were up and his INTs were way down.  Worth mentioning in 1995 Faulk rushed 1078 yards with 11 TDs and 56 passes for 475 yards and three TDs.  As special as Harbaugh was that season if we didn't have Faulk there was no playoff trip that season. 

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Yes to faulk, no to dickerson.  Faulk had more >1000 yd seasons with the colts than he did with the rams.  Dickerson had like 3 1000 yard seasons with the colts and then the rest of his time was spent on the inactive list because of his poor contract negotiations.  And its not like it wasnt the colts, the rams did the same thing.  Got fed up with his poor attitude and inability to come to an agreement on a contract.

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I'm not saying neither should be in...Faulk I get....he had a great 5 years here. Dickerson had a couple great years but his HOF worthy years were in LA....not Indy. To me...it would be like Oakland putting Jerry Rice into their ring....he had several good years there.....but lets be honest...he is a 49er guys.....or Joe Montana in the Chiefs or Marcus Allen...I could go on and on....and these guys...well they are Rams. Faulk to me is border line in (because he started his career here and 5 years with the team with that production was pretty special....Dickerson....I just don't think so. Out of respect to the Rams I don't think he belongs in ours.


Also I was joking with Bob Sanders...but what I am saying is as far as what he did for the COLTS...his short career with us was just as impressive as Dickerson's short years with us...if not more...he was a league DPOY and significant contributor...if not one of the most significant contributors to our SB run...his return sparked our defense. I don't think either should be in....but thats how rediculous I think having Dickerson in is. I just feel like we are trying to claim another teams HOFer.

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I'm not saying neither should be in...Faulk I get....he had a great 5 years here. Dickerson had a couple great years but his HOF worthy years were in LA....not Indy. To me...it would be like Oakland putting Jerry Rice into their ring....he had several good years there.....but lets be honest...he is a 49er guys.....or Joe Montana in the Chiefs or Marcus Allen...I could go on and on....and these guys...well they are Rams. Faulk to me is border line in (because he started his career here and 5 years with the team with that production was pretty special....Dickerson....I just don't think so. Out of respect to the Rams I don't think he belongs in ours.


Also I was joking with Bob Sanders...but what I am saying is as far as what he did for the COLTS...his short career with us was just as impressive as Dickerson's short years with us...if not more...he was a league DPOY and significant contributor...if not one of the most significant contributors to our SB run...his return sparked our defense. I don't think either should be in....but thats how rediculous I think having Dickerson in is. I just feel like we are trying to claim another teams HOFer.

Dickerson pretty much single handled ran us into the playoffs in 1987.  For a team that knew nothing but losing up to that point since they moved here that's pretty significant.  There is nothing that says that because the Colts are honoring these two that the Rams can't honor them too.  Just because they had some great years for the Rams doesn't mean they didn't make significant contributions to the Colts as well.  If Manning wins a couple of Super Bowls for Denver don't you think the Broncos are going to find a way to honor him too when he retires?  It just means the guy did a lot for two franchises. 


See I think you can make a strong case for Sanders maybe going into the Ring of Honor one day.  He played a major role in us winning a Super Bowl.  I do think people tend over simplify what happened with the defense in that post season run and give Sanders ALL the credit for it but he does deserve his fair share of it. 


Having Dickerson in there is not ridiculous because he was really the first star player the Colts had here and he did get them into the playoffs pretty much all by himself in 1987.  In his five years here he ran for over 1,000 yards three times.  Also an interesting fact about Dickerson he spent more time with the Colts than he did any other team.  He spent four seasons and three games with the Rams while spending four seasons and nine games with the Colts.  Dickerson would not have made the hall based on his Rams career alone, his 5,194 rushing yards, three pro-bowl selections (as many as he had as a Ram), two of his five all pro selections and last of his four rushing titles in 1988 as a Colt helped get him into the Hall.  It's not like Richard Dent where he came to Indianapolis for a year at the end of his career when he was just trying to hang on.  Dickerson made a major impact on the early days of the Colts in Indianapolis. 


Also this is a Ring of Honor, not a Hall of Fame.  Honoring him is all about honoring a guy who did great things for your team, and doesn't really impact what he did for other teams.  Like I said before just because the Colts are honoring him doesn't mean the Rams can't honor him too.  In fact they have by retiring his number.  The Colts aren't doing that.  They are just recognizing his contributions to the Colts and how important they were to the Colts in the early days of the Colts in Indianapolis.


As for Faulk he was the face of the team from 1994 till Peyton got to town with all due respect to Jim Harbaugh.  He had three of his seven pro-bowl selections in Indianapolis including winning his only Pro-Bowl MVP in 1994 (which I know doesn't mean a lot) He was selected to the second team all-pro team twice in 1994 and 1995.  He was also the rookie of the year in 1994.  In 1998 he lead the league in yards from scrimmage as well as finishing fourth in the NFL in receptions.  He also played a major role in getting us into the playoffs in 1995.  Harbaugh had a magical season that year but that team doesn't make the playoffs without Faulk. 


Again, this is the Colts honoring two guys who were stars of the team when they didn't have a lot of stars.  They aren't retiring their numbers like the Rams have.  They aren't even saying they had the best years of their career in Indianapolis.  They are just saying these guys did a lot for the team while they were here.  That's what a Ring of Honor is for.  It's not the same standard as a Hall of Fame and it sure doesn't mean they are the only team that can honor those guys.  It just means they were a significant player to a franchise which both Faulk and Dickerson were.  Does that mean there aren't other significant players who should be added to the Ring of Honor at some point?  No, clearly guys like Glenn, Saturday, and Bill Polian should get added too and I am sure will.  Normally the Colts add one guy a year.  I think they are doing two this year because they just both happen to be Hall of Famers and they can say they are honoring Hall of Famers together who happened to be the guys that were really the face of the franchise for the majority of the pre-Manning years. 


With all due respect to guys like Jim Harbaugh, Bill Brooks, and Chris Hinton if they are in the Ring of Honor don't you think the two Hall of Famers who played on those two teams with them should be in the Ring of Honor too?  It's not like they made pit stops here for a year or something they both spent significant time here, and in Dickerson's case more time as a Colt than any other team he played for, and their time here helped contribute to their Hall of Fame careers as well as the limited success the Colts had while they played here. 

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So will peeps go off he deep end when the Broncos someday place Peyton in their Ring of Fame?  Dickerson and Faulk deserve to go in.  I'll never forget the 1998 MNF Halloween game, either!  I only lived in Indy a short time (1987-89) , but was there for that magical moment!




I still am bummed we traded Rison and Hinton to get Jeff George. Granted, Chris Chandler wasn't a decent QB at that time (and not until a later in his career) but J. George was pretty horrid too, for a #1 pick.  But I digress...   Dickerson and Faulk in the ROH?  OK by me.

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Dickerson pretty much single handled ran us into the playoffs in 1987.  For a team that knew nothing but losing up to that point since they moved here that's pretty significant.  There is nothing that says that because the Colts are honoring these two that the Rams can't honor them too.  Just because they had some great years for the Rams doesn't mean they didn't make significant contributions to the Colts as well.  If Manning wins a couple of Super Bowls for Denver don't you think the Broncos are going to find a way to honor him too when he retires?  It just means the guy did a lot for two franchises. 


See I think you can make a strong case for Sanders maybe going into the Ring of Honor one day.  He played a major role in us winning a Super Bowl.  I do think people tend over simplify what happened with the defense in that post season run and give Sanders ALL the credit for it but he does deserve his fair share of it. 


Having Dickerson in there is not ridiculous because he was really the first star player the Colts had here and he did get them into the playoffs pretty much all by himself in 1987.  In his five years here he ran for over 1,000 yards three times.  Also an interesting fact about Dickerson he spent more time with the Colts than he did any other team.  He spent four seasons and three games with the Rams while spending four seasons and nine games with the Colts.  Dickerson would not have made the hall based on his Rams career alone, his 5,194 rushing yards, three pro-bowl selections (as many as he had as a Ram), two of his five all pro selections and last of his four rushing titles in 1988 as a Colt helped get him into the Hall.  It's not like Richard Dent where he came to Indianapolis for a year at the end of his career when he was just trying to hang on.  Dickerson made a major impact on the early days of the Colts in Indianapolis. 


Also this is a Ring of Honor, not a Hall of Fame.  Honoring him is all about honoring a guy who did great things for your team, and doesn't really impact what he did for other teams.  Like I said before just because the Colts are honoring him doesn't mean the Rams can't honor him too.  In fact they have by retiring his number.  The Colts aren't doing that.  They are just recognizing his contributions to the Colts and how important they were to the Colts in the early days of the Colts in Indianapolis.


As for Faulk he was the face of the team from 1994 till Peyton got to town with all due respect to Jim Harbaugh.  He had three of his seven pro-bowl selections in Indianapolis including winning his only Pro-Bowl MVP in 1994 (which I know doesn't mean a lot) He was selected to the second team all-pro team twice in 1994 and 1995.  He was also the rookie of the year in 1994.  In 1998 he lead the league in yards from scrimmage as well as finishing fourth in the NFL in receptions.  He also played a major role in getting us into the playoffs in 1995.  Harbaugh had a magical season that year but that team doesn't make the playoffs without Faulk. 


Again, this is the Colts honoring two guys who were stars of the team when they didn't have a lot of stars.  They aren't retiring their numbers like the Rams have.  They aren't even saying they had the best years of their career in Indianapolis.  They are just saying these guys did a lot for the team while they were here.  That's what a Ring of Honor is for.  It's not the same standard as a Hall of Fame and it sure doesn't mean they are the only team that can honor those guys.  It just means they were a significant player to a franchise which both Faulk and Dickerson were.  Does that mean there aren't other significant players who should be added to the Ring of Honor at some point?  No, clearly guys like Glenn, Saturday, and Bill Polian should get added too and I am sure will.  Normally the Colts add one guy a year.  I think they are doing two this year because they just both happen to be Hall of Famers and they can say they are honoring Hall of Famers together who happened to be the guys that were really the face of the franchise for the majority of the pre-Manning years. 


With all due respect to guys like Jim Harbaugh, Bill Brooks, and Chris Hinton if they are in the Ring of Honor don't you think the two Hall of Famers who played on those two teams with them should be in the Ring of Honor too?  It's not like they made pit stops here for a year or something they both spent significant time here, and in Dickerson's case more time as a Colt than any other team he played for, and their time here helped contribute to their Hall of Fame careers as well as the limited success the Colts had while they played here. 

Very good points. Its fine...it isn't my franchise to say who and who doesn't get honored. I would like to honor guys that contributed more to the franchise than just stats imo....maybe in the community...or to promote the team or city. These guys as far as I know haven't really promoted the team or organization too much down through the years. Your right...it isn't the HOF..so I kind of look for people who represent the Colts...these guys were great....my favorite two running backs outside of Barry Sanders growing up in my teens but I just don't see them trying to represent the city or the Colts....if that is what this is about....guess I just don't understand our ROH...no biggie...is it just about Indy why not baltimore colt players?? Is it just for on the field statistics or success or is it about what they brought to the organization and community and building the Colts legacy in Indy. Just have my questions.....Irsay can honor them if he wants....they were clearly great players....and had some great seasons with us too.

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Very good points. Its fine...it isn't my franchise to say who and who doesn't get honored. I would like to honor guys that contributed more to the franchise than just stats imo....maybe in the community...or to promote the team or city. These guys as far as I know haven't really promoted the team or organization too much down through the years. Your right...it isn't the HOF..so I kind of look for people who represent the Colts...these guys were great....my favorite two running backs outside of Barry Sanders growing up in my teens but I just don't see them trying to represent the city or the Colts....if that is what this is about....guess I just don't understand our ROH...no biggie...is it just about Indy why not baltimore colt players?? Is it just for on the field statistics or success or is it about what they brought to the organization and community and building the Colts legacy in Indy. Just have my questions.....Irsay can honor them if he wants....they were clearly great players....and had some great seasons with us too.


The Baltimore Colts players are in the Ravens Ring of Honor. Not sure why Irsay doesn't have them in Indy. The Ravens have Ernest Byner in their Hall of Fame, which doesn't make sense as he's a Brown, but Modell wanted him in. Faulk and Dickerson have the stats to be in a Ring of Honor, but as I said, they are known more as Rams than Colts, by most. 


The owner can put anyone they want in the ROH, but does it make sense to the fans, and do they deserve to get in based on what they did for the team when they were there ? Brooks and Hinton I get being in there, although Hinton is more well known as being involved in one of the worst trades in NFL history for John Elway. Harbaugh was there for three years, which doesn't make sense to me. He is known mostly as a Chicago Bear quarterback.

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The Baltimore Colts players are in the Ravens Ring of Honor. Not sure why Irsay doesn't have them in Indy. The Ravens have Ernest Byner in their Hall of Fame, which doesn't make sense as he's a Brown, but Modell wanted him in. Faulk and Dickerson have the stats to be in a Ring of Honor, but as I said, they are known more as Rams than Colts, by most. 


The owner can put anyone they want in the ROH, but does it make sense to the fans, and do they deserve to get in based on what they did for the team when they were there ? Brooks and Hinton I get being in there, although Hinton is more well known as being involved in one of the worst trades in NFL history for John Elway. Harbaugh was there for three years, which doesn't make sense to me. He is known mostly as a Chicago Bear quarterback.

Yeah I get all that.....agree with most of it....but not the part about Harbaugh....we Indiana fans claim him...he definately represents us here. He wasn't Capt. Comeback in Chicago....he got that moniker here....and he was a fan favorite while he was here. He wasn't a great qb as far as stats go but he represented a tough city..one that hadn't won a lot but kept grinding...I like Harbaugh and I know as Colts fans we claim him. We really loved good ole Jim here and let me tell you...my father is a huge Bears fan (since we didn't have a team back when he grew up) and they never liked Jim there and in fact thought it was funny how we liked him so much because he was just another crappy qb for them.

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Yeah I get all that.....agree with most of it....but not the part about Harbaugh....we Indiana fans claim him...he definately represents us here. He wasn't Capt. Comeback in Chicago....he got that moniker here....and he was a fan favorite while he was here. He wasn't a great qb as far as stats go but he represented a tough city..one that hadn't won a lot but kept grinding...I like Harbaugh and I know as Colts fans we claim him. We really loved good ole Jim here and let me tell you...my father is a huge Bears fan (since we didn't have a team back when he grew up) and they never liked Jim there and in fact thought it was funny how we liked him so much because he was just another crappy qb for them.


Harbaugh's record in Indy:


1994 Played and started in nine games. Started first 8 games. lost job, reinstated week 15. Team record 8-8

1995 Best season which is why he is in Ring of Honor  9-7 AFC Championship game appearance

1996 Played and started 14 games with team going 7-7. Team overall 9-7

1997 Harbaugh 2-9 as started as team falls to 3-13


Honestly, he wouldn't be in my Ring of Honor, but if you guys want to claim him, you can. Heck, Earl Morall had better seasons for the Baltimore Colts going 13-1 in 1968 and league MVP, leading the Colts to a Super Bowl, and helping them win Super Bowl 5. However, he is not in the Baltimore Colts/Ravens Ring of Honor. 


That pick is shaky , although better than Byner in Baltimore, which makes no sense.

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Harbaugh's record in Indy:


1994 Played and started in nine games. Started first 8 games. lost job, reinstated week 15. Team record 8-8

1995 Best season which is why he is in Ring of Honor  9-7 AFC Championship game appearance

1996 Played and started 14 games with team going 7-7. Team overall 9-7

1997 Harbaugh 2-9 as started as team falls to 3-13


Honestly, he wouldn't be in my Ring of Honor, but if you guys want to claim him, you can. Heck, Earl Morall had better seasons for the Baltimore Colts going 13-1 in 1968 and league MVP, leading the Colts to a Super Bowl, and helping them win Super Bowl 5. However, he is not in the Baltimore Colts/Ravens Ring of Honor. 


That pick is shaky , although better than Byner in Baltimore, which makes no sense.

Oh I agree....this is why I don't understand why we aren't claiming/sharing our history with Baltimore....we have few players that are ROH worthy from our pre-Peyton years here in Indy....we are definately skimpy on our history here in Indy...which is why I would look to honor from our past in Baltimore or the very least honor some people that have made significant contributions to the city or community as well. Harbaugh did just have a couple good seasons (even if the team didn't) but he just beloved....I can't explain it....we didn't have a good team...but he just willed us to win it seemed.

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Oh I agree....this is why I don't understand why we aren't claiming/sharing our history with Baltimore....we have few players that are ROH worthy from our pre-Peyton years here in Indy....we are definately skimpy on our history here in Indy...which is why I would look to honor from our past in Baltimore or the very least honor some people that have made significant contributions to the city or community as well. Harbaugh did just have a couple good seasons (even if the team didn't) but he just beloved....I can't explain it....we didn't have a good team...but he just willed us to win it seemed.


I would definately put the Baltimore guys in over Harbaugh, Dickerson, and Faulk. Ted Hendricks is in the Colt's Ring of Honor, and in the HOF, and the Colts drafted him, but I think more people think of him as a Raider, than a Colt. He was on the Super Bowl 5 team though. I'm still surprised you don't hang the old Championship banners from Baltimore. 


For the record, I like Harbaugh also for his scrappiness, and I get why you guys like him. He's a good lunch pail kind of player. On a personal note, I have to like the brother of my head coach, so he gets points for that also. He's also become one heck of a coach in his own right. 


You may be right about the sharing history stuff. Because the old Baltimore Colts are not in the Indy Colts Ring of Honor, that is perhaps why some of these spotty guys get in. Harbaugh, Dickerson, and Faulk only played 3- 4 years in Indy, and none of them won Championships. I'll probably get killed for this , but there is also a void in the ROH and HOF for Indy from 1972-1997 because both Bob, and Jim Irsay as GM from 1984-1997, did not make ROH or HOF type picks during those 25 years and 13 years respectively, which had you grasping for Ram's players for the ROH , for example. 


Now, from the time for Jim Irsay and Polian drafted Manning in 1998, you have many candidates that are both ROH, and perhaps, HOF ,candidates. Manning is obviously all-world, but you also have Harrison, Wayne, James, Sanders, Saturday, Freeney, Mathis, among others, who you could stack your ROH with, and possibly HOF for some. These candidates are much more appropriate for the ROH than Dickerson, Faulk, and Harbaugh, in my opinion. So for the last 14 years, Irsay has obviously done a better job of drafting home grown, and produced talent. When that happens, you get a lot of guys on the side of the stadium. 

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jim irsay should have gone out of his way to heal the wounds left by his father with the baltimore colt players. maybe if he put as much effort into this as he does twitter it would have been done already. those players should be there, and it wouldn't have to be cheapened by putting marginal players there. it could be one of the best in football!

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The Baltimore Colts players are in the Ravens Ring of Honor. Not sure why Irsay doesn't have them in Indy. The Ravens have Ernest Byner in their Hall of Fame, which doesn't make sense as he's a Brown, but Modell wanted him in. Faulk and Dickerson have the stats to be in a Ring of Honor, but as I said, they are known more as Rams than Colts, by most.

The owner can put anyone they want in the ROH, but does it make sense to the fans, and do they deserve to get in based on what they did for the team when they were there ? Brooks and Hinton I get being in there, although Hinton is more well known as being involved in one of the worst trades in NFL history for John Elway. Harbaugh was there for three years, which doesn't make sense to me. He is known mostly as a Chicago Bear quarterback.

Never mind
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