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Jaguars offer free beer to fans


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Nothing like a bunch of drunk fans in the crowd. 


Hypothetically speaking; let's say that a family of 4 go to the game and only the father drinks. He uses everyone's tickets and gets 8 beers. They stop serving before the 4th quarter right? So that is roughly 8 beers in a few hours. Hopefully his wife can convince him that she should drive home.


Another hypothetical; let's say someone uses other peoples tickets to keep getting free beers. This would never happen though.


I can't think of one good reason why this is not going to go over perfectly.


Glad I will be at home this week.  

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If a riot breaks out you think the crowd would want Colts players?

Not me lol.

Yeah; I could see it now

Crowd: *riot initiated*

Josh Chapman: Run guys, I'll shield us!!!

Crowd: "Grab Andrew Luck! He should be on our team!!!"

Andrew Luck's neck beard grows out & K.O.'s like 20 Jags fans. Roger Goodell suspends Andrew Luck indefinitely due to violations of "fan safety" policies.

Not looking good for us on Sunday

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and if this promotion doesn't work, they will have Tim Tebow bobble head night. 



Its a shame, really, that a team has to resort to these kinds of promotions to draw fans in.  I'm sure there are cities across this great country that would do anything to have an NFL franchise.



I feel bad for the fans, but unfortunately at this time, the most sensible thing to do is move the Rams to the AFC South and send the Jaguars to LA.

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Yeah; I could see it now

Crowd: *riot initiated*

Josh Chapman: Run guys, I'll shield us!!!

Crowd: "Grab Andrew Luck! He should be on our team!!!"

Andrew Luck's neck beard grows out & K.O.'s like 20 Jags fans. Roger Goodell suspends Andrew Luck indefinitely due to violations of "fan safety" policies.

Not looking good for us on Sunday

TK24 does have a point. Providing free alcohol to an already disappointed & angry fan base is like having C4 around the house & then wondering why your oldest son loves to blow things up. Like poking a bear over & over again & then being surprised that the bear snapped & mauled you to death. Not a wise move IMO...

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They must figure they're going to need it to dull the pain.....

Yeah, dull the pain like a fatal step off a cliff, a jump from a plane with no parachute, or driving through mountainous terrain at top speed with no brakes. Put me down quickly, quietly, & show me some compassion & mercy. Man, being a Jacksonville Jaguars fan must be horrific & excruciatingly painful. Ouch...

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Yeah, dull the pain like a fatal step off a cliff, a jump from a plane with no parachute, or driving through mountainous terrain at top speed with no brakes. Put me down quickly, quietly, & show me some compassion & mercy. Man, being a Jacksonville Jaguars fan must be horrific & excruciatingly painful. Ouch...

I wouldn't have elaborated as much as you, but...... that's sw1

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I wouldn't have elaborated as much as you, but...... that's sw1

haha Yeah, being brief, concise, & succinct has never been my strong suit. I'll admit it.  :P 


Being a Jacksonville Jaguars fan is like the 9 Levels of eternal Darnation in "Dante's Inferno." Once you enter, you never leave. 



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Here's the sad thing about this. The team is tittering on the brink of moving to L.A. While also having a chance at a game changer in the QB position. If the Jaguars get the 1st pick in the draft and pick Bridgewater up then they would be solid at that position for a long time. Finally after all those years they are going to get a QB to replace Mark Brunell. Cecil short is going to be a stand out. They Jaguars are about to become a decent team by virtue of the QB. We all know how important a QB is.

To wait so long, then lose the team right when the Jaguars are starting to come together. I implore every Jaguars fan out there..............SUPPORT YOUR TEAM.........Draft Bridgewater........Stay away from Johnny Football......

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Are you having some "apple juice"?

Apple juice is TK24's concoction of choice. Mine, on the other hand, is Vanilla Coke. Is there rum in it? I don't think so, but at this time of night anything is possible.  lmao


My only point with the Jags is this: It's not about winning anymore just gradual, undeniable degrees of slipping down, further & further, losing ground like stepping in quick sand. No traction just sinking into the dark abyss of irrelevancy & nothingness. I should be a motivational speaker like Tony Robbins shouldn't I? LOL! Just Kidding! 

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Apple juice is TK24's concoction of choice. Mine, on the other hand, is Vanilla Coke. Is there rum in it? I don't think so, but at this time of night anything is possible.  lmao


My only point with the Jags is this: It's not about winning anymore just gradual, undeniable degrees of slipping down, further & further, losing ground like stepping in quick sand. No traction just sinking into the dark abyss of irrelevancy & nothingness. I should be a motivational speaker like Tony Robbins shouldn't I? LOL! Just Kidding! 

I hear ya. I just posted a couple 60's classics in the "what are you listening to now" section. I'll go * for tat with you in there. ;) You can't say t*t? Wow. It may ruin someone's life.

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It doesn't matter how much beer they have, they're ALL going to leave disappointed.

Beers free..............Now if you don't want to be a drunk Jaguars fan sitting in alone in a sea of tarps......That brown bag is going to cost you $200.....

Question for anyone in the know. With the new security measures in effect can you bring a brown bag in? Surely the NFL wont take the brown bags away? The last thing I want to see Sunday is a drunk Jaguars fan with his head crammed in a gallon zip lock bag. Well now that I have thought about it that is the 2nd to the last thing I want to see........I'll tell you the 1st one after you get over the sight of drunk Jaguars fan with his head crammed in a gallon zip lock bag.

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I hear ya. I just posted a couple 60's classics in the "what are you listening to now" section. I'll go * for tat with you in there. ;) You can't say t*t? Wow. It may ruin someone's life.

Cool, SW1 will go check it out in a minute. Remember awhile back when Jags management changed their mascot design on their helmets? Altering your figurehead isn't going to improve your record or guarantee your squad a Playoff berth.


For those who are genuine Jacksonville fans out there, instead of a free beer maybe they should allow patrons of this club to join FBI Witness Protection & reboot their entire lives too. Just a thought. How much worse can it get? How many years can Jags fans torture themselves like this? Haven't you suffered enough? There is a fine line between devotion & delusion. Okay, I'll stop now. Even I know when to call off the dogs & drop the comical hazing. Sorry, this cat isn't feared by anyone. 

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Cool, SW1 will go check it out in a minute. Remember awhile back when Jags management changed their mascot design on their helmets? Altering your figurehead isn't going to improve your record or guarantee your squad a Playoff berth.


For those who are genuine Jacksonville fans out there, instead of a free beer maybe they should allow patrons of this club to join FBI Witness Protection & reboot their entire lives too. Just a thought. How much worse can it get? How many years can Jags fans torture themselves like this? Haven't you suffered enough? There is a fine line between devotion & delusion. Okay, I'll stop now. Even I know when to call off the dogs & drop the comical hazing. Sorry, this cat isn't feared by anyone. 


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Okay 1 last joke: What has a bigger support group? An AA meeting or lifelong Jacksonville Jaguar fans? Hard to tell. It's a toss up since both groups mingle in the exact same circles. It's a cause & effect thing. Does the depression cause drinking or does the drinking buffer the pain & make fans "comfortably numb?"


No one really knows, but depression & alcohol do seem to mirror 1 another during NFL Jags games.


Maybe Jags cheerleaders can do a routine to Metallica's version of "Whiskey In A Jar O" too...Gotta do something to keep fans from leaving the stadium before halftime right? I'm just saying.  :headspin:  :banana:



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If you're a Jags fan at a Jags game, chances are you're already drunk when you get there.

Even designated drivers are "circling the airport" & not 1 of them has a pilot's license either if you catch my drift.


In addition, Ozzy Osbourne's song "Flying High Again" has officially been replaced as their new Natl. Anthem.  :P

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