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Flcacco on Peyton & Denver Response


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He's referring to the playoff loss in which - in response to questions at a press conference - he vaguely referred to "protection issues". Only people digging for any sign of weakness for their own entertainment (ie: media or Patriots fans) ever considered this worth talking about in the first place. It was hardly "throwing his entire o-line under the bus". That implies making excuses for your own lack of success by undeservedly sacrificing someone else. Acknowledging something that anyone watching the game already knew is hardly the act of a coward, and VL is only bringing it up to :stir:  - what a surprise.


Of course sometimes when people repeat things enough times they actually start to believe it themselves, so who knows.

I believe Peyton was asked if their were issues with protection and he said yes. He was kind of baited into the answer but still would have been good if he just bridged the response and said somehting like, "none of us executed well at times."

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He's referring to the playoff loss in which - in response to questions at a press conference - he vaguely referred to "protection issues". Only people digging for any sign of weakness for their own entertainment (ie: media or Patriots fans) ever considered this worth talking about in the first place. It was hardly "throwing his entire o-line under the bus". That implies making excuses for your own lack of success by undeservedly sacrificing someone else. Acknowledging something that anyone watching the game already knew is hardly the act of a coward, and VL is only bringing it up to :stir:  - what a surprise.


Of course sometimes when people repeat things enough times they actually start to believe it themselves, so who knows.


Thought the O line issues were with Saturday in sidelines in Colt Days


O line in playoff had kuper playing with a broken ankle , never should of been in game in first place



Bayone - was your misspelling in the thread title a freudian slip?


I like Flacco and the Ravens and don't have big problem with his comments, but never-the-less I think that "Flcacco" should be his new nickname.


Well, maybe we could change the last letter to a different vowel. :D


Just realized it wow, Love it though but that's my spastic fingers doing their best at doing right and m,e not seeing 


Take care, am leaving its My Religious Jewish holiday, will spend with MOM , rest of day < hope she doesn't remember u cant watch TV tonight , we can watch game together, she calls Luck, Lucky  Peyton , I cant explain the difference , she cant comprehend it anymore, wonder what she may say when hears Peyton name and says, where are horseshoes , I know she will think its Colt's when they announce broncos


Of course we will do prayer first , religious, not for the game for the holiday


Take care everyone and enjoy that football is back


Now to MOM';s, 

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I'm curious to what extent Flacco's comments are informed by his relationship with Caldwell, Painter, Clark and Stokley. It's within the realm of possibilities that his comments are more accurate than we realize, but of course there are more positive ways to put a slant on the same information.


Personally I think that he referenced Peyton because he's the standard by which other QBs are measured. He's contrasting himself to Peyton because he's being defensive of criticisms leveled at himself for being too laid back. I don't take it as trying to denigrate Peyton - what would be the benefit?


Never-the-less he's conveniently ignoring some important context - that Peyton's success is extraordinarily highly dependent on preparation, timing, communication, efficiency, repetition, and execution. There is no margin for mental error. If a receiver is seeing things differently than Peyton and screwing up in a game, he's going to "fix" the problem - even if it sounds like ""we did this 100 times in practice - what's the matter with you - get it right or sit down". Trying to make it sound like this is about punishing people after games so that they are scared of Peyton is disingenuous. Or is he now going to suggest that Brandon Stokley has spent the later part of his career trying to run from him in terror, rather than doing anything in his power to play with him. Did he get a restraining order before going back to the Raven I wonder?

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I'm curious to what extent Flacco's comments are informed by his relationship with Caldwell, Painter, Clark and Stokley. It's within the realm of possibilities that his comments are more accurate than we realize, but of course there are more positive ways to put a slant on the same information.


Personally I think that he referenced Peyton because he's the standard by which other QBs are measured. He's contrasting himself to Peyton because he's being defensive of criticisms leveled at himself for being too laid back. I don't take it as trying to denigrate Peyton - what would be the benefit?


Never-the-less he's conveniently ignoring some important context - that Peyton's success is extraordinarily highly dependent on preparation, timing, communication, efficiency, repetition, and execution. There is no margin for mental error. If a receiver is seeing things differently than Peyton and screwing up in a game, he's going to "fix" the problem - even if it sounds like ""we did this 100 times in practice - what's the matter with you - get it right or sit down". Trying to make it sound like this is about punishing people after games so that they are scared of Peyton is disingenuous. Or is he now going to suggest that Brandon Stokley has spent the later part of his career trying to run from him in terror, rather than doing anything in his power to play with him. Did he get a restraining order before going back to the Raven I wonder?


Before I leave let me say this , Stokely   told the Ravens that its no use asking any questions on Peyton tendencies  and that if he does he is afraid of saying the wrong thing as just when u think he has shown his hand & u expect this play in this alignment all of a sudden its switched on u and stockley says he doesnt want to be responsible for his present team taking his advice and then Pewyton throwing a TD due to it


Stockely also said it was always a pleasure to play with Peyton and any trash talk is alwqays deserved and he is first to curse himself out'


OK , Out the door. bye

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I'm curious to what extent Flacco's comments are informed by his relationship with Caldwell, Painter, Clark and Stokley. It's within the realm of possibilities that his comments are more accurate than we realize, but of course there are more positive ways to put a slant on the same information.


Personally I think that he referenced Peyton because he's the standard by which other QBs are measured. He's contrasting himself to Peyton because he's being defensive of criticisms leveled at himself for being too laid back. I don't take it as trying to denigrate Peyton - what would be the benefit?


Never-the-less he's conveniently ignoring some important context - that Peyton's success is extraordinarily highly dependent on preparation, timing, communication, efficiency, repetition, and execution. There is no margin for mental error. If a receiver is seeing things differently than Peyton and screwing up in a game, he's going to "fix" the problem - even if it sounds like ""we did this 100 times in practice - what's the matter with you - get it right or sit down". Trying to make it sound like this is about punishing people after games so that they are scared of Peyton is disingenuous. Or is he now going to suggest that Brandon Stokley has spent the later part of his career trying to run from him in terror, rather than doing anything in his power to play with him. Did he get a restraining order before going back to the Raven I wonder?

I think he brought up Peyton because their styles are different and their playoff records as well. I think it was an intentional shot and surprising. He could have gotten the same point across without mentioning any other Qbs.

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Throwing your o-line under the bus to the media is never right for a QB to do.


That half comment could hardly be seen as him throwing the line on the bus. I'm not one for the "Your guy does this" thing but we have seen Brady chewing players out on the sideline. Nobody is perfect, put the troll and the pot(Not the plant the cooking device) back under the bridge and talk smart football. I've never had any problems with you in the past man and have always respected you, but this is just different haha (Too tired to put my thoughts into an accurate interpretation forgive me it's a quarter to 3 in the morning.)

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PS, last AM comment,. already behind forgot to say that Stokely  had also said  or someone else something like , when guys on a team are average and catch passes by tebow , Peyton comes in , they couldn't care less how much are yelled out, they got made better and when contracts up can now ask for more $, so whats a little verb-age abuse in teaching one and then being rewarded for learning from it



Bayone - was your misspelling in the thread title a freudian slip?


I like Flacco and the Ravens and don't have big problem with his comments, but never-the-less I think that "Flcacco" should be his new nickname.


Well, maybe we could change the last letter to a different vowel. :D

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Somebody has to explain Manning going 9 -11 in playoff games , why not Joe. He is 9 -4 as pointed out. I respect Peyton, but you have to wonder why the regular season success , and the playoff failures ? Maybe there isn't a loose playing atmosphere surrounding him. How else can you explain a quarterback of his caliber , having so many playoff debacles ? If you lose 11 out of 20 games, that is more than bad luck. You can argue or blast Flacco's stats compared to Manning out of anger , but do any of you have a better theory about why one of the greatest quarterbacks in history , stinks in the playoffs ? Don't react , answer the question !


Maybe this will help folks make their decision-



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Seemed to have slipped my memory. Do you remember when?


Yes, 2005 season playoffs, we lost to Pittsburgh. I thought it was our best Colt team and Superbowl winning chance. Fortunately, players stepped it up the next season.




This is the comment everyone refers to when Manning was bleeding from the core after the game-


"I'm trying to be a good teammate here. Let's just say we had some problems with protection."

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I believe Peyton was asked if their were issues with protection and he said yes. He was kind of baited into the answer but still would have been good if he just bridged the response and said somehting like, "none of us executed well at times."


Yes, it would have. Unfortunately, he followed the above comment with this (and I love Peyton Manning) - 


The stigma about him now sure to grow — the man without a Super Bowl trip? "I cannot argue with the truth. I'm not going to try and counter any points. That's a fact.

"It's certainly not from a lack of effort on my part. I've never done more to prepare. I can't tell you how much I studied these guys the last two weeks."

Finally …

"Every game I play, I take it personal."


Fortunately, he got his ring (with all the other Colts) next season.

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People expect elite qbs to step it up in the playoffs...to put their team on their back and carry them... to be the difference maker. However, several of those years early on and especially in 2010 he put them on his back and carried them INTO the playoffs....but you can only carry a team so far. When they got to the playoffs the weaknesses are going to get EXPLOITED by GOOD/GREAT teams. We had some dissappointing games in the playoffs that Peyton contributed to....he definately wasn't CLUTCH in all of them. That said he was more than avg...actually good in a lot of those losses..and teams exploited the weaknesses that Peyton overcame against lesser opponents during the regular season. Peytons playoff numbers aren't bad at all as far as stats go. Pretty decent when you consider the post-season is usually against the elite defenses when you get there....but Peyton rarely had those crazy numbers we've seen in the regular season. Peyton's regular season numbers are so gaudy it makes it look like he has come up small in the post-season when actually he has played very solid...but hasn't been able to overcome the rest of the teams weaknesses. Case in point. Peyton vs Ravens last year....he had really good numbers...good enough to win in regulation if not for the freak play. How many other qbs had those numbers against the Ravens. Not many. He still needs probably another championship if he wants to be considered greatest of all time....at least to be mentioned and acknowledged amoungst all analysts...there is no doubt he is one of the greatest of his generation....its just him and Brady really.

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