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Off-Season Fodder: NFL.com ranks top QB's....


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This is just one writer's opinion.....   but I think you'll really like it for the most part....


I didn't agree with certain picks,   but there's one pick I think most here will really like!






Don't know the writer,  Mark Sessler.    Don't know his qualifications....   he ranked the top RB's last week.


Now it's QB's....

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I really think by this year with an improved o-line, more experience, even DHB replacing Avery and his college coach that he'll be seen as a top 5 QB. At least one can hope. But it's not farfetched at all. Even going back to last year, I think the only QB's in the league who get to 11 wins with that team are Rodgers, Peyton, and Luck. Rodger's because he is better than Luck right now and he has the legs to get out of pressure, Peyton because he had bad protection his whole career in Indy and Luck well cause he just did it haha. Brady couldn't do it because whenever his protection breaks down (rarely) he's not effective. Maybe Big Ben would of managed 11 wins but you can't say he carried his team's because they always had top 3 defenses as well. 

Andrew Austen Luck is something special...

^btw why not just make your middle name Austin, huh Andrew? lol 

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  1. brees is prob best stat producer at the moment being that he has thrown for 5000 yards three times and has thrown for over 40 tds in back to back years.

Peyton is the best leader of the group and the best at comebacks.

rogers has been solid despite bad o line and also throws the least ints of the group

Brady is still good but not as much when pressured

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I'd  never presume to be an expert on every QB in the league, but of course writers such as this pretend to be. Common sense suggests that most of their "knowledge" is base on the superficial. They aren't watching every snap of every game. Here's a hint about the superficial - regarding Petyon:


"I was among those who thought a neck-surgery-addled Manning wouldn't be the same guy. Instead, he was better"


He was better? Why, because he increased his yardage totals - playing for a more complete/healthier team than he's had in years, in a league that's gone passing crazy. Peyton is still an MVP candidate, but he isn't "better". I KNOW this, the writer doesn't. Of course I was also confident that he'd be able to return, while the writer joined the herd of sheep assuming otherwise. Makes me question every other comment in his article.

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At this point in their careers Matt Ryan is better than Tom Brady.

Yeah I said it.


Dear Dustin......


I don't know what you were looking for by making a post that would make everyone's friend, JShipp,  seem like the smartest human being walking the face of the earth since the dawn of time......


Were you looking for props?


Were you looking to start a debate?


If so,  it's likely to be the shortest debate of all-time.


Matt Ryan has played 5 years.   In that time,  the Falcons have gone to zero Super Bowls.   That's one less than one.


In Tom Brady's first 5 years, the Patriots went to three Super Bowls and won them all.   That's one less than four.   By the way, Brady was the MVP in two of those three Super Bowls.


So....   re-capping.    Ryan is without even a Super Bowl appearance on his resume.    Brady has three Super Bowl victories and two Super Bowl MVP's.


And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?


You might as well argue that the number zero is a larger number than the number 100.    Good luck with that.


There's no argument for your case. 


I'll even make another argument on the chance that I've misunderstood your meaning.   I don't think Matt Ryan's first five years are better than Tom Brady's worst five years.    I think you're that far off the mark.


Hey, we all make strange posts from time to time -- I'm certainly no exception.    But your claim is a whopper of incredible proportion.


You get today's Big Fat     :facepalm:       Sorry,  there's no other way around it.....    just     :facepalm:


The best news.....   tomorrow can only be a better day for you!       :thmup:

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Dear Dustin......

I don't know what you were looking for by making a post that would make everyone's friend, JShipp, seem like the smartest human being walking the face of the earth since the dawn of time......

Were you looking for props?

Were you looking to start a debate?

If so, it's likely to be the shortest debate of all-time.

Matt Ryan has played 5 years. In that time, the Falcons have gone to zero Super Bowls. That's one less than one.

In Tom Brady's first 5 years, the Patriots went to three Super Bowls and won them all. That's one less than four. By the way, Brady was the MVP in two of those three Super Bowls.

So.... re-capping. Ryan is without even a Super Bowl appearance on his resume. Brady has three Super Bowl victories and two Super Bowl MVP's.

And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?

You might as well argue that the number zero is a larger number than the number 100. Good luck with that.

There's no argument for your case.

I'll even make another argument on the chance that I've misunderstood your meaning. I don't think Matt Ryan's first five years are better than Tom Brady's worst five years. I think you're that far off the mark.

Hey, we all make strange posts from time to time -- I'm certainly no exception. But your claim is a whopper of incredible proportion.

You get today's Big Fat :facepalm: Sorry, there's no other way around it..... just :facepalm:

The best news..... tomorrow can only be a better day for you! :thmup:

No I mean that today, in Matt Ryans 6th year, he is better than Brady in his 13th(?).
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Dear Dustin......


I don't know what you were looking for by making a post that would make everyone's friend, JShipp,  seem like the smartest human being walking the face of the earth since the dawn of time......


Were you looking for props?


Were you looking to start a debate?


If so,  it's likely to be the shortest debate of all-time.


Matt Ryan has played 5 years.   In that time,  the Falcons have gone to zero Super Bowls.   That's one less than one.


In Tom Brady's first 5 years, the Patriots went to three Super Bowls and won them all.   That's one less than four.   By the way, Brady was the MVP in two of those three Super Bowls.


So....   re-capping.    Ryan is without even a Super Bowl appearance on his resume.    Brady has three Super Bowl victories and two Super Bowl MVP's.


And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?


You might as well argue that the number zero is a larger number than the number 100.    Good luck with that.


There's no argument for your case. 


I'll even make another argument on the chance that I've misunderstood your meaning.   I don't think Matt Ryan's first five years are better than Tom Brady's worst five years.    I think you're that far off the mark.


Hey, we all make strange posts from time to time -- I'm certainly no exception.    But your claim is a whopper of incredible proportion.


You get today's Big Fat     :facepalm:       Sorry,  there's no other way around it.....    just     :facepalm:


The best news.....   tomorrow can only be a better day for you!       :thmup:


Except that's not what he said.

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No I mean that today, in Matt Ryans 6th year, he is better than Brady in his 13th(?).


OK....   fair enough....   now, make the argument.


Go ahead....     make my day.


And to be clear,  I really like Matt Ryan and find him very under-rated.

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OK.... fair enough.... now, make the argument.

Go ahead.... make my day.

And to be clear, I really like Matt Ryan and find him very under-rated.

Give me a little while to get to a computer. Im on my phone at the moment and don't have access to all my stats and figures. I'll give you my argument in a few hours. By morning at the least.

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To call Matt Ryan better than Tom Brady is totally *IC. 


In every aspect....      


OK....   fair enough....   now, make the argument.


Go ahead....     make my day.


And to be clear,  I really like Matt Ryan and find him very under-rated.

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Give me a little while to get to a computer. Im on my phone at the moment and don't have access to all my stats and figures. I'll give you my argument in a few hours. By morning at the least.



No worries.....    you took my teasing well....   I appreciate that....


I look forward to reading your argument.    I sense you think you've got a compelling case.


Remember, in the last five years of his career,  Brady has taken the Patriots to the Super Bowl twice.    He didn't win either of them,   but he got his team there -- twice.     No small feat.


I look forward to your post....

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Actually,  it is what he said....   he just didn't say it very well....


But he's now made his new point more clearly....


No, it isn't. 


Here's what he said: 


"At this point in their careers Matt Ryan is better than Tom Brady.  Yeah I said it."


Here's what you said he said:


"And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?"


Not the same thing. 


Quite different actually.


I too would like to see how Ryan is better right now than Brady, though.  I think quite a case could be made to support that assertion.

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Matt Ryan is throwing to Roddy White, JJ, and Gonzo...


Brady is throwing to ...... .........................   


...........................................     ...   oh there they are the TE's....    and Gronk cannot stay in the game when it matters...


Seriously    man..   

No I mean that today, in Matt Ryans 6th year, he is better than Brady in his 13th(?).

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No, it isn't. 


Here's what he said: 


"At this point in their careers Matt Ryan is better than Tom Brady.  Yeah I said it."


Here's what you said he said:


"And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?"


Not the same thing. 


Quite different actually.


I too would like to see how Ryan is better right now than Brady, though.  I think quite a case could be made to support that assertion.


If Dustin was a professional writer and I was his editor I'd ask him the same questions I put to him in various posts.  And I'd say that at best,  his comment is not clearly written and subject to various interpretations.    I'd ask him to be make his assertion far more clearly.    Even if he had to write one or two more sentences.

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 There is NO argument in this case...    NOT ONE.

If Dustin was a professional writer and I was his editor I'd ask him the same questions I put to him in various posts.  And I'd say that at best,  his comment is not clearly written and subject to various interpretations.    I'd ask him to be make his assertion far more clearly.    Even if he had to write one or two more sentences.

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If Dustin was a professional writer and I was his editor I'd ask him the same questions I put to him in various posts.  And I'd say that at best,  his comment is not clearly written and subject to various interpretations.    I'd ask him to be make his assertion far more clearly.    Even if he had to write one or two more sentences.


Fair enough. 


Now let's wait and see this analysis of Dustin's.  I disagree with John Dee.....I believe there is definitely at least a case to be made.

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OK....   fair enough....   now, make the argument.


Go ahead....     make my day.


And to be clear,  I really like Matt Ryan and find him very under-rated.


Ok let me preface this by saying that I don't expect to change anyone's mind because more than likely they already have their minds made up. This will only take into account last season and prior performances have no bearing on what I'm about to write. So without further ado (And prepare for a huge wall of text. And I mean huge)


Brady vs Ryan: 


In 2012 both Matt Ryan and Tom Brady led their teams to 1st round byes in the playoffs before being outed in the conference championships by Baltimore and San Francisco respectively. Wins have no bearing on my ranking as I find attaching wins to a QB as a flawed tactic that doesn't take into consideration each players contributions to each team and rather just the outcome.


Let's first look at their supporting casts. This isn't necessarily based on players alone but how each player fits in the scheme's and how effective they were in this role.


Falcons: Roddy White, Julio Jones, Tony Gonzales, Harry Douglas and Michael Turner. Middle of the pack O-line in pass blocking, below-average in run blocking.


Patriots: Wes Welker, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, Brandon Lloyd, Danny Woodhead and Stevan Ridley. Top 5 pass blocking O-line and top 10 run blocking.


Before we go off writing that the Falcons have a better supporting cast, let's step back and look for a second. Roddy White is a bonafide top 10 receiver. You can make the case for Julio Jones in the category as well, even though I would disagree, but that's another argument. While Gonzalez is still a legitimate receiving threat, he was far from efficient last year. Putting up a mediocre YPRR (Yards per route run). Harry Douglas had a pedestrian 66% catch rate from the slot and Ryan had a 79 passer rating when targeting him. Michael Turner also played extremely poor (no thanks to his O-line) and the Falcons ranked 29th in rushing yards. A pure 1 dimensional offense with only 1 player (Julio Jones) being able to generate any type of YAC (Yards after catch).


New Englands supporting cast fit's the mold of their offense perfectly. Middle of the field dinks and dunks. Their only legitimate field stretcher was Brandon Lloyd. Gronkowski was easily the most efficient TE in the league last season. Racking up a 2.44 YPRR (Yards per route run; the next closest was 1.96) and getting a 1st down or touchdown on 59.74% of his receptions. Aaron Hernandez is easily another top 10 TE. Even though he was bothered by a case of the drops last season, he still was extremely effective when given significant snaps racking up a career high 12.5 YPC. Wes Welker was his usual self and recorded a 2.91 YPRR (Yards per route run); higher than any Falcon receiver. Steven Ridley was able to record over 1,200 yards rushing and 12 TDs (thanks in large part due to New Englands line) and lead the Patriots to the 7th ranked rushing attack. Brandon Lloyd was nothing more than solid. Not great, not bad. Average. It's also to be noted that once Brady's primary threat went down (Gronkowski)h e was very inconsistent. Putting up 2 games with a passer rating over 100 and 3 games with a passer rating under 75. Nearly 40% of his interception came when Gronkowski was out. Obviously a QB struggles when their #1 target goes out, but I only bring these stats up to counter the point that "he was great without Gronk" which is simply not the case.


Judged by efficiency alone:


Welker > Roddy White

Julio Jones > Brandon Lloyd

Gronkowsi/Hernandez > Gonzo

Ridley > Turner

Pats O-line > Falcon's O-line.


4-1 for New England. Maybe 3-2 if you disagree with Welker > White which is a reasonable case to make yet not one based by my statistics.




Easy nod for Ryan here. 68% completion percentage vs 63% for Brady. Brady's biggest weakness here was passes of over 10 yards. In passes over 10 yards Brady logged a lowly 44.4% completion percentage.


Whereas Ryan had a fantastic 58.1% completion percentage of passes of 10+ yards.


Under pressure:


Even though Brady had a better O-line, there are still many categories that Ryan beats Brady at in this department. Ryan was pressured on 31% of his snaps and Brady was pressured on only 23.7% of his snaps. When unders pressure:


Brady: 5.2 YPA, 1.9% INT, 53.9% completion percentage, and is sacked 14.7% of the time


Ryan: 5.6 YPA, 4.5% INT, 64.6% completion percentage, and is sacked 12.8% of the time.



While Brady crushes Ryan in INT % under pressure, Ryan kills Brady in every other category. Most importantly completion percentage. 


Under pressure Brady has the 5th worst completion percentage in the league. Lower than John Skelton, Kevin Kolb, Matt Hasselbeck, Blaine Gabbert and Ryan Tannehill.


Whereas Ryan finished 7th best in the league.




Brady is the clear winner here. 8 INTs to 14.


But if we dig deeper and look at adjusted INT % (% that discount batted passes and hail mary's), Ryan's number plummets to a great 2.6% but still fails to match Brady's fantastic 1.9%.


Brady wins here.




Ryan: 4,719 yards 7.67 yards per attempt.


Brady: 4,827 yards 7.58 yards per attempt.


Of Brady's 4,827 yards, 45% of it is YAC (Yards after catch) after we adjust this, Brady had 2,654 yards after we take away YAC.


After adjusting Ryan's numbers to subtract YAC (which was only 42.5%) we get that Ryan had 2,713 yards.


That brings their YPA down:


Brady: 4.2 YPA


Ryan: 4.41 YPA.


Ryan edges Brady here again.


With the threat of the run:


Just a random stat I thought was interesting.


Brady ran play action 22.3% of the time compared to 16.7% for Ryan. On these plays Ryan's YPA rose by 2.3 yards and Brady's rose by 2.1. Not a big discrepancy, but a neat stats nonetheless.




I'm not trying to change anyones mind here, but just trying to make my case. Not everyone will agree, but I rarely make ridiculous claims without some type of statistical evidence to back-up what I'm saying. IMO Ryan in his 5th year, was better than Brady in his 12th. And will continue to be so, but not recognized as such until the Falcons win a Super Bowl.

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I think it's funny how people say Rodgers is doing so well despite a poor running game and bad offensive line when that characterizes a lot of Peyton's career and, from what I recall, Peyton didn't get the credit Rodgers is getting now



Well, during that time, Brady was the love-crush and people were trying to find reasons why he was better than Peyton.

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Ok let me preface this by saying that I don't expect to change anyone's mind because more than likely they already have their minds made up. This will only take into account last season and prior performances have no bearing on what I'm about to write. So without further ado (And prepare for a huge wall of text. And I mean huge)


Brady vs Ryan: 


In 2012 both Matt Ryan and Tom Brady led their teams to 1st round byes in the playoffs before being outed in the conference championships by Baltimore and San Francisco respectively. Wins have no bearing on my ranking as I find attaching wins to a QB as a flawed tactic that doesn't take into consideration each players contributions to each team and rather just the outcome.


Let's first look at their supporting casts. This isn't necessarily based on players alone but how each player fits in the scheme's and how effective they were in this role.


Falcons: Roddy White, Julio Jones, Tony Gonzales, Harry Douglas and Michael Turner. Middle of the pack O-line in pass blocking, below-average in run blocking.


Patriots: Wes Welker, Rob Gronkowski, Aaron Hernandez, Brandon Lloyd, Danny Woodhead and Stevan Ridley. Top 5 pass blocking O-line and top 10 run blocking.


Before we go off writing that the Falcons have a better supporting cast, let's step back and look for a second. Roddy White is a bonafide top 10 receiver. You can make the case for Julio Jones in the category as well, even though I would disagree, but that's another argument. While Gonzalez is still a legitimate receiving threat, he was far from efficient last year. Putting up a mediocre YPRR (Yards per route run). Harry Douglas had a pedestrian 66% catch rate from the slot and Ryan had a 79 passer rating when targeting him. Michael Turner also played extremely poor (no thanks to his O-line) and the Falcons ranked 29th in rushing yards. A pure 1 dimensional offense with only 1 player (Julio Jones) being able to generate any type of YAC (Yards after catch).


New Englands supporting cast fit's the mold of their offense perfectly. Middle of the field dinks and dunks. Their only legitimate field stretcher was Brandon Lloyd. Gronkowski was easily the most efficient TE in the league last season. Racking up a 2.44 YPRR (Yards per route run; the next closest was 1.96) and getting a 1st down or touchdown on 59.74% of his receptions. Aaron Hernandez is easily another top 10 TE. Even though he was bothered by a case of the drops last season, he still was extremely effective when given significant snaps racking up a career high 12.5 YPC. Wes Welker was his usual self and recorded a 2.91 YPRR (Yards per route run); higher than any Falcon receiver. Steven Ridley was able to record over 1,200 yards rushing and 12 TDs (thanks in large part due to New Englands line) and lead the Patriots to the 7th ranked rushing attack. Brandon Lloyd was nothing more than solid. Not great, not bad. Average. It's also to be noted that once Brady's primary threat went down (Gronkowski)h e was very inconsistent. Putting up 2 games with a passer rating over 100 and 3 games with a passer rating under 75. Nearly 40% of his interception came when Gronkowski was out. Obviously a QB struggles when their #1 target goes out, but I only bring these stats up to counter the point that "he was great without Gronk" which is simply not the case.


Judged by efficiency alone:


Welker > Roddy White

Julio Jones > Brandon Lloyd

Gronkowsi/Hernandez > Gonzo

Ridley > Turner

Pats O-line > Falcon's O-line.


4-1 for New England. Maybe 3-2 if you disagree with Welker > White which is a reasonable case to make yet not one based by my statistics.




Easy nod for Ryan here. 68% completion percentage vs 63% for Brady. Brady's biggest weakness here was passes of over 10 yards. In passes over 10 yards Brady logged a lowly 44.4% completion percentage.


Whereas Ryan had a fantastic 58.1% completion percentage of passes of 10+ yards.


Under pressure:


Even though Brady had a better O-line, there are still many categories that Ryan beats Brady at in this department. Ryan was pressured on 31% of his snaps and Brady was pressured on only 23.7% of his snaps. When unders pressure:


Brady: 5.2 YPA, 1.9% INT, 53.9% completion percentage, and is sacked 14.7% of the time


Ryan: 5.6 YPA, 4.5% INT, 64.6% completion percentage, and is sacked 12.8% of the time.



While Brady crushes Ryan in INT % under pressure, Ryan kills Brady in every other category. Most importantly completion percentage. 


Under pressure Brady has the 5th worst completion percentage in the league. Lower than John Skelton, Kevin Kolb, Matt Hasselbeck, Blaine Gabbert and Ryan Tannehill.


Whereas Ryan finished 7th best in the league.




Brady is the clear winner here. 8 INTs to 14.


But if we dig deeper and look at adjusted INT % (% that discount batted passes and hail mary's), Ryan's number plummets to a great 2.6% but still fails to match Brady's fantastic 1.9%.


Brady wins here.




Ryan: 4,719 yards 7.67 yards per attempt.


Brady: 4,827 yards 7.58 yards per attempt.


Of Brady's 4,827 yards, 45% of it is YAC (Yards after catch) after we adjust this, Brady had 2,654 yards after we take away YAC.


After adjusting Ryan's numbers to subtract YAC (which was only 42.5%) we get that Ryan had 2,713 yards.


That brings their YPA down:


Brady: 4.2 YPA


Ryan: 4.41 YPA.


Ryan edges Brady here again.


With the threat of the run:


Just a random stat I thought was interesting.


Brady ran play action 22.3% of the time compared to 16.7% for Ryan. On these plays Ryan's YPA rose by 2.3 yards and Brady's rose by 2.1. Not a big discrepancy, but a neat stats nonetheless.




I'm not trying to change anyones mind here, but just trying to make my case. Not everyone will agree, but I rarely make ridiculous claims without some type of statistical evidence to back-up what I'm saying. IMO Ryan in his 5th year, was better than Brady in his 12th. And will continue to be so, but not recognized as such until the Falcons win a Super Bowl.

Very well put together. I too would have agreed with your statement under the premise that a top teir  QB in their prime is probably better than a great qb in the tailend of the career. my only problem is I rate julio as the number 1 WR in ATL just imo but even still i think Wes is more effective that Julio.

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Actually,  it is what he said....   he just didn't say it very well....


But he's now made his new point more clearly....

I thought he said it very well. At least for those with reading /comprehension skills. And there is nothing wrong with using the English language to test the mind-set of the intended readers. Leaving things 'open to interpretation' is good. Why else have such a word?


If we are allowing age to help in the actual debate, I'd rather have Ryan as my QB now, mainly due to longevity. Brady's rings are not helping him now.

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I would take Brady and Manning in a heart beat if I wanted to win right now.


If I wanted to win 3-5 years down the road, I would take Luck, Kaepernick, Wilson, RG3, and I will even throw in Manuel because I believe he will be the best QB out of this years draft class.

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I would take Brady and Manning in a heart beat if I wanted to win right now.


If I wanted to win 3-5 years down the road, I would take Luck, Kaepernick, Wilson, RG3, and I will even throw in Manuel because I believe he will be the best QB out of this years draft class.


If I wanted to win in the regular season, I would take Manning in a heart beat.


If I wanted to win in the postseason, there are a number of qb's i'd take over Manning.

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I thought he said it very well. At least for those with reading /comprehension skills. And there is nothing wrong with using the English language to test the mind-set of the intended readers. Leaving things 'open to interpretation' is good. Why else have such a word?


If we are allowing age to help in the actual debate, I'd rather have Ryan as my QB now, mainly due to longevity. Brady's rings are not helping him now.


Leaving things "open to interpretation" is why this thread has gone off track.    I thought Dustin said one thing,  while he, and others thought he was saying something else.     That's not a good thing.

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You can throw my hat in the "Matt Ryan is overrated" ring. I like the guy and root for him once in a while since he seems so darn nice. But, he kinda reminds me of a poor mans Peyton Manning in his prime. You hear the Peyton comparisons a lot with him over the years and old Colts comparisons a lot with these Falcons teams.


Problem is Matt Ryan is not even the best QB in his own division, it's still Brees. With Payton back it will be interesting to see if the Saints regain the fire and cohesiveness they lacked last season. If they get it back and the D improves (can't get much worse) then watch out.....the Saints will be a pain in the neck again ESPECIALLY if they grab a first or second seed.


I guess the Falcons are going sorta down the path our old Colts teams did in the playoffs so we'll see what happens.....and if they finally ever get over the hump but I have my doubts.



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You can throw my hat in the "Matt Ryan is overrated" ring. I like the guy and root for him once in a while since he seems so darn nice. But, he kinda reminds me of a poor mans Peyton Manning in his prime. You hear the Peyton comparisons a lot with him over the years and old Colts comparisons a lot with these Falcons teams.


Problem is Matt Ryan is not even the best QB in his own division, it's still Brees. With Payton back it will be interesting to see if the Saints regain the fire and cohesiveness they lacked last season. If they get it back and the D improves (can't get much worse) then watch out.....the Saints will be a pain in the neck again ESPECIALLY if they grab a first or second seed.


I guess the Falcons are going sorta down the path our old Colts teams did in the playoffs so we'll see what happens.....and if they finally ever get over the hump but I have my doubts.

I used to think Ryan was overrated, but after watching him this year I came away very impressed. Replacing Mike Malarkey with Dirk Koetter didn't hurt either.

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Dear Dustin......


I don't know what you were looking for by making a post that would make everyone's friend, JShipp,  seem like the smartest human being walking the face of the earth since the dawn of time......


Were you looking for props?


Were you looking to start a debate?


If so,  it's likely to be the shortest debate of all-time.


Matt Ryan has played 5 years.   In that time,  the Falcons have gone to zero Super Bowls.   That's one less than one.


In Tom Brady's first 5 years, the Patriots went to three Super Bowls and won them all.   That's one less than four.   By the way, Brady was the MVP in two of those three Super Bowls.


So....   re-capping.    Ryan is without even a Super Bowl appearance on his resume.    Brady has three Super Bowl victories and two Super Bowl MVP's.


And yet, you think Ryan has had a better first five years than Brady did?


You might as well argue that the number zero is a larger number than the number 100.    Good luck with that.


There's no argument for your case. 


I'll even make another argument on the chance that I've misunderstood your meaning.   I don't think Matt Ryan's first five years are better than Tom Brady's worst five years.    I think you're that far off the mark.


Hey, we all make strange posts from time to time -- I'm certainly no exception.    But your claim is a whopper of incredible proportion.


You get today's Big Fat     :facepalm:       Sorry,  there's no other way around it.....    just     :facepalm:


The best news.....   tomorrow can only be a better day for you!       :thmup:

I agree with 99.9% of your post. Note the bold underlined statement. 0 is greater then is greater then 100, because without 0 you only have 1. Not to mention 0 is infinite. The only number that has no beginning and has no end.................See, if you would just open your mind.................. :excited:. Don't forget though, if you open your mind you MUST wear the tinfoil hat at all times and for lords sake...........STAY OFF MAN HOLE COVERS. :panic:

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I agree with 99.9% of your post. Note the bold underlined statement. 0 is greater then is greater then 100, because without 0 you only have 1. Not to mention 0 is infinite. The only number that has no beginning and has no end.................See, if you would just open your mind.................. :excited:. Don't forget though, if you open your mind you MUST wear the tinfoil hat at all times and for lords sake...........STAY OFF MAN HOLE COVERS. :panic:


Personally,  I've had more than a few 'cranium cramps' in my time....   more than a few....    and one or two (at least)  on this very website!


That said,  you seem relatively new Cranium Cramp,  which is only to say that I don't know you at all....   and I can't quite tell how serious -- or not -- to take your post....


You're scaring me,  my new friend!     Scaring me!     :beg:    :omg:     Please don't do that!     :thmup:

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Personally,  I've had more than a few 'cranium cramps' in my time....   more than a few....    and one or two (at least)  on this very website!


That said,  you seem relatively new Cranium Cramp,  which is only to say that I don't know you at all....   and I can't quite tell how serious -- or not -- to take your post....


You're scaring me,  my new friend!     Scaring me!     :beg:    :omg:     Please don't do that!     :thmup:

Been here for years......I mean years, old name was colts18288. After Manning left I figured it was rime for a new name. Some of the posts around here give me a head ache. So, I thought......cranium cramp......BRILLIANT.


 However I am just messing with ya.....................Or am I??????????????? You think your scared? My therapist still cradles his knees and rocks himself.

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