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Anybody else really liking this draft?!?!


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on offense we improved our O-line with Hugh Thornton, and Khaled Holmes has the potential to be our starting C next year, and Kerwynn Williams can come in and compete with Brown and Carter, maybe get the back-up job, and if not can compete and make the other 2 better and we definitely improved our defense, we may have gotten the pass rusher we were missing last year in Bjeorn Werner, Montori Hughes is a GREAT pick up in my opinion, he has sky high potential, I see him as a 3-4 DE who can play some nose tackle, I think we picked up Redding's replacement with this pick and someone who IMO can become one of the top defensive linemen from this draft if he reaches his potential I love this draft to be honest, Great Job Grigs  :banana:  :lombardi:

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I love this draft.


Our 2 main needs coming in: Pass rusher and guard. We filled both of those with our first 2 picks. Which, if you haven't read my past posts Hugh Thornton is probably my favorite pick thus far.


Needed depth at safety, got it. Needed depth at RB & a kick returner, got it.


Also added depth to both oline (Holmes) and dline (Montori).

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I absolutely LOVE this draft!!!!  I was hoping we would come away from this draft with two interior lineman, a pass rusher, and another big body on the DLine.  All taken care of.  And the a Safeway and RB with great upside.   If we can grab a WR with the last pick, will be perfect!

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just curious, but do you guys think Kerwynn Williams can win the back-up job this year, or is that a stretch 


Don't know if he'll get a series or two a game, but if he's our KRer then he'll be our third RB.


Not too sure about his pass protection skills, but from what I've read he's decent.

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I like all the picks after some research. The dline and oline look much better on paper now maybe luck can have tom brady time in pocket and the backs can be more productive. Also perhaps now we can finally stop jone drew and other power backs

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I like the picks of Werner and Thornton, although we may have reached a bit on Thornton.


Im not as high with rounds 4-7. Holmes, unless he gets much stronger and stout to handle NTs, is not a good pick. Im not big on the Montori Hughes pick. I have heard he is lazy and we dont need players like that. Plus I thought we had pretty good depth at NT with Franklin, Chapman, Tevasu, and McKinney. I've never even heard of the players that were taken rounds 6 and 7.


Hopefully next year's draft can be a little more well rounded. I feel like we only got 2 potential starters here unless Holmes gets stronger, then 3.

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