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Matt Hasselbeck vs. Chandler Harnish basketball challenge [Merge]


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I thought that was great.  It was odd because Chandler Harnish would get to keep #8 if he missed.   So funny that he made the basket to lose him number.  I see he is #5 now, which is a number I ate.  Other than Joe Flacco last year, no a very successful number for a pure QB.  I would  have rather seen something in the teens.  Or #7 to erase the stinch of Curtis Painter and restore Bert Jones number to at least decent status.

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Great video! Great charity donation too! :D

Congrats Chandler, your Dad ain't got nothin' on you anymore. For those who may not know, Chandler's Dad Ron Harnish, in 1978, successfully launched a half court buzzer shot enabling the Norwell knights to win the sectional championship game vs. the Southern Wells Raiders. Guess it must run in the family.
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Bald men do seem to have the it factor IMO: Patrick Steward [Jean Luke Picard on "Star Trek Next Generation," Bruce Willis as Lt. John McClaine, & of course Matthew Hasselbeck] Nice!  :rock:


Is baldness like a Superhero power? Hmmm...I'm starting to wonder... haha  lmao

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Bald men do seem to have the it factor IMO: Patrick Steward [Jean Luke Picard on "Star Trek Next Generation," Bruce Willis as Lt. John McClaine, & of course Matthew Hasselbeck] Nice! :rock:

Is baldness like a Superhero power? Hmmm...I'm starting to wonder... hahalmao

Lex Luthor was a villan though.. but his baldness is just icky! ;)

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Lex Luthor was a villan though.. but his baldness is just icky! ;)

Okay, not all bald men are choir boys that is true Broncolt, but they do save a ton of money on shampoo, conditioner, & highlight colors. Perhaps some women are just a tad jealous over this relevant fact. If it helps, I would imagine a regular purchase of sun screen lotion is probably in order though. God forbid the sight of a peeling, flaky, or lobster red scorched head...Just Kidding!  :D

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Since I used to live near Ossian and have several relatives who attended Norwell High School, I was really excited that he was giving this money back to that community.


I haven't had much time to spend here today so I don't know if this has been posted, but here is Chandler on NFL AM talking about this shot:







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