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Would you rather the Colts won a Super Bowl or the Broncos?

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Sounds like a silly question, I know. But how would you feel if the very organisation that Peyton loves so much (and that loves him back) was the organisation that stopped him winning one last ring?

I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...

Yeah....I won't mince words on this one.


If its not the Colts playing in the Super Bowl....I generally don't give a crap who wins it.


I understand all the warm and fuzzies for Peyton Manning....to a point....but he plays for another team.


And when we play them next season I hope we clobber him and the Broncos....and run them off the field.

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These posts are hilariously stupid.


I can consciously say that I hope Denver wins the next two Super Bowls. Common sense says that the Colts are not a serious Super Bowl contender, YET. That being said, for the sake of Peyton Manning and his legacy, I want to see him win at least one more Super Bowl before his career ends within the next few years. The Broncos are Super Bowl ready and an obvious favorite, and I am just hoping that they deliver. (Kinda like they should have easily done last year...)

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These posts are hilariously stupid.


I can consciously say that I hope Denver wins the next two Super Bowls. Common sense says that the Colts are not a serious Super Bowl contender, YET. That being said, for the sake of Peyton Manning and his legacy, I want to see him win at least one more Super Bowl before his career ends within the next few years. The Broncos are Super Bowl ready and an obvious favorite, and I am just hoping that they deliver. (Kinda like they should have easily done last year...)

The Colts fans responses? Stupid? Excuse us for being diehard fans. I didn't know we weren't allowed.


That's fine if you want to see Peyton win one more, but it'll be a cold day in heck when the Colts don't come first in my mind. The broncos can rot as far as I'm concerned.


Btw, when did he** become a bad word in the english language? I could understand if someone said "go to he**", but it can also be verb, harmless noun, and god knows how many times people have heard it who are religious. The PC-ness of this country is laughable at best. But it's OK here to say if someone is full of crap. <scratches head>

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These posts are hilariously stupid.


I can consciously say that I hope Denver wins the next two Super Bowls. Common sense says that the Colts are not a serious Super Bowl contender, YET. That being said, for the sake of Peyton Manning and his legacy, I want to see him win at least one more Super Bowl before his career ends within the next few years. The Broncos are Super Bowl ready and an obvious favorite, and I am just hoping that they deliver. (Kinda like they s

hould have easily done last year...)


I can say the same thing about your post.


What does it matter if we're Super Bowl contenders if we're being guaranteed a Super Bowl in this scenario? lol

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These posts are hilariously stupid.


I can consciously say that I hope Denver wins the next two Super Bowls. Common sense says that the Colts are not a serious Super Bowl contender, YET. That being said, for the sake of Peyton Manning and his legacy, I want to see him win at least one more Super Bowl before his career ends within the next few years. The Broncos are Super Bowl ready and an obvious favorite, and I am just hoping that they deliver. (Kinda like they should have easily done last year...)



Hey....some of us root for the Colts to the point where the Super Bowl winner doesn't matter a whole lot if its not the Colts.


And then there's a few of us including myself who take it a step further and feel that Denver having an ex-Colt on their roster doesn't matter at all....in addition to which I happily acknowledge despising John Elway after all these years more than I like Manning....and thus, hoping the Broncos completely fail.


If you feel differently....then knock yourself out and root for Denver.

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He just said why lol.

Because he wants Peyton to always be remembered as a Colt. And his legacy to be associated with Indy and not anywhere else.

Right or wrong, I get that reasoning.


So Peyton winning a SB for the Broncos somehow becomes a win for the Colts?? 

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And then there's a few of us including myself who take it a step further and feel that Denver having an ex-Colt on their roster doesn't matter at all....in addition to which I happily acknowledge despising John Elway after all these years more than I like Manning....and thus, hoping the Broncos completely fail.


If you feel differently....then knock yourself out and root for Denver.


I never liked John Elway. Nobody I know in person likes John Elway. He is so creepy at times too to me. I love those little smug looks he gets when he gets a big signing or when the Broncos won last year. When he got Peyton he almost seemed smug at times to me. You KNOW he hated Tebow too. We all knew it. And now he got Wes "I drop big game passes" Welker so you know he probably now believes that HE is the signing to put them over the edge finally. Right?. Someone needs to do something about that overrated defense they have though, lolz. It looks good vs. the cupcakes but vs. real teams they have been getting shredded. That D got shredded by the better O's in 2012. And it got shredded by the better O's in 2011.


He just kinda creeps me out...




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Sounds like a silly question, I know. But how would you feel if the very organisation that Peyton loves so much (and that loves him back) was the organisation that stopped him winning one last ring?

I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...


if the colts and broncos played in AFCCG, there would be no doubt in my mind who i wanted to win, cause i'm a colts fan..


if the colts don't go that far, i couldn't care less who goes to the SB.. unless it's the patriots, then i'm pulling for the NFC team, whoever it is  :clap:

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Yeah, I don't get it at all, those that say they are Colts fans but would actually want the Bronco's to beat the Colts simply because of 1 player. IMO you can't be a Colts fan if you ever want another team to beat them in the playoffs, fandom just doesn't work that way IMO.


I go to the general section to see if I missed something about a signing or a trade made around the league, but most of the stuff I see is what is happening with Manning or what the Bronco's are doing in general. Whats even worse, is those that post in those topics, rarely post anything in the Colts section.


Some act as if it's an obligation to still worship everything Peyton. I do not have an obligation to still follow every little story that comes out about him and I pretty much do not care. I swear, I think some would get enjoyment if they wrote an article everytime Peyton farted on the practice field. He was here for a long time, but now he's not. Players come and players go, it's the nature of the business.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but no-one has actually said that they'd prefer the Broncos to win...

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I can't speak for Hoosier, but i feel the same way, it's sorta like I don't want 18 to be remembered more as a Bronco than a Colt...


I don't mean to insult but that is kinda selfish. 


Peyton will always be a Colt. Don't you worry about that. 

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I try not to judge people on their fandom.  I have defended people who root for an NFC team or wear jerseys of other players because the jerseys look cool.  Heck I even own a powder blue chargers jersey because those things are just freaking nice.


Now with that said I just cannot for the life of me understand how anyone ever could want another team to win over their own team.  I love Peyton and he is my second favorite player of all time.  I have witnessed first hand what his play and personality has done for Indianapolis and the Colts.  The guy has a hospital named after him and you do not get that without donating a ton of money.


Even with all of that said I would rather the Colts win a Super Bowl than the Broncos 10 times out of 10 times. I just do not know how you can really call yourself a Colts fan and then say you would rather have another team win a title.

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These posts are hilariously stupid.


I can consciously say that I hope Denver wins the next two Super Bowls. Common sense says that the Colts are not a serious Super Bowl contender, YET. That being said, for the sake of Peyton Manning and his legacy, I want to see him win at least one more Super Bowl before his career ends within the next few years. The Broncos are Super Bowl ready and an obvious favorite, and I am just hoping that they deliver. (Kinda like they should have easily done last year...)

 I think I'd prefer you being unconscious when you post....

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I don't think it was a stupid post from the OP at all.


FX, FJC, MAC, Jason_S, Gacker, Gramz etc would all have a different opinion on this than most of the posters quoted. Because I find it ludicrous that a Colts fan would be happy to see their team lose, others are welcome to their opinion. I've learned the hard way, and after some fair exchanges, I understand their views, although I don't agree with them.


The fact that the OP forgot that the Broncos and Colts were in the same Conference is not a surprise though. The Scots have always been the wisest of the Brits.......  

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just a reminder,it is not ok to call posters or their posts stupid or question their fandom


these type of posts are inflammatory


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I think the point of this thread is to ask you how YOU feel............not to ask for your summary judgement on the worthiness of someone else's opinion


in fact, whenever you have the urge to comment on other people................resist it.Go do something else until the urge to post in a smug, judgmental way passes

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but no-one has actually said that they'd prefer the Broncos to win...

did you not actually read the responses you got???  plenty of people said they would prefer the Broncos to win... 



This is the worst thread in the history of the colts forum. 

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but no-one has actually said that they'd prefer the Broncos to win...



This was your actual quote in the OP...


I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...




You, yourself said you want the Bronco's to win. A couple others have said the same thing. I don't get it.

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im not going to do it for you.  go back and actually read from page 1-4 and you will see a few people say they prefer the Broncos to win.  


1st- you make this thread

2nd- you don't know what conference the Broncos and Colts are in

3rd- you don't even read your responses to YOUR thread


C'MON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't think it was a stupid post from the OP at all.


FX, FJC, MAC, Jason_S, Gacker, Gramz etc would all have a different opinion on this than most of the posters quoted. Because I find it ludicrous that a Colts fan would be happy to see their team lose, others are welcome to their opinion. I've learned the hard way, and after some fair exchanges, I understand their views, although I don't agree with them.


The fact that the OP forgot that the Broncos and Colts were in the same Conference is not a surprise though. The Scots have always been the wisest of the Brits.......  

I can't speak for the "others"  you singled out here,  but as far as my posts.....  I have NEVER expressed that I would be happy for the Colts to lose....   Where is that coming from....???    To say that IF the Colts don't win,  I'd be happy for Peyton to have another ring is very different than saying I'd be happy if the Colts lost.    

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Well think if he were to win 2 SB with the Broncos. Likely his most success would be remembered there and not here in the long run.

Oh yeah HUGE ifs. But I think that's what Hoosier was kind of alluding to.

House hits it right on the head.

Yes, I understand it's a big "if," but given their success this past season, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that the Broncos could compete for a couple of Super Bowls with Peyton.

"If" they were to win a couple, it would absolutely cement Peyton's legacy as a Bronco and the Colts would be the team that "let him get away."

I hope no one takes that as a lack of love for Peyton. Like I said, when he was let go it literally felt like going through a minor grieving process, and I'm not being facetious about the 10-foot bronze statue.

Is it selfish? I suppose in a way it is that, as a Colts fan, I don't want the greatest QB that ever played to be tied to another team when it comes to legacy.

But, I suppose that just means that I'm more of a Colts fan than I am a Peyton fan.

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I can't speak for the "others"  you singled out here,  but as far as my posts.....  I have NEVER expressed that I would be happy for the Colts to lose....   Where is that coming from....???    To say that IF the Colts don't win,  I'd be happy for Peyton to have another ring is very different than saying I'd be happy if the Colts lost.    


Aw come on now Gramz...you know as well as I do that if you say you would be happy for Manning to win then you obviously, clearly want the colts to lose and you'll laugh like a little girl when they do because you're not really a colts fan at all.  It's simply not humanly possible to be a Colts fan while still being a fan of Manning.  You either like the Colts and no one else or you can't be a Colts fan at all.





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Aw come on now Gramz...you know as well as I do that if you say you would be happy for Manning to win then you obviously, clearly want the colts to lose and you'll laugh like a little girl when they do because you're not really a colts fan at all.  It's simply not humanly possible to be a Colts fan while still being a fan of Manning.  You either like the Colts and no one else or you can't be a Colts fan at all.





Yep. Trying to be a fan of both will simply cause spontaneous combustion. It's just not possible, I don't see why you stubborn people just can't come to grips with that.


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Yep. Trying to be a fan of both will simply cause spontaneous combustion. It's just not possible, I don't see why you stubborn people just can't come to grips with that.





Just replace "stop dividing by zero" with "stop thinking you can root for Peyton and the Colts"


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Sounds like a silly question, I know. But how would you feel if the very organisation that Peyton loves so much (and that loves him back) was the organisation that stopped him winning one last ring?

I'd feel bad!

And that's why I think I'd rather the Broncos won it next year. Luck has got a great future ahead of him and should have plenty of chances a to win it. Peyton's time is running out...

Not this subject again :wall:   Im just waiting for Brian to come on here.  Brian, Balzer and I had a good back and forth on this one in another topic.  I hope peyton wins another one, but as far as beating us to do it.... :yuk:   But i would feel bad.  Peyton was drafted when i was 15, a couple years after i started actually watching football.  Unfortunately, that year i could not watch any games, and the ones that i did watch we lost.  So most of my Colts fandom has been the Peyton era.  So there is mixed feelings there, :GoodBad:


Myself, I like the Broncs. I love me some PM. Great guy, great player. 


But between him and my horseshoe....forget about it!!!!


If the difference between my Colts winning and the Broncos winning was dependent on me hurling rotten eggs at Peyton, I'm gonna go loosen my arm up and start chuckin eggs. Sorry Peyton. 


Man, i literally Lol'd when i read that :thmup:




I couldn't care less about the Broncos. Count me as the small minority that was kinda glad they lost last year.




Qwizboy Idk if you count.  Your a Texans fan :hippie2:

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I don't think it was a stupid post from the OP at all.

FX, FJC, MAC, Jason_S, Gacker, Gramz etc would all have a different opinion on this than most of the posters quoted. Because I find it ludicrous that a Colts fan would be happy to see their team lose, others are welcome to their opinion. I've learned the hard way, and after some fair exchanges, I understand their views, although I don't agree with them.

The fact that the OP forgot that the Broncos and Colts were in the same Conference is not a surprise though. The Scots have always been the wisest of the Brits.......

you sir, are the one i find consistantly ludicrous.

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I was told long ago by my grandfather a story about my grandmother, Willie Mays, and the Cincinnati Reds.  She loved Wille Mays, and the favorite team of my grandfather, the Reds.  They went to a Reds-Giants game at Crosley field in 1963.  Grandmother wanted Mays to hit 4 homeruns and the Reds to win the game. Split wishes.  Of course, that day Willie Mays went  0 for 4 with three strikeouts, and the Reds lost the game.  Double whammy.  I had the point hammered home again when I played Fantasy Baseball in the early/mid 1990's. Rooting for players not on my (Real, not fantasy) team and rooting for my team.  Often, I was double disappointed.  So-  I just root for the Colts and the current roster.  I don't wish ill will on any Colts player that moves on, just don't support them as I would had they stayed.


Go Colts.


Oh, I do know A. Luck and the  team is young, but so was Dan Marino when he went to a SB and lost to 49'ers and Joe Montana.  Everyone thought with Marino's youth and talent, he had plenty of time to win a Lombardi.  We all know how that one turned out.  Like wise, Michael Jordan made a lot of great HOF basketball players retire without getting any championship hardware.  There's no guarantees, take every and all wins whenever you can.


:blueshoe:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo:

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wo shi mei guo ren

So you're telling me that you are an American.....but telling it to me in Chinese. Interesting.


What I said was, "I think I want to stick a pencil in my eye", which  was a show of a bit of frustration at the thread and it's direction. Alas....the draft will be here soon, and then the real offseason weirdness will begin.

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