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Grigson's Remarks Regarding Each New Free Agent


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I still think Xavier Rhodes would be a great pick-up in the first. The beauty of Toler signing is we are not starving at the position now...hopefully.

You can wish in one hand and poo in the other and see which one fills up first. Rhodes will be long gone by 24. :)


But, if Desmond Trufant is the BPA at the spot...I'd gladly take him. 

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People were saying last year's draft was a failure??       Who said that?!?


Maybe some fans here on this website,   but other than that,  who would say such a foolish thing?!?


That draft was a home-run from day 1.

Stampede Blue. Unfortunately, I read the comments section during the draft last year...the were roasting grigson

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Stampede Blue. Unfortunately, I read the comments section during the draft last year...the were roasting grigson


Well....    fans say the most amazing things.


I'm awake this morning to see some pretty crazy posts here...     some long-time posters who are smart enough to know much better and some new posters who are trying to be the new young tough turks on the website.


Both are off the deep end, IMO.

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You can wish in one hand and poo in the other and see which one fills up first. Rhodes will be long gone by 24. :)


But, if Desmond Trufant is the BPA at the spot...I'd gladly take him. 


That was not really my point, I prefer pooing in the proper disposable areas. :)


I simply meant getting another corner back is still an area of need if it fits the scheme.

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I probably shouldn't speak about this, since I am not very familiar with any of the players we have signed... But I think Grigson is better at researching talent than I am, so I'm just going to take his word for it. The dude has a sixth sense for talent. He picked up players to solidify the O-Line and paid attention to the secondary...

A+ so far in my opinion... But I'm no expert...

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Toler ist talented, no doubt, but what we need is a durable CB opposite of Vontae Davis and what I read he is a bit injury prone. He played 38 games for the Cardinals in the last three years, started only in 15. 118 Tackles - 1 Sack - 19 Pass Deflections - 5 INT - 2 TD - 2 FF decent stats the big part comes from a decent season in 2010 where he started in 13 games. That's the only season he played and produced much and it's 3 years ago. Talent yes, durable not so, way too expensive in my opinion!

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Maybe. But I think Grigson is better at this than you are, so...

At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking

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At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking


It's not the end of the day yet.

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I probably shouldn't speak about this, since I am not very familiar with any of the players we have signed... But I think Grigson is better at researching talent than I am, so I'm just going to take his word for it. The dude has a sixth sense for talent. He picked up players to solidify the O-Line and paid attention to the secondary...

A+ so far in my opinion... But I'm no expert...

Contrary to popular Belief, None Of Us Are

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At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking

I Guess Griggs Watches More " Film" Than You. Ill Trust His opinion

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God Bless America.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to voice it.    This website tries very hard for all of us to be civil to one another.


But there are some posts being tossed around here yesterday and today that are simply breathtaking!    Seriously.


You'd think 2012 didn't happen.   Didn't we just go 11-5 on an $80 Mill payroll?


Suddenly,  Joe Average Fan knows more about NFL player personnel than a man who has scouted for a living and who was recently voted NFL GM of the Year knows.    Now, this is a bad thing.   Because apparently Grigson is now stubborn like Polian.

And he's trying too hard to think outside the box.


So the fan knows more than the GM.      :loco:     :slaphead:     :panic:


This is a parallel universe that I want no part of.       :facepalm:

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At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking



Can't believe Irsay hasn't fired Grigson and hired you to replace him yet.    If this hasn't happened by the end of business today, I think you should start a petition drive to make it happen.


And then you can announce your first pick in the draft, the 24th overall will be Barrett Jones and your 3rd round pick will be Brandon Jenkins.     Because then, and only then, will you be happy.


Good Grief.      :facepalm:

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At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking




You seriously over think things Gavin. Thomas is a good man blocker and he's already proven that and if you don't think Cherilus is a serious upgrade over Justice, then.....well nevermind.

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At the end of the day the proof is in the production and we overpaid severly on Waldon, while I would not call these guys scrubs, point blank none of these signings up to this point solidify any question marks we had pre FA, Im pretty confident these guys will be depth players with the exception of Cherilus even then he is not a leaps and bounds better upgrade than Justice, I do wonder with the Thomas signing since he is a smaller O Linemen if thats a signal we are going to be doing more Zone Blocking

Oh Gavin.......

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Can't believe Irsay hasn't fired Grigson and hired you to replace him yet. If this hasn't happened by the end of business today, I think you should start a petition drive to make it happen.

And then you can announce your first pick in the draft, the 24th overall will be Barrett Jones and your 3rd round pick will be Brandon Jenkins. Because then, and only then, will you be happy.

Good Grief. :facepalm:

He Fancies Himself An Expert On Scouting Talent. It Gets Pretty Funny At Times

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He Fancies Himself An Expert On Scouting Talent. It Gets Pretty Funny At Times


I get that.    And to be honest,  I fancy myself as someone who understands scouting too.


But at some point, I try to remember,  I'm just a fan,  with limited knowledge and insight.   And sometimes (probably more than I even know)  I'm not only wrong,  I'm completely full of it!!


At some point, you gotta believe that even a Bad GM has forgotten more than I've ever known.   And Grigson has pretty much proven he's not a bad GM.


Sometimes this just get mind-boggling....   

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Can't believe Irsay hasn't fired Grigson and hired you to replace him yet.    If this hasn't happened by the end of business today, I think you should start a petition drive to make it happen.


And then you can announce your first pick in the draft, the 24th overall will be Barrett Jones and your 3rd round pick will be Brandon Jenkins.     Because then, and only then, will you be happy.


Good Grief.      :facepalm:

Hmm a little overdramatic are we just because I have a strong opinion of certain players because they produced or did not produce in certain cases

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Hmm a little overdramatic are we just because I have a strong opinion of certain players because they produced or did not produce in certain cases


I'm a being a little over-dramatic?!?


Go back and read your own posts for the last 24 hours.


It's cute and all to love a favorite player like Jones....   it's another thing to suggest you known better than the GM.   And that's pretty much what you've done.

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Hmm a little overdramatic are we just because I have a strong opinion of certain players because they produced or did not produce in certain cases

Because You Have "Scouted" All Of These Guys First Hand? You Have Watched Every Snap Of Their Careers? Because The Front Office Has

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God Bless America.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to voice it.    This website tries very hard for all of us to be civil to one another.


But there are some posts being tossed around here yesterday and today that are simply breathtaking!    Seriously.


You'd think 2012 didn't happen.   Didn't we just go 11-5 on an $80 Mill payroll?


Suddenly,  Joe Average Fan knows more about NFL player personnel than a man who has scouted for a living and who was recently voted NFL GM of the Year knows.    Now, this is a bad thing.   Because apparently Grigson is now stubborn like Polian.

And he's trying too hard to think outside the box.


So the fan knows more than the GM.      :loco:     :slaphead:     :panic:


This is a parallel universe that I want no part of.       :facepalm:

I beg to differ... I don't believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe someone should only be allowed their say if they have taken the time to research and understand exactly what they are talking about.

I could go on to some maternal care website and give my opinion on the rigors of child birth, but I don't, because I know nothing about it.

One of the unfortunate limitations of democracy I suppose.

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One thing I would say is true is that...

Ryan Grigson and his scouts spend many hours studying film of all the players he selects.

This, I feel is the best way to judge talent. Not on hearsay, which is what a lot of us on this forum base our opinions on.

So, in saying that,  I trust that Grigson has done his homework.

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I'm tired of these "Grigson is a god and everybody has to cheer his signings or should shut up" posts. Yeah, I like Grigson and he did a great job last year, still it was only one year and it's way to early to call him a genius or god AND sharing opinions is the sense of a forum otherwise we could close it... 

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I'm tired of these "Grigson is a god and everybody has to cheer his signings or should shut up" posts. Yeah, I like Grigson and he did a great job last year, still it was only one year and it's way to early to call him a genius or god AND sharing opinions is the sense of a forum otherwise we could close it... 


I respect that.    I don't mind someone taking issue with Grigson.   I don't agree with every move the man has made.   But I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.    I think he's earned that.


It's one thing to say "I hope his moves work out.... "    


It's another thing to say "He signed scrubs,  back-ups.   He's become like Polian, too full of himself.   He's trying to be smarter than everyone else."    Things like that.     If you surf around this website,  you'll see some amazingly insulting comments about Grigson.    And you'd think these fans believe they know more than he does.   Some of it is downright embarrassing.


I think some fans here have no clue how silly they look.

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I respect that.    I don't mind someone taking issue with Grigson.   I don't agree with every move the man has made.   But I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.    I think he's earned that.


It's one thing to say "I hope his moves work out.... "    


It's another thing to say "He signed scrubs,  back-ups.   He's become like Polian, too full of himself.   He's trying to be smarter than everyone else."    Things like that.     If you surf around this website,  you'll see some amazingly insulting comments about Grigson.    And you'd think these fans believe they know more than he does.   Some of it is downright embarrassing.


I think some fans here have no clue how silly they look.


I trust him too although I'm not to happy with these signings and yes the smartasses are annoying so are the "Grigson is god" guys. So guys can we please go back to a objectice discussion?

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they deserve to be on the darn team more than you deserve to call yourself a colts fan.  we don't need ya

Wow so it either agree with what the establishment been doing or we cant be colt fans???  So it continue to drink the red flavored cool aid and live in Jamestown, agree with what the organization is doing and the blue shirt are saying...

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I beg to differ... I don't believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I believe someone should only be allowed their say if they have taken the time to research and understand exactly what they are talking about.

I could go on to some maternal care website and give my opinion on the rigors of child birth, but I don't, because I know nothing about it.

One of the unfortunate limitations of democracy I suppose.


France is a democracy and has plenty of restrictions on what people can or cannot say.

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Wow so it either agree with what the establishment been doing or we cant be colt fans???  So it continue to drink the red flavored cool aid and live in Jamestown, agree with what the organization is doing and the blue shirt are saying...

i had to split ur comment in 2:

Did you actually read the comments by the person i responded to??  he didnt just disagree with what the establishment has been doing, he was basically being a troll.  It sucks having people jump off ship and then when we start winning games they jump right back on.  You don't have to agree with everything the FO does but to call players "scrubs" and say Grigson/Irsay is lieing and missed their targets is flat out stupid.  


as for the second part of your comment.....speak english next time please.

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Eh well sorry folks if I dont get all giddy over every little signing and think every guy we pick up is going to be good and are are going to make a huge impact, Thomas is a clear upgrade just from watching him play vs watching Mcglynn play, Im just not sure its such a big upgrade that its unquestionably his job....like it would have been if we could or would have picked up Vasquez, as for Walden and the rumor that he will be the guy to get the start to replace Freeney yeah I'd rather see what Hughes can do(Walden started 15 games in 2011 and had 3 sacks), its his turn to show what he can do over the course of a full 16 game season starting

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France is a democracy and has plenty of restrictions on what people can or cannot say.

The framework of democracy then.... there are many different variations but it originated as a philosophy not a political system. The same way Communism is the political system that grew out of Marxism/Socialism and Plato's 'communal living' social structure philosophy.

And, technically there are plenty of restrictions on what people can and cannot say in the US as well.

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It says:


Outside Linebacker

At first I didn’t want to include this position as a free agent need because of Nick Perry’s impending return. Then I watched Erik Walden run downfield in pursuit of an empty-handed LaMichael James and I realized this situation has to be addressed. Walden has had the worst grade among all 3-4 outside linebackers by a wide margin each of the past two seasons. Dezman Moses was the next option in line, but the rookie quite often looked undersized and overmatched. To leave this position up to the hope that Perry develops into a starter would be irresponsible. If Perry or Clay Matthews were to suffer an injury next season, Green Bay would be left with a huge hole that opposing offenses will target.



My statement:


Apparently, their problems started to mount when Clay Mathews went down with an injury and Walden had to be an every down OLB when Nick Perry went down too. See for yourself in the NFC playoff game vs 49ers, how Eric Walden blew that play with the score tied at 24-24 (look at 4:50 mark)




(Look closely at 4:50 mark)


The last 2 plays when the 49ers punched it in to get to 45 pts, a FB named Bruce Miller (jersey #49, 250 lbs) gets a lock on Walden that Walden is not able to shed for 2 consecutive running plays. (around 7:30 mark)


I am certain Grigson watched enough film to overlook these mistakes but I am just presenting what I have.

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Because You Have "Scouted" All Of These Guys First Hand? You Have Watched Every Snap Of Their Careers? Because The Front Office Has

lol every time someone brings this up it cracks me up, GM's can be wrong, fans can even be right there is no law stating GM's are always right and fans are always wrong, sure, do we not know all the facts? of course we dont thats a given, but we all get to see the most important aspect of a players evaluation and thats what they do on the field during game day, Hey like I said Thomas is an upgrade but Im not sitting here crowning him the immediate starter 

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lol every time someone brings this up it cracks me up, GM's can be wrong, fans can even be right there is no law stating GM's are always right and fans are always wrong, sure, do we not know all the facts? of course we dont thats a given, but we all get to see the most important aspect of a players evaluation and thats what they do on the field during game day, Hey like I said Thomas is an upgrade but Im not sitting here crowning him the immediate starter 


There were fans who questioned Matt Millen too, and like every GM, the results will speak for themselves. Not comparing Grigson and Matt Millen but just saying that I am fine with forum members doubting.


Personally, I expect Grigs to prove a lot of doubters wrong but that is just me.

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Eh well sorry folks if I dont get all giddy over every little signing and think every guy we pick up is going to be good and are are going to make a huge impact, Thomas is a clear upgrade just from watching him play vs watching Mcglynn play, Im just not sure its such a big upgrade that its unquestionably his job....like it would have been if we could or would have picked up Vasquez, as for Walden and the rumor that he will be the guy to get the start to replace Freeney yeah I'd rather see what Hughes can do(Walden started 15 games in 2011 and had 3 sacks), its his turn to show what he can do over the course of a full 16 game season starting

Correct me if I am wrong but Walden isn't a pure pass rushing guy, might explain the low sack count.
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