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Life after Luck


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Anyone else think the Colts success might have come a little too soon for its own good? Management stocked the team with some promising young guys and serviceable veterans to keep the team competitive in the short term. Probably needed to amass some early draft picks for a few years to allow for sustainability. I'm not complaining I just hope it's a deep run into the playoffs and not a path to eventual mediocrity.

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Anyone else think the Colts success might have come a little too soon for its own good? Management stocked the team with some promising young guys and serviceable veterans to keep the team competitive in the short term. Probably needed to amass some early draft picks for a few years to allow for sustainability. I'm not complaining I just hope it's a deep run into the playoffs and not a path to eventual mediocrity.

yeah id rather us get good people in the draft then to go 8-8 and be a wildcard and get put out
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What you guys fail to realize is the money we have for free agency next year. If we didn't have the type of money I would be more concerned with draft picks but since we have the type of money and it isn't guaranteed that with high draft picks you get great players Rolando mcclain, Jamarcus russell, ect. and that you can find good talent through out the draft Tom Brady, Shannon Sharp, ect, It is much more of a precedence that you have the people that can find the right talent for you no matter where you draft.

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yeah i gues

Exactly but we're in too deep now have to go all the way! I'm dreamin a bit maybe...

yeah i guess so. we have to get some good players in FA. what i really hope the colts would do is get warmack in the 1st then get larry warford. everyone is saying hes good those 2 guards fit out scheme. in FA i would hope to get a good tackle we could keep costanzo at LT and get sebastian vollmer at RT. he is a really good RT. our line would be CASTONZO-WARMACK-SATELE-WARFORD-VOLLMER. AWESOMMEEE
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yeah i gues

yeah i guess so. we have to get some good players in FA. what i really hope the colts would do is get warmack in the 1st then get larry warford. everyone is saying hes good those 2 guards fit out scheme. in FA i would hope to get a good tackle we could keep costanzo at LT and get sebastian vollmer at RT. he is a really good RT. our line would be CASTONZO-WARMACK-SATELE-WARFORD-VOLLMER. AWESOMMEEE

Vollmer would be some pickup.

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Anyone else think the Colts success might have come a little too soon for its own good? Management stocked the team with some promising young guys and serviceable veterans to keep the team competitive in the short term. Probably needed to amass some early draft picks for a few years to allow for sustainability. I'm not complaining I just hope it's a deep run into the playoffs and not a path to eventual mediocrity.

Yeah, it's much better to take 3-4 years to get to the playoffs, then get bounced out. It's never too early to have some success. Did you forget your meds today?

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Yeah, it's much better to take 3-4 years to get to the playoffs, then get bounced out. It's never too early to have some success. Did you forget your meds today?

yes I forgot to take my anti-intelligent thinking meds again thanks for reminding me! You have to think outside the box a little if you want a dynasty. hillbillybob gets it. I'll break it down. You have a decent team...draft in the middle for years...and finish in the middle for years...or you struggle for awhile...draft high...then finish at the top for a decade or so...do you still want the early "success"?

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yes I forgot to take my anti-intelligent thinking meds again thanks for reminding me! You have to think outside the box a little if you want a dynasty. hillbillybob gets it. I'll break it down. You have a decent team...draft in the middle for years...and finish in the middle for years...or you struggle for awhile...draft high...then finish at the top for a decade or so...do you still want the early "success"?

So early success means we can't have future success? Bravo. And thanks for reminding me that you need to draft early every year have success. That's worked out so well for the browns, jags, rams, and a few other teams.

You have 0 chance of doing anything if you don't get to the big dance. I'll take my chances going to the playoffs rather than sitting home watching other teams fight it out. Wow talk about a loser mentality.

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yes I forgot to take my anti-intelligent thinking meds again thanks for reminding me! You have to think outside the box a little if you want a dynasty. hillbillybob gets it. I'll break it down. You have a decent team...draft in the middle for years...and finish in the middle for years...or you struggle for awhile...draft high...then finish at the top for a decade or so...do you still want the early "success"?

We already have a good foundation for success. The sooner Luck gets playoff experience the better he will be when we are actually tooled to make a deep run.

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yes I forgot to take my anti-intelligent thinking meds again thanks for reminding me! You have to think outside the box a little if you want a dynasty. hillbillybob gets it. I'll break it down. You have a decent team...draft in the middle for years...and finish in the middle for years...or you struggle for awhile...draft high...then finish at the top for a decade or so...do you still want the early "success"?

Again I will try and make this point it doesn't matter where you draft as long as you have people on your staff that can find you the talent you need when you draft also again the other point I was trying to make to you earlier it is going to be a different offseason for us then alot of fans are used to around here we have money to use in free agency and I fully expect them to use it as well

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So early success means we can't have future success? Bravo. And thanks for reminding me that you need to draft early every year have success. That's worked out so well for the browns, jags, rams, and a few other teams.

You have 0 chance of doing anything if you don't get to the big dance. I'll take my chances going to the playoffs rather than sitting home watching other teams fight it out. Wow talk about a loser mentality.

:applause: Exactly right! I'm still shaking my head over the have to do poorly to get better draft picks in order to have a long run of success. Evidently he forgot about the 10+ yrs we drafted from the upper 20's-32nd and still had a long run of success that few teams get to enjoy.

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What you guys fail to realize is the money we have for free agency next year. If we didn't have the type of money I would be more concerned with draft picks but since we have the type of money and it isn't guaranteed that with high draft picks you get great players Rolando mcclain, Jamarcus russell, ect. and that you can find good talent through out the draft Tom Brady, Shannon Sharp, ect, It is much more of a precedence that you have the people that can find the right talent for you no matter where you draft.

What you fail to realize is that this thread is a 'dawwww cute Manning and Brady babies' humorous thread.

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