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Colts vs Broncos Playoffs?


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FACT #1: Peyton Manning built the "Indy" Colts and their stadium. I pull for him now and would pull for the Broncos against this years Colts. I want at least on more ring for him so when he and Tom Brady are old and grey the arguement well continue as to which one is king. #18 gave me and all Indy fans more joy and pride thant the entire current Colts organization combined.

FACT #2: The Colts are not going to the playoffs thjis year.

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FACT #1: Peyton Manning built the "Indy" Colts and their stadium. I pull for him now and would pull for the Broncos against this years Colts. I want at least on more ring for him so when he and Tom Brady are old and grey the arguement well continue as to which one is king. #18 gave me and all Indy fans more joy and pride thant the entire current Colts organization combined.

FACT #2: The Colts are not going to the playoffs thjis year.


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FACT #1: Peyton Manning built the "Indy" Colts and their stadium. I pull for him now and would pull for the Broncos against this years Colts. I want at least on more ring for him so when he and Tom Brady are old and grey the arguement well continue as to which one is king. #18 gave me and all Indy fans more joy and pride thant the entire current Colts organization combined.

FACT #2: The Colts are not going to the playoffs thjis year.


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I have rooted for Peyton to win ever since he was in college and will continue to do so until he faces Indy, then it's all about the Colts. However, this would be one playoff game that I wouldn't be seething with anger if we were to lose. I just can't get mad at Peyton.

Besides, I have no faith that our Defense would do anything but get slaughtered by Peyton. The secondary is routinely getting shredded by average QBs. I would hate to see what a QB of his caliber would do. Peyton took a lot of criticism over the years for underacheiving in the playoffs, but the way I saw it the Defense rarely ever showed up except the year that they won the SB. For those of you wanting to see Freeney and Mathis sack him several times, what makes you think that they are suddenly going to show up in the payoffs against a pretty good O-Line and do something they have failed to do for years. They are just as guilty for fading away in the playoffs as anybody on the team.

I wouldn't feel confident about that matchup at all.

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Its funny that this topic comes up because I said this very same thing during the offseason. Wouldn't it be crazy if the colts and broncos played each other in the playoffs?

LOL I would LOVE IT!

I would love to see Powers get a pick six and watch Freeney and Mathis sack him about 3x each.

As much as I love Manning and what he has done for the city and the team. It would be nice to see this face

And not feel the pain that is associated when he makes that face. Everyone on this board knows that face and when they see that face, things aren't going right for Manning.

Happy he is doing well in Denver but sorry, you are now the enemy!

My words exactly

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I have rooted for Peyton to win ever since he was in college and will continue to do so until he faces Indy, then it's all about the Colts. However, this would be one playoff game that I wouldn't be seething with anger if we were to lose. I just can't get mad at Peyton.

Besides, I have no faith that our Defense would do anything but get slaughtered by Peyton. The secondary is routinely getting shredded by average QBs. I would hate to see what a QB of his caliber would do. Peyton took a lot of criticism over the years for underacheiving in the playoffs, but the way I saw it the Defense rarely ever showed up except the year that they won the SB. For those of you wanting to see Freeney and Mathis sack him several times, what makes you think that they are suddenly going to show up in the payoffs against a pretty good O-Line and do something they have failed to do for years. They are just as guilty for fading away in the playoffs as anybody on the team.

I wouldn't feel confident about that matchup at all.

Because they will have the chance to hit the one guy they could not hit during practice all those years. now they would get the chance to do it for 4 qtrs.

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FACT #1: Peyton Manning built the "Indy" Colts and their stadium. I pull for him now and would pull for the Broncos against this years Colts. I want at least on more ring for him so when he and Tom Brady are old and grey the arguement well continue as to which one is king. #18 gave me and all Indy fans more joy and pride thant the entire current Colts organization combined.

FACT #2: The Colts are not going to the playoffs thjis year.


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Because they will have the chance to hit the one guy they could not hit during practice all those years. now they would get the chance to do it for 4 qtrs.

He know how fast they are and he can time his routes to beat the rush. Besides, he hasn't played with a real O line in a while now. I don't think they have a shot.

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I don't think this goes down this year and certainly not in Indy if by some slim chance it does. But regardless, it's all about the horseshoe for me. I love Peyton and still enjoy watching him but it would be cool to see the Manning sour face scowl and be on the winning side of it. Seriously though, if we see Peyton in the playoffs this year then I expect that he would be the last qb we see. Our defense is still very suspect and nowhere near ready to stand up against his football wizardry. I don't expect to see him till next season though and that is just fine with me. After another offseason of building then we'll see what's up P-Money. :D

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I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling bewildered. My hubby posed the same question and he was appalled that I hesitated to answer a little. I have become really fond of the Colts and I'll always love Andrew, but I have no doubt who I will root for. I just don't know what I would feel when Von Miller comes hard for Andrew. I'm sorry to say but the Colts O line has no chance.

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I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling bewildered. My hubby posed the same question and he was appalled that I hesitated to answer a little. I have become really fond of the Colts and I'll always love Andrew, but I have no doubt who I will root for. I just don't know what I would feel when Von Miller comes hard for Andrew. I'm sorry to say but the Colts O line has no chance.

Mr. Miller would give 12 nightmares. And PM on the offensive side would prove to be a thorn in the side of the team that used to love the way he plays...would be a one-sided game, if this has any chance of all at happening.

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That makes no sense. So one man, built the franchise and the city, and now that he has moved on your going to turn your back on the that and root against everything he built? That's saying a lot to your true character.

Im not turning my back on anything. Simply stating that I would root for the man that i respect more than probably any other player or celebrity. And can we really not have this conversation without questioning each others' character? Its not like we're discussing politics or religion, simply who we would root for in a freaking football game.

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While I get some of what you're saying, how will a Lombardi Trophy being lifted in Denver help the city of Indianapolis more than another banner in Indy?

Well like i said before, the colts organization and city of indy will have far more opportunities to win a championship than peyton will. Thats how i look at it.

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All my liking for other players on other teams goes away when the Colts play them. Most people who know me know how much I have liked Rodgers too on the side or have rooted for the Pack as a second team at times. When we played GB I wanted to beat them up, I wanted to embarrass Rodgers. It all went out the window....any liking I had for Green Bay.

Everyone is entitled to opinions but if you don't root for the Colts and especially in a big game then I really don't consider your heart with the Colts first. And in this season, especially with the Pagano situation/tragedy it would be awesome to continue the Cinderella ride in the playoffs if we are fortunate enough to even get there and that is still a big if. Win for Chuck.

Besides, sometimes these teams under the Manning era, including Manning himself, I have felt underachieved in the postseason before compared to their performances in the regular season so I might be slightly bitter if we faced off vs. Denver and hearing Colts fans say they would want him to have a good game vs. us.

I don't think Peyton deserves a ring anymore then say Jeff Saturday, Reggie Wayne or Dallas Clark either for offensive players. I don't think QBs are more entitled then other positions all the time but people act like they are.

JMO and we are all are entitled to them,

And this potential matchup is still a big longshot in itself to even happen.

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Boston's had a lot of star athletes return to play against the old home team, but in virtually all cases, said athletes left town on their own volition. (For more money, usually, but in other cases there were other reasons.)

It was both weird and crazy to see Roger Clemens in a Blue Jays uniform (and, later, Yankee pinstripes) but by the end of his time in Boston he wasn't even close to as adored as Manning was/is in Indy. And Manning, let's face it, was pretty much powerless in the entire soap opera last offseason.

I rooted hard for Ray Bourque to win a Stanley Cup when he went to Colorado at the end of his career. He played on so many middle-of-the-road Bruins teams, and it seemed like the team would never go out and spend any money in the pre-cap era. So fans were pulling for him, knowing he was in a no-win situation in Boston, and desperately wanting to win a championship.

Football is such a different animal though. Playoff games are one-and-done... no best of seven. If Tom Brady left the Patriots and came back to play against them with another team, in the playoffs, I would still root for the Patriots. I did that for roughly 25 years before anyone knew who Tom Brady was, and will be doing the same long after he hangs 'em up.

There's no "right answer" though. Some root for the name on the front of the jersey, some on the back. To each his or her own.

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After reading all of these comments. I think that we are basing things off of how the teams are playing right now. We don't know what the Colts are going to look like with a full 16 games under our belt. With all of our young guys finally getting the playbook down. Maybe our offense is hitting its stride and scoring some points. Maybe Davis shuts down his man. maybe our oline isnt so suspect but gels together. And maybe our young team has played enough to be playing no huddle all game long. Maybe they have their sceme down all that much more. We could pose a risk to the awesome peyton led broncos. But knowing peyton. Hes only just now getting on a role and we have yet to see a team help him out in the playoffs. like defense. I'd like to see this happen at least once with a colts win.

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Im not turning my back on anything. Simply stating that I would root for the man that i respect more than probably any other player or celebrity. And can we really not have this conversation without questioning each others' character? Its not like we're discussing politics or religion, simply who we would root for in a freaking football game.

You took the 'root for in a freaking football game' right out of the equasion when you made Manning out to be the second coming of Christ. It was the most ridiculous statement I think I have ever seen written about a sport, or a sportsperson. Yeah, he built this city all own his own, out of his own pocket. Which was filled by Irsay. Root for who you want, but don't spew out this garbage and expect people not to barf at the sycophantic crazy admiration you have for a guy who chucks a football around a field.

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Boston's had a lot of star athletes return to play against the old home team, but in virtually all cases, said athletes left town on their own volition. (For more money, usually, but in other cases there were other reasons.)

It was both weird and crazy to see Roger Clemens in a Blue Jays uniform (and, later, Yankee pinstripes) but by the end of his time in Boston he wasn't even close to as adored as Manning was/is in Indy. And Manning, let's face it, was pretty much powerless in the entire soap opera last offseason.

I rooted hard for Ray Bourque to win a Stanley Cup when he went to Colorado at the end of his career. He played on so many middle-of-the-road Bruins teams, and it seemed like the team would never go out and spend any money in the pre-cap era. So fans were pulling for him, knowing he was in a no-win situation in Boston, and desperately wanting to win a championship.

Football is such a different animal though. Playoff games are one-and-done... no best of seven. If Tom Brady left the Patriots and came back to play against them with another team, in the playoffs, I would still root for the Patriots. I did that for roughly 25 years before anyone knew who Tom Brady was, and will be doing the same long after he hangs 'em up.

There's no "right answer" though. Some root for the name on the front of the jersey, some on the back. To each his or her own.

I don't root for Nike!

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Im not turning my back on anything. Simply stating that I would root for the man that i respect more than probably any other player or celebrity. And can we really not have this conversation without questioning each others' character? Its not like we're discussing politics or religion, simply who we would root for in a freaking football game.

Then Peyton is just another freaking player if this is just a freaking football game.

I don't mean to be rude but why don't some of you just root for the Broncos full time until Peyton retires and stop pretending to be Colts fans right now? Several here are inching in that direction all the time anyway since the day Manning left Indy.

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Im not turning my back on anything. Simply stating that I would root for the man that i respect more than probably any other player or celebrity. And can we really not have this conversation without questioning each others' character? Its not like we're discussing politics or religion, simply who we would root for in a freaking football game.

Are you insinuating that football is not as important as politics or religion?

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Fans are entitled to root for whoever they chose to and are entitled to their own personal reasons for rooting for a team/player. Some fans root for a team because they grew up in the team's home city, some because of a player(s) who really caught their eye and drew them into the sport in the first place, some because they are affiliated with the team in some other capacity, etc. Fans root for teams/players because of different reasons, all equally valid. So there is nothing wrong with supporting your team through thick and think or with rooting your favorite players.

I hear the Eagles radio all the time. Philly fans love/hate their team. The fans love the Eagles team, but this current team with their current players, well they hate the players for the most part (except Mccoy) because they don't show heart and blast the fans on the radio/tv. Some of them want nothing more than to see this team get blown up and build a new team.

When Brian Dawkins left, philly fans rooted for him when he was in Denver. He embodied everything the fans loved about their team. when asante samuel game back last week, most fans wanted to see him get run over by mccoy or whiff on a play that went for a td, because he embodied everything the fans hated.

What I'm trying to say, is that players have a large impact on how a team is loved by their fans. Players are the ones who make the memories for the fans. The name on the front and the name on the back are equally important imo.

And anyway, if somehow the colts were to magically meet denver in the playoffs, the colts would get destroyed. We're not ready yet to deal with that offense, nor keep Luck up against that pass rush.

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I find it absurd that even although we beat the Packers, who went 15-1 and had the NFL MVP behind centre only a few weeks ago, people think we could not beat the Broncos in a one off match in 10 weeks or so. I feel the Manning effect is kicking in again.

If we reached the play-offs, I suggest it would mean we have continued to grow, and that can only mean one thing. We could beat anyone in a sudden death game. Saying we would get destroyed is ridiculous.

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I find it absurd that even although we beat the Packers, who went 15-1 and had the NFL MVP behind centre only a few weeks ago, people think we could not beat the Broncos in a one off match in 10 weeks or so. I feel the Manning effect is kicking in again.

If we reached the play-offs, I suggest it would mean we have continued to grow, and that can only mean one thing. We could beat anyone in a sudden death game. Saying we would get destroyed is ridiculous.

I find it absurd that people continue to start these threads.... :sigh: I'm going back to pleading the 5th again. There are just certain topics that you're darned no matter what your comment is, know what I mean...???

and I didn't say darned.

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I find it absurd that even although we beat the Packers, who went 15-1 and had the NFL MVP behind centre only a few weeks ago, people think we could not beat the Broncos in a one off match in 10 weeks or so. I feel the Manning effect is kicking in again.

If we reached the play-offs, I suggest it would mean we have continued to grow, and that can only mean one thing. We could beat anyone in a sudden death game. Saying we would get destroyed is ridiculous.

You are right. It can be done. We did beat a very good Packers team and that proves that we can beat most any other team. However, that was an early regular season game, not a playoff game, and playoff teams are rarely caught off guard the way the Packers were.

One thing you have to consider is that our success against Rogers was was due in large part on getting pressure on him in the second half. Would we be able to do the same to Manning? Rogers has been sacked more than 2x the amount of times Manning has, which should tell you that his O-line is better. If they stay healthy, then it would be a very difficult game for our defense. The way Manning eats up the clock these days would also severely limit the chances Luck and the offense would have and keep them from getting in rhythm.

It's impossible, but it would be difficult.

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You are right. It can be done. We did beat a very good Packers team and that proves that we can beat most any other team. However, that was an early regular season game, not a playoff game, and playoff teams are rarely caught off guard the way the Packers were.

One thing you have to consider is that our success against Rogers was was due in large part on getting pressure on him in the second half. Would we be able to do the same to Manning? Rogers has been sacked more than 2x the amount of times Manning has, which should tell you that his O-line is better. If they stay healthy, then it would be a very difficult game for our defense. The way Manning eats up the clock these days would also severely limit the chances Luck and the offense would have and keep them from getting in rhythm.

It's impossible, but it would be difficult.

I fully agree it would be difficult, and we would have no clue as to the injuries on each side, the run each team was on at the time, the weather, the luck etc. But to write a Colts win off 10 weeks in the future, especially with such confidence just sounded silly.

For the record, I don't think we will make the play-offs this year anyway. I was just countering the 'what if' scenario.

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I'd be torn.

You know, like a father who's sons play on opposite teams in a big game..


I love 'em both, and I know it's really, REALLY wrong, but I'm not perfect, and I admit it.

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You took the 'root for in a freaking football game' right out of the equasion when you made Manning out to be the second coming of Christ. It was the most ridiculous statement I think I have ever seen written about a sport, or a sportsperson. Yeah, he built this city all own his own, out of his own pocket. Which was filled by Irsay. Root for who you want, but don't spew out this garbage and expect people not to barf at the sycophantic crazy admiration you have for a guy who chucks a football around a field.

I love the fact that you have the nerve to chastise others when they post something you deem to be impolite but then you can come back with a post like this. Though i didnt expect anything different. You're right back to your preseason "you're not a real fan" form. Get over yourself.

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Then Peyton is just another freaking player if this is just a freaking football game.

I don't mean to be rude but why don't some of you just root for the Broncos full time until Peyton retires and stop pretending to be Colts fans right now? Several here are inching in that direction all the time anyway since the day Manning left Indy.

I dont mean to be rude but why dont you not worry about who i root for. And how about you not tell people to leave just because you disagree with their opinion. Perhaps realize this forum is for anyone who is a fan of the colts in any capacity. It is not a "root for the colts above all others or get the heck out" forum.

Im a peyton fan 100% and a colts fan 99.9%. Im not pretending to be anything different.

And for the record im not a colts fan because of the logo on their helmets. Im a fan because i respect the franchise and the way they run the team. If they started bringing in coaches and players i didnt like or couldnt respect then they would no longer be my favorite team. If gregg williams was reinstated and the colts hired him, then brought in players like mike vick, vilma, deangelo hall, cortland finnegan etc then id root for the colts to get beaten into the dirt every week.

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I dont mean to be rude but why dont you not worry about who i root for. And how about you not tell people to leave just because you disagree with their opinion. Perhaps realize this forum is for anyone who is a fan of the colts in any capacity. It is not a "root for the colts above all others or get the heck out" forum.

Im a peyton fan 100% and a colts fan 99.9%. Im not pretending to be anything different.

And for the record im not a colts fan because of the logo on their helmets. Im a fan because i respect the franchise and the way they run the team. If they started bringing in coaches and players i didnt like or couldnt respect then they would no longer be my favorite team. If gregg williams was reinstated and the colts hired him, then brought in players like mike vick, vilma, deangelo hall, cortland finnegan etc then id root for the colts to get beaten into the dirt every week.

I apologize deeply Jason. I had no intention of saying you should leave the forum. And 100% you are right, fans of all teams/players are welcome here with open arms. In fact I am hoping more RG3 fans join so we can have more of those rousing rookie QB debates.

ah heck I'll be the first to say it...I'd be rooting for Peyton. Some players do so much good on and off the field that they transcend the game and as such, I couldn't root against them for any reason. Peyton's window is 3-5 years, max. Luck and this new era of Colts just making the playoffs would be ahead of schedule and they'll have plenty of time to continue to grow, improve and fight for championships long after Peyton has to hang up the cleats.

This is so true Jason. And I simply have realized now that you are right. Not only should Peyton beat Indy if this playoff game should occur before his retirement but maybe we should also pull for Tom Brady too if the Colts meet the Patriots.

After all, Brady like Peyton only will have a limited time as well to win more rings and truly establish himself as GOAT before he retires and Indy will have many more chances under the Luck era. I would hate to rob Peyton like robbing Brady.

Actually the more I think about it I think the Colts might want to wait until the mid 30's QBs retire in both conferences before we try and make our true mark in this league. It would be the more fair thing to do.

Thank you Jason for setting me straight and explaining yourself so well.

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