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I don't think it has ever been Luck's fault...


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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

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While not entirely his fault he does deserve some of the blame. The red zone int yesterday for example. Just needed to throw it higher. He's a rookie and is probably going to throw another 10 or 15 picks so don't fret. It's all a learning experience. Right now he's on place to obliterate a couple of records.

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We have had a lot of adversity after last season and the offseason. New coaches and rookie QB and a new everything in so many places.

And our HC has cancer.

I think Luck is doing fine. He did badly vs. the Jets but overall I love what I see from him.

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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

Every issue with the Colts thus far has been the product of a young team with a short amount of playing time together. Experience will be the best thing for this team.

We need to remember that building a great team is a marathon and not a sprint.

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We have had a lot of adversity after last season and the offseason. New coaches and rookie QB and a new everything in so many places.

And our HC has cancer.

I think Luck is doing fine. He did badly vs. the Jets but overall I love what I see from him.

yeah i agree....

In general Luck has displayed two things thus far:

1. An ability to play far above his level of experience, and.....

2. Yet still able to look like a rookie at times....

Neither should surprise anyone....

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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

that must be like a massive joke lol... did you watch any of the colts games? there have been dropped passes but luck has looked inconsistent and his play so far is avg... so yea id say your wrong on some of the things you said there.

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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

I'm a member of this website because of Andrew Luck. I saw every game he played at Stanford. Love the kid.

But while I'm confident of his future, he has indeed made his share of rookie mistakes.

Of his 7 interceptions in 5 games (way too many!) I'd say roughly 3 were tipped. The others went right to the defender, like the interception in the end zone where Luck didn't even see the DB. Even one or two of the tipped passes were too high... I think the tipped int. yesterday was not on target.

There are lots and lots of issues at play here. Some things are out of Luck's control. But others are in his control and he has work to do to improve. And he will improve, I'm quite confident of that. So, as I always do (apologies) I preach patience.

But I also don't want to act as if the man is not without some level of responsibility for his up and down play. He is.

I may love the kid, but he's not perfect and he's got work to do. The best thing though.... he knows it, and he'll do it.

It's one of the many reasons why I love him so much.... :thmup:

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Probably four of his seven picks were his fault. The others were tipped, but all but one was a poor throw. And there's also the fumbles.

Let's not try to absolve him of all guilt. He's going to make mistakes, sometimes boneheaded mistakes. Every quarterback does, especially a rookie (and he's a rookie, despite all the hoopla (yes, I said hoopla)). Let's just see if he learns from it.

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I would guess that Andrew himself would not want to be portayed as without fault. That said, his team is facing a lot of undue criticism, imo. Since he is part of the team, so goes the critique.

I see the glass of blue koolaid as big time half full, not half empty. To each his or her own....I guess.

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I think a big part of it (not all of it by far) is ALOT is being put on his shoulders throwing 44.2 times per game. all of his interceptions have come when throwing 44 or more times. also he has only been over 55 percent in completion percentage 1 time and thats when he threw it 31 times. Personally I would like to go to a more 2 Back set a Full Back and Brown and show more commitment to the run because Brown had success with that last year on limited carries, we had some 3rd and shorts including a couple 3rd and 1 where we could have bulldozed forward with Carter instead he only had 4 carries we seem to run the ball a few times and if big yards is not gained (it rarely is on a Backs first couple carries it usually take a defense to wear down some) right away we pretty much abandon the run

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I put this in another thread but it works here too, here are some of the more recent top QBs taken in their drafts numbers threw their first five games. Andrew Lucks numbers stack up just as well if not better than a good chunk of them. Make no mistake Luck has his issues that he needs to improve on but over all he's playing just fine.

Peyton Manning: 4 TDs 12 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 55% of them for 225 yards per game and one win.

Eli Manning: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 25 passes a game completing 44% of them for 126 yards per game and 0 wins.

Matthew Stafford: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 54% of them for 169 yards per game and one win.

Matt Ryan: 4 TDs 3 INTs, averaging 26 passes a game completing 54% of them for 172 yards per game and three wins.

Cam Newton: 7 TDs 6 INTs, averaging 39 passes a game completing 58% of them for 322 yards per game and one win.

Sam Bradford: 6 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 41 passes a game completing 54% of them for 232 yards per game and two wins.

Andrew Luck: 7 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 44 passes a game completing 53% of them for 298 yards per game and two wins.

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I put this in another thread but it works here too, here are some of the more recent top QBs taken in their drafts numbers threw their first five games. Andrew Lucks numbers stack up just as well if not better than a good chunk of them. Make no mistake Luck has his issues that he needs to improve on but over all he's playing just fine.

Peyton Manning: 4 TDs 12 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 55% of them for 225 yards per game and one win.

Eli Manning: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 25 passes a game completing 44% of them for 126 yards per game and 0 wins.

Matthew Stafford: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 54% of them for 169 yards per game and one win.

Matt Ryan: 4 TDs 3 INTs, averaging 26 passes a game completing 54% of them for 172 yards per game and three wins.

Cam Newton: 7 TDs 6 INTs, averaging 39 passes a game completing 58% of them for 322 yards per game and one win.

Sam Bradford: 6 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 41 passes a game completing 54% of them for 232 yards per game and two wins.

Andrew Luck: 7 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 44 passes a game completing 53% of them for 298 yards per game and two wins.

Good stats to compare others to luck. Shows that top pick QB's are usually the product of going to a bad team and that is just what we are. I think Manning came to a Colts team who already had a top flight LT, RT and some good interior linemen. He had MH at wr who had yet to break out but the speed and route running was there. He had a very energetic and good not great defense.

Compare this team Luck has to what Manning got and review those stats. Luck has maybe a solid LT and then crap on the rest of the line. None of the other 4 linemen would start on 90% of other NFL teams. He does have 2 young promising TE's and Wayne who has been his blanket and then speedy youth who is behind his learning curve . His defense has a hobbled Freeney and Mathis, one decent CB in powers (who knows about Davis) and Bethea (who has been inconsistent this year). He has maybe a lb or two that could play on other teams as starters but would it be in a 3-4 or 4-3?

The team Luck has is far worse than the one PM had coming in and yet he has put up better numbers so far. The only thing you can do at this point is sit back and watch the season and wait until next year to see how he has grown and add some talent to the team with FA and the draft.

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Probably four of his seven picks were his fault. The others were tipped, but all but one was a poor throw. And there's also the fumbles.

Let's not try to absolve him of all guilt. He's going to make mistakes, sometimes boneheaded mistakes. Every quarterback does, especially a rookie (and he's a rookie, despite all the hoopla (yes, I said hoopla)). Let's just see if he learns from it.

He's also gotten bailed out on a couple of interceptions that were called back due to penalties. What makes Luck look bad is all of the hype that preceeded his entry into the NFL. He's not playing up to the hype and that is to be expected. Once he gets seasoned, and gets a supporting cast, he will be good.

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The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

If he throws the ball behind a receiver and it gets tipped into the air - how is that the receivers fault? Thats on Luck! Also he has over thrown receivers in nearly every game...

I dont care for the comparisons of stats between rookie QBs - they all had different circumstances so its really hard to get much from looking at what others did in that amount of time etc...

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I put this in another thread but it works here too, here are some of the more recent top QBs taken in their drafts numbers threw their first five games. Andrew Lucks numbers stack up just as well if not better than a good chunk of them. Make no mistake Luck has his issues that he needs to improve on but over all he's playing just fine.

Peyton Manning: 4 TDs 12 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 55% of them for 225 yards per game and one win.

Eli Manning: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 25 passes a game completing 44% of them for 126 yards per game and 0 wins.

Matthew Stafford: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 54% of them for 169 yards per game and one win.

Matt Ryan: 4 TDs 3 INTs, averaging 26 passes a game completing 54% of them for 172 yards per game and three wins.

Cam Newton: 7 TDs 6 INTs, averaging 39 passes a game completing 58% of them for 322 yards per game and one win.

Sam Bradford: 6 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 41 passes a game completing 54% of them for 232 yards per game and two wins.

Andrew Luck: 7 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 44 passes a game completing 53% of them for 298 yards per game and two wins.

Tisk Tisk. :bored: Look at those porous numbers for those Manning men early on. :bored: BUT, was the deep ball there? Now THAT is the important question.

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He's also gotten bailed out on a couple of interceptions that were called back due to penalties. What makes Luck look bad is all of the hype that preceeded his entry into the NFL. He's not playing up to the hype and that is to be expected. Once he gets seasoned, and gets a supporting cast, he will be good.

Not played up to the hype?

I disagree. He's more than played up to it, just not consistently though.

But that does not mean he is not the quarterback we thought is was. His inconsistent play is a result of new coaches, new team mates, new playbook, and a greater responsiblty to direct the offense than most rookies do. He is being asked to do things as a rookie that Q's are not asked to do until year 2 or 3. So yes inconsistent play is to be expected.

The reason the other top rookie Q's seem more consistent is maybe because they are in offenses tweaked down to compensate for a rookie qb.

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I swear some people are never happy. The kid and I emphasize kid, has played 5 professional games in his entire career. You expect him to work miracles? this franchise was gutted to the core. How much money is tied up right now in dead contracts? I understand Manning carried this team, but he is going down as one of the greatest ever. Heck look what he did Mon. Night, that's amazing stuff. If your expecting that right now....you're in for a season of hurt and disappointment. We have seen flashes of brilliance, and we will see bad games.

Look at the defenses he lost to. Rex Ryan, while he may not be a great hc, he's an awesome defensive mind. The bears defense is fantastic so far this year. I think 7 defensive tds this yr. That's an amazing feat in 5 games. The jax loss wasn't on him at all imo. That one falls on vinny and the d.

You guys want the world but your not willing realize that it takes time to get the world. He's gonna mess up, he's a rookie.

Oh wait......we lost a game. THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING.

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I just kinda feel like we're 5 games into the kids rookie season, and came out 2-3 with a very surprising win over the Packers...I don't see a problem.

We're gonna have bad games, and there is going to be plenty of blame to go around. We're a very young, inexperienced team that is going to lack consistency this year, and maybe even next year.

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I swear some people are never happy. The kid and I emphasize kid, has played 5 professional games in his entire career. You expect him to work miracles? this franchise was gutted to the core. How much money is tied up right now in dead contracts? I understand Manning carried this team, but he is going down as one of the greatest ever. Heck look what he did Mon. Night, that's amazing stuff. If your expecting that right now....you're in for a season of hurt and disappointment. We have seen flashes of brilliance, and we will see bad games.

Look at the defenses he lost to. Rex Ryan, while he may not be a great hc, he's an awesome defensive mind. The bears defense is fantastic so far this year. I think 7 defensive tds this yr. That's an amazing feat in 5 games. The jax loss wasn't on him at all imo. That one falls on vinny and the d.

You guys want the world but your not willing realize that it takes time to get the world. He's gonna mess up, he's a rookie.

Oh wait......we lost a game. THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING.

I'd argue he's ready worked two miracles getting us in field goal range in less than a minute to beat the Vikings and the packers game so even working miracles isn't good enough for some.
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Not played up to the hype?

I disagree. He's more than played up to it, just not consistently though.

But that does not mean he is not the quarterback we thought is was. His inconsistent play is a result of new coaches, new team mates, new playbook, and a greater responsiblty to direct the offense than most rookies do. He is being asked to do things as a rookie that Q's are not asked to do until year 2 or 3. So yes inconsistent play is to be expected.

The reason the other top rookie Q's seem more consistent is maybe because they are in offenses tweaked down to compensate for a rookie qb.

Um part of the hype was his consistency and he was billed as the most NFL ready QB. That's too much hype for any QB to live up to. He's playing very well in my opinion - just not up to the hype that preceded him. I disagree that a tweaked down offense would make him much better. He's been overthrowing and underthrowing receivers all season.

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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

How could it be Lucks fault ? He is a rookie QB, and he still could be playing college football if he wanted. It will never be his fault this season. He is doing just fine. What did anyone expect ? There should be no one that thinks he should win games for us. When he does that is just gravy. That is why Reggie has stepped up like a champion this season.

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Sure Luck has made mistakes. I'd speculate that every player that has been into a ballgame on every team within the NFL has made at least a few mistakes. Some more than others. Some more disastrous than others.

Luck's mistakes in no way account for the losses we've experienced, the record as it stands, or the general condition or environment of the team at this point.

Rookies, castoffs(even some good ones), free agents(even some average ones), new schemes, and lack of depth explain the current situation of the Colt's. Band aid fixes, creative use of personel, inventive strategies will be the tasks of the coaches for the balance of the season. Playing with heart, tenaciousness, and an unwillingness to give up will be the mark of the Colt's players this year.

It's what rebuilding is all about. ....and why it is painful to watch. What's to be cheered for this season is those players that make the most of the opportunity to show their abilities and those that have the heart of the lion.

We can only hope they learn fast and the development period is short. It appears at this time that the development of the new offense is further along than the change to the 3-4. In any case, it's gonna take a couple more years of drafts and free agent acquisition before this team can be a contender.

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He is pretty clutch like Peyton and Tom the way I look at it. The only interceptions he has thrown were because the wide receivers didnt catch the ball and it bounced in the air.

The troubles the offense has had is inconsistent pass protection/run game and the wide receivers not catching the ball.

The only think so far I see he needs to work on is his deep throws. He likes short passes (sometimes medium) just like Tom.

What do you think or am I wrong?

I could really see ourselves at 4-1 right now if we had resolved those problems.

No offense, but I hope Luck doesn't share your opinion, because if he does and blames everyone but himself, he won't improve.

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Luck has had his shares of mistakes and has things he needs to work on but I think he's shown on many occasions this season he can be something special. He def. does deserve a good deal of the blame for the Bears and Jets losses and he made alot of mistakes in those games. I doubt Luck would say any different himself. He'll get there.

I think alot of his accuracy issues are due to multiple factors such as....not being use to the speed of the game yet, being uncertain of what he's seeing on the field, playing behind a bad O-line, having no running game and having a sense he has to make things happen which leads him to forcing the ball into tight coverage.

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