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Front Office: Please Hire A Coach


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I can honestly agree with you on most of this. I almost agree with completely on the second paragraph about a meeting behing held on how to handle the resting the starters. I think they all agreed on how it should be done but I think it was Caldwell's call. Just as I think it was Mora's call to play them in almost the same spot vs. the Bills or Dungy's call to go for it against the Chargers. I don't think Caldwell just got called into Polian's office one day and told what to do like some make it seem liked happen.

I also agree that the way they handled the whole pulling the starters thing was a mistake. They should have at least clued the players in on what was going to happen before hand and got them on board with it. I think they did it the way they did because of what happen 05 when it was clear they had too much rest. Still the way they handled it was clearly a PR nightmare and Polian became the face of it because he's the one who had to face the music for it on his radio show the next day and he had such a bad message to the fans about it he became the face of it.

What I don't agree with you on is that Caldwell has less pull than Dungy does. I think Caldwell is the head coach and he has just as much pull as any coach does. Again if Polian was as forcefull as some fans think he is there is no way a guy like Jim Mora (who has no problem speaking his mind) would have worked for him. I agree with you Polian has an ego the size of Lucis Oil Stadium but he's also smart enough to listen to the people he hires.

I don't know if pull would be the best word, but I believe when you compare a vs. b that Polian would have more respect for Dungy's opinion than Caldwell's, mainly because a) he was a defensive coordinator for a number of years prior to his job as HC in Tampa, and he had more of a history of making decisions.

I'm not trying to say Polian is 100% my way or the highway, but I do think that he has an idea of how he wants things. Just like when they hired Dungy. It was essentially hands off the offense, you take the defense, or at least that is how it seemed to me. If Dungy had a huge ego he might not have ever accepted the position. I feel Dungy could change Polian's mind quicker than Caldwell if that makes sense, which goes back to the experience/respect factor. There is no doubt that Caldwell is a good man, and I feel he would be a close to perfect coach for an expansion team. I just don't think he was or is the right man for the job.

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Today I was really looking forward to watchin some football and parking my butt here to talk football. After several visits, it became fast apparent that most people just want to complain, and I can either join them, jump in and retort them or just do something else. I did something else. The topper was the suggestion of bringing Jamarcus Russel to Indy. :tvhammer:

Heh heh heh, Jamarcus as a Colt... rotflmao

As head coach, he had ONE winning season before he signed on with Dungy. It was at Wake Forrest.

He comes in here and inherits Dungy's team that Manning leada to the Super Bowl. He gets us beat because he is in over his head.

Next year he wins 10 ball games. About Seven of those by less than a TD. Poorest clock management I EVER saw. Granted injuries didn't help him any..

Meanwhile he looses Mudd and Moore. they obviously don't want to continue on with his outfit.

THIS is his defining year. He either makes it, or we go after Bill Cowher,

or Pete, or YDFL Commish...

So says BIGugly, so it is.

So Manning leads the team to the Super Bowl, but Caldwell is credited with the loss? That seems like a bit of a double standard. If Garcon doesn't drop the throw, we win. If Baskett catches the kick, we win. If the defense doesn't play so softly, we win. Yeah, I think Caldwell got outcoached, but to say that Manning led us there and Caldwell lost it for us is a little too much. It's a team sport, not an individual sport.

Mudd preferred smaller O-linemen who were fast; we are trying to get bigger in the trenches to improve our running and run stopping. Mudd's principles didn't agree with what the team wanted to do in the future. As for Moore, I wouldn't say it was that big of a loss. Manning knows our playbook better than anyone and he still has Christensen who has been with the team for many years. Caldwell was (I'm not sure if he still is) the Colts' QB coach, so he is offensive-minded as well. Regardless of who is coaching, Manning will be Manning and will be in charge of the offense.

Keep in mind that 2 of Caldwell's first moves were to get rid of Meeks, whose defenses were getting run over all the time unless Bob was playing, and Purnell. While our special teams haven't gotten much better with Rychleski, I don't think they have gotten worse. I prefer Coyer's defense to Meeks' defense.

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You know I dont think we need to fire Caldwell right now but I dont know if he's the coach we need in the long run. Take a look at the Patriots team back when Brady got hurt they nearly went to the playoffs with an 11-5 record with a backup QB. If this team didnt have Manning at the helm the record might include double digit losses. Perhaps it's time to change the philosophy over the next 5-6 years as Peyton reaches retirement age. I cant imagine Caldwell as a coach with the wit of Cowher,Billichick, or even Dungy.

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The Colts will not fire Caldwell this close to the start of the regular season. If things go south and Manning cannot play a full season because of injuries, the Colts will have trouble winning three games with Painter at QB. In that case Caldwell and the coaching staff will be exposed for the lighweights there are and probably be let go.

I would be curious to see Caldwell's replacement. If Chris Polian is anything like his father, he WILL NOT bring is a great coach because Bill Polian ego is such that he has to be the focal point in the organization.

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I think everyone is getting the wrong idea here. I'm not calling for the firing of Caldwell, at this point before the season. I'm just really back tracking and asking why was this guy ever hired and if Manning comes out and suffers an injury and is gone for the season, and the Colt's lose 12 games, which will happen, will they get serious about the head coaching job?

I know what you are trying to say and I agree with you. I started a similar post about close to the same thing.

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I couldn't agree more with this post!!!!!!!!

Caldwell is a pathetic coach making horrible decisions in crunch time. This is not a trait you learn with experience, it's inherent and comes with intelligence related to the game. You also have to be a quick thinker and stay in front of the game. I'm not calling him stupid, I'm just saying the split second game calling decisions seem to be too fast for him. I constantly catch him looking confused as if he he just realized what hit him after the fact. He seems cerebral enough, but he's simply not processing the live game quick enough. That being said, we made a mistake keeping him on this year but we can't make any changes now. We are stuck with him for the entire year win or lose. I do think is will be his last year in Indy because (unfortunately) the poor decisions will continue in the 2011 season. I just we gave the gonads to make the change after the end of the season to give Peyton a chance with a "pro-caliber" NFL coach to win another ring or two before his recurring neck issues end his illustrious career. He's never has an opportunity to work with a top tier coach so I'd love to see what the team would be behind a great coach. Dungy was a great man, a fantastic mentor for the young players, and possessed a fantastic ability to get his players to play hard for him. However, he wasn't a good game coach. We would at least 1 additional ring if he did manage games the way top tier coaches do in the NFL. I think he made the Colts a great team and brought us to a high level while playing with class, respect, and dignity and for this I will always like him. We just fell short of the championships do to strategic game planning and game day decisions. I realize you can't have everything so I'm happy with the past and the 1 ring we have now. It would just be nice to have more...........

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I don't know if pull would be the best word, but I believe when you compare a vs. b that Polian would have more respect for Dungy's opinion than Caldwell's, mainly because a) he was a defensive coordinator for a number of years prior to his job as HC in Tampa, and he had more of a history of making decisions.

I'm not trying to say Polian is 100% my way or the highway, but I do think that he has an idea of how he wants things. Just like when they hired Dungy. It was essentially hands off the offense, you take the defense, or at least that is how it seemed to me. If Dungy had a huge ego he might not have ever accepted the position. I feel Dungy could change Polian's mind quicker than Caldwell if that makes sense, which goes back to the experience/respect factor. There is no doubt that Caldwell is a good man, and I feel he would be a close to perfect coach for an expansion team. I just don't think he was or is the right man for the job.

Why do you just assume Polian has more respect for Dungy's opinon than Caldwell's? I think alot of people just think Caldwell is clueless because he's well boaring. He makes Tony Dungy look exciting when he talks. Some people just aren't very good at talking to the media. Caldwell might not have been a coordinator before but he has been a head coach before, granted not as successful as Dungy was but you can't tell me he didn't have to make decisions when he was at Wake Forrest. He was also the QB coach for years and I know most of think oh he's coaching Peyton Manning how hard can it be? Well history has shown us coaching a superstar can be very hard. Peyton Manning has grown leaps and bounds since he came into the NFL and he didn't just teach it to himself. Yes Manning's work ethic is a large part of the reason why but listen to Manning talk and you can tell clearly he listens to those around him. How many times did you hear him talk about how much stuff Sorgi would point out to him that he didn't see? He used to talk about Caldwell like that when he was poistion coach.

Keep in mind Caldwell was endorsed for the job by Dungy AND Manning. I don't think he would have got that kind of backing from them if he was just this clueless guy who more or less sat in the back of the classroom and did nothing all day. Dungy and Manning just aren't those kinds of guys. The Colts also went out and committed to Caldwell to keep the Falcons from hiring him a year before Dungy retired. Again, yes Polian has a huge ego but he's not stupid. He's won way too much to be stupid. He wouldn't have hired Caldwell if Caldwell as worthless as some fans make him out to be.

Do I think Caldwell is a great coach? No. I think he's a decent coach who happens to have Peyton Manning as his QB. With that said though I think Caldwell is the right coach for us now. Go back to the reasons the Colts hired him. They didn't want a big change after Dungy left. They wanted someone who was more or less going to things the same. Now yes Caldwell has changed the assistant coaches and has taken a slightly different approach to the defense but more or less he has the same system in place that Dungy used. Now I'll agree I don't thnk he'll ever be as good as Dungy was at running it. I do think Dungy was a great coach which is why I thought him leaving was a big blow. Everyone talks about these coaches they want other than Caldwell and it almost always goes back to the samething. They want someone else with more "fire" which to me is another word for passion and emotion. We have that coverd in Manning and Polian. You need someone to be the calm one in the group. Also, at this point in his career I don't know if Manning would put up with a coach like Cowher or Gruden. Manning has an ego himself and likes being in charge. Is Caldwell perfect? Far from it. You can't blame anyone but him for his use of timeouts. They are stupid there is question about it. His second half adjustments are questionable at best. Still, this team has worked very well under the Dungy system and to run it I think you need a Dungy coach and short of Lovie Smith coming on the market or talking Tony Dungy into coming back I think Caldwell is the right guy for us.

Caldwell is also judged very unfairy by the Colts fans. Anytime something goes wrong, the Super Bowl for example it's his fault. Anytime something goes right, the 14-0 start for example or winning 10 games last despite the injuries it's because we have Peyton Manning. Ignoring what goes on around them. Like him or not Caldwell is still 26-10 in his NFL coaching career and been to a Super Bowl. Coaches don't get fired in the NFL with that kind of record. Also I don't buy the well he has Peyton Manning line anyone can win with Peyton Manning. No they can't or Jim Mora would have never gotten fired in the first place.

If you listen to Dungy tell it wasn't Polian who hired him it was Jim Irsay who hired him. It was Jim Irsay who made the first phone call to Dungy and pretty much talked him out of retirement. I am not going to say Polian had nothing to do with it but I don't think Polian is responsable for everything that goes on at the Colts complex. 85% of it probably. Still I think Polian lets his coaches coach. That's what he brought them there to do.

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Would Caldwell win 3 games this season without Manning behind center? No

Will Caldwell be coaching an NFL team 2 years after Manning retires? No

Do the Colts, after this season, need to start looking for a decent coach to build a team for when Manning retires? Yes

Are you Jim Caldwell? Yes or No lol

Would any coach win 3 games this without Manning behind center? Probably not, this isn't a product of Caldwell it's a product of our teaming being built around Manning.

Will Caldwell be caoching an NFL team 2 year after Manning retires? We don't know and please don't say you do because you don't. You have an opinion that he wouldn't which is fine but it's not fact that he wouldn't.

Do the Colts after this season, need to start looking for a decent coach to build a team for when Manning retires? Not if we keep winning with Manning. The goal right now is to win WITH Manning. Frankly the Colts are starting to do what fans have been begging for them to do for years, give up some of the future to win now. Now that they are doing it Colts fans want them to build for future. Proof you can't please everyone.

Are you Jim Caldwell? Stupid question. People are aloud to like our head coach.

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Why do you just assume Polian has more respect for Dungy's opinon than Caldwell's? I think alot of people just think Caldwell is clueless because he's well boaring. He makes Tony Dungy look exciting when he talks. Some people just aren't very good at talking to the media. Caldwell might not have been a coordinator before but he has been a head coach before, granted not as successful as Dungy was but you can't tell me he didn't have to make decisions when he was at Wake Forrest. He was also the QB coach for years and I know most of think oh he's coaching Peyton Manning how hard can it be? Well history has shown us coaching a superstar can be very hard. Peyton Manning has grown leaps and bounds since he came into the NFL and he didn't just teach it to himself. Yes Manning's work ethic is a large part of the reason why but listen to Manning talk and you can tell clearly he listens to those around him. How many times did you hear him talk about how much stuff Sorgi would point out to him that he didn't see? He used to talk about Caldwell like that when he was poistion coach.

Keep in mind Caldwell was endorsed for the job by Dungy AND Manning. I don't think he would have got that kind of backing from them if he was just this clueless guy who more or less sat in the back of the classroom and did nothing all day. Dungy and Manning just aren't those kinds of guys. The Colts also went out and committed to Caldwell to keep the Falcons from hiring him a year before Dungy retired. Again, yes Polian has a huge ego but he's not stupid. He's won way too much to be stupid. He wouldn't have hired Caldwell if Caldwell as worthless as some fans make him out to be.

Do I think Caldwell is a great coach? No. I think he's a decent coach who happens to have Peyton Manning as his QB. With that said though I think Caldwell is the right coach for us now. Go back to the reasons the Colts hired him. They didn't want a big change after Dungy left. They wanted someone who was more or less going to things the same. Now yes Caldwell has changed the assistant coaches and has taken a slightly different approach to the defense but more or less he has the same system in place that Dungy used. Now I'll agree I don't thnk he'll ever be as good as Dungy was at running it. I do think Dungy was a great coach which is why I thought him leaving was a big blow. Everyone talks about these coaches they want other than Caldwell and it almost always goes back to the samething. They want someone else with more "fire" which to me is another word for passion and emotion. We have that coverd in Manning and Polian. You need someone to be the calm one in the group. Also, at this point in his career I don't know if Manning would put up with a coach like Cowher or Gruden. Manning has an ego himself and likes being in charge. Is Caldwell perfect? Far from it. You can't blame anyone but him for his use of timeouts. They are stupid there is question about it. His second half adjustments are questionable at best. Still, this team has worked very well under the Dungy system and to run it I think you need a Dungy coach and short of Lovie Smith coming on the market or talking Tony Dungy into coming back I think Caldwell is the right guy for us.

Caldwell is also judged very unfairy by the Colts fans. Anytime something goes wrong, the Super Bowl for example it's his fault. Anytime something goes right, the 14-0 start for example or winning 10 games last despite the injuries it's because we have Peyton Manning. Ignoring what goes on around them. Like him or not Caldwell is still 26-10 in his NFL coaching career and been to a Super Bowl. Coaches don't get fired in the NFL with that kind of record. Also I don't buy the well he has Peyton Manning line anyone can win with Peyton Manning. No they can't or Jim Mora would have never gotten fired in the first place.

If you listen to Dungy tell it wasn't Polian who hired him it was Jim Irsay who hired him. It was Jim Irsay who made the first phone call to Dungy and pretty much talked him out of retirement. I am not going to say Polian had nothing to do with it but I don't think Polian is responsable for everything that goes on at the Colts complex. 85% of it probably. Still I think Polian lets his coaches coach. That's what he brought them there to do.

Just saw this one.

This week there have been two instances where it looks like the shots are being called for Caldwell. A) Irsay tweeting the Collins signing during a Caldwell press conference and Polian announcing that Collins would be the starter if Manning can't go.

Both of those are examples of the President/Owner undermining the Coach. You would have thought in the very least it would have been a joint press conference to announce the signing, and Polian naming the starter shows a strong sense of chain of command.

I really don't think they would do either of those two to Dungy. Your example about Polian/Dungy & Sanders/Freeney, that's show of respect. Heck maybe Caldwell had to sell Polian on Jerry Hughes and Polian had to sell Caldwell on someone.

Hypothetical here... the NFL bans Belichick for the cheating/spygate scandal. Bob Kraft can a) promote from within b) go outside the franchise to another team. c) Lure a former Patriots assistant back to New England.

Let's say A) They hire Josh McDaniels who was still on staff in 2008 when spygate was making the news.

B) They hire away a hot shot DC like Spagnola or one of the Ryan brothers

C) They bring Crenell or Weis back to Boston.

I don't think Josh McDaniels would have had the same respect as the other guys from an Owner/GM point of view. Part of that could be that he's younger. I think the two examples in option C would have more pull or respect shown to them than A or B. They were there during the SB years. Calling the shots for their respective sides of the ball.

Polian might view Caldwell as an equal to Dungy but I think he's smarter than that.

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Just saw this one.

This week there have been two instances where it looks like the shots are being called for Caldwell. A) Irsay tweeting the Collins signing during a Caldwell press conference and Polian announcing that Collins would be the starter if Manning can't go.

Both of those are examples of the President/Owner undermining the Coach. You would have thought in the very least it would have been a joint press conference to announce the signing, and Polian naming the starter shows a strong sense of chain of command.

I really don't think they would do either of those two to Dungy. Your example about Polian/Dungy & Sanders/Freeney, that's show of respect. Heck maybe Caldwell had to sell Polian on Jerry Hughes and Polian had to sell Caldwell on someone.

Hypothetical here... the NFL bans Belichick for the cheating/spygate scandal. Bob Kraft can a) promote from within b) go outside the franchise to another team. c) Lure a former Patriots assistant back to New England.

Let's say A) They hire Josh McDaniels who was still on staff in 2008 when spygate was making the news.

B) They hire away a hot shot DC like Spagnola or one of the Ryan brothers

C) They bring Crenell or Weis back to Boston.

I don't think Josh McDaniels would have had the same respect as the other guys from an Owner/GM point of view. Part of that could be that he's younger. I think the two examples in option C would have more pull or respect shown to them than A or B. They were there during the SB years. Calling the shots for their respective sides of the ball.

Polian might view Caldwell as an equal to Dungy but I think he's smarter than that.

You know why Polian said that? Because Chap called him and ASKED him. He didn't ask Caldwell. Had he asked Caldwell there is a good chance Caldwell would have answered it. So no that's not example of Polian undermining Caldwell. It's example of Polian answering the question he was asked. What was he going to do? Lie about it? Then we would be all over him for with holding information. Polian has always answered media questions regardless of who is the coach. I would say Dungy would have probably brought it up himself in his presser had it been Dungy but for whatever reason Caldwell didn't. Maybe he figured based on Irsay's tweet and the fact he wasn't asked he didn't need too. Either way I would agree Caldwell is not the best coach in the world when it comes to media which is why I think so many people just don't like him.

As for Irsay tweeting. I really doubt he did it trying to undermine Caldwell. He did it because it's what Irsay does. It's not like this is the first time he has ever put out team info on his twitter acount. So don't try to read into it like it's some plan to undermine Caldwell.

I am not going back to the whole spygate thing that's just going to draw the Pats fans in here and drag this off topic. I have no clue who the Pats would have hired. Pats fans could probably tell you that better than I can. The Pats haven't exactly done things just like the Colts though. The Colts have always tried to tranistion things if they can. So I don't know if you can conclude if what the Colts did was right or not based on what the Pats would do.

Right now Caldwell is 26-8 as a head coach. It's pretty hard to argue with that record. I've said it before I don't think Caldwell is as good of a coach as Dungy was but I think Dungy was a Hall of Fame coach. I think Caldwell is a decent coach who does happen to have Peyton Manning. I just don't think Caldwell is pretty much Polian's pupet so he can try to run the team threw him. It just doesn't fit with what Polian has done in the past and I don't think he just magicly changed when we hired Caldwell.

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You know why Polian said that? Because Chap called him and ASKED him. He didn't ask Caldwell. Had he asked Caldwell there is a good chance Caldwell would have answered it. So no that's not example of Polian undermining Caldwell. It's example of Polian answering the question he was asked. What was he going to do? Lie about it? Then we would be all over him for with holding information. Polian has always answered media questions regardless of who is the coach. I would say Dungy would have probably brought it up himself in his presser had it been Dungy but for whatever reason Caldwell didn't. Maybe he figured based on Irsay's tweet and the fact he wasn't asked he didn't need too. Either way I would agree Caldwell is not the best coach in the world when it comes to media which is why I think so many people just don't like him.

As for Irsay tweeting. I really doubt he did it trying to undermine Caldwell. He did it because it's what Irsay does. It's not like this is the first time he has ever put out team info on his twitter acount. So don't try to read into it like it's some plan to undermine Caldwell.

I am not going back to the whole spygate thing that's just going to draw the Pats fans in here and drag this off topic. I have no clue who the Pats would have hired. Pats fans could probably tell you that better than I can. The Pats haven't exactly done things just like the Colts though. The Colts have always tried to tranistion things if they can. So I don't know if you can conclude if what the Colts did was right or not based on what the Pats would do.

Right now Caldwell is 26-8 as a head coach. It's pretty hard to argue with that record. I've said it before I don't think Caldwell is as good of a coach as Dungy was but I think Dungy was a Hall of Fame coach. I think Caldwell is a decent coach who does happen to have Peyton Manning. I just don't think Caldwell is pretty much Polian's pupet so he can try to run the team threw him. It just doesn't fit with what Polian has done in the past and I don't think he just magicly changed when we hired Caldwell.

Polian could have easily gave one of his & Caldwell's typical non-answers, or easily said we refer those decisions to our head coach, but no he answered it. How many times has Polian been that blunt with a decision of that magnitude? Rarely.

I doubt Irsay did it intentionally, but the end result is the same. It certainly didn't make ole Jim look good. I'm not saying it's plan to undermine him, I'm just saying that it did. I could care less about the Pats fans or any of that I was just using that as hypothetical with various options as a replacement. 26-8 is one thing, but again I'll give more of that credit to the players than the coaching staff. 9 of those 28 wins come from 4th quarter comebacks led by Manning and unfortunately we have seen multiple times poor decisions from the coaching staff. If I had a Maserati, i'm not putting 35.00 tires on it. We have the equvilant of a 35.00 tire coaching the team. The team and the fans deserve better. Manning's final years deserve better.

I've never said he was a puppet. I feel Dungy would be able to stand up to Polian better than Caldwell if either were told to do something a certain way. Someone said once I expect too much. Yeah. I expect more than we have received.

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Polian could have easily gave one of his & Caldwell's typical non-answers, or easily said we refer those decisions to our head coach, but no he answered it. How many times has Polian been that blunt with a decision of that magnitude? Rarely.

I doubt Irsay did it intentionally, but the end result is the same. It certainly didn't make ole Jim look good. I'm not saying it's plan to undermine him, I'm just saying that it did. I could care less about the Pats fans or any of that I was just using that as hypothetical with various options as a replacement. 26-8 is one thing, but again I'll give more of that credit to the players than the coaching staff. 9 of those 28 wins come from 4th quarter comebacks led by Manning and unfortunately we have seen multiple times poor decisions from the coaching staff. If I had a Maserati, i'm not putting 35.00 tires on it. We have the equvilant of a 35.00 tire coaching the team. The team and the fans deserve better. Manning's final years deserve better.

I've never said he was a puppet. I feel Dungy would be able to stand up to Polian better than Caldwell if either were told to do something a certain way. Someone said once I expect too much. Yeah. I expect more than we have received.

Yes how dare the genearl manager answer what's going on with the team! He's so out of line for doing so...

It's only the end result if you read Irsay's tweets that way. Every time Irsay tweets something about the team then he's doing that. I really doubt many people read a tweet from Irsay and think man he's undermining Polian and Caldwell unless you are trying to take it that way which you are.

I think Jim Caldwell does just fine as a head coach and clearly does make his own decisions both good and bad. If you disagree fine I am not going to change your mind and you aren't going to change mine.

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I think Jim Caldwell's record speaks for him. He has been a good coach and worked his way up through collage and on to the NFL. I know a lot of people think a coach has to yell a lot and be all excited on the sidelines. I do not. I think keeping yourself under control es an asset and will do more good in adverse conditions. Also the players seem to respect him. There is a staff there as well. I only wish I could do a better job. I do not always agree like when they did not go for the 16 wins but when you look at it there could of been players that needed the down time. I do think that momentum does make a difference. On any given Sunday any team can win they are all pros. If Peyton sits out some games and the Colts stay above 500 I think he will have done a good job. I have been a Colts fan since they arrived in Indiana and I remember singing God Bless our Colts. Well I hope you are wrong and he does a good job this season and people quit calling for a new coach.

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Yes how dare the genearl manager answer what's going on with the team! He's so out of line for doing so...

It's only the end result if you read Irsay's tweets that way. Every time Irsay tweets something about the team then he's doing that. I really doubt many people read a tweet from Irsay and think man he's undermining Polian and Caldwell unless you are trying to take it that way which you are.

I think Jim Caldwell does just fine as a head coach and clearly does make his own decisions both good and bad. If you disagree fine I am not going to change your mind and you aren't going to change mine.

It's not about taking anything a certain way. If he would have tweeted 30 minutes prior, or 30 minutes after the press conference, then it wouldn't be a big deal. But, right in the middle. It's not like I'm the only one to view it that way. Members of the local media have commented on it. Some have even accused Caldwell of being out of the loop.

Actually, Chris is the GM, but Bill's response goes against his historical self even though the response fits his ego. Collins might have issues with grasping the offense and even though it is hard to imagine, Painter or Orlovsky might be the best man for the job, and if so, then that's who should start. It's still the coach's position to set the depth chart, and make decisions on who's starting and Polian's comment can suggest otherwise.

I guess we differ on our opinion of just fine. People make mistakes. Irsay & Polian certainly did and I'm sure they will learn from it. Hopefully Caldwell can start to learn from his. Though his comments don't really reflect that. Again he's driving one of the fastest cars, and that certainly doesn't make him a good driver.

It we are 8-8 with Manning missing all 16 games, then give him coach of the year. The worst part of Manning missing game time outside of him actually missing game time is that it gives Caldwell a built in excuse if they are anywhere from 0-16 to 4-12.

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It's not about taking anything a certain way. If he would have tweeted 30 minutes prior, or 30 minutes after the press conference, then it wouldn't be a big deal. But, right in the middle. It's not like I'm the only one to view it that way. Members of the local media have commented on it. Some have even accused Caldwell of being out of the loop.

Actually, Chris is the GM, but Bill's response goes against his historical self even though the response fits his ego. Collins might have issues with grasping the offense and even though it is hard to imagine, Painter or Orlovsky might be the best man for the job, and if so, then that's who should start. It's still the coach's position to set the depth chart, and make decisions on who's starting and Polian's comment can suggest otherwise.

I guess we differ on our opinion of just fine. People make mistakes. Irsay & Polian certainly did and I'm sure they will learn from it. Hopefully Caldwell can start to learn from his. Though his comments don't really reflect that. Again he's driving one of the fastest cars, and that certainly doesn't make him a good driver.

It we are 8-8 with Manning missing all 16 games, then give him coach of the year. The worst part of Manning missing game time outside of him actually missing game time is that it gives Caldwell a built in excuse if they are anywhere from 0-16 to 4-12.

You know I would almost be willing to bet Jim Irsay didn't even know it was going on, and I doubt he ever knows when the coach pressers are going on. It just doesn't strike me as something Irsay keeps track of unless he has to be at one.

Yes I know Chris is the GM, I figured I was going to get nailed for that after I said it, I know Polian is the Vice Chairman but either heaven forbid the guy who is responsable for running the franchise dared to answer a question to media. I am sure he's the only GM in the history of sports to ever talk to the media.

Based on Collins history which is what Polian was going on I don't think there is much to worry about him being better than Painter or Orvlosky. If for some reason he isn't I am sure we'll be right back in the market for a QB.

Any coach coaching Peyton Manning was going to have a built in excuse if we struggled without him. It's not like this is only a Caldwell thing. Even with Collins I think we are going to struggle if Manning is out. Manning is the corner stone of our team. You just don't lose that and over come it no matter who the coach is.

I'll agree Caldwell has his faults, he's not good with the media, he's not good at second half adjustments, and his clock managment is strange at best. I do think he is very good at coaching guys up and coming up with a game plan when he has time to prepare for it. Like I said before I think he's a decent coach. He's not a great coach like we had with Dungy. I just think there is a step between great coach like Dungy and worthless bum standing on the sidelines that some make him out to be.

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You know I would almost be willing to bet Jim Irsay didn't even know it was going on, and I doubt he ever knows when the coach pressers are going on. It just doesn't strike me as something Irsay keeps track of unless he has to be at one.

Yes I know Chris is the GM, I figured I was going to get nailed for that after I said it, I know Polian is the Vice Chairman but either heaven forbid the guy who is responsable for running the franchise dared to answer a question to media. I am sure he's the only GM in the history of sports to ever talk to the media.

Based on Collins history which is what Polian was going on I don't think there is much to worry about him being better than Painter or Orvlosky. If for some reason he isn't I am sure we'll be right back in the market for a QB.

Any coach coaching Peyton Manning was going to have a built in excuse if we struggled without him. It's not like this is only a Caldwell thing. Even with Collins I think we are going to struggle if Manning is out. Manning is the corner stone of our team. You just don't lose that and over come it no matter who the coach is.

I'll agree Caldwell has his faults, he's not good with the media, he's not good at second half adjustments, and his clock managment is strange at best. I do think he is very good at coaching guys up and coming up with a game plan when he has time to prepare for it. Like I said before I think he's a decent coach. He's not a great coach like we had with Dungy. I just think there is a step between great coach like Dungy and worthless bum standing on the sidelines that some make him out to be.

I feel that Collins could go into the Packers game with a bare bones offense and move the ball better than Painter and I most certainly don't disagree with Polian saying that he is the starter if 18 isn't on the field. That's how bad Painter has been. I don't have a problem with Polian talking to the media. I find it funny that he's naming the starter. I don't believe Collins is going to be a savior or that our offense isn't going to have some issues. They will. As you said Manning is the cornerstone and the team has been built around him. If Manning goes on IR and Collins starts 16 games 4-6 wins would be an accomplishment. I could care less how Caldwell handles the media, I'd rather him not answer a question and give a 5 minute response than answering them short and quick and giving away information. That's one of his strong suits. It might not be much to hang your hat on but I think he has mastered the art of walking circles around a question without ever answering it.

My biggest complaint when he was hired was he was never a coordinator. Usually they are the ones installing the O or the D, and usually calling the shots. I know he was Asst Head Coach for a number of years and stepped in for Dungy during the time he was away after the issue with his son, but I feel there were more qualified people for the job and that we really missed out on the chance to hire some great coaches. I think he would be a great hire for a young team, or an expansion team. A team where he and and team can grow together. He would be a better hire the year after Manning retires than the last 5-7 years of his career. This on-the-job training has cost us and unless he changes his ways in some instances it's going to continue to cost us. I don't consider him a clueless bum, but I don't consider him an average coach either, and I think there are still classifications in both directions between a top of the line coach and the worthless bum moniker. But I would put him much closer to Rich Kotetite than I would Bill Parcells if it came down to it.

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I want Peyton back as some sort of coach when his playing days are over. Maybe start as a possition coach. Wide out or QB, the Off-coord, then Head couch. "Peyton Manning Head Coach of 2020 Super Bowl Champs Indianapolis Colts" ... unless he makes some movies first, then maybe 2025. haha

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It is truly incredible how our opinions rather than rational thought rule our existence. This board is a great example.

The coaching debate here has attacked Tony Dungy and now Jim Caldwell without remorse. The calls for Bill Cowher as our next coach resurface about as regularly as the full moon shows up in the sky.

Here are facts:

Tony Dungy was a head coach for 13 years in the NFL with Tampa and the Colts. His winning percentage during that time was .668. He won one conference championship and one Super Bowl.

Bill Cowher coached the Pittsburgh Steelers for 15 years. His winning percentage during that time was .571. He won two conference championships and one Super Bowl.

Jim Caldwell has coached the Colts for 2 years. His winning percentage during that time is winning percentage during that time is .750. He has won one conference championship and lost one Super Bowl.

I spent my career hiring people. Hiring success is based on hiring the "best" qualified candidate that matches the criteria that have been set by the company for the position being hired for, not the "most" qualified. This is not a semantic argument. The difference between the words "best" and "most" is significant. The Colts set the criteria they were using to hire a new head coach when they knew Tony Dungy was retiring and determined that Jim Caldwell was the best candidate to meet those criteria.

To say that Manning is the reason for a coaches success ignores many other factors that are just as important or more so. I believe that the breath and depth of talent on a roster is as important as a quarterback super star. I believe that the breadth and depth of talent on the Colts team during the Manning years has been marginal, particularly along the OL and DL. That is a function of the amount of money we have been paying Peyton and the result of our low draft position each year.

Knowing how to structure and manage the team around a unique talent like Manning and win the way we have is a tribute to our front office. Let start recognizing that and quit expecting the team to be managed by our opinion.

There, I have done my rant for the day and will save my contempt for sports writers and bloggers for another day.

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It is truly incredible how our opinions rather than rational thought rule our existence. This board is a great example.

The coaching debate here has attacked Tony Dungy and now Jim Caldwell without remorse. The calls for Bill Cowher as our next coach resurface about as regularly as the full moon shows up in the sky.

Here are facts:

Tony Dungy was a head coach for 13 years in the NFL with Tampa and the Colts. His winning percentage during that time was .668. He won one conference championship and one Super Bowl.

Bill Cowher coached the Pittsburgh Steelers for 15 years. His winning percentage during that time was .571. He won two conference championships and one Super Bowl.

Jim Caldwell has coached the Colts for 2 years. His winning percentage during that time is winning percentage during that time is .750. He has won one conference championship and lost one Super Bowl.

I spent my career hiring people. Hiring success is based on hiring the "best" qualified candidate that matches the criteria that have been set by the company for the position being hired for, not the "most" qualified. This is not a semantic argument. The difference between the words "best" and "most" is significant. The Colts set the criteria they were using to hire a new head coach when they knew Tony Dungy was retiring and determined that Jim Caldwell was the best candidate to meet those criteria.

To say that Manning is the reason for a coaches success ignores many other factors that are just as important or more so. I believe that the breath and depth of talent on a roster is as important as a quarterback super star. I believe that the breadth and depth of talent on the Colts team during the Manning years has been marginal, particularly along the OL and DL. That is a function of the amount of money we have been paying Peyton and the result of our low draft position each year.

Knowing how to structure and manage the team around a unique talent like Manning and win the way we have is a tribute to our front office. Let start recognizing that and quit expecting the team to be managed by our opinion.

There, I have done my rant for the day and will save my contempt for sports writers and bloggers for another day.

It is my opinion that head coaches in the NFL get most of the blame when a team does bad, but they also get way too much credit for when a team is doing well. There can, or should be, no argument that the reason for the Colts success is based on how well Manning does. If Manning plays good then the Colts win, if he plays bad then the Colts lose most of the time.

It is hard for me to give Caldwell much of the credit for the Colts success for the last 2 yrs.. Maybe I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. Its just hard for me to think that if the Colts would have had pretty much any other head coach, that they would not have had the same amount of success.

If Manning misses any signifigant time this yr.(hopefully not) we will get to see just how much of a head coach Caldwell really is. I want to believe that he would rise to the occasion and prove a lot of people wrong with brilliant coaching decisions and lead this team to a repectable record even without Manning. I really hope that it don't come to that though and Manning plays all yr.. As long as Caldwell does not make any more really bad clock management decisions im willing to just let the man do his job and not complain about him, but if he keeps making dumb mistakes I really hope the FO goes in a different direction.

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It is my opinion that head coaches in the NFL get most of the blame when a team does bad, but they also get way too much credit for when a team is doing well. There can, or should be, no argument that the reason for the Colts success is based on how well Manning does. If Manning plays good then the Colts win, if he plays bad then the Colts lose most of the time.

It is hard for me to give Caldwell much of the credit for the Colts success for the last 2 yrs.. Maybe I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. Its just hard for me to think that if the Colts would have had pretty much any other head coach, that they would not have had the same amount of success.

If Manning misses any signifigant time this yr.(hopefully not) we will get to see just how much of a head coach Caldwell really is. I want to believe that he would rise to the occasion and prove a lot of people wrong with brilliant coaching decisions and lead this team to a repectable record even without Manning. I really hope that it don't come to that though and Manning plays all yr.. As long as Caldwell does not make any more really bad clock management decisions im willing to just let the man do his job and not complain about him, but if he keeps making dumb mistakes I really hope the FO goes in a different direction.

While I agree with part of your statement, Manning did not coach all of the replacement players we had filling major roles last year. Caldwell and his staff did and that was a big part of making the playoffs.

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This team is garbage without Manning and I think it is showing that. I'm not saying let's hire a new coach with the season getting ready to start. I'm just wondering when the Colts organization is going to get serious and hire a coach. Does anybody not realize the only reason this team wins is because of Peyton Manning. When he is gone let's see how well Caldwell can coach.

Do you really think a "real" headcoach would do any better without Peyton Manning?

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While I agree with part of your statement, Manning did not coach all of the replacement players we had filling major roles last year. Caldwell and his staff did and that was a big part of making the playoffs.

Thats true, but you still have to give Manning the credit for making those players look better than they really are.

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Thats true, but you still have to give Manning the credit for making those players look better than they really are.

Manning was the one constantly working with Tammee and White in hopes of them attempting to replace Clark and Collie. That's a tribute to Manning/Tammee/White and even Clark & Collie for trying to help the process along with them on the sideline.

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Im not a Caldwell fan. Never have been. But I prefer a firey type coach myself. Or at least one with some type of emotional responses. But as an emotional type player, i like that. Maybe some don't. But i would like to see a coach that when the chips are down, they can ignite that fire to win!!

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Im not a Caldwell fan. Never have been. But I prefer a firey type coach myself. Or at least one with some type of emotional responses. But as an emotional type player, i like that. Maybe some don't. But i would like to see a coach that when the chips are down, they can ignite that fire to win!!

A fire doesn't do anything for anybody. Maintaining a cool, collective head, knowing what to do no matter the situation, etc., are all a part of preparation and confidence. Winning at the professional level is a job; a matter of execution. It has virtually nothing to do with yelling, jumping, spitting, clapping, etc. Obviously we don't want lethargy, but calmer heads prevail.

Ask the players if Caldwell coaches. Watch Bellichick and Reid: they stay calm. Cowher is nothing more than the beneficiary of an historically great organization.

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A fire doesn't do anything for anybody. Maintaining a cool, collective head, knowing what to do no matter the situation, etc., are all a part of preparation and confidence. Winning at the professional level is a job; a matter of execution. It has virtually nothing to do with yelling, jumping, spitting, clapping, etc. Obviously we don't want lethargy, but calmer heads prevail.

Ask the players if Caldwell coaches. Watch Bellichick and Reid: they stay calm. Cowher is nothing more than the beneficiary of an historically great organization.

Please don't compare Caldwell to Belichick or Reid.

They actually coach on Sunday. Caldwell stands their with his eyes moving left to right, but Belichick and Reid actually get involved in the team huddles on the bench and discuss scheme.

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It seems to me that the basis for hating Caldwell is that he's made a couple of questionable field decisions in prime time, and that he happens to have a kind of "la de da, I wonder when lunch is going to be served" expression on his face the vast majority of the time. But the calls were simply ultra conservative - exactly like Dungy used to make - and his countenance is wholly irrelevant. The fact is that there isn't a single one of us who is qualified to judge his worth to the franchise.

How about just assuming that Polian picked him for good reasons - perhaps even something other than the grossly exaggerated ego problems that many ascribe to him. This is Polian's team. "There can be only one". All the "big names" that people long for would demand player personnel control. The Colts don't need that, and personally I don't want that. We just need a professional manager to set the tone, lead by example, keep an even keel, make rational decisions in consultations with the other higher-ups in the organization. That is exactly what Caldwell brings with considerable success.

For those of you who want a "name" coach, I remind you that they all come with baggage, and that the grass is always greener. I see Rex Ryan on TV constantly here in the NY area. He is extremely entertaining and likeable. He is also a childish, loud, and obnoxious buffoon who talks out of his rear most of the time. Loudly guaranteeing victory every ten minutes and running a defense based on endlessly blitzing (while one standout player shuts down the passing game) does not a great head coach make. For the Colts needs, I'd take Caldwell any day of the week (and twice on Sunday).

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Please don't compare Caldwell to Belichick or Reid.

They actually coach on Sunday. Caldwell stands their with his eyes moving left to right, but Belichick and Reid actually get involved in the team huddles on the bench and discuss scheme.

This is not really a response per say, but when you mentioned Reid - or I guess, Doogan did - I had to laugh. Andy Reid, in my opinion, is very good coach. And I think most of the people on this board, who are convinced that Caldwell sucks, would take Reid in a flash over Caldwell. Ironically, if you ever have the good fortune - and it is entertaining- to listen to Philly sports radio, half of the callers are convinced they need to fire Reid. Why, because he makes -in their opinions- bad clock management decisions.

If you ask me whether or not Jim Caldwell is a good coach, the only thing I can honestly say is "I don't know". His record can not just be explained away by "he has Peyton Manning" but there are areas that he definitely needs to improve in. For the record, not showing emotion and Blinking too much on the sideline are not among them.

What we see and know of Caldwell is the tip of the iceberg. Until we can observe every team meeting, every coaches meeting, every practice, every one on one conversation he has with his athletes we really don't know how good he actually is.

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It is truly incredible how our opinions rather than rational thought rule our existence. This board is a great example.

The coaching debate here has attacked Tony Dungy and now Jim Caldwell without remorse. The calls for Bill Cowher as our next coach resurface about as regularly as the full moon shows up in the sky.

Here are facts:

Tony Dungy was a head coach for 13 years in the NFL with Tampa and the Colts. His winning percentage during that time was .668. He won one conference championship and one Super Bowl.

Bill Cowher coached the Pittsburgh Steelers for 15 years. His winning percentage during that time was .571. He won two conference championships and one Super Bowl.

Jim Caldwell has coached the Colts for 2 years. His winning percentage during that time is winning percentage during that time is .750. He has won one conference championship and lost one Super Bowl.

I spent my career hiring people. Hiring success is based on hiring the "best" qualified candidate that matches the criteria that have been set by the company for the position being hired for, not the "most" qualified. This is not a semantic argument. The difference between the words "best" and "most" is significant. The Colts set the criteria they were using to hire a new head coach when they knew Tony Dungy was retiring and determined that Jim Caldwell was the best candidate to meet those criteria.

To say that Manning is the reason for a coaches success ignores many other factors that are just as important or more so. I believe that the breath and depth of talent on a roster is as important as a quarterback super star. I believe that the breadth and depth of talent on the Colts team during the Manning years has been marginal, particularly along the OL and DL. That is a function of the amount of money we have been paying Peyton and the result of our low draft position each year.

Knowing how to structure and manage the team around a unique talent like Manning and win the way we have is a tribute to our front office. Let start recognizing that and quit expecting the team to be managed by our opinion.

There, I have done my rant for the day and will save my contempt for sports writers and bloggers for another day.

Couldnt have said it better. :td:

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This is not really a response per say, but when you mentioned Reid - or I guess, Doogan did - I had to laugh. Andy Reid, in my opinion, is very good coach. And I think most of the people on this board, who are convinced that Caldwell sucks, would take Reid in a flash over Caldwell. Ironically, if you ever have the good fortune - and it is entertaining- to listen to Philly sports radio, half of the callers are convinced they need to fire Reid. Why, because he makes -in their opinions- bad clock management decisions.

If you ask me whether or not Jim Caldwell is a good coach, the only thing I can honestly say is "I don't know". His record can not just be explained away by "he has Peyton Manning" but there are areas that he definitely needs to improve in. For the record, not showing emotion and Blinking too much on the sideline are not among them.

What we see and know of Caldwell is the tip of the iceberg. Until we can observe every team meeting, every coaches meeting, every practice, every one on one conversation he has with his athletes we really don't know how good he actually is.

I in no way shape or form would want Andy Reid as the Colts coach. I've never understood what he has done to deserve such a sterling reputation. I don't care if Caldwell jumps around, rants and raves, screams at the top of his lungs, or falls asleep on the sidelines. In my opinion, he does not make good halftime adjustments and we all know his bad clock management skills. Maybe that will come with more experience and maybe it won't.

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It seems to me that the basis for hating Caldwell is that he's made a couple of questionable field decisions in prime time, and that he happens to have a kind of "la de da, I wonder when lunch is going to be served" expression on his face the vast majority of the time. But the calls were simply ultra conservative - exactly like Dungy used to make - and his countenance is wholly irrelevant. The fact is that there isn't a single one of us who is qualified to judge his worth to the franchise.

How about just assuming that Polian picked him for good reasons - perhaps even something other than the grossly exaggerated ego problems that many ascribe to him. This is Polian's team. "There can be only one". All the "big names" that people long for would demand player personnel control. The Colts don't need that, and personally I don't want that. We just need a professional manager to set the tone, lead by example, keep an even keel, make rational decisions in consultations with the other higher-ups in the organization. That is exactly what Caldwell brings with considerable success.

For those of you who want a "name" coach, I remind you that they all come with baggage, and that the grass is always greener. I see Rex Ryan on TV constantly here in the NY area. He is extremely entertaining and likeable. He is also a childish, loud, and obnoxious buffoon who talks out of his rear most of the time. Loudly guaranteeing victory every ten minutes and running a defense based on endlessly blitzing (while one standout player shuts down the passing game) does not a great head coach make. For the Colts needs, I'd take Caldwell any day of the week (and twice on Sunday).

Too much logic here


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