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Excited about this year


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Many reasons:

-How will Luck do?

-What kind of offense will Arians run?

-How will the defense do with all of their changes?

-How will the O-line hold up?

-How will Brown do now that he is the starter?

-How will Pagano do as a head coach?

-Any improvement in special teams?

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Every single thing about the franchise is new except the city and the owner.

-- GM

-- HC

-- Staff

-- QB (#1 overall pick to boot!)

-- OC and system

-- DC and system

-- Lots and lots and lots of personnel

You're not gonna get much newer than that. And new is so..... well.... new. If a situation like this doesn't excite, well it's tough to figure out what will get you excited. Any word on how many season tix we sold yesterday and today? I mean, it's not like we had 3,000 to sell or anything.... No. Wait. That's not.... oh well....

They'll go soon enough.... did I mention everything is new!?! :heart: :luv:

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Watching Luck react to different defenses and mature as the season goes on will be interesting. I'll probably be keeping an eye on both he and Griffin and comparing them week to week, just as I'm sure the scouts will, just to see who is better this year lol. Not very many weapons but a brilliant mind vs having a lot of weapons and a pretty darn good arm. The season just can't get here fast enough.

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i was until i read the bleacher report predictions. that killed my hopes :(. saying the colts are only gonna win 3 games i think it was. i was like wth. i mean 5 or 6 would be fine, but dang 3? really?

Shouldn't a bad prediction from the likes of Bleacher Report actually be a good thing? Seems to me they're right only in the way a broken clock a right twice a day and a blind squirrel occasionally finds a stray nut.

If they say we're going to do pretty bad, that should mean we're going do pretty well..!!

With apologies to the female members of our little community, the only thing BR is good for is when they come out with their silly lists over who the Hottest Wives and Girlfriends of athletes happen to be. :heart:

Otherwise.... :yuk::no::wall:

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i was until i read the bleacher report predictions. that killed my hopes :(. saying the colts are only gonna win 3 games i think it was. i was like wth. i mean 5 or 6 would be fine, but dang 3? really?

They can predict all they want, it doesnt mean squat! I remember last year about this time of year hearing how the 49ers hadnt done anything in the draft or free agency. They were a team going nowhere fast and it would take them 3 years with a new coach (Harbaugh) to weed out the players he didnt want. Wrong! Dang close to going to the Super Bowl. You just never know.
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I`m excited we have an owner that has tasted victory and knows what it takes to get there and isnt afraid to make the tough decisions to get there. The excitement starts there for me. Hopefully 2-3 years down the road the Colts will compete to be World Champs again and contenders every year. Thats a bright future to get excited about!

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I'm excited because we have what may well turn out to be a better QB than Peyton Manning (a quarterback who by all rights should've had two more Super Bowl appearances).

I'm excited because we have a Head Coach that appears to be a Man's Man and a Player's Coach. Pretty straight forward, down to Earth and not given to loquacious hype (in those respects, very much a Dungy style coach).

I'm excited about the transition to 3/4. I had no problems with the Tampa 2- Cover 2 - 4/3. But we staffed it inadequately and ended up executing it something awful. Now we get a complete change in OS and reboot. That's always exciting.

I'm excited that we appear to have a GM that is a down to Earth grinder.

I'm excited that we have an Oline that is better than the one we had last year.

I'm excited that we have a Dline that is better than the ones we've had in a long time.

I'm excited that we FINALLY have some big DTs.

I'm excited to see Free & Mathis taken out of their pigeon holes and let loose.

I'm excited to see if Avery can indeed stretch the field.

I'm excited to see if these two rookie tight ends can create nightmares for opposing D coordinators.

I'm just plain excited.


I'm concerned about Bruce Arians. I've never been impressed with him or anything the Pittsburg Steelers did on offense. But he's got a QB that's a right bit better than the rapist he had before so maybe that'll make a World of difference. Time will tell.

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I am excited for the regular season.

As horrible as it sounds, the last 10years were pretty boring to me. I knew the outcome would be Colts in the playoffs, and the regular season was merely a formality. But now anything can happen on any given Sunday thru the first 16 games. We can have upsets and blow outs and the opportunity to watch players grow. Something we haven't seen in years. That's why I am excited.

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I am excited for the regular season.

As horrible as it sounds, the last 10years were pretty boring to me. I knew the outcome would be Colts in the playoffs, and the regular season was merely a formality. But now anything can happen on any given Sunday thru the first 16 games. We can have upsets and blow outs and the opportunity to watch players grow. Something we haven't seen in years. That's why I am excited.

i understand where you are coming from, the defense was what really got me going, because the offiense, while efficient was predictable. now with the hybrid d, and all "new" offense, you are right, anything can happen

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I am excited for the regular season.

As horrible as it sounds, the last 10years were pretty boring to me. I knew the outcome would be Colts in the playoffs, and the regular season was merely a formality. But now anything can happen on any given Sunday thru the first 16 games. We can have upsets and blow outs and the opportunity to watch players grow. Something we haven't seen in years. That's why I am excited.

wow....I'm the total opposite of that...

I did not know the Colts would make the playoffs every year and I knew I was watching someone (like a Michael Jordan) who I would never see again in Peyton Manning.

I videotaped every game the last 3 years because I was fairly sure the dark years (like last year) were coming eventually (like the post-Jordan years in Chicago).. I was never bored with the Colts of the last 12 years winning...

I rememeber what it was like before Peyton...

I hope Andrew Luck is our Aaron Rodgers following our Brett Farve....but I am worried that he will might be our Elton Brand or Eddie Curry following our Jordan...I wish I was sure....he's more like Rodgers.

We were 2-14 last year and it cant get much worse than that...

As bad as this must sound, I'm more afraid for Andrew Luck right now than I am excited about him.

He cannot avoid being the 'next Peyton Manning' AND the man who replaced 'Peyton Manning in Indianapolis'.

2 different things..equally heavy loads to bear....

That's what Luck is..no matter what anyone says...and he has to embrace that..He has no choice now...

I can take another 2-14 but I wouldnt wish that on Andrew,'

I want him to be as good as everbody says he is for his sake..

....because the alternative would be very, very unpleasant...on a national stage and nobody deserves that.

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Even if we only win 3-5 games, as long as there is improvement late in the season in all facets of the team (including special teams coverage!) sometimes it takes one year of trial and error to get it right.


New England 1993 new coach,rookie qb 4-12 1994 10-6? playoffs

Dallas 1989 new coach, new qb 1-15 1990 7-9

Philadelphia 1999 new coach, rookie qb 5-11 2000 10-6 or 11-5 playoffs

COLTS 1998 new coach, rookie qb 3-13, 1999 13-3 playoffs

but, recently quick turnarounds with first time coach/qb combos are happening!

Atlanta 2008

Baltimore 2008

NY Jets 2009

now, none of those teams made the superbowl but, a couple came very close. If the Colts make the playoffs awesome, If it takes another year then we'll need a little patience in the not for long league.

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