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Best Qb In The Nfl - Not Brady, Rodgers Or Manning But Joe Flacco (Merge)


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According to.. um, nobody but him.


Yep. Joe Flacco thinks he's the best quarterback in football. Anybody want to let the poor guy down easily?

Well, why isn't it he? He's got the greatest QB coach known to mankind that will be working with him. The man that put the M and P in the MVP since he made Manning, Peyton all he was.

Joe Flacco, MVP/GOAT learn to live with it. :)

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Whats his wonderlic score?

That would be the length of his moustache in inches. :)

If no new contract extension is offered, perhaps Flacco can grow a mountain man beard & join the rock band ZZ Top I suppose. In December, he could pretend to be Santa Claus at a local Baltimore mall too.

Flacco has won Playoff games, but he is smoking something illegal & green if he seriously thinks that he is worthy of top 5 QB money. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks Dan.

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If no new contract extension is offered, perhaps Flacco can grow a mountain man beard & join the rock band ZZ Top I suppose. In December, he could pretend to be Santa Claus at a local Baltimore mall too.

Flacco has won Playoff games, but he is smoking something illegal & green if he seriously thinks that he is worthy of top 5 QB money. I needed a good laugh today. Thanks Dan.

Take out Ray Lewis. Suggs, Reed....Ngata! He is not going to say a freaking word!!!!!!!! SW, I was Santa, and I approve this message....Rudolph bites!
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Oh no, Jim Caldwell as QB coach is already showing results!!! :) :)

I shouldn't laugh at this....but I can't help it

Last year, when Eli said he was elite (key word is elite, he never said he was the best), at least he had a Super Bowl ring. Flacco has had plenty of trouble trying to beat the Steelers (though he seemed to have gotten over that last year). And in all fairness, the playoff loss wasn't his fault. Regardless, there are probably 10-12 QBs I would rather have then Flacco

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His confidence is great but I always thought looking at a situation realistically helps one to improve to be the best they can be not making statements to boost ones confidence, at least the statements that are easily dismissed but as I said its a confidence factor thats why he believes it, more power to him I say.....I wonder when he will show that ability though to be the best?

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""I assume everybody thinks they're a top-five quarterback," Flacco said when asked where he thinks he ranks among NFL quarterbacks. "I mean, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way. I mean, c'mon? That's not really too tough of a question."

I don't understand how people misinterpret this. Of course he's going to says he's the best, he's a competitor. Do you think you just going to tell people he sucks? Plus he even says he's not top 5.

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""I assume everybody thinks they're a top-five quarterback," Flacco said when asked where he thinks he ranks among NFL quarterbacks. "I mean, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way. I mean, c'mon? That's not really too tough of a question."

I don't understand how people misinterpret this. Of course he's going to says he's the best, he's a competitor. Do you think you just going to tell people he sucks? Plus he even says he's not top 5.

You don't understand how people think he's saying he thinks he's the best? I think it's the bit where he says "I think I'm the best"

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Please tell me what else he is supposed to say on a baltimore radio interview? I'm mediocre at best?

He acknowledges that he's not top 5 worthy and explains what he means by when people say they are the best.

There's such thing as being confident in your own abilities without letting your ego run wild and looking like an arrogant fool. "Of course I think I'm good enough to win a Super Bowl, and I'm perfectly confident I can do it with Ravens" is very different from "I think I'm the best."

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I've already seen this article on several NFL websites.

This is just a pet peeve of mine. When people assume that they understand what a person is trying to convey especially through a written article where the title is "Joe Flacco: 'I think I'm the best' QB". Tone and how you say it is everything. All in all, this is not football related, but just a pet peeve.

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I didn't see Eli pulling a shoe out of his mouth after being asked the same question 8/16/11 then going on to win the SB.. I also didn't see any of those that laughed at him August 2011 when Eli showed confidence in his statement that he is an elite qb, however his response was quite humble along with the confidence. I think that's the difference with Flacco's response, less humility and more ego... it's going to make people react strongly

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Please tell me what else he is supposed to say on a baltimore radio interview? I'm mediocre at best?

He acknowledges that he's not top 5 worthy and explains what he means by when people say they are the best.

He says he's not top 5, then he says he's the top 1. Pretty clear to me, he's almost half right.
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Think he's just looking for some Eli mojo.

I thought the same last night. Baltimore is now going to the Super Bowl guys. I guess we can deal with it.

Hey they came REALLY close this season. I personally thought they were due this past year.......they have been knocking on the door for a while. They nearly busted down the door last year for Gods sakes.

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Technically he's the 8th best qb in the league, but I like the confidence.

Sounds about right. Honestly, I have been kind of a Flacco apologist at times recently. I think people can be way too hard on him.

When it came down to the final 4 in the playoffs, I suprisingly found myself rooting for Baltimore to win it all. They had the most balanced team of the 4 left too and I kinda wanted to see Ed Reed/Ray Lewis collect some glory. The Ravens had an offense and defense both ranked in the top 25 of the league. SF fell just outside the top 25 on offense and the Giants/Pats outside the top 25 on defense.

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""I assume everybody thinks they're a top-five quarterback," Flacco said when asked where he thinks he ranks among NFL quarterbacks. "I mean, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way. I mean, c'mon? That's not really too tough of a question."

I don't understand how people misinterpret this. Of course he's going to says he's the best, he's a competitor. Do you think you just going to tell people he sucks? Plus he even says he's not top 5.

Of course you want him to have confidence. But if I was in his shoes and someone asked me this, I wouldn't go out of my way to say I'm the best. I'd say something like "to be mentioned with QBs like Brees, Manning, Brady, and Rodgers is a great honour as those guys have all accomplished great things. I'm confident in my abilities, but still think there is room for me to improve and be a better QB to help lead my team to a championship"

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You go Joe Flacco! Don't let anyone stop your dreams of being the greatest QB. Your working your way into the top with your 80.9 QB rating last year! You are truly a top 15-20 QB in my book Joe and don't let anyone stop your dreams of being the best!!

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