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Most Painful Week Colts History


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True, yet some fans made the move wih the team so I don't know if all would agree with that.

Hmm... When the Colts bolted out the door from Baltimore, It was the city that got cut in favor of a new one, the team remained. This time round, the city hasn't been cut, just the team. :/

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Pat is a punter (and yes I know he kicked in college) if you have him kick, punt, and do kickoffs you'll kill his leg real quick. Also even if you did that then you still have to go get a new a holder so that will probably go into that money. Cutting Adam doesn't make a lot of sense. He's not going to kill you with the cap this year or in years to come. There just isn't enough money there to make it worth while.

Also there is still the question of if we were going to relase him why not do it tonight when we cut everyone else? That doesn't make a lot of sense just to hang on to him to cut him down the road.

But he might be ambidextrous... :)

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Wow, I couldn't believe all the cuts today. What a crummy end to a crummy week.

I have to be honest - the Colts have been my second favorite team but that may have just come to an end. It's too much work to get to know a virtually completely new team and be patient to see them succeed. If it were my primary team, I'd be there, but I don't think it's worth the emotional effort for me.

At this point, I'm just seriously hoping Peyton doesn't land in the AFC west.

And, just a nougat for thought, as the owners of one of the two previously worst QBs ever drafted, (Ryan Leaf anyone?) Don't put too much stress on the whole "Suck for Luck" concept - it's about 50/50 on top picks working out. Suck for Luck could easily end up Suck with Luck...

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Wow, I couldn't believe all the cuts today. What a crummy end to a crummy week.

I have to be honest - the Colts have been my second favorite team but that may have just come to an end. It's too much work to get to know a virtually completely new team and be patient to see them succeed. If it were my primary team, I'd be there, but I don't think it's worth the emotional effort for me.

At this point, I'm just seriously hoping Peyton doesn't land in the AFC west.

And, just a nougat for thought, as the owners of one of the two previously worst QBs ever drafted, (Ryan Leaf anyone?) Don't put too much stress on the whole "Suck for Luck" concept - it's about 50/50 on top picks working out. Suck for Luck could easily end up Suck with Luck...

Man I hope your wrong! Hi everyone Im Jim and this is my first post . Ive been a Colts fan sence the early seventys when I got my first pro athletes autograph (Unitas) not long after that my dad moved our family back to Ia. where I still live today. Ive kept that autographed pic. and my loyalty to the Colts for over thirty years now. What disturbs me most about what has happened in the last week is a total lack of loyalty to these athletes that have brought you the glory of the last several years . Did we suck last year ?? without a doubt we did but we have an offence that has for several years now been groomed around a very specific scheme of play which included tons of things that kept defences guessing , we were a thinking mans team not a physical team . Then our brain gets knocked out for the season and everythings crap and we need to trash it all and start over?? Really ?? With that mentality then New England should have dumped Brady when his knee blew up! Sorry if Im ranting it just sucks to watch such a great team being dismantled this way ! Hopefully Luck will be the next Manning and not the next Leaf but only time will tell.
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I guess Patriots and Indy's situations arent the same

Patriots didnt have the first overall pick in the draft plus the chance do daft prospect QB as Colts have

But I unerstand your point and I kinda agree with you about the loyalty thing

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Sorry, weeks 1-14 last season were way worse than this. And nothing will ever supplant the disgrace that was Week 16 2009. Worst sporting act and definition of sporting cowardice in the history of the game.

Really, we go 2-14, we clean out our overpaid and under performing duds and we all moan that the world is ending? I just dont get it.

The Polian Years are over. Time to move on and look forward to what is to come. For me anyway.

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For me, Peyton being released was much tougher than Unitas being traded. I remember well, wishing Johnny U. would retire. He was a long way down the other side of the hill. Robert Irsay was reamed for making the tough calls re: an aging Colts team even though they were only a couple of years beyond a SB win. That house cleaning resulted in relatively short order, the Bert Jones teams that provided a great deal of excitement for Colts fans.

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She never said she would not be a Colts fan. Personally, I am also going to cheer for Peyton's new team (please don't make me cheer for the Jets), but Colts will be my number 1.

Well she said new team...

No mather what I will never root for a new team.. only for Manning.

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Exactly - I wished for a win every game until the end. It is a slap in the face for the current team that was playing to have to have heard "suck for luck" ...and 90% of that same people now don't have jobs.

I am sure they will be ok, I know its tough only getting half of you 30 million dollar contract. Sheesh we should all be so unlucky lol.

I wasnt on board with the Suck for Luck thing either, however I am fine with every decison they have made. We are in for another tough year next year, but with that will bring another high draft pick and a boat load of cap room in 2013.

This team is in a position to become a SB contender quicker than it was if they tried to keep and pay all the aging veterans. Those guys were too old, too injured, and just weren't performing to the level of their contract.

I truly don't think some fans understand how fortunate we are to be in this position. Most NFL teams don't have two franchise QBs in their entire history, we could get two back to back. 90% of the teams in the NFL would trade spots with us in a second. To have just had 13-14 years of some of the most successful football in NFL history to being able to pick as close as you are going to find a cant miss prospect. Sure he could be a bust, but most of those busts everyone throws out there never were compared to Peyton/Elway and most all of them had some question marks, Luck seems to have none.

While it is sad that one chapter in the Colts history is over, its exciting to turn the page and start something new. Here is hoping the next 14 years are as good as the last.

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True, yet some fans made the move wih the team so I don't know if all would agree with that.

I remember that day very well - I had just finished my Junior year in college and vowed to never watch another Colts game again! (Not like crying when they traded Unitas, but close!) Called 'em traitors and cowards and many other "colorful" terms. But the "horseshoe" kept calling me back and I grew to like Bert Jones and then, of course, Jim Harbaugh, and before I knew it, I was cheering for and wearing Colts blue again.

As the old saying goes, "this too shall pass." But man, I agree - it's been a very tough week. And now with Clark and Freeney gone (or going)...I'm just hoping to get through the weekend without any more upsetting surprises. And, I'm praying that Peyton finds a football home somewhere out west...I despise the Fish!

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But if you recall, after the Colts cleaned house in Baltimore, they were an insignificant middle of the road ball club until the arrival of Mr. Manning. Some times you can throw out the baby with the bath water!

I recall, all right. I recall the Colts going from 2-12 in 1974 to 10-4 and winning the Div. in '75, '76, and '77. Unfortunately, they banged up against the Steelers and Raiders in the playoffs those years. I wouldn't consider those Colts teams, "insignificant."

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I recall, all right. I recall the Colts going from 2-12 in 1974 to 10-4 and winning the Div. in '75, '76, and '77. Unfortunately, they banged up against the Steelers and Raiders in the playoffs those years. I wouldn't consider those Colts teams, "insignificant."

Loved those years! I was the only Colt fan (it seemed like) in my town, and all of my friends were suddenly jumping on the Steelers bandwagon. I hated them then, I hate them now - Steelers that is - my friends...eh, not so much.

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Loved those years! I was the only Colt fan (it seemed like) in my town, and all of my friends were suddenly jumping on the Steelers bandwagon. I hated them then, I hate them now - Steelers that is - my friends...eh, not so much.


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I remember that day very well - I had just finished my Junior year in college and vowed to never watch another Colts game again! (Not like crying when they traded Unitas, but close!) Called 'em traitors and cowards and many other "colorful" terms. But the "horseshoe" kept calling me back and I grew to like Bert Jones and then, of course, Jim Harbaugh, and before I knew it, I was cheering for and wearing Colts blue again.

As the old saying goes, "this too shall pass." But man, I agree - it's been a very tough week. And now with Clark and Freeney gone (or going)...I'm just hoping to get through the weekend without any more upsetting surprises. And, I'm praying that Peyton finds a football home somewhere out west...I despise the Fish!

Provided we don't cut Jerry Hughes, I'll be ok.....

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I recall, all right. I recall the Colts going from 2-12 in 1974 to 10-4 and winning the Div. in '75, '76, and '77. Unfortunately, they banged up against the Steelers and Raiders in the playoffs those years. I wouldn't consider those Colts teams, "insignificant."

During then decade after trading Unitas, the Colts went 63-100-1' , won nothing beyond afc east champ, which no one hangs banners for! Your recollection of that time is different than mine

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During then decade after trading Unitas, the Colts went 63-100-1' , won nothing beyond afc east champ, which no one hangs banners for! Your recollection of that time is different than mine

Recollection isn't much different. However, the definition of "insignificant" most certainly is!...By the way, look inside Lucas Oil and I'll bet you'll see many Divisional banners.

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I think this has been the most painful week in Colts fans history. I am sure there is an old timer out there who will tell me about a week that was just as painful but I just don't buy that. I don't think when Johnny U was traded the team turned around and cut more fan favroites the same week.

It's a painful week and probably leading to some painful years. Yet I still stand by my team I am in for the long haul. I think in the end these are going to prove to be the right moves no matter how much they hurt. With that said I understand 100% this hurts and I mean really hurts. I don't know what to say other than I am sorry and I really do mean that. I know this is painful. Stand by your team though, it will be worth it in the end. No team can have this much bad luck forever.

Again I go back to when the Colts traded Harbaugh and I want to say I understand in no shape or form was Jim Harbaugh remotely close to being the player Manning was. Still Harbaugh was my all-time favorite Colt. I remember being upset the day the Colts traded him just like so many have been so upset this week. Still I was willing to give that Manning guy a chance and it paid off. I think the samething will happen here if we stay patient and understand it wont happen over night.

The only move the Indianapolis Colts ever made before this that even came close to infuriating me like this was the Faulk/James deal, and that turned out pretty well. So I've learned not to pass judgement on the outcome. The outcome aside, it hurt like a mouth full of bees to see Manning get cut.

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During then decade after trading Unitas, the Colts went 63-100-1' , won nothing beyond afc east champ, which no one hangs banners for! Your recollection of that time is different than mine

What nonsense. Did you just google this to try and back up your point? I HIGHLY doubt that you were actually a Colts fan at the time, and as a kid who lived and died with them I find this offensive. In 75 the Colts went on a 9 game winning streak to close out the season and make the playoffs. The team went from been a joke to being one of the best in football over the course of a month, and Bert Jones became a national icon. They couldn't get past the Steelers defense in the playoffs twice, but who could? That D was arguable the best of all time. They also lost one of the most exiting playoff games in history in OT to the Raiders. But during all three regular seasons they were regarded as one of the most exiting offenses in football, and were lauded for this almost like the Rams teams of a few years ago (relative to the reduced offense of the 70s). In the playoffs vs the Steelers, the national story was "the irresistable force versus the immovable object". The Steelers weren't the Steelers yet - the story was still being written - but everyone knew that the Colts offense was something special. In 76 Jones won the MVP award. He was Elway before Elway came along, and some say that he was on track to be one of the best QBs of all time - until he hurt his shoulder. By the way, that was ANOTHER devastating week in Colts history. Bradshaw is a hall of famer because of the Steel Curtain. He had nothing on Bert Jones. A Colts fan from the time is ready to make this argument in a nano-second, while smiling about Lydell Mitchel, Roger Carr, The sack pack, and others. They then get sick to their stomach at the thoughts of what might have been. They don't dismiss the entire decade as being too trivial to recall. If you don't "recall" the mid-70s as being FAR better than ANYTHING that happened to the Colts right up until 1999, then you either weren't there, or there is something wrong with your memory. Give me a break.

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What nonsense. Give me a break.

I'll bet you have T-Ball trophies adorning your mantle, another celebration of mediocrity and nothing accomplished. Hanging banners of AFC east championships is not proof of anything significant. If an 11 year record of 63-100-1 is pleasing to you, so be it. My point was that after they cleaned house in Baltimore for the 73 season, we were mediocre at best, and the record proves that. It was not until Manning arrived that we won with any consistency. Keep those rose colored glasses though, they look great with bell bottoms!

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I'll bet you have T-Ball trophies adorning your mantle, another celebration of mediocrity and nothing accomplished. Hanging banners of AFC east championships is not proof of anything significant. If an 11 year record of 63-100-1 is pleasing to you, so be it. My point was that after they cleaned house in Baltimore for the 73 season, we were mediocre at best, and the record proves that. It was not until Manning arrived that we won with any consistency. Keep those rose colored glasses though, they look great with bell bottoms!

Congratulations! You've moved from simply placing your foot in your mouth, to placing your foot and it's receptacle deeply into the south end of your alimentary canal.

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Well I think we can say that the Colts have finally made moves in the offseason!

I am sure they will be ok, I know its tough only getting half of you 30 million dollar contract. Sheesh we should all be so unlucky lol.

I wasnt on board with the Suck for Luck thing either, however I am fine with every decison they have made. We are in for another tough year next year, but with that will bring another high draft pick and a boat load of cap room in 2013.

This team is in a position to become a SB contender quicker than it was if they tried to keep and pay all the aging veterans. Those guys were too old, too injured, and just weren't performing to the level of their contract.

I truly don't think some fans understand how fortunate we are to be in this position. Most NFL teams don't have two franchise QBs in their entire history, we could get two back to back. 90% of the teams in the NFL would trade spots with us in a second. To have just had 13-14 years of some of the most successful football in NFL history to being able to pick as close as you are going to find a cant miss prospect. Sure he could be a bust, but most of those busts everyone throws out there never were compared to Peyton/Elway and most all of them had some question marks, Luck seems to have none.

While it is sad that one chapter in the Colts history is over, its exciting to turn the page and start something new. Here is hoping the next 14 years are as good as the last.

I agree and you know what we really don't have a choice, what is done is done. My sentiment were only to those fans chanting "suck for luck" because the notion in itself is embarassing.

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Recollection isn't much different. However, the definition of "insignificant" most certainly is!...By the way, look inside Lucas Oil and I'll bet you'll see many Divisional banners.

No, except the Colts....it's embarrassing! It's like keeping your kids C graded artwork on the refrigerator.

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I'll bet you have T-Ball trophies adorning your mantle, another celebration of mediocrity and nothing accomplished. Hanging banners of AFC east championships is not proof of anything significant. If an 11 year record of 63-100-1 is pleasing to you, so be it. My point was that after they cleaned house in Baltimore for the 73 season, we were mediocre at best, and the record proves that. It was not until Manning arrived that we won with any consistency. Keep those rose colored glasses though, they look great with bell bottoms!

OK my juvenile friend, it seems that I like beating my head against the wall, so lets take this one step further.

Both Manning (#1 overall) and Jones (#2 overall) hit the NFL at age 22 with much fanfare and high expectations. So what happened during their first five seasons, at which point they were both 26?

Jones 33-22 record (.600 winning percentage), three division titles, 0-3 in the playoffs, oh, and an MVP award.

Manning 42-38 record (.530 winning percentage), one division title, 0-3 in the playoffs (would have been 0-1 if not for the wildcard).

Jones may have been one of my boyhood idols, but I love Manning. He is the best football player that I have ever seen. But he didn't turn the corner and begin to earn the respect that he has now until the SIXTH year of his career. Bert never got that chance - his career essentially ended before his sixth year, precipitating the downward spiral that directly resulted in the Colts moving to Indianapolis. Through age 26 however, he was considerably more successful (and more highly regarded) than Manning. Manning had the high passing numbers. Jones was one of those bulldogs who just found a way to win - and he was an incredible athlete. His arm was stronger than Peytons, and he ran the ball with abandon. He was Jim Harbaugh with several times the skill level.

The point is, there was plenty of "consistent winning" for the Colts in the mid 70s, and not quite as much winning as you are pretending to remember in Manning's early years. Your original statement remains categorically false, and your expression of it quite obnoxious. Once again, I'm pretty sure that you weren't there.

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The only move the Indianapolis Colts ever made before this that even came close to infuriating me like this was the Faulk/James deal, and that turned out pretty well. So I've learned not to pass judgement on the outcome. The outcome aside, it hurt like a mouth full of bees to see Manning get cut.

and the salt in the wound was the presser with manning giving up his heart for us Colts fans. turned me to jelly. hardest thing I've had to watch in professional sports.

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What nonsense. Did you just google this to try and back up your point? I HIGHLY doubt that you were actually a Colts fan at the time, and as a kid who lived and died with them I find this offensive. In 75 the Colts went on a 9 game winning streak to close out the season and make the playoffs. The team went from been a joke to being one of the best in football over the course of a month, and Bert Jones became a national icon. They couldn't get past the Steelers defense in the playoffs twice, but who could? That D was arguable the best of all time. They also lost one of the most exiting playoff games in history in OT to the Raiders. But during all three regular seasons they were regarded as one of the most exiting offenses in football, and were lauded for this almost like the Rams teams of a few years ago (relative to the reduced offense of the 70s). In the playoffs vs the Steelers, the national story was "the irresistable force versus the immovable object". The Steelers weren't the Steelers yet - the story was still being written - but everyone knew that the Colts offense was something special. In 76 Jones won the MVP award. He was Elway before Elway came along, and some say that he was on track to be one of the best QBs of all time - until he hurt his shoulder. By the way, that was ANOTHER devastating week in Colts history. Bradshaw is a hall of famer because of the Steel Curtain. He had nothing on Bert Jones. A Colts fan from the time is ready to make this argument in a nano-second, while smiling about Lydell Mitchel, Roger Carr, The sack pack, and others. They then get sick to their stomach at the thoughts of what might have been. They don't dismiss the entire decade as being too trivial to recall. If you don't "recall" the mid-70s as being FAR better than ANYTHING that happened to the Colts right up until 1999, then you either weren't there, or there is something wrong with your memory. Give me a break.

Right on, brotha!

Bert Jones was a GREAT QB, infinately better than Bradshaw. It is so sad that injury prevented the HOF accolades he was destined for and deserved!

Regardless, to me the pain of the move from Baltimore totally dwarfs what's going on now. That does not diminish, however, how tough this week has been.

I am dubious about the Colts immediate future now, but as a Colts fan, I am going to be optimistic that Grigson knows what he is doing and that Luck will indeed be the next great QB. I mean, looking at the scouting reports and his athleticism, he really IS a better prospect than Manning was. Now let's hope and pray that potential translates into on the field performance.

Go Colts!

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I am freaking bleeding here. #18 is gone, now #44?!?!?! What the heck? At the very least, Peyton Manning is spending the night in Denver, which is all of 50 miles south of where I am at.

Indy, what are you doing?!?!?! You're breaking my heart!

I'm with ya.

My two favorite Colts players, gone. Just like that.

I'll always be a Colts fan, but this really sucks right now.

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This week hurt a lot... I am tired of reading posts from the "true fans", to get over it and move on, that we are better off. I was a fan back in the days when 3-13 was the norm... I am still a die-hard Colts fan and will bleed blue forever. What I think what so many of the "true fans" are mistaking is the love of the team. This hurts so much for myself and guessing others, because the Colts were Manning, Clark, Addai, Reggie, Freeney, and all of the other guys making up the roster. They were the Colts to me, they were "family" if you will. Will they be replaced, eventually, but never forgotten. So many great years and memories happened because of these guys, so it doesn't make me or anyone else any less of a "fan" because it hurts to see them go.

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Nothing wrong with that. I am not sure how many of his games I can watch but I want him to do well whereever he goes. I'll view much the same as I do Eli. I pull for the Giants because I like Eli and when they aren't playing the Colts they are my favorite team.

Same here..... We have turned one room in our house into a "Colts Den" and over the past few years Eli has claimed one of the walls. Do to games being blocked out this year, aside from the games we went to, I watched more Giants games than Colts this past year.
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True, but with that said, the future is bright. We are freeing up tons of cap space and will be fielding a much younger team

Has someone posted the estimated cap money we will actually free up in 2012. I don't think it is as much as people think because of accelerated bonuses hitting our cap as dead money. We might see alot in 2013, but I saw an analysis a couple of months ago that said we didn't free up much by cutting Clark, Brackett and Addai for 2012.

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Well she said new team...

No mather what I will never root for a new team.. only for Manning.

She, meaning me, did say that. I have never hidden the fact I was a Manning fan first (starting at UT and then followed him to the Colts) I then became a fan of the Colts, the team, the organization, etc.... Never said I wouldn't remain a Colts fan, but did state I'll have a new team, I don't think I'm alone, here.
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Has someone posted the estimated cap money we will actually free up in 2012. I don't think it is as much as people think because of accelerated bonuses hitting our cap as dead money. We might see alot in 2013, but I saw an analysis a couple of months ago that said we didn't free up much by cutting Clark, Brackett and Addai for 2012.

Read the thread entitled The Cap. It is pinned to the top of the menu.

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She, meaning me, did say that. I have never hidden the fact I was a Manning fan first (starting at UT and then followed him to the Colts) I then became a fan of the Colts, the team, the organization, etc.... Never said I wouldn't remain a Colts fan, but did state I'll have a new team, I don't think I'm alone, here.

Which is why I simply cringed to think of Peyton going to the Jets. Thankfully that likely will not happen. I can get behind Denver, Arizona or Miami, no problem.

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Wouldn't some of you laugh if Freeney, Addai, Wayne, and Clark all follow Peyton to the Dolphins or Cardinals and then they win the Super Bowl for the next three years??? :neener:

I dont see one team signing all of those players, but that would be pretty cool to see - Manning going back to back to back SBs and retiring - he would be the GOAT for certain. Course Indy would run Irsay and the Colts out of town ...

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.All the favorite players gone....My collection of jerseys to wear on gameday are no longer going to be wearable.

They're perfectly wearable, they go on the same way they did last year. Only now people will think you're being ironic instead of supportive. The good news is you can still wear your Hughes jersey!

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I dont see one team signing all of those players, but that would be pretty cool to see - Manning going back to back to back SBs and retiring - he would be the GOAT for certain. Course Indy would run Irsay and the Colts out of town ...

I'm usually pretty astute, but The "blonde" coming out it me now I don't get the reference to GOAT
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They're perfectly wearable, they go on the same way they did last year. Only now people will think you're being ironic instead of supportive. The good news is you can still wear your Hughes jersey!

Oh they are wearable and go on the same way....I dont wear jerseys of former players...thats all......I guess im going to have to boost the economy a little bit this year

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