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Jim Irsay & The Interview Process

Dark Superman

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17 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I'm not sure why this keeps getting missed.  If an organization is searching for a candidate, it behooves the organization to put on its best presentation.   I'm not sure how a personal appearance by Irsay would help that.


Presentation matters come interview time.  Its not that complicated.  Nor is it a personal shot, or a tear down to say that he does not present himself well or presents a concern to a prospective HC who might have other suitors.


Has any public appearance he has made in the last few months/years given you confidence that he won't be led away in handcuffs tomorrow?


Yes, yes, yes, anybody can.   But compare his outward presentation relative to Bob Kraft and others. 


Best presentation? He's got a history of trying to maintain organization stability........to a fault.  He hung on to Pagano and Grigson thinking it just might work and NOT wanting to chew through football staff because that is not good for the organization.


He attracted Ballard here who seems to not be having any trouble.


He has said that his expectation is that the gm and the coach run the show.  His roll is $$ so, of course he gets final sign off.


If people are put off by that then  I would imagine they'd be put off by any coaching job in the NFL.


You prefer Bob Kraft because of the way he presents himself? 


I don't

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15 minutes ago, Superman said:


I don't think I'm missing it. First, I disagree.


Second, anyone who might interview for the Colts job would have seen or heard about the presser. If they didn't like the idea of working for the Colts because of Irsay, they simply wouldn't interview. Isn't that a fair conclusion?


Let's say Nagy was nervous enough about Irsay's role that, even without Irsay being in the meeting, Nagy decided to withdraw. Wouldn't it stand to reason that he simply wouldn't have interviewed? 


It's basically established that Irsay wasn't in the room. We know for absolute fact that Nagy interviewed. Anything else is speculative, but the idea that Nagy went running because of Irsay is specious at best, malicious at worst.

Yes.  I agree.  I take them at their word that Irsay was not involved in the Nagy interview.  I also agree that if the rumors and outward conduct was a big concern to Nagy, he wouldn't have interviewed in the first place.  It would have to be so big as to be a deal-killer right off.  I don't think anybody thinks its THAT big of an issue.


What I am saying is that it matters, while others are saying it doesn't.  Irsay's stability is a topic that will enter into a prospective candidates mind, and it may matter less, or more, after the interview than before regardless if he was present.  Maybe it prompts more research.  Maybe he asks a few more questions around the NFL.  Who knows what answers he would get.  But he isn't going to ask those types of questions about Bob Kraft.  Instability of ownership takes different forms.  

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16 minutes ago, Nadine said:


Best presentation? He's got a history of trying to maintain organization stability........to a fault.  He hung on to Pagano and Grigson thinking it just might work and NOT wanting to chew through football staff because that is not good for the organization.


He attracted Ballard here who seems to not be having any trouble.


He has said that his expectation is that the gm and the coach run the show.  His roll is $$ so, of course he gets final sign off.


If people are put off by that then  I would imagine they'd be put off by any coaching job in the NFL.


You prefer Bob Kraft because of the way he presents himself? 


I don't

I didn't say I prefer Bob Kraft.  I like Jim Irsay and hopes that he takes care of himself and whatever issues he is obviously dealing with come to effect him less.  He looks to be in pain and I hope that gets corrected.  He has a sincere heart and is good for NFL  

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16 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Yes.  I agree.  I take them at their word that Irsay was not involved in the Nagy interview.  I also agree that if the rumors and outward conduct was a big concern to Nagy, he wouldn't have interviewed in the first place.  It would have to be so big as to be a deal-killer right off.  I don't think anybody thinks its THAT big of an issue.


What I am saying is that it matters, while others are saying it doesn't.  Irsay's stability is a topic that will enter into a prospective candidates mind, and it may matter less, or more, after the interview than before regardless if he was present.  Maybe it prompts more research.  Maybe he asks a few more questions around the NFL.  Who knows what answers he would get.  But he isn't going to ask those types of questions about Bob Kraft.  Instability of ownership takes different forms.  


Okay, so now that we're kind of speaking the same language, specific to the OP, I don't think Nagy was scared off by Irsay. 


It's possible that other potential candidates might have declined because of concerns regarding Irsay. But I'm fine with that. First reason, the guy I want appears to be the front runner.


Second reason, like I said earlier, Irsay is the owner. If anyone isn't comfortable with him, I'm glad they didn't waste Ballard's time.


And overall, I don't think Irsay is or ever has been a detriment to any of his football people, so I'm not worried about that angle at all. JMO, but it's based on what people who know him have said. 

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12 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Yes.  I agree.  I take them at their word that Irsay was not involved in the Nagy interview.  I also agree that if the rumors and outward conduct was a big concern to Nagy, he wouldn't have interviewed in the first place.  It would have to be so big as to be a deal-killer right off.  I don't think anybody thinks its THAT big of an issue.


What I am saying is that it matters, while others are saying it doesn't.  Irsay's stability is a topic that will enter into a prospective candidates mind, and it may matter less, or more, after the interview than before regardless if he was present.  Maybe it prompts more research.  Maybe he asks a few more questions around the NFL.  Who knows what answers he would get.  But he isn't going to ask those types of questions about Bob Kraft.  Instability of ownership takes different forms.  

Do you think a perspective head coach would ask Bob Kraft why his team has been the most fined and penalized team in NFL history?   

The Colts winning history in the last 20 plus years speaks for itself.

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10 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I didn't say I prefer Bob Kraft.  I like Jim Irsay and hopes that he takes care of himself and whatever issues he is obviously dealing with come to effect him less.  He looks to be in pain and I hope that gets corrected.  He has a sincere heart and is good for NFL  


Top management is always something that job candidates should look at.


I was just talking to one of my daughters about this and how hard it is to assess if somebody is going to be a nightmare to work for.  Some people come off great in the interview and really are snakes.



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18 minutes ago, Superman said:


Okay, so now that we're kind of speaking the same language, specific to the OP, I don't think Nagy was scared off by Irsay. 


It's possible that other potential candidates might have declined because of concerns regarding Irsay. But I'm fine with that. First reason, the guy I want appears to be the front runner.


Second reason, like I said earlier, Irsay is the owner. If anyone isn't comfortable with him, I'm glad they didn't waste Ballard's time.


And overall, I don't think Irsay is or ever has been a detriment to any of his football people, so I'm not worried about that angle at all. JMO, but it's based on what people who know him have said. 

Speaking to the OP, I agree.


Now that we got past that, the broader issue of ownership stability comes to mind.  Will the Irsay daughters be as well thought of as Jim?  When will that hand off take place and what will its impact be?


If a HC is looking beyond Luck, as Ballard says he wants the candidate to do, and should be thinking long term, would the Irsay ownership cause a candidate to think twice relative to other options?


I'm just trying to process the notion that the Colts job is seen as one of the better ones.  I'm not sure I agree that it is as high as many say.


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3 minutes ago, Nadine said:


Top management is always something that job candidates should look at.


I was just talking to one of my daughters about this and how hard it is to assess if somebody is going to be a nightmare to work for.  Some people come off great in the interview and really are snakes.



I really think you hit on a valid point. Most of the time the nicest turn out to be the worst.

IMO with Irsay once a candidate gets into his office and sees the passion that Jim shows for his team it would be a strong selling point. With the knowledge of Irsay being very patient and his strong backing of who ever is picked would also be a strong selling point.

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I really think you hit on a valid point. Most of the time the nicest turn out to be the worst.

IMO with Irsay once a candidate gets into his office and sees the passion that Jim shows for his team it would be a strong selling point. With the knowledge of Irsay being very patient and his strong backing of who ever is picked would also be a strong selling point.

Which is exactly why it's been rumored that McDaniels wants the Colts job and has always wanted the Colts job.  He's a midwestern guy.  And Indianapolis and the surrounding areas are a great place to raise a family.  I truly think we could have had him last year if we had fired Chuck immediately following the season and interviewed him.  And honestly, I think with his offensive system and Brissett we would have been much more competitive this year and definitely could have gotten that playoff spot the Titans got.

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18 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Speaking to the OP, I agree.


Now that we got past that, the broader issue of ownership stability comes to mind.  Will the Irsay daughters be as well thought of as Jim?  When will that hand off take place and what will its impact be?


If a HC is looking beyond Luck, as Ballard says he wants the candidate to do, and should be thinking long term, would the Irsay ownership cause a candidate to think twice relative to other options?


I'm just trying to process the notion that the Colts job is seen as one of the better ones.  I'm not sure I agree that it is as high as many say.



I think I remember reading that Carlie Irsay has been going with Jim to a lot of the ownership meetings, etc ..for a while; would be the one to take the "big seat" and is already developing a reputation as knowledgeable executive.


I think it will be a pretty seamless transition

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9 minutes ago, esmort said:


I think I remember reading that Carlie Irsay has been going with Jim to a lot of the ownership meetings, etc ..for a while; would be the one to take the "big seat" and is already developing a reputation as knowledgeable executive.

Thats good to hear.


Reading other posts, if McDaniels has coveted the Colts job and likes the area, those are factors that would give him long term thinking and a willingness to deal with the transition to Carly.

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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 4:15 PM, KING. said:

I know a lot of people on here are behind Irsay, but did anyone else notice him at the press conference he and Ballard held a few weeks back? I know he has a past of abusing prescription drugs and such, and I am in no way, shape or form calling the guy out on a possible relapse, but Irsay looked like a complete mess and quite possibly on something. His speech was all over the place, making zero sense, and his eyes didn't even look open during that interview. I know the NFL doesn't drug test the their Owners, GM's, etc, so I guess we will never know, but anyway.


I have a strong feeling Jim Irsay is one of the reasons behind Matt Nagy not signing here. Chris Ballard and Matt Nagy seem to have a lot of respect for each other and have the same mindset when it comes to professional football.  I was shocked that Nagy picked the Trubinski and the Bears over Luck and Ballard's Colts. If Chris Ballard tells Nagy that Andrew Luck will be healthy for the 2018 season, I think Nagy signs immediately. But he didn't and now there are reports that Nagy felt "uncomfortable" during the interview.


Uncomfortable? There's only one person that could make someone feel uncomfortable in Indianapolis and it's not Chris Ballard.


Jim Irsay scared Matt Nagy out of Indianapolis, I just know it.

Nagy's offense is terrible I watched last week as soon as Kelce was done so was his offense thank you bears for signing that bum no better than Pagano.

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1 hour ago, cjrulli said:


I helped open and worked at the casino that this incident occurred in. Safe to say nothing good ever happened there. People dying during construction, lost financing, went bankrupt twice, guy falls off escalator, Ray rice goes nuts. Typical built on a cursed land type stuff. 

Makes you wonder who the heck ever said what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...certainly not the people who live and work there. Lol

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For those few of you that is stressed out about whether McDaniels might be scared off by Irsay, remember that McDaniels talked at lengths with Dungy some years ago about the Denver experience. I’m sure that one phone call from McDaniels to Dungy will clear up any doubt he might have had about working under Irsay.


Case closed.

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6 hours ago, esmort said:


I think I remember reading that Carlie Irsay has been going with Jim to a lot of the ownership meetings, etc ..for a while; would be the one to take the "big seat" and is already developing a reputation as knowledgeable executive.


I think it will be a pretty seamless transition


7 hours ago, DougDew said:

Speaking to the OP, I agree.


Now that we got past that, the broader issue of ownership stability comes to mind.  Will the Irsay daughters be as well thought of as Jim?  When will that hand off take place and what will its impact be?


If a HC is looking beyond Luck, as Ballard says he wants the candidate to do, and should be thinking long term, would the Irsay ownership cause a candidate to think twice relative to other options?


I'm just trying to process the notion that the Colts job is seen as one of the better ones.  I'm not sure I agree that it is as high as many say.



Jim will pass the torch when he is ready, not before.  In the meantime, he has been preparing his daughters in NFL capacities, paving the way for ownership duties in the future.




Carlie previously represented the Colts when Jim was suspended 6  games...




I'm not worried about the Irsay daughters at all.

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We seem to have gotten off topic, Pizza King.


So, I had ordered a medium pepperoni pizza, had driven 20min to pick it up and bring it to the house I was house sitting. I had worked with their 150lb Rottweiler for a LONG time, LOVED him (Sampson). I put the pizza on the middle of the table, go take a quick *. Come back out, and the entire. Freaking. Pizza. is just GONE. In a matter of less than 2 minutes, this " had eaten my ENTIRE pizza.


This was devastating to a 17 yr old male in the middle of wrestling season :(

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2 minutes ago, TheMarine said:

We seem to have gotten off topic, Pizza King.


So, I had ordered a medium pepperoni pizza, had driven 20min to pick it up and bring it to the house I was house sitting. I had worked with their 150lb Rottweiler for a LONG time, LOVED him (Sampson). I put the pizza on the middle of the table, go take a quick *. Come back out, and the entire. Freaking. Pizza. is just GONE. In a matter of less than 2 minutes, this " had eaten my ENTIRE pizza.


This was devastating to a 17 yr old male in the middle of wrestling season :(

I have a rottie named Samson too! He would never try to eat my pizza, but my other one would in a heartbeat..

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