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Jim Irsay & The Interview Process

Dark Superman

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8 hours ago, shastamasta said:


I heard Pace took Nagy to Lou Malnati's and that sealed the deal. 


8 hours ago, RollerColt said:



Okay where do I sign?


Lord that pizza is good!


2 hours ago, TheMarine said:

Hell, that would seal the deal for me. Best Pizza in Chicago - #FightMeIRL


47 minutes ago, Superman said:


Yall, the interview was in KC... lol


Regardless of where the interview took place, or what was on the menu, I think two things are obvious now!!!


1.) This thread is awesome, due to its evolution into an awesome pizza discussion (ha, who cares if the interview & the pizza joint are 500 miles apart, I'm starving)!!!


2.) Irsay & Ballard need to take notice & start courting potential candidates by wining & dining them, at say St. Elmos (again, I'm starving over here)!!!


Anyways, all jokes aside...


I'm gonna go see what's in my fridge...




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8 hours ago, Superman said:


That's all baseless conjecture, if you ask me.


There's a lot of noise about Irsay being a troublesome owner, but there's zero evidence of that. He doesn't meddle, he's well respected by everyone who's ever worked with him, and he (mostly) hires good people and lets them do their job. 


If you have a problem with the owner of the team addressing the media about a very news worthy event, then that's a "you" problem. He's the owner, he can address the media whenever he wants, and usually when he does, it's to sell his product -- the Colts. That's his job. If you find that embarrassing as a Colts fan, I think that's something you're going to have to work through on your own. The owner is going to speak publicly.


It's obvious that he has personal issues, but it's a little unfair to always resort to his past issues with drugs. The way he's moving around, it's obvious that he's in a lot of pain, which kind of suggests that he's not using anything. He's not a good public speaker, but that's always been the case. Just because he says 'um' and 'uhh' a lot doesn't mean he's high.


And suggesting that the man who extended Grigson and Pagano and gave them both more time than almost anyone in the media or fanbase thought they deserved... the same man who took a full three weeks to fire Ryan Grigson ... the man who is now allowing Chris Ballard to take his sweet time with this very momentous coaching search ... has become impatient? I think that flies in the face of reason. Irsay is painted as this impetuous and unpredictable man, and that's largely based on some issues in his personal life, but it has zero to do with how he runs the Colts. 


As for Nagy, that's just a difference of opinion. Suffice it to say, he wasn't very high on my list. And if he didn't like the fit with the Colts, it's a good thing he chose Chicago, because Irsay isn't going anywhere, and I don't think Ballard will be leaving any time soon either.


It’s so funny how last year when we went through that deafening silence period, right before Grigson was let go, & the Manning/Gruden rumors were swirling, all everyone wanted was for Irsay to publicly address the issue, & let us as fans know what was going on. We “deserved to know as fans” what was happening at W 56th St.


Since then I think he’s done what, 2 press conferences, & everyone acts like he should sell the team because he’s not some amazing public speaker. Fans can be so wishy-washy sometimes.

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15 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

I believe it was that second interview that drove Nagy out of town.

I didn’t jump to the conclusion that it was Irsay who allegedly made him uncomfortable. That publicized interview you mentioned said it was Ballard, I think. But maybe we shouldn’t be surprised if that is true.


I think we all know that it isn’t always an advantage to be an internal candidate and Nagy is closest to an internal candidate based on his past with Ballard. External candidates — as well as the hiring authority — can often disguise their warts from each other. Nagy’s warts are well known to Ballard — and vice versa.


But if Ballard 100% wanted Nagy and still lost him to a floundering Bears team, that is concerning. That would suggest that Ballard’s skills as a talent evaluator may not be matched by his skills in other aspects of his job. For example, I thought his comment that he didn’t want a coach who was worried about Luck’s health was clueless and might be evidence of such limitations.


Almost any candidate will have Luck’s health as a huge concern. But maybe that partially explains why he likes the Baylor coach. Obviously he took that job without being concerned about the ability to win, which is what any coach is facing if Luck can’t play again next season.

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10 hours ago, Buck Showalter said:





Regardless of where the interview took place, or what was on the menu, I think two things are obvious now!!!


1.) This thread is awesome, due to its evolution into an awesome pizza discussion (ha, who cares if the interview & the pizza joint are 500 miles apart, I'm starving)!!!


2.) Irsay & Ballard need to take notice & start courting potential candidates by wining & dining them, at say St. Elmos (again, I'm starving over here)!!!


Anyways, all jokes aside...


I'm gonna go see what's in my fridge...




I may have a slice or two of some New Bethel Ordinary pizza left.

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12 hours ago, Mel Kiper's Hair said:

If Nagy was scared off by Jim Irsay then we didn't need him anyway! Jim may not be the greatest owner in sports but he does love the Colts and wants to build a winner. If a coach is afraid of that then go on your merry way!

I agree 100%. 

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19 hours ago, Superman said:

We had an entire thread on this after the press conference, a week and a half ago.


By the way, here's what Polian said recently about Jim Irsay's role in a coaching search:





This idea that Irsay would be a detriment to hiring a coach is -- and pardon my bluntness -- just dumb. 


He would be if he was high.

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11 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I may have a slice or two of some New Bethel Ordinary pizza left.

You're killin' me smalls!


All I was able to conjure up was some stale tortilla shells that I ended up charring on the burner...


This thread has also made me aware of how baddly i need to hit up a grocery store!


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19 hours ago, Dark Superman said:

I know a lot of people on here are behind Irsay, but did anyone else notice him at the press conference he and Ballard held a few weeks back? I know he has a past of abusing prescription drugs and such, and I am in no way, shape or form calling the guy out on a possible relapse, but Irsay looked like a complete mess and quite possibly on something. His speech was all over the place, making zero sense, and his eyes didn't even look open during that interview. I know the NFL doesn't drug test the their Owners, GM's, etc, so I guess we will never know, but anyway.


I have a strong feeling Jim Irsay is one of the reasons behind Matt Nagy not signing here. Chris Ballard and Matt Nagy seem to have a lot of respect for each other and have the same mindset when it comes to professional football.  I was shocked that Nagy picked the Trubinski and the Bears over Luck and Ballard's Colts. If Chris Ballard tells Nagy that Andrew Luck will be healthy for the 2018 season, I think Nagy signs immediately. But he didn't and now there are reports that Nagy felt "uncomfortable" during the interview.


Uncomfortable? There's only one person that could make someone feel uncomfortable in Indianapolis and it's not Chris Ballard.


Jim Irsay scared Matt Nagy out of Indianapolis, I just know it.


I was going to suggest age might be taking his mind but he's only 58.  


I would have thought he was a lot older then that.  

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Irsay is the most knowledgeable owner he has ever worked, Polian said, and might be the most knowledgeable owner in all of sports."


I don't believe Bill Polian has any reason to lie so I'm going to take his word for it. The quote is from the IndyStar article previously mentioned in the thread.



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18 hours ago, Superman said:


He doesn't meddle with his coach and GM. 


And by the way, the process is apparently the same now as it was in 2002 and 2009. Irsay lets the GM run the search, and he gives his okay once the search is done. He said that's how he intends it to happen this time.

Some questions about the notion that Irsay doesn't meddle with GMs (and gives them authority):


Did Grigson ever have the authority to fire Pagano? 


And, at the famous three amigos presser, was Grigson the guy who re-hired Pagano, or did Jimmy say they were bound at the hip?


What is the scope of irsay's comments at the recent presser where he said (paraphrasing). "I'd like to pair an Edgerrin James like player back there with Luck"

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Can we talk about how we interviewed Matt Rhule?!? Yes you can make the argument he turned temple around into a winning program, but lets not waste time with this. He isn't the guy for the job. He needs more time as a head coach in college and then a few more years in the pro's to prove himself as a play-caller. 


The only clear cut guy that I believe is the best fit for the Colt is McDaniels. Everyone else doesn't fit in my eyes.

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25 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Some questions about the notion that Irsay doesn't meddle with GMs (and gives them authority):


Did Grigson ever have the authority to fire Pagano? 


And, at the famous three amigos presser, was Grigson the guy who re-hired Pagano, or did Jimmy say they were bound at the hip?


What is the scope of irsay's comments at the recent presser where he said (paraphrasing). "I'd like to pair an Edgerrin James like player back there with Luck"


I'm not sure what your point is. Delegating and not meddling doesn't mean he gives his GM unilateral authority. Obviously Irsay made the decision after 2015 to keep Pagano and Grigson. They were both on the block at that point, and it was Irsay who extended them both.


You've also been looking for great meaning in Irsay's comments about a RB at the presser, and I'm not sure there's any meaning beyond the obvious. That doesn't mean he's going to tell Ballard who to draft, and from everything we know, he's never done that with any of his GMs. 

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2 hours ago, Narcosys said:

What, like its not possible?

It's also possible that every single restatement by a fan about Mr. Irsay speaking or acting while high.....

...is actually made by posters who are high. (Just a point)


If one gauges that likelihood by posts that seem odd....this board is lighting up. 

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1 hour ago, CAColtsFan4 said:

Can we talk about how we interviewed Matt Rhule?!? Yes you can make the argument he turned temple around into a winning program, but lets not waste time with this. He isn't the guy for the job. He needs more time as a head coach in college and then a few more years in the pro's to prove himself as a play-caller. 


The only clear cut guy that I believe is the best fit for the Colt is McDaniels. Everyone else doesn't fit in my eyes.

IMO Ballard is not wasting time giving interviews to anyone. Yes we need a head coach but we also need pretty much a whole new coaching staff. Ballard putting feelers out for personnel shouldn't be looked at as a waste of time by no means.

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2 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

It's also possible that every single restatement by a fan about Mr. Irsay speaking or acting while high.....

...is actually made by posters who are high. (Just a point)


If one gauges that likelihood by posts that seem odd....this board is lighting up. 


That is a terrible argument, really, just awful.


Mr. Irsay has had numerous issues with drugs and relapsing, so there is a history of it and odd behaviour to warrant suspicion.


Meanwhile, you have zero evidence to support your claim that anyone who is commenting this way could be doing drugs. So you're point is really no point at and just wild accusations and speculation to divert attention and discussion from Mr. Irsay.


Try again.

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3 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


That is a terrible argument, really, just awful.


Mr. Irsay has had numerous issues with drugs and relapsing, so there is a history of it and odd behaviour to warrant suspicion.


Meanwhile, you have zero evidence to support your claim that anyone who is commenting this way could be doing drugs. So you're point is really no point at and just wild accusations and speculation to divert attention and discussion from Mr. Irsay.


Try again.

I think Four2 was just making a sarcastic comment. Lighten up a little. A little humor goes a long way at this time of year.

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3 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


That is a terrible argument, really, just awful.


Mr. Irsay has had numerous issues with drugs and relapsing, so there is a history of it and odd behaviour to warrant suspicion.


Meanwhile, you have zero evidence to support your claim that anyone who is commenting this way could be doing drugs. So you're point is really no point at and just wild accusations and speculation to divert attention and discussion from Mr. Irsay.


Try again.

Wasn't trying anything other than to point out that your assumption, is an assumption. And if I gave an opinion, it would be that your assumption is based upon dislike/hatred for Mr. Irsay or his personal lifestyle. 


Regardless, the owners time in his seat is growing short. For good or bad, like or dislike, we will soon be without one of the most knowledgeable and caring owners in all of sports. I choose to respect the man. 


Good day to you. 

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2 hours ago, Superman said:


I'm not sure what your point is. Delegating and not meddling doesn't mean he gives his GM unilateral authority. Obviously Irsay made the decision after 2015 to keep Pagano and Grigson. They were both on the block at that point, and it was Irsay who extended them both.


You've also been looking for great meaning in Irsay's comments about a RB at the presser, and I'm not sure there's any meaning beyond the obvious. That doesn't mean he's going to tell Ballard who to draft, and from everything we know, he's never done that with any of his GMs. 

The only thing folks need to know....Irsay signs the checks and is the final hiring and firing authority on any key position.  He can do as he chooses.  As any wise owner would do, he doesn't meddle unnecessarily in day-to-day operations (we think/hope). 

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35 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


That is a terrible argument, really, just awful.


Mr. Irsay has had numerous issues with drugs and relapsing, so there is a history of it and odd behaviour to warrant suspicion.


Meanwhile, you have zero evidence to support your claim that anyone who is commenting this way could be doing drugs. So you're point is really no point at and just wild accusations and speculation to divert attention and discussion from Mr. Irsay.


Try again.


I don't know why so many are so quick to jump on Irsay and suggest drugs at every possible chance.  Has he had issues in the past yes, but to anyone who has paid attention it is obvious his health is declining; and to immediately jump to an assumption of drugs just seems like a unwarranted dislike of Irsay rather than an unbiased observation.


I believe that if he was not in the right state of mind due to relapse etc ... there are enough trusted people around him that one would step in and protect both him and the organization.

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2 hours ago, Narcosys said:


That is a terrible argument, really, just awful.


Mr. Irsay has had numerous issues with drugs and relapsing, so there is a history of it and odd behaviour to warrant suspicion.


Meanwhile, you have zero evidence to support your claim that anyone who is commenting this way could be doing drugs. So you're point is really no point at and just wild accusations and speculation to divert attention and discussion from Mr. Irsay.


Try again.


The problem is that every time Irsay says or does something that's not absolutely clear cut and traditional, or if someone disagrees with his approach or decision, the default conclusion -- and it's not just floated as a possibility, it's basically decided and viewed as consensus -- is that he's drunk or high.


I get it, he's had issues before. But just because he ranted for a few minutes on a topic he's passionate about doesn't mean he's doing drugs. It's an unfair assumption to make, especially because it's usually baseless.

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On 1/10/2018 at 3:35 PM, TheMarine said:

IMO any 'leaks' on Nagy not taking the Colts is simply to make Bears fans feel better about the hire. "Hey look, other people REALLY wanted him so we're glad we got him!"

It's not working.  Especially when they found out Nagy was calling plays in the second half last week.  The very idea somebody wouldn't want to work for Jim is insane.  Say what you want about his flaws, everybody has them. The man gives his hires every opportunity to succeed and that actually hurt us with Grigson and Pagano arguably.  Shows the utmost patience with his coaches and personnel . Unlike Jerry Jones he learned his lesson in his stint as GM about interfering.  The thing about Chicago fans, and I listen to them on radio , live somewhat close to the city , is that they are never satisfied and will quickly jump on the  backs of coaches or QB that don't produce immediately. If Nagy doesn't show a quick turnaround next season he may wish he was the Colts coach.  

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2 hours ago, Four2itus said:

Wasn't trying anything other than to point out that your assumption, is an assumption. And if I gave an opinion, it would be that your assumption is based upon dislike/hatred for Mr. Irsay or his personal lifestyle. 


Regardless, the owners time in his seat is growing short. For good or bad, like or dislike, we will soon be without one of the most knowledgeable and caring owners in all of sports. I choose to respect the man. 


Good day to you. 


You can assume all you want, my assumption is through inductive reasoning from Mr. Irsays history issues. The evidence of this is irrefutable. What is refutable is your claim that I hate Mr. Irsay. I was merely making an unbiased observation because I don't look at the world through blue tinted glasses.

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2 minutes ago, Narcosys said:


You can assume all you want, my assumption is through inductive reasoning from Mr. Irsays history issues. The evidence of this is irrefutable. What is refutable is your claim that I hate Mr. Irsay. I was merely making an unbiased observation because I don't look at the world through blue tinted glasses.

Unbiased and blue tinted glasses? :sigh:

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5 hours ago, Superman said:


I'm not sure what your point is. Delegating and not meddling doesn't mean he gives his GM unilateral authority. Obviously Irsay made the decision after 2015 to keep Pagano and Grigson. They were both on the block at that point, and it was Irsay who extended them both.


You've also been looking for great meaning in Irsay's comments about a RB at the presser, and I'm not sure there's any meaning beyond the obvious. That doesn't mean he's going to tell Ballard who to draft, and from everything we know, he's never done that with any of his GMs. 

I'm not arguing your point, other than I read part of your post as indicating Irsay is more handsoff than what he seems to be.  I think he is very much involved beyond approving or vetoing his GMs pick and probably lets his feelings be known about coaches, major trades, and high draft picks. 


I think Dungy said one year he and Polian were debating taking a TE or a defensive player and Irsay said something about taking the TE, and the conversation stopped right there. The pick became Dallas Clark.  Sure, more can be read into his latest RB comments than what might be there, but there is no coincidence in him mentioning the next EJ when they are in good position to draft one.  Not direct orders, but also a way of letting his feelings be known.


Polian praises Jimmy for his football knowledge.  I would assume he contributes it and is not just a rubber stamp.


So, yes, he may have been in the room with Ballard and Nagy, and Nagy got concerned about a painful-spoken owner talking too much.

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