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Most Overrated Colt


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Lets break the monotony of the Peyton saga and get some good debates back into the forum.

Who do you feel is the most overrated Colts player. Both amongst us fans, and nationally. Let's try to keep it to the past 20years.

Me personally. I say Dwight Freeney. Followed closely by Dallas Clark.


I can't agree with you on Freeney. I think on our current roster Garçon is overrated very inconsistent.

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Bob Sanders was only overrated because he couldn't stay or get healthy. Lets make no mistake, pound for pound he was easily the most physical player in the league.

Due to his lack of availability, I'd rephrase to 'ounce for ounce'.......

If we use the cost v production argument, Sanders and Hayden were flops.....I'm not sure we can use the 'if he was healthy' argument, at least no more than we can use the 'we would have won the SB is Hank had handn't fumbled the onside kick' argument.....

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Look how many passers were over 4000 yards this season, a number which used to be almost unreachable.

Two passers even broke Marino's record. This was a dreadful year for pass defense.

Almost unreachable and yet Rodgers has done it 3 of 4 years. And was only 80yds short of doing it all 4 years.

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I'm inclined to ask if coughMathiscough might have benefitted just a little bit from teams keying on that other guy... old whatshisname... mr. overrated. Everything I've seen suggests opposing teams had (still have?) immense respect for the havoc Freeney could cause, and that they often gameplanned with him in mind. That speaks more to me than all the insightful and experienced talent evaluations in this thread.

Always wondered how many sacks ...old whatshisname would have if he wasn't held every play?
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Trav...why do we rate players based on where they were drafted...???

Once you're on the field..you either can or you cant...

Freeney is our all-time leading sack guy and he was never considered as a run stuffer.

I guess the companion question is /..can an undrafted free agent ever be overrated//??

name one team that has won a superbowl without multiple first round drafts on their team playing like a first round talent?

We stinked last year because our 1st round talent from 2007-present was awful. Don't tell me it was just peyton, because the steelers and patriots won without their QB

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name one team that has won a superbowl without multiple first round drafts on their team playing like a first round talent?

We stinked last year because our 1st round talent from 2007-present was awful. Don't tell me it was just peyton, because the steelers and patriots won without their QB

Ah-hem. It is you that is trying to make a point here, therefore you should show us the facts to prove your point......or was it just a rhetorical question?

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Ah-hem. It is you that is trying to make a point here, therefore you should show us the facts to prove your point......or was it just a rhetorical question?

Giants....Eli, Nicks, Pierre-Paul, Kenny phillps played pretty well too throughout the yr...

Packers....Rodgers, Matthes,Raji, Bulga, Hawk, Barnett.

Saints.....Meachem, Ellis, Jenkins, Bush...(brees was a 2nd for SD)

Pitt....Hampton, Ben, Polumalu, Timmons, Holmes, Miller.

Colts...Peyton,Wayne, Morris(Played real well that playoff run),Clark, Freeney,Marlin, Addai.

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The player for me would have to be the 12th man. Some of you are crazy when you have threads about the most overrated player. They made it to the NFL and have given us all quality time. All this Luck talk...! Bob Sanders put his body on the line for this team. We didn't have a solid DT during his years. Asking him to do all the tackle was crazy. Curtis Painter would out throw all of us. We're at home or in the stadium watching the game. We have no say in who's good and who's bad. Every team can be beat on any Sunday. So as Colts fans the 12th man of the Colts is the most overrated player.

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The player for me would have to be the 12th man. Some of you are crazy when you have threads about the most overrated player. They made it to the NFL and have given us all quality time. All this Luck talk...! Bob Sanders put his body on the line for this team. We didn't have a solid DT during his years. Asking him to do all the tackle was crazy. Curtis Painter would out throw all of us. We're at home or in the stadium watching the game. We have no say in who's good and who's bad. Every team can be beat on any Sunday. So as Colts fans the 12th man of the Colts is the most overrated player.

I agree with most of what you are saying here as when I first saw this thread my first reaction was not this topic again can't we for once just have a thread about the most underrated Colt or something poistive for once?

Fankly though the fact that Curtis Painter can out throw someone on an internet message board isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for a guy who is a NFL QB. Still I feel bad for him as much as he gets picked on. It's not his fault the Colts put their faith in him he did th best job he could which is all you can ask for from him.

Also Sanders was going to tackle like that rather we had a solid DT or not it's just how he plays. You noticed he went ot the Chargers where they had solid DTs and he had the same injury problems he had here. He was just an injury prone player. I don't think most people hate Bob though or were ungrateful for Bob they are just pointing out he probably wasn't worth that last contract he got which is fair.

As for Luck...I agree he shouldn't be put in the Hall of Fame but frankly most of the people excited about him aren't doing that. They are just getting slammed by the people who don't want him saying they are doing that. I don't think there is anything wrong being excited about the guy who might very well be our next QB. With that said if anyone thinks he's going to be as good as Peyton Manning was day one is going to be sorely mistaken even Peyton Manning wasn't Peyton Manning day one. With that said Luck shows all the signs of being the next great one coming out of the draft and there is nothing wrong with people be excited about the chance to get him. I remember when it looked like he was going to come out last year thinking man it's too bad we wont have a shot at a QB like that when Peyton's done. Now don't get me wrong I would not have wished this season or Peyton's neck injury on us just to get Luck but if we have a chance at him I want us to pull the trigger. I also want us to keep Peyton if at all possiable. If we can be like the Packers or 49ers and go great QB to great QB and not be Miami or Denver and have it be 10 years later and still looking for a franchise QB I am all for it.

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The player for me would have to be the 12th man. Some of you are crazy when you have threads about the most overrated player. They made it to the NFL and have given us all quality time. All this Luck talk...! Bob Sanders put his body on the line for this team. We didn't have a solid DT during his years. Asking him to do all the tackle was crazy. Curtis Painter would out throw all of us. We're at home or in the stadium watching the game. We have no say in who's good and who's bad. Every team can be beat on any Sunday. So as Colts fans the 12th man of the Colts is the most overrated player.

dude....lame...seriously. Yes, we do have a say in who's good and who's bad. It's called an opinion, one garnered from the mouths of the people in the stands that pay egregious amounts of money to watch them fail. One that is every bit as valuable as the highest paid talking head on SportsCenter. At least my lousy opinion is given forth for free, son.

Curtis Painter would out throw all of us

Yea, and I drive a forklift for a living. Whats Painter do? Oh really? He's an NFL quarter back that gets paid more than I'll make all year for one losey game and one heckuva lousy result. Well now, whats that tell you? I hope he can throw better than me fella. I bet I can maneuver a 5 ton tow-motor through an aisle and flawlessly drop a poorly stacked 6 foot skid from a 40 foot D-level rack better than Painter. When his career in the Arena football league raps up, maybe he can come work for me at the warehouse?

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Who do you feel is the most overrated Colts player. Both amongst us fans, and nationally. Let's try to keep it to the past 20years.

Jacob Lacey. Even though he was an undrafted free agent, he started and that made him overrated, every time he blew coverage it made me want to question the judgement of whoever decided to keep him on the team.
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1. bracket....had one impressiv year in 09 imo

2. dungy....never been my cup of team. never understood his aligence to smaller players and mediocre coaches

3. vinatieri...been banged up and hasn't always been all that clutch. plus he missed a gimme in the super bowl

Adam V is a HOF Kicker, he will miss some kicks but when the pressure is on he will hit the kick. (I am very biased he won my team 2 SB lol) You can't judge someone over rated because your team picks a player up at the end of their career. 9and he did win that championship game against the Ravens for you guys lol)

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Sanders only because he was made out of glass! Gonzo! The Polians the eldest was good during his prime but faded and his son was just awful, Dungy and The Polians puppet Caldwell. Just because he reached the SB was because it was Dungy's team. Also all of the players we have drafted over the past 3 or 4 years.

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Adam V is a HOF Kicker, he will miss some kicks but when the pressure is on he will hit the kick. (I am very biased he won my team 2 SB lol) You can't judge someone over rated because your team picks a player up at the end of their career. 9and he did win that championship game against the Ravens for you guys lol)

obv i meant he has been overated in his time with the colts...nobody questions his overall career

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I've provided plenty of reasons expressing why I feel they are.

and I saw it but that's how you feel....truth is clark is the go to man for a quick completion which is great for the offense since we dont have a realiable running game and freeney is a beast period....not so much on the run but every player has their own flaw anyway

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dude....lame...seriously. Yes, we do have a say in who's good and who's bad. It's called an opinion, one garnered from the mouths of the people in the stands that pay egregious amounts of money to watch them fail. One that is every bit as valuable as the highest paid talking head on SportsCenter. At least my lousy opinion is given forth for free, son.

Yea, and I drive a forklift for a living. Whats Painter do? Oh really? He's an NFL quarter back that gets paid more than I'll make all year for one losey game and one heckuva lousy result. Well now, whats that tell you? I hope he can throw better than me fella. I bet I can maneuver a 5 ton tow-motor through an aisle and flawlessly drop a poorly stacked 6 foot skid from a 40 foot D-level rack better than Painter. When his career in the Arena football league raps up, maybe he can come work for me at the warehouse?

All you do is operate a folk lift and in about 5 years a machine is going to replace you

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I don't think freeney is over rated. I think he is what ppl call him. If olines didn't hold him like they do every play ppl would have him in the HOF. Just watch tape on him and you'll see how many none call holds on him. It's Rediculous.

Sigh... as EVERY talking head/analyst tell you it is only considered holding if the Olineman hands go outside of his chest area. So while you and I may think its holding the NFL does not.

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I hate to throw Dallas Clark under a bus, but he does drop more passes than I'm comfortable with, and if someone wanted to make a claim that his stats were boosted by Peyton and his genius play calling, I wouldn't try disputing them. He's show some cool catches and some good attempts after the catch, but I feel it may be time to let Clark go and go cheaper and trust in Tamme (The dude gets open all the time in the red zone).

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Due to his lack of availability, I'd rephrase to 'ounce for ounce'.......

If we use the cost v production argument, Sanders and Hayden were flops.....I'm not sure we can use the 'if he was healthy' argument, at least no more than we can use the 'we would have won the SB is Hank had handn't fumbled the onside kick' argument.....

darn bro did you get to see ANY of the SB playoff run?

Dare I say Irsay and any fan would have gladly paid ANY salary to either of these men to "do what they DID" ...

Which was play HUGE parts in a Super Bowl run.... that was truly EPIC.

and onw which Manning had "one" Manning half of football. Amazing aye?

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I hate to throw Dallas Clark under a bus, but he does drop more passes than I'm comfortable with, and if someone wanted to make a claim that his stats were boosted by Peyton and his genius play calling, I wouldn't try disputing them. He's show some cool catches and some good attempts after the catch, but I feel it may be time to let Clark go and go cheaper and trust in Tamme (The dude gets open all the time in the red zone).

The difference between "winning" and "losing" is so ........ visable...

problem is to many Colt fans they have not witnessed a "losing" Colt team... and same goes for the roster ...


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The most overrated player from the past few years would be Bob Sanders. If we are talking current roster I go with Addai and Clark


So just out of curiosity... how far back does your wisdom go? Beyond a DPY who sealed a AFCCCG victory perhaps? or perhaps beyond the RB who scored said GO ahead TD?

Overrated? And Clark...

sigh..... oh Lord....

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