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The Colts are a Circus


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14 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me. 


2-6 is our record. You can make all the excuses you want to, but I won’t. 


We’ll finish 2-14 or close to it. Still; there will be no excuses from me. 


The Colts will rise again, but I will not make any excuses about why we have lost games. The refs didn’t cheat us. There are plenty of reasons why we are not a good football team. Our soon-to-be football record of 2-14 (or close to it) was earned through failures all across the board.


The team is a circus right now. Hate me for saying it all you want to, but it doesn’t change the situation of this football team. 


please show me this "bunch of excuses" that I apparently gave.  I don't see it.

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4 minutes ago, Nadine said:

saying someone knows how to spell a word is not a personal attack


So I can tell anyone on this board the only thing logical about them is they know how to spell the word logical?


That’s not trying to make things personal?

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32 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


And here goes the personal attacks again.



There has been little to no logic  in any of your posts in this thread. There are perfectly logical reasons as to why the 2017 colts are in the shape they are in and most of them have nothing to do with Ballard. I do agree that this seasons record will go on his "permanent record" but there's not an owner in this league that would hold that record against him without taking all of the factors that led to that record into account. 

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27 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


So I can tell anyone on this board the only thing logical about them is they know how to spell the word logical?


That’s not trying to make things personal?

You're saying he's not being logical

He's saying your not being logical

it's a wash

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On 10/29/2017 at 1:48 AM, BlueShoe said:


Colts 365 is choreographed by the Indianapolis Colts Brass!!!!!!


I refuse to be a puppet in the audience who is actually buying this crap.


Terrible! This entire organization is terrible from the top down!


I have been with this team though thick and thin for over 33 years, and I have never seen it this bad. We won ONE GAME in 1991, and I had more confidence in this team then. 


JUST AWFUL!!! We are turning into WWE, and I haven't been able to watch fake wrestling since I was 12 years old!!!!!!!!! Welcome to fake wrestling folks!!!

96-97 was worse IMO, as far as the overall state of the franchise.  We only won one game that year as well.  We had a crap GM, a bad coach, and a QB that was kind of a flash in the pan.  At least this year we have a GM that shows some promise, as well as a pro bowl QB if he can ever get healthy.  

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On October 29, 2017 at 8:50 AM, Jared Cisneros said:

Yeah, I'll just watch whatever game is on and keep track of the score as it updates every 5 minutes. Best decision I made all football season not ordering Sunday Ticket. Would of been a HUGE waste of money. The team is an absolute circus right now.



I have the ut most respect for you as a poster & believe me, our 2-7 record is grim & not pretty to endure right now. We all know Pagano is gone after this season. If that is what most fans want, they will receive the Christmas gift from Santa trust me. 


I did laugh out loud when CBS booth announcer Spero Dedes basically said in the 1st half INDy's defense was the worst in the NFL & then by the 3rd Qtr he said, our D was stuffing the Bengals running game for the most part, sacking Andy Dalton 3 times, Henry Anderson had a huge game; & we were giving AJ Green fits for most of the game. So, which is it Spero, our D is sad or we made Dalton work for his 1 point victory? 


If WR Aiken caught that 4th Qtr Brissett pass to move the chains, this whole forum is having a different discussion. 



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2 minutes ago, southwest1 said:



I have the ut most respect for you as a poster & believe me, our 2-7 record is grim & not pretty to endure right now. We all know Pagano is gone after this season. If that is what most fans want, they will receive the Christmas gift from Santa trust me. 


I did laugh out loud when CBS booth announcer Spero Dedes basically said in the 1st half INDy's defense was the worst in the NFL & then by the 3rd Qtr he said, our D was stuffing the Bengals running game for the most part, sacking Andy Dalton 3 times, Henry Anderson had a huge game; & we were giving AJ Green fits for most of the game. So, which is it Spero, our D is sad or we made Dalton work for his 1 point victory? 


If WR Aiken caught that 4th Qtr Brissett pass to move the chains, this whole forum is having a different discussion. 



I appreciate the kind words as always. I was rooting for us to lose at the end, however. Nothing good would of come from a win at the end with a last second FG. We would of still been 3-5, we wouldn't be having interest in trading Vontae and acquiring a pick next year, Luck may get rushed back if Ballard or Irsay thinks we still have a wildcard chance, and even if we went something like 4-8 when he came back, it would ruin our draft position next year if Luck came back and won 2 more games. This was the best thing that could of happened to lose this game. We were competitive as well, and the team was decent. We need a high pick though, and Luck needs to be 100% healthy. I'd like some new O-Lineman from FA and the draft to protect before we throw him out there again. Just don't trust that he won't get re-injured from this current crop of players.

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7 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I appreciate the kind words as always. I was rooting for us to lose at the end, however. Nothing good would of come from a win at the end with a last second FG. We would of still been 3-5, we wouldn't be having interest in trading Vontae and acquiring a pick next year, Luck may get rushed back if Ballard or Irsay thinks we still have a wildcard chance, and even if we went something like 4-8 when he came back, it would ruin our draft position next year if Luck came back and won 2 more games. This was the best thing that could of happened to lose this game. We were competitive as well, and the team was decent. We need a high pick though, and Luck needs to be 100% healthy. I'd like some new O-Lineman from FA and the draft to protect before we throw him out there again. Just don't trust that he won't get re-injured from this current crop of players.

Not that I'm disagreeing with this whole draft notion but I think getting a high draft pick is kind of overrated. It's not about where you pick so much as it is who you pick 

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13 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I appreciate the kind words as always. I was rooting for us to lose at the end, however. Nothing good would of come from a win at the end with a last second FG. We would of still been 3-5, we wouldn't be having interest in trading Vontae and acquiring a pick next year, Luck may get rushed back if Ballard or Irsay thinks we still have a wildcard chance, and even if we went something like 4-8 when he came back, it would ruin our draft position next year if Luck came back and won 2 more games. This was the best thing that could of happened to lose this game. We were competitive as well, and the team was decent. We need a high pick though, and Luck needs to be 100% healthy. I'd like some new O-Lineman from FA and the draft to protect before we throw him out there again. Just don't trust that he won't get re-injured from this current crop of players.

Yes, I agree with you 100% there. Sit Luck for the rest of the yr, Houston is poised to win the AFC South again, & don't mess up Jacoby's rhythm with the offense. I liked your line about refusing to pay for NFL Sunday Ticket this yr. It made me laugh. My Colts are struggling, My Giants suck, the Broncos have up & down QB play; & just when I think Matthew Stafford has finally turned a corner, the Steelers take Detroit down. You look like a genius man. LOL! 


Yeah, INDY is done this season. I will still watch every Colts game though no matter what. 


I will give Pagano credit for challenging that incomplete pass via TY Hilton that got overturned in the 1st Qtr. Chuck is improving on challenges & time management regarding timeouts. 

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

Not that I'm disagreeing with this whole draft notion but I think getting a high draft pick is kind of overrated. It's not about where you pick so much as it is who you pick 

That's true, but it's not just about having the high pick, it's also having that option of trading down. If we have the 5th pick and trade down to 15th (which we had last year I believe), we could get an additional 1st round pick. The difference between us and those other bad teams is we have Andrew Luck. So we get the low pick like them, draft a 1st rounder, get an additional 1st rounder, and still have our QB (unlike them). If that doesn't happen, we just draft a franchise player at whatever position and still have Luck (unlike those struggling teams). That's our advantage to getting a top 5 pick, we don't have to worry about the QB.

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I thought it was ironic how the booth announcers kept saying that the Bengals need to double team TE Jack Doyle almost as if they were indirectly blaming Jacoby for looking to Doyle so much.


Newsflash Spero: Jack is the one not dropping balls dude. I was surprised to see Cincy suffocate TY most of the game. I never thought I'd see that. Not blaming Hilton BTW. Just acknowledging that that seldom happens in games for him. 

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35 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Not that I'm disagreeing with this whole draft notion but I think getting a high draft pick is kind of overrated. It's not about where you pick so much as it is who you pick 


Unless trading down is the goal in which case draft position is of the utmost importance. :)

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On October 29, 2017 at 9:17 AM, 21isSuperman said:

Take a deep breath.  Everything is going to be fine.  Many people expected this season to be a wash, especially with Luck out for an extended period of time.  We have the right guy in Ballard, who is not in the hot seat by any stretch of the imagination.  The roster and coaching staff has a lot of holes, which couldn't all be fixed in one offseason.  You have to be patient.

Well said 21. Nothing more to say than that. 


Just to be clear, I take no pleasure in a head coach's dismissal. Chuck is a kind man, great community leader, & he always looks for the positive never looking for a scapegoat. I will still keep an eye on Pagano where ever he lands next yr. Sometimes, gigs don't work out & there's no shame in that at all. This is the worst part of the NFL. Losing guys you wish you had as a neighbor, but knowing that it's time to turn the page & move forward. 


I do respect that Chuck doesn't duck his media & press conference responsibilities unlike say Panthers QB Cam Newton. It's hard to take the heat when things aren't going well. I know Q & A sessions aren't easy when a team is struggling. 

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On October 29, 2017 at 11:20 AM, Lucky Colts Fan said:


37192682.jpg  Am I the only one who gives a * about the rules?!?!  Over the line!  Smokey, this is not 'Nam.  This is bowling.  There are rules.

John Goodman was fantastic in "The Big Lebowski!" Thanks for the comic relief LCF. :hat:

21 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Thank you for the mention



 Glad to see my positivity is rubbing off

You do have a knack for seeing the big picture & being calm, cool, & collected 23/7 PT. Yes, I said 23/7 because nobody's perfect man, I don't trust friends that never explode once in a blue moon mi amigo. haha

3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

If the Colts are a circus, I could always dress like a clown and put my big red nose on and blend right in then :thmup:

Please don't clowns freak me out ever since I was a little kid. No harm done buddy. SW1 is just messing with ya. 


I wasn't  lying though. Clown makeup disturbs me. Strangely though, I'm fine with Krusty The Clown on Simpsons re-runs though. Yeah, I know. Too much information right? My bad. 


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13 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

John Goodman was fantastic in "The Big Lebowski!" Thanks for the comic relief LCF. :hat:

You do have a knack for seeing the big picture & being calm, cool, & collected 23/7 PT. Yes, I said 23/7 because nobody's perfect man, I don't trust friends that never explode once in a blue moon mi amigo. haha

Please don't clowns freak me out ever since I was a little kid. No harm done buddy. SW1 is just messing with ya. 


I wasn't  lying though. Clown makeup disturbs me. Strangely though, I'm fine with Krusty The Clown on Simpsons re-runs though. Yeah, I know. Too much information right? My bad. 


Nadine said they were creepy too. I agree but it's Hallooooweeen, creepy laughs haha 

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3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Nadine said they were creepy too. I agree but it's Hallooooweeen, creepy laughs haha 

That's why I like you man. You have a great sense of humor & don't get your underwear in a twist over the small stuff. 


Plus, you deploy sarcasm with precision a very unique skill set & I always flock to smart posters who possess twisted minds just like me. That's a complement if that makes any sense CBE. :D

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1 minute ago, southwest1 said:

That's why I like you man. You have a great sense of humor & don't get your underwear in a twist over the small stuff. 


Plus, you deploy sarcasm with precision a very unique skill set & I always flock to smart posters who possess twisted minds just like me. That's a complement if that makes any sense CBE. :D

Yeah it makes sense to me because I am very twisted at times lmao. I am at work and have to go do my truck audit but I will be back on later, been an easy night at work - I love nights because I can kill time here. Take care my friend.

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yeah it makes sense to me because I am very twisted at times lmao. I am at work and have to go do my truck audit but I will be back on later, been an easy night at work - I love nights because I can kill time here. Take care my friend.

Thanks brother. I don't wanna get you into trouble at work, but I'm glad to hear that your having a smooth night at work so far. 


Since music is kind of my obsession in my downtime, I will leave you one of my favorite Triumph songs to make your night go faster called "Magic Power." I will probably use this track in a movie review eventually. It's 1 of my favorite tracks that never grows old to me. A phenomenal number that you will always bop your head to & sing these lyrics. 


"I'm young, I'm wild and I'm free
Got the magic power of the music in me
I'm young, I'm wild and I'm free
Got the magic power of the music in me" 



Have a good evening my friend. :thmup:

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On 10/29/2017 at 2:04 AM, BlueShoe said:


It is just enough. I am tired of hanging onto this season, and it keeps getting worse.


Accepting defeat the rest of the season. First time in 33 years I have felt this way mid-season. 


I want to have hope for 2018, but even that seems somewhat far-fetched. This team is officially rock bottom. 

First time in 33 years?  What about some of the teams in the 80s, '91, and 96?

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7 hours ago, Mr Coffee said:

First time in 33 years?  What about some of the teams in the 80s, '91, and 96?


Maybe it was optimistic youth. I could always see a way we could turn things around, and think of a game plan that might work. 


This team, with this remaining schedule; no way. I don’t see us winning another game without Andrew Luck. 


We can’t be a team that is reliant on its starting quarterback, especially like we’ve been over the past 20 years. Losing the quarterback should not be an acceptable excuse for having a terrible season, and finishing in the bottom 5. No doubt, losing the starting quarterback should cost us a few games, but not 6 to 10 games.


I am not expecting us to win Super Bowl’s with a backup. I am expecting us to be competitive. Not only competitive against the lowly teams like the Browns, 49ers, and Bengals. 


If we want to be successful then we need a much better team around our quarterback. I am no longer interested in having a great quarterback, who carries a team. I am interested in having a team that can carry a quarterback. 

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It takes time to build a true championship team. It doesn't happen in one off-season. It doesn't happen after one draft and one free agency. There is a huge list of needs on this team and I fully expect us to have a rough season next year. This rebuild will be years in the making. 

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22 hours ago, Mr Coffee said:

First time in 33 years?  What about some of the teams in the 80s, '91, and 96?

My first game live was the only win in 91'. 


That team was a special kind of suck.


Fond adolescent memories of 1-15 and friends asking 'why are you a Colts fan? They suck'...haha



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9 hours ago, IinD said:

My first game live was the only win in 91'. 


That team was a special kind of suck.


Fond adolescent memories of 1-15 and friends asking 'why are you a Colts fan? They suck'...haha




Similar story for me. I was in high school during the 91 season. No one else that I knew was a Colts fan. A few years later, I dated a girl whose father was a Colts fan. No doubt, Colts fans were hard to find in Evansville back then. 

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1 minute ago, conklincolt said:

I have been a Colts fan for 53 years now ever since I been 8 years old and  now I kneel (new hobby) for the whole colts team during the Anthem. They STINK 




The whole idea that every fan must blindly believe we will always win, in order to be called a Colts fans is quite amazing. I think being hard on the team shows just as much passion (if not more). 


Blind faith in a football team isn’t for all of us. We will have our reasons to call them out, and it doesn’t make us any less of a fan.


And you’re 100% correct in that some of us already have a hobby, and it’s called the Colts! :) 

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On 10/31/2017 at 8:51 AM, BlueShoe said:


Maybe it was optimistic youth. I could always see a way we could turn things around, and think of a game plan that might work. 


This team, with this remaining schedule; no way. I don’t see us winning another game without Andrew Luck. 


We can’t be a team that is reliant on its starting quarterback, especially like we’ve been over the past 20 years. Losing the quarterback should not be an acceptable excuse for having a terrible season, and finishing in the bottom 5. No doubt, losing the starting quarterback should cost us a few games, but not 6 to 10 games.


I am not expecting us to win Super Bowl’s with a backup. I am expecting us to be competitive. Not only competitive against the lowly teams like the Browns, 49ers, and Bengals. 


If we want to be successful then we need a much better team around our quarterback. I am no longer interested in having a great quarterback, who carries a team. I am interested in having a team that can carry a quarterback. 

You think you are giving us words of wisdom?   We all know that Grigson left us with a team without any depth at any position.  


Ballard has already started to correct this.   It's going to take years for this team not to be QB dependent. 

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33 minutes ago, Myles said:

You think you are giving us words of wisdom?   We all know that Grigson left us with a team without any depth at any position.  


Ballard has already started to correct this.   It's going to take years for this team not to be QB dependent. 


Please look at the context within the question I answered to understand the context of the answer I gave. 



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2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


Please look at the context within the question I answered to understand the context of the answer I gave. 



I've read through the thread.   I know what you are trying to say.  

You just seem to be complaining and arguing about what we all know is true.  

Do you believe fans think this team has depth?  

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On 10/29/2017 at 1:04 AM, BlueShoe said:


It is just enough. I am tired of hanging onto this season, and it keeps getting worse.


Accepting defeat the rest of the season. First time in 33 years I have felt this way mid-season. 


I want to have hope for 2018, but even that seems somewhat far-fetched. This team is officially rock bottom. 

I don't think you are the one to officially declare anything with the Colts.  It may be your opinion but it's not official.

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1 hour ago, Jaric said:

Rock bottom?  Lulz.  The 0-8 Browns had a trade rejected because they forgot to submit the proper paperwork on time.


As bad as we suck, we can't even see rock bottom from where we are. 


It can get A LOT worse.

The Browns are better at most positions than the Colts.  But one that they are not is QB and they are a cluster"F" at dealing with their QB position.  The Browns tried to trade 2nd and 3rd round draft picks for the QB not good enough to displace Andy Dalton (McCarron). After they just spent an early 2nd round pick on Kizer 6 months ago.


I think screwing up the trade is a good thing for the Browns.

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23 hours ago, BlueShoe said:




The whole idea that every fan must blindly believe we will always win, in order to be called a Colts fans is quite amazing. I think being hard on the team shows just as much passion (if not more). 


Blind faith in a football team isn’t for all of us. We will have our reasons to call them out, and it doesn’t make us any less of a fan.


And you’re 100% correct in that some of us already have a hobby, and it’s called the Colts! :) 

thats cool and true. But this team still STINKS. period

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