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Irsay Lets Slip That He Expects Andrew Will Be A Colt In 2012 (Merge)


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Irsay doesn't want Peyton here. He only wants Andrew Luck here. He made up his mind about that by week 14.

He is just not a man enough to face the camera and tell all of us what he feels.

That stuff he is peddling to us, about how he would love Peyton to get 100% healthy, how great it would be to have him back...blah..all lies..that's not how he really feels.

He doesn't want Peyton here. Thats all there is too it.

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Irsay doesn't want Peyton here. He only wants Andrew Luck here. He made up his mind about that by week 14.

He is just not a man enough to face the camera and tell all of us what he feels.

That stuff he is peddling to us, about how he would love Peyton to get 100% healthy, how great it would be to have him back...blah..all lies..that's not how he really feels.

He doesn't want Peyton here. Thats all there is too it.

Great!..... it looks like you have it all figured out.

That's an important first step.

If we DO cut Manning and draft Andrew Luck. you'll have roughly 7 months to maybe attend grief counseling and get over it, or you're free to remain miserable, bitter and broken.... and free to continue posting your endless lamentations and protests on the Forum.

Of course, if you really hate Irsay (like your signature says) and you're disgusted with him THAT much, the NFL has 31 other teams to root for.... so there's that.

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Not that we doubted what the #1 pick was going to be, oh wait, a ton of you DID doubt what the #1 pick was going to be.

LOL on you. Consider this your confirmation.

"With Peyton Manning's future in Indianapolis just days away from being decided, Colts owner Jim Irsay said Tuesday the team's franchise quarterback still controls whether he will remain with the only NFL franchise he has ever played for, but that the club cannot exercise the $28 million option bonus that is due Manning on March 8.

"I want him to make the call,'' Irsay told SI.com Tuesday afternoon. "I want him to be able to make that decision. "He knows with the option bonus that's due we'd have to re-do the contract, and you can re-do the contract. You can do that. If he can play again and he wants to be here, and I assume he does, I want him here. But his arm has to come back and it's a matter of the nerve regeneration taking place. Any contract we would have has to take that process into consideration.''

Irsay said he expects to have the long-awaited meeting with his veteran quarterback to decide Manning's fate in "the next week or so.'' But any discussion about Manning's future in Indy will have to include the restructuring of his 2012 contract into an incentive-laden, performance-based deal, given the uncertainty that surrounds Manning's slow rehabilitation from two 2011 neck surgeries.

"He may not ever be able to play again,'' Irsay said. "We just don't know that yet. It's a question of whether his arm comes back, and the nerve regeneration occurs. It's always been an issue about his long-term health after football, that's the big issue. And then there are salary cap consequences that have to be dealt with as part of his return. But it's going to be his call whether he stays.

"If he can get healthy and he wants to take the risk of playing, I'd rather see him be here and play for us this year. It can be worked out. If he can get back to the point of being the old Peyton Manning, he can play for us this season and handle it better than a rookie quarterback would be able to handle it.''

The Colts hold the No. 1 draft pick this year and are widely expected to make Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck their selection. In fact, Irsay several times on Tuesday referenced Luck in speaking of the Colts approach to the 2012 season, with or without Manning being involved. Indianapolis is on the clock in terms of its coveted top pick.

"This thing has been tough,'' said Irsay, meaning the club's recent showdown of sorts with Manning, regarding his playing future. "But at the same time, if he (Manning) came in and mentored the young guy and was his old self, we'd have a heck of a chance to be much better in 2012 than we were last season. That's if he's his old self, and that's a big if, obviously.

"But if he can play, he could do that for us this season and then he'd have the choice of whether to retire, with his number retired, the statue built and the whole thing. If he's healthy, he'd handle 2012 better than Andrew could. But ultimately I have always wanted him to make the decision, with us having pointed out the risk and the stress he's putting his neck under by playing. The biggest aspect is I want him to be comfortable with his decision.''

While there have been conflicting reports recently regarding the status and strength of Manning's passing arm, clearly Irsay believes his quarterback's rehabilitation process is far from complete and remains an open question.

"If he's the old Peyton Manning he could come back this year and maybe do more with less,'' Irsay said. "The question is, can he ever get back to that point? We don't know that yet.''

Irsay said he does not believe Manning has ever intended to force the issue of the $28 million option bonus being paid before he has proven he'll be healthy enough to play next season. By picking up the option bonus, the Colts would be committing more than $35 million in compensation to Manning this year, including his $7.4 million base salary. That after the Colts paid him about $26 million in 2011, with him missing the entire season.

"That's the last he'd want to do for this team, put us in that kind of salary cap situation,'' Irsay said. "He wants to come back and he wants to win. I should say I assume he wants to come back. With Peyton, sometimes you never know. But that's why we're going to have a meeting in a few days. I think he has some real comfort in the idea of finishing his career here, but I think he's conflicted perhaps given the circumstances. We'll find out soon.''

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It did by me until I read your bolded text...thanks! Btw, could you tell me how you scored 4 touchdowns for Polk High? ;)

I also think it's the first time he said "Andrew", he used to say "QB's".

BTW, besides scoring those 4 TDs for Polk High, did you also know you're from my hometown of Youngstown, OH?

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Well, lets see what we have here..

Got an owner that put the ball in Mannings court.. supposably. If thats the case, only win situation for all involved would be this.

- If Manning takes a pay cut and resigns with the Colts, practices, works hard, and tries to play, good. In the mean time, the Colts draft Andrew Luck. Ok, fine. Have him takes some reps, ect. keep him working and learning the playbook.

- Manning to show himself and colts he is ok to play starts the first game of the regular season or pre season, ect. If Manning, and he will do this, finds that he cannot perform at the top level he expects himself to play at to win and do it consistantly, he will hand the reins over to Luck and work with him. I cannot see a smart man like Peyton insisting he can play if he shows it to himself that he cannot. This may be what it takes for him to realize he cannot play if he cannot get back to old Peyton form.

- I believe that if Manning can play and play and win, he will stay in Indy and most likely retire in one to two years. During that time Luck will be learning from the best or be traded. Either way. I would say he would just need to learn to sit tight and wait his turn. Take that special time to learn from one of the best to ever play. Embrace the experience. Learn.

This is the only win situation I can see happening. I dont think Manning going to another team is likely. New owners, players, system, ect. too much too late in his career. I also do not see Manning retiring until he sees for himself that either he can or cannot play and it must be game situation to solidify it in Mannings mind. If he cant, he will sit and let Luck play. If he can play and play well, Luck will sit. With so much discussion about weither or not the Colts should re build, dump out Manning and start fresh is not applicable right now. Give Manning the option to see for himself that he can or cannot play. Period. The Colts will not be out anything. In fact, this could be the best thing. Luck gets valuable knowledge that he wouldnt be getting with Manning present and Manning would get to retire his number in Indy, statues, streets named after him, maybe coach in Indy, raise his kids in Indiana, and leave football the way he should, on his own terms in Colts blue and white. :colts:

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Irsay doesn't want Peyton here. He only wants Andrew Luck here. He made up his mind about that by week 14.

He is just not a man enough to face the camera and tell all of us what he feels.

That stuff he is peddling to us, about how he would love Peyton to get 100% healthy, how great it would be to have him back...blah..all lies..that's not how he really feels.

He doesn't want Peyton here. Thats all there is too it.

By this article, it sounds like he'd like Peyton back, but for no more than 1 year and a very reduced salary.

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By this article, it sounds like he'd like Peyton back, but for no more than 1 year and a very reduced salary.

That's pretty much how I read it? I respect your opinion as you are an acknowledged Giant's fan (my second team, if that is possible? Born and bred New Yorker though!) and appreciate the un-biased opinion.

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By this article, it sounds like he'd like Peyton back, but for no more than 1 year and a very reduced salary.

Might be best for Peyton and the team, actually. If he can play for us for a year at a high level, then another team will be more willing to give him a nice three year deal with some big LTBEs. He'd get to use the facilities for the entire offseason, wouldn't be compelled to participate fully in the OTAs and training camp and preseason, can basically start his role as a hired gun. The fanbase would have an entire year as a farewell tour for Manning. Also less risk for the team long-term.

Meanwhile, Luck benefits from not being thrust on stage to replace a great in his rookie year, gets to watch the best for a year, and has an easier transition to the NFL as a starting quarterback.

Then, when Manning leaves, he'll have re-established himself as a top level quarterback (assuming he's healthy), and can go to a contender that just needs a quarterback.

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"But if he [Peyton Manning] can play, he could do that for us this season and then he'd have the choice of whether to retire, with his number retired, the statue built and the whole thing. If he's healthy, he'd handle 2012 better than Andrew could. But ultimately I have always wanted him to make the decision, with us having pointed out the risk and the stress he's putting his neck under by playing. The biggest aspect is I want him to be comfortable with his decision.''

FYI, there are no Andrews in the current Colts roster.

I don't see anything definitive there, he said Andrew could not would/

No slip just referring to a potential pick, I'm still waiting for draft day.

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he has never said an actual name before until now. andrew is the pick. guaranteed.

You may be right, but remember last season when Irsay tweeted that he was visiting Brett Favres hometown? This may be more of the same just to get people talking, I think he likes messing with our heads so I'm not convinced who will be picked....or if the pick will be traded away.
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Don't see what he said was so wrong in this article. All Irsay said is I am not going to throw 28 mill at a player to sit out again. What's wrong with that? Oh yeah, I forgot it's Peyton Manning. If it was Dwight Freeney, I bet there would be endless amounts of "Trade/Cut Dwight Freeney" threads.

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The Colts have been known to play the smoke and mirrors game. I take everything I hear from within the organization with a grain of salt.

and 99.9% of that was the Polians who are no longer here.

Frankly Irsay has proven to be extremely honest when he says things, probably too honest at times.

With that said if you don't believe him nothing says you have too.

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Don't see what he said was so wrong in this article. All Irsay said is I am not going to throw 28 mill at a player to sit out again. What's wrong with that? Oh yeah, I forgot it's Peyton Manning. If it was Dwight Freeney, I bet there would be endless amounts of "Trade/Cut Dwight Freeney" threads.

I think you are right, we have that now and Dwight is healthy and only (ha) supposed to make 19 million next season vs. an unhealthy Peyton scheduled to make 28 million lol.

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Yeah we have to take Luck.

My sister already let it slip that I am getting a Luck jersey for my birthday in June.

So, in order to keep up with my sister's plans.....Luck it is.

I don't wish this on you Jules but I am going to laugh at all the people who ordered Luck 12 jerseys this year if he comes in and says "I am going with number 8" and changes his number like Manning did from college to the pros. With that said I hope he doesn't change his number because 12 is my favorite number, always has been since Harbaugh first wore it when he first got here.

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So we sign Manning to a 1 year contract, see how we does then see if he retires or moves on? It seems like Irsay is willing to test the waters with Manning while still drafting Luck. It is kind of weird. Manning is a fierce competitor and if the Colts make the playoffs, he would probably want to play another year. So I'm kind of confused by this statement, it seems like Irsay is saying, he wouldn't mind if Manning played for one more year, then retires as a Colt. At the same time he seems like he wants Luck. I'm nit sure if that would be fine with Manning. However, we still don't know much about if Manning will play or not. I'm sooooooooooooo confused now.

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I don't wish this on you Jules but I am going to laugh at all the people who ordered Luck 12 jerseys this year if he comes in and says "I am going with number 8" and changes his number like Manning did from college to the pros. With that said I hope he doesn't change his number because 12 is my favorite number, always has been since Harbaugh first wore it when he first got here.

Oh no, I don't think she has it ordered or anything. She will wait for official word and all that. She is that type.

I do want a Luck jersey though. I kinda wanted one early last season when I started to watch Stanford lmao. I just felt it was sorta shaping up as destiny in a way. I was drawn to him even before it was clear the Colts could be the first pick in the draft. I like the feel of this guy.......he has some intangibles I truly dig a lot.

Besides, Jim Harbaugh himself said Luck is perfect when he was still with Stanford. I posted the quote once in the draft section. He said his wife and Luck were the two perfect people he knew.

How can I not want someone who even Harbaugh called perfect? *happy sigh*

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So we sign Manning to a 1 year contract, see how we does then see if he retires or moves on? It seems like Irsay is willing to test the waters with Manning while still drafting Luck. It is kind of weird. Manning is a fierce competitor and if the Colts make the playoffs, he would probably want to play another year. So I'm kind of confused by this statement, it seems like Irsay is saying, he wouldn't mind if Manning played for one more year, then retires as a Colt. At the same time he seems like he wants Luck. I'm nit sure if that would be fine with Manning. However, we still don't know much about if Manning will play or not. I'm sooooooooooooo confused now.

I always believed that Irsay wants Peyton to retire NOW. As in tomorrow if he could. Of course, Peyton might not. But, I do feel thats what Irsay has been trying to do in ways behind closed doors. Can I prove it? No. But, it's been a hunch of mine. Irsay probably believes the risks out weight the pros of Manning playing football in the future. And in many ways I also have wished Peyton to retire.

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There are varying views on ESPN, so i wouldn't even go there I've heard both... Beside, ESPN was so in Love with Tebow and we all know what a joke they have become.

Yes they were in love with Tebow, now they are now in love with Jeremy Lin. Probably in a non platonic way. LOL!!!!

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You can go ahead and box the Manning jersey and let it collect dust. Mannings career is over and your jersey is now a reminder of our past. Manning did an amazing job to put the Colts on the map. Now, Luck will be more clutch and we'll win a couple more Superbowls.

Manning career with or without the Colts IS NOT over, he will play again, period....

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By this article, it sounds like he'd like Peyton back, but for no more than 1 year and a very reduced salary.

Yep, that is how I took it. Irsay wants Manning back for one year at a very reduce rate so that Luck can sit and learn for a season. Then next season the team would be all Luck's. To me this quote all but says Manning is done here.

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and 99.9% of that was the Polians who are no longer here.

Frankly Irsay has proven to be extremely honest when he says things, probably too honest at times.

With that said if you don't believe him nothing says you have too.

I did think about the fact that Bill was the master manipulator, but I do believe that Irsay, as much as he's a geniune guy, has learned a thing or two from Bill. I guess only time will tell.

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Doesn't it come off like Irsay expects only one more season from Manning? If he stays a Colt and produces, why should he be rushed to retire?

If Manning stays a colt and plays at a high level this coming season, why not trade him rather than have him retire? You could get more for him especially from teams like the Jets and 49ers (if Alex Smith stumbles next season)

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If Manning stays a colt and plays at a high level this coming season, why not trade him rather than have him retire? You could get more for him especially from teams like the Jets and 49ers (if Alex Smith stumbles next season)

If Manning were to stay with the Colts, after this interview he wouldn't agree to more than a one year deal. Peyton and his agent will not allow him to be traded. They'll make sure he's a free agent and can choose his own destination.

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Dude your my hero! this is the first time i read this article. and it brought a tear to my eye lol. i need to pre order my luck jersey. and mannings decidion will decide if i hang my manning jersey on the wall or not next season

Make sure its #12. I thought maybe it should be #7 but his birth date is the 12th.

Now you know and knowing is half the battle

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Might be best for Peyton and the team, actually. If he can play for us for a year at a high level, then another team will be more willing to give him a nice three year deal with some big LTBEs. He'd get to use the facilities for the entire offseason, wouldn't be compelled to participate fully in the OTAs and training camp and preseason, can basically start his role as a hired gun. The fanbase would have an entire year as a farewell tour for Manning. Also less risk for the team long-term.

Meanwhile, Luck benefits from not being thrust on stage to replace a great in his rookie year, gets to watch the best for a year, and has an easier transition to the NFL as a starting quarterback.

Then, when Manning leaves, he'll have re-established himself as a top level quarterback (assuming he's healthy), and can go to a contender that just needs a quarterback.

This would be by far the most ideal situation. Either that, or if Manning is capable of doing 3 or 4 years, trade the pick and get a project QB. I'd be 100% okay with either of those situation. Not so much for any other scenario, though.

he has never said an actual name before until now. andrew is the pick. guaranteed.

Or Irsay could toying with other teams. It doesn't mean much, to be honest.

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