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Irsays Breaking News...wants Peyton Back *if* ((Merged))

Peyton and Eli fan

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I really wish Irsay didnt make those comments. He is essentially playing the PR game and trying to turn this all on Peyton. Jim should remember his words about making the horseshoe look bad because saying things like he said today to back the greatest QB of all time into a corner is not the way to play this out.

I hope Peyton comes back is healthy and retires a colt. Anyway the sooner this circus is over the better for everyone involved and that includes us fans.


I think Irsay is doing what he needs to do to protect the horseshoe. He is merely firing back to sway the court of public opinion, after the other side has fired their medical clearance salvo. Both sides are now being politicians and are campaigning hard to win the PR battle.

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Ok so let's say Manning does renegotiate his contract, but at the same time they still want Luck. I've kind of jumped off the bandwagon of having both. You can't really say, "Manning we will resign you for a 2 year contract just to mentor Luck.". How would it be beneficial to have both??? If we resigned Peyton & had Luck how could they build a SB caliber team in the next 2 years, who knows if Luck would even want to wait 2 years?? I just can't fathom having Manning around for 2 years, win a SB, then put in Luck. I think it's either build a SB caliber team for Manning, trade Luck OR keep Luck and prep for the future. Just IMO, perhaps there is a way to keep both, win a SB or have a caliber of team that can (with Manning) and appease Luck (somehow). It seems all but impossible for me unless Luck is willing to sit for 4 years. If Luck is willing to sit for 4 years then he wouldn't pull a power play anyways. Luck has said he doesn't want to be involved in any way with Manning being or not being a Colt. In the end I think it's one or the other.

Only way peyton wins a SB in Indy is if they trade 1st pick to build a team around him, otherwise , its like not picking at all till the 2nd pick of round 2 as far as getting new players and alo we have to see what happens in free agency with our players and if we get any

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Do you see any circumstance where PM will refuse to accept a restructured deal?

No, he's always thinking about the team first, so I think he'll be open to renegotiating, just like he did last year. Unless the deal is very low, he will probably renegotiate and maybe make a lower deal. He's got a lot of money, so a couple of million to him in a deal is not huge.

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No, he's always thinking about the team first, so I think he'll be open to renegotiating, just like he did last year. Unless the deal is very low, he will probably renegotiate and maybe make a lower deal. He's got a lot of money, so a couple of million to him in a deal is not huge.

Hold on to that thought, and we will see how things unfold, okay?

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Nothing new here...Irsay is pretty much just saying what he has been saying all along. I.e. Peyton must restructure current deal and must show he is healthy to remain a Colt. If those two conditions are not satisfied then nothing else matters. So this is still much to do about nothing at the moment.

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Nothing new here...Irsay is pretty much just saying what he has been saying all along. I.e. Peyton must restructure current deal and must show he is healthy to remain a Colt. If those two conditions are not satisfied then nothing else matters. So this is still much to do about nothing at the moment.

Actually it is expanding on Irsay's definition of what healthy means, and what "Peyton can be a colt if he wants to" means.

Healthy = arm is back, no uncertainty, and nothing to do with the fusion.

Want to = restructure current contract.

This, at least, eliminates some speculation.

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Nothing new here...Irsay is pretty much just saying what he has been saying all along. I.e. Peyton must restructure current deal and must show he is healthy to remain a Colt. If those two conditions are not satisfied then nothing else matters. So this is still much to do about nothing at the moment.

I actually think this is new, and not rehashed news. This expands on what Irsay said to Eisen, and squarely places the onus on PM to come to the Colts to handle this, not the other way around.

"We want this to be his decision," Irsay told ESPN on Tuesday. "We want him back if he wants to come back. We can work out the contract if he wants to work it out. It's going to be Peyton's call."

Well of course Jim! You don't want to make the decision, so tell him it's his call. Yeah, the NFLPA and Condon are surely already seeing to it that this happens to all other verterans who are under existing large contracts, coming off of health issues, maybe just not earning the high salary any more.... just let the teams give an 'aw shucks', wish we could, but he'll have want to make it happen, it's not up to us approach.....

PM accepting this would make his peer group storm his castle with pitchforks and torches. I see no way PM even discusses being cut, exclusively negotiating with the Colts as a FA, and signing a new contract for less money than the one he is currently in. NFLPA won't let this happen, even if PM is willing, which I can not see to begin with.

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PM accepting this would make his peer group storm his castle with pitchforks and torches. I see no way PM even discusses being cut, exclusively negotiating with the Colts as a FA, and signing a new contract for less money than the one he is currently in. NFLPA won't let this happen, even if PM is willing, which I can not see to begin with.

Drew Brees is up for a new contract now. He would be very interested in what precedent is set with PM.

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I actually think this is new, and not rehashed news. This expands on what Irsay said to Eisen, and squarely places the onus on PM to come to the Colts to handle this, not the other way around.

"We want this to be his decision," Irsay told ESPN on Tuesday. "We want him back if he wants to come back. We can work out the contract if he wants to work it out. It's going to be Peyton's call."

Well of course Jim! You don't want to make the decision, so tell him it's his call. Yeah, the NFLPA and Condon are surely already seeing to it that this happens to all other verterans who are under existing large contracts, coming off of health issues, maybe just not earning the high salary any more.... just let the teams give an 'aw shucks', wish we could, but he'll have want to make it happen, it's not up to us approach.....

PM accepting this would make his peer group storm his castle with pitchforks and torches. I see no way PM even discusses being cut, exclusively negotiating with the Colts as a FA, and signing a new contract for less money than the one he is currently in. NFLPA won't let this happen, even if PM is willing, which I can not see to begin with.

Well then the Colts hands are tied right? No way should he get that money right now with all the uncertainty with is arm. This is a unique case. I don't think the NFLPA has had to deal with a case as totally uncertain as this one involving perhaps the most prized FA of all time assuming he can play again at some point. Other teams would want insurance protection why not us?

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Drew Brees is up for a new contract now. He would be very interested in what precedent is set with PM.

The huge difference to me is a four year deal takes Brees to 37? 38? The Colts knew a five year deal took PM to 40. The Saints have much better timing, even if Brees gets hurt or declines in performance in the next couple years. But I agree, teams may well learn from this and find better ways to use large bonus payments, or remove activating remaining years language to contracts. I still think Polian was shown the door first because of this contract.

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The huge difference to me is a four year deal takes Brees to 37? 38? The Colts knew a five year deal took PM to 40. The Saints have much better timing, even if Brees gets hurt or declines in performance in the next couple years. But I agree, teams may well learn from this and find better ways to use large bonus payments, or remove activating remaining years language to contracts. I still think Polian was shown the door first because of this contract.

Yes. The Saints have better timing. Brees turned 33 in January, so a 4 year deal puts him ending the last season of his contract at 37.

While I agree with you that Polian may have been shown the door because of this current PM contract, other posters have informed me that Irsay was the main architect behind the current PM contract, and Polian just did the nuts and bolts of it. I don't know how much Irsay was involved and how much Polian was involved to properly assign the title of architect.

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There is no precedent in Manning's situation as it pertains to Brees. Manning's is set alone. Brees will make mega-bank regardless.

While I do agree that Brees will command mega-bucks, I am very confident that whatever Manning and other franchise QBs have contracted will serve as foundational comparisons in negotiating the new Brees deal.

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I read this as one of two scenarios.

1. Irsay is calling the alleged Manning bluff about willing to restructure to a team friendly contract (if that was indeed coming from the Manning camp) In which case that was a brilliant PR move on his part if this has degenerated into politics.

2. He genuininly wants to find a way to end this on a positive note with Manning retiring a Colt.

I'm hoping it's number two. However, if things have degenerated into politics about who is the bad guy in this breakup, I'm going to root for Irsay to come out ahead because it's not a good thing for half our fanbase to hate our owner. That leads to empty stadiums which is the opposite of what we're looking for here.

But I really hope it's number two.

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I've heard different and I've heard Irsay believes it can be done. No I cannot divulge my sources.

Well I am not going to claim to be an expert on Manning's contract, so I hope your sources are correct.

As far as the blame game/PR campaigns going on, I do not think that there has to be a bad guy in this deal. If the situation is that Peyton is not comfortable with the Colts drafting Luck and wants to go somewhere else then that is his decision and a reasonable one. If Irsay determines that it is too big a risk to give Manning the $28 mil., that is also a reasonable decision. Sometimes you just have to part ways amicably. As a fan I will be very sad to see Peyton in another uniform. Hopefully, they can work a deal out where Peyton can stay a Colt but does not handicap the team as far as the salary cap, I am not sure that this is possible.

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I read this as one of two scenarios.

1. Irsay is calling the alleged Manning bluff about willing to restructure to a team friendly contract (if that was indeed coming from the Manning camp) In which case that was a brilliant PR move on his part if this has degenerated into politics.

2. He genuininly wants to find a way to end this on a positive note with Manning retiring a Colt.

I'm hoping it's number two. However, if things have degenerated into politics about who is the bad guy in this breakup, I'm going to root for Irsay to come out ahead because it's not a good thing for half our fanbase to hate our owner. That leads to empty stadiums which is the opposite of what we're looking for here.

But I really hope it's number two.

Honestly I think its both, and you are right it was extremely clever. Hes covering is butt publicly in case manning walks instead of taking less money. And he probably wants (who wouldn't) the GOAT to be here for a few years to teach the #1 Drafted QB how to read defenses like no other. Just not for 28 mil with an uncertain nerve regen.

Peyton will have to finally share snaps, which will be easy when you have twins.

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I fully expect a response from PM's camp, preferably Tom Condon saying something to the effect of:

We welcome Mr. Irsay's kind offer to renegotiate the current contract between PM and the Colts. However, any renegotiations must account for what PM has done for the team and the city, and recognize his franchise QB status going forward. We thought we had such a contract in the current contract. We would be interested to know what Mr. Irsay has in mind now with any new contract that will incorporate these things. If we do not see equivalence, we must decline renegotiation, and allow the Colts to make up their minds whether they really want PM or not. If not, this will allow PM to seek employment elsewhere, where another NFL team will recognize the value of PM.

I see more back and forth along these lines. Nothing new.

Yep, and I was just thinking how awesome it was that we haven't had anything like this in over a week.

I've heard different and I've heard Irsay believes it can be done. No I cannot divulge my sources.


Irsay is merely fighting fire with fire in the media statements from both parties.

This is the politician/campaigning reference to which Irsay meant earlier.

1) Eggshells, not a place that is good for healing

2) Politician, campaigning, keep in in house

3) Joint statement....love each other

4) If healthy, PM will be a Colt

5) Medical clearance to play football from neurosurgeons on the fusion

6) Tweet...not cleared by the Colts!

7) PM can be a Colt if he wants to be....

8) If he wants to be means he will agree to restructure contract to reflect the uncertainty about his arm

And I have not included all the talking heads that have reported things without identifying their sources!

Too funny......or as Dane Cook would say, "It's funny because it's true........TRUE, HENCE, FUNNY"

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Well then the Colts hands are tied right? No way should he get that money right now with all the uncertainty with is arm. This is a unique case. I don't think the NFLPA has had to deal with a case as totally uncertain as this one involving perhaps the most prized FA of all time assuming he can play again at some point. Other teams would want insurance protection why not us?

Yes, the Colts hands are tied. Not to bring up the other 3000 threads on this, especially for those who believe it's just an issue of paying the bonus and all will be fine, but the Colts can't pay the bonus on 3/8 and activate the remaining years.

I agree this is unique, but I can't see the NFLPA saying nothing, or doing nothing when a union member basically conspires to allow walking away from $28 million in cash, a four year deal with escalating salaries, functionally stating that he will exclusively deal with only one team as a FA, and then agreeing to a new contract with a shorter term and less money. Bad precedent, and they can't let owners know this is an out with aging or injured or under-performing vets.

The last part is even more speculation, obviously. But I see no way Irsay offers four years at $74 million again, or whatever the current contract calls for now.

Joker - no darkside, just the hideous reality that the Colts, in my estimation, could have never paid the bonus on 3/8 knowing the medical situation. So this is the only route Irsay can take. Leave it to PM to decide to leave tens of millions on the table. That's a lot to ask of someone. Anyone. And I actually do see this as positive - if Irsay is sincere, and offers a fair and reasonable contract after cutting him.

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I don't like that Irsay did this.

1) It looks like a PR move even if it isn't one. He's trying not to be the bad guy

2) If Peyton refuted the report that he'd was going to sign a incentive based contract, I have to wonder if it was Colt sources who put that rumor forth to set this up.

3) This looks more like a political move than anything Peyton has said.

4) What happened to keeping things in the family and not going to the press and making decisions after a face to face meeting? Very hypocritical.

As far as I can see, he's setting up Peyton to be the bad guy.

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I don't like that Irsay did this.

1) It looks like a PR move even if it isn't one. He's trying not to be the bad guy

2) If Peyton refuted the report that he'd was going to sign a incentive based contract, I have to wonder if it was Colt sources who put that rumor forth to set this up.

3) This looks more like a political move than anything Peyton has said.

4) What happened to keeping things in the family and not going to the press and making decisions after a face to face meeting? Very hypocritical.

As far as I can see, he's setting up Peyton to be the bad guy.

Of course it's a PR move. It certainly isn't keeping things "IN HOUSE".

He's trying to paint Manning as the bad guy, that part is crystal clear.

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If Peyton wants to play, and can be his old self, he stays. Period. Irsay is leaving it up to Manning.

Irsay never had plans to cut Manning, wasn't so excited to have Luck that he wanted Manning out. It was all hogwash.

Granted, everything still hinges on whether or not Manning CAN play, but if he can, Irsay is leaving it up to Peyton.

This is the end of this debate (for now).

EDIT: Derp...This thread just went up on the Colts forums. Can never be the first anymore...

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I fully expect a response from PM's camp, preferably Tom Condon saying something to the effect of:

We welcome Mr. Irsay's kind offer to renegotiate the current contract between PM and the Colts. However, any renegotiations must account for what PM has done for the team and the city, and recognize his franchise QB status going forward. We thought we had such a contract in the current contract. We would be interested to know what Mr. Irsay has in mind now with any new contract that will incorporate these things. If we do not see equivalence, we must decline renegotiation, and allow the Colts to make up their minds whether they really want PM or not. If not, this will allow PM to seek employment elsewhere, where another NFL team will recognize the value of PM.

I see more back and forth along these lines. Nothing new.

If that response comes out of Manning or Condon, I will be entirely shocked. That will not happen. No way.

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While I do agree that Brees will command mega-bucks, I am very confident that whatever Manning and other franchise QBs have contracted will serve as foundational comparisons in negotiating the new Brees deal.

As for any would-be Manning deal, in terms of structure perhaps, but not bottom dollar. Top tier, healthy, performing franchise QBs are still going to set the dollar total trend for one another around the league.

I believe the mindset on 1st round draft pick QBs may evolve in the very near future when it comes to how much any sit/play scenario figues into decision making....as discussed in a couple of other threads. This because of the new CBA where you can land an up and coming potential franchise QB for about the same as pre-2011 dollars for a competent veteran backup. There's far less financial risk, and if the timing is right for all parties concerned it could be very doable.

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Of course it's a PR move. It certainly isn't keeping things "IN HOUSE".

He's trying to paint Manning as the bad guy, that part is crystal clear.

yep because someone is going to be the bad guy in this with the fans. There isn't away around that and of course Irsay is going to try to push it off on Manning if he can by telling the fanbase we did everything with in reason to try to keep him. He didn't want to do it so we had to do it. Manning is of course going to tell us what they were asking was unreasonable and tell us he's committed to being healthy by opening day and that he's making progress.

I really think Irsay is setting us up to tell us that they offered Peyton a chance to either push back his option date or take a new contract that incentive driven and that Peyton was not willing to do either one of those and due to the fact that the nerve in his arm had not fully healed by now they could not risk the future of the franchise and while they hated to do this it was really the only choice they had left.

Manning is going to put his own spin on it. That's what people do in these situations and people hate it and it's normally why they get messy because someone ends up looking like the bad guy in all of these kinds of situations.

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He's just basically come out and said that he's not paying the bonus.

There were a lot of "ifs" in that statement.

He expects Peyton to turn this down and is painting him as the bad guy.

No reason to go to the press with this before their meeting if it wasn't just a PR move.

Just my opinion. I hope you are right and I am wrong.

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This is an earlier tweet for Kravitz, to be taken with grain of salt

Bob Kravitz@bkravitz

The question is whether PM will be willing to come back for less and compete with Andrew Luck vs going elsewhere maybe for more $$$

Can any one imagine Peyton having to compete with Andrew in training camp?

I was going to say, maybe I missed it but where did Irsay say a word about Manning have to compete with Luck in camp? If Manning comes back and he's healthy he's going to start over a rookie. I think as per normal this Kravitz being Kravitz.

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