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so no playoffs this year?


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Might as well change the name of this forum to "The Doom and Gloom Forum".  or  "The Sky Is Falling Forum" or even "The End Of The World Forum".

Any NFL team who has changed 50% of their roster and has as many rookies and first year players on their team is going to struggle. For the life of me I don't understand why there are some who think with the changes this team has done it's suppose to be a playoff caliber team. Anyone who thinks that needs a serious dose of reality.

Ballard himself said it was going to be a work in progress and I have no doubt he is correct.

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Okay I'll be positive. We will win the games we score more points in.


But seriously I just see people being realistic. Not saying we as fans are going to bail on our beloved Colts. But realistically speaking we aren't that great. But we can take a positive outlook!


16-0 Baby! Look out Patriots and Steelers, we're ACTUALLY going to beat you this year, I know it's only been 8 years, but we have Tolzien now and a nice looking bunch of rookies! We also beefed up our offensive line, by having our best guy sitting watching on the sidelines. Our coach is starting to get on players for their performance issues and we have a brand new shiny GM :) 


I've spread positivity through the thread!

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13 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Browns fans don't complain near as much as we do as a fanbase and they suck every year. We are spoiled rotten lmao 

That's true.  I am married to one (Browns fan).  No complaining to speak of really.  I think it is more of a grinning "of course, its the Browns" response whenever they lose or something happens like say...... Osweiler/ Grigson, lol. 


So they are conditioned fans more or less and nothing surprises them.


Yes we are spoiled.


No, I don't think playoffs are in the mix this year.  If we should make it, I am guessing it will be an ungraceful exit stage left (or whichever stage leads back to Indy) the first game.  Hope I am wrong though.

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on paper every team in our division has better talent except for a few positions, but past performance does not equal future performance so i just hope for breakouts from our average and below average talent, every single team has a chance every season, lucky breaks, bad calls, turnovers, a lot of things can factor into a win. we have a chance.

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Wells provided absolutely no new incite when he said he thinks Luck will miss regular season game(s), and believe it or not the Colts hopes do not rely entirely on the QB for the first time in 20 years. AFC South Champ comes back home.  

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36 minutes ago, IndyScribe said:

That's from Florio. It's unreputable and you shouldn't take it as gospel.


I don't take it as gospel. But just about everyone in the media is dismissing the Colts for this season.

And as much as I want to believe the team will succeed... I don't like what I am seeing.

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12 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:


I don't take it as gospel. But just about everyone in the media is dismissing the Colts for this season.

And as much as I want to believe the team will succeed... I don't like what I am seeing.

I mean, it all stems from once source, and that source is Florio. He says something, and the rest of the media jumps on it. Right now, it's all speculation. Take it with a grain of salt. 

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23 hours ago, Fluke_33 said:

Am I delusional to still think playoffs?  Should I brace myself for a losing season?  After reading the Indystar and message boards and watching the preseason games I'm starting to get this isn't a good team this year. 


Maybe though, Luck will start early this season and maybe they will find a pass rush and maybe the new D line will stop the run and maybe Marlon Mack will shock the world this season... ok I'm back to expecting the playoffs. 


Lots of doom & gloom considering the sample size is only 2 preseason games with A LOT of starters sidelined.


I realize it's apples to oranges, but New England is 0-2 right now as well. They lost to Jacksonville, a team that's on the verge of cutting their starting QB. It doesn't mean anything.


Long story short, I need to see the finished product on the field before I jump to conclusions. Anything prior to that is a knee jerk reaction.

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I think it goes without saying that we need Luck to come back healthy sooner rather than later if we expect a playoff team. Even going 500 without him would be a stretch. We also have to remember it will take Luck a few games to knock off the rust when he gets back...maybe several games...maybe a whole season....fact is most qbs need reps reps reps...and Luck hasn't taken any. I think playoffs is a long shot for us....I just hope us to be competitive and hopefully win the games I go to lol.

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