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Michael Irvin's Statement


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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

Oh God, lets hope our number 1 can finish in the Fourth Quarter. This just shows how grand the magnitude of Peyton's ability is. I think the statement is with Peyton next year we are contenders. With a rookie it'll take us a couple years to be successful again. That's what is expected with young players.

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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

Garbage. Really?

.....I think there was always a bias against the Colts because they arent smash-mouth team like Pitt and Balt....

They are a finesse team and a lot of analysts didnt respect that..

I dont think we'll be down for long..

....But they shouldnt try to predict the future....most folks doing that these days fail..

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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

Did he say 'The Horseshoe' was nothing before Peyton got here??

He must not know the irsay family goes back to Baltimore..

..Not a bright comment...

..sometimes they ask these analysts for shotgun, non thinking observations..

..and that's what they get..

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Lol Lebron James? Luck has proved nothing his closest comparison is a highly touted rookie and that's it.... its very possible though I find it hard to believe that the colts can have another bad season.. that's what usually happens when you rebuild... these guys are experts they've played the game which none of us have so i would think they know what they are talking about.

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Lol Lebron James? Luck has proved nothing his closest comparison is a highly touted rookie and that's it.... its very possible though I find it hard to believe that the colts can have another bad season.. that's what usually happens when you rebuild... these guys are experts they've played the game which none of us have so i would think they know what they are talking about.

Experts? What does that have to do with them trashing our team?

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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

Yeah, drafting "Lebron" is a sure recipe for success. Just ask the Cleveland Cavaliers.

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Experts? What does that have to do with them trashing our team?

Well the man had a point and we all saw that with the 2-14 season.. Unitas put the colts on the map and peyton made it a capital... if it wasn't for peyton most of if not all of what the colts have accomplished would have not existed.... for the past ten years peyton WAS the horseshoe....

Now its time to change that and that's what irsay is trying to do

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Well the man had a point and we all saw that with the 2-14 season.. Unitas put the colts on the map and peyton made it a capital... if it wasn't for peyton most of if not all of what the colts have accomplished would have not existed.... for the past ten years peyton WAS the horseshoe....

Now its time to change that and that's what irsay is trying to do

I saw nothing constructive in their quotes. Yeah Manning made the Colts who they are now but what does that have to do with planning for the future?

They saw an opening to throw a punch.

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I saw nothing constructive in their quotes. Yeah Manning made the Colts who they are now but what does that have to do with planning for the future?

They saw an opening to throw a punch.

A punch? This isn't jack del Rio we're talking about. Irvin does not dislike the colts so why should he throw a punch... its called constructive criticism.. the guy spoke the truth, ppl just disliked it because of the way he says it, but its true.

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I love the Colts but I can agree with some of the things Micheal Irvin said. I dont believe the Colts will suck next year, but lets be real people the team is in a transition period or re-buliding however you like to put it. Lets think back to when Peyton got to Indy we were the laughing stock of the NFL. But that all changed, With Luck or RG3 which ever is picked the team is going to take some lumps. The front office is taking the right steps in the process. So as fans we have to be patient and ride it out because the SHOE will return to greatness. Micheal Irvin and Stephen A get payed to make those statements, so with that being said look at it for what it is a statement. Go Colts

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2-14. We ARE garbage without Peyton. In fact, if he were out any of the previous 4-5 seasons it would have been the same thing. (Pre 2007 at least we had a good O-line/Marvin/Edge/Glenn/Etc.)

As for next season and beyond? If we can:

-Field a competant squad of players.

-Use a D scheme that isn't easily exploited.

-Show up with special teams that deserve to see an NFL field.

-Have an O-line that can run and/or pass block. Ideally both, but seriously ONE would be nice.

-Not rely on ONE player to drag 75% of their sorry hides to the playoffs year in and year out.

If we can one or more combinations of the above then maybe, JUST MAYBE, we won't be a god awful team in the coming years. With the turnover in management, I'm optimistic since we really can't get any worse.

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A punch? This isn't jack del Rio we're talking about. Irvin does not dislike the colts so why should he throw a punch... its called constructive criticism.. the guy spoke the truth, ppl just disliked it because of the way he says it, but its true.

Smitto you said it best, He did speak the truth. Micheal Irvin doesnt dislike the Colts for years he has been a supporter. It is what it is people Manning has carried this team for so long and his run has come to a end. No one likes change. But that is a law of evolution, if you dont change you die.
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Smitto you said it best, He did speak the truth. Micheal Irvin doesnt dislike the Colts for years he has been a supporter. It is what it is people Manning has carried this team for so long and his run has come to a end. No one likes change. But that is a law of evolution, if you dont change you die.

Exactly he spoke the truth, hopefully that change is for the better

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And not only did Irvin diss the Colts, but Stephen A Smith dissed them even further by saying they will be garbage going into the future without Manning....REALLY??? They are about to land the Lebron of the NFL draft, and they actually now have a respectable coaching staff. I agree they were garbage THIS YEAR without him, but that was because of their system put in by Polian and this horrid coaching staff we had. All of that is about to change.

Look, I don't really care what Irvin said and Stephen A. makes my skin crawl but...

Saying they are about to draft the LeBron of the NFL is just a touch premature. Samething with Pagano, who I like on the surface, but the fact remains he should probaby coach a game before we nominate him for Canton.

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Lol Lebron James? Luck has proved nothing his closest comparison is a highly touted rookie and that's it.... its very possible though I find it hard to believe that the colts can have another bad season.. that's what usually happens when you rebuild... these guys are experts they've played the game which none of us have so i would think they know what they are talking about.

Irvin is most likely high, he can barely put a sentence together and Stephen A is just striving for attention, I.e .his always uneducated guesses. Both ^fool^s!!!
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Irvin is most likely high, he can barely put a sentence together and Stephen A is just striving for attention, I.e .his always uneducated guesses. Both ^fool^s!!!

If irvin is high then I want what some of what the fans here are having lol

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