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Possible new GM/HC Candidates NOT COMPLAINING about current HC/GM - 2017 GM Prospects (Merge)


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Wasn't Nick Caserio rumored to be the guy that Jim Irsay wanted back in 2012? Or maybe it was that he wanted to at least interview him but Caserio turned it down. I can't remember for sure.


I'm not convinced that there is a new GM after this season and I honestly have no idea who the Colts should go after even if they were looking for someone.

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48 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Peyton Manning... nuff said

I sadly just don't see this happening... Being GM means countless hours and sleepless nights. The season never ends for a GM, and there are no days off. 


He would be sacrificing time with his wife and children once again. 


Now hiring Peyton on as an adviser to the personnel office? Hmm...

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7 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

I sadly just don't see this happening... Being GM means countless hours and sleepless nights. The season never ends for a GM, and there are no days off. 


He would be sacrificing time with his wife and children once again. 


Now hiring Peyton on as an adviser to the personnel office? Hmm...

hmmm yeah good point. Or maybe as a Offensive Consultant...


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The tire fire that is the 2016 Colts should pretty much dictate that Grigson goes. Whoever they pick to replace him, Irsay needs to get on with it sooner rather than later. The new GM will need to be on board to 1) evaluate the current players while he has the opportunity to observe them on and off the field, and 2) get a new head coach and coaching staff in place before the draft and free agency. If you look at the current roster, there is a small handful of players who really belong here, and that the rest of the roster is going to undergo some drastic changes.  

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17 minutes ago, grmasterb said:

Why do folks think Peyton would make a good coach or GM?

Hey, Phil Jackson has been great for the Knicks!


People need to realize that just because you are outstanding in one role doesn't mean that it will translate to an entirely different role.

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2 hours ago, WarGhost21 said:

Their have been countless threads calling for the heads of Pagano and Grigson, yet only 1 has potential HC replacements and none have GM replacements. Here's a list of people we could look at next year if Irsay decides to part ways with Grigson. Who do you like, and what do you think will ultimately happen?


I would certainly entertain the idea of Duke Tobin, and George Paton. Both of their respective teams have drafted very well over the past 3 or 4 years. If we're going to drop Grigson, I definitely don't want another up and comer. We need someone who knows the job inside and out, and who's up to the challenge of turning this thing around quickly.

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7 minutes ago, BOTT said:

Hey, Phil Jackson has been great for the Knicks!


People need to realize that just because you are outstanding in one role doesn't mean that it will translate to an entirely different role.


Yeah Larry Bird, for example, look at the Pacers now 1 and 2 ,

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1 minute ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I would certainly entertain the idea of Duke Tobin, and George Paton. Both of their respective teams have drafted very well over the past 3 or 4 years. If we're going to drop Grigson, I definitely don't want another up and comer. We need someone who knows the job inside and out, and who's up to the challenge of turning this thing around quickly.


Bring back Polian..jk

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8 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

There's a lot of buzz around Caserio.  He's someone I think would make a good GM.  Word around the league is he actually makes a pretty big contribution to what they have going on in New England even though he doesn't receive much credit.


He'd be my dark-horse candidate, because it's hard to imagine him jumping ship in New England and coming to Indy, but I'd welcome him with open arms.

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19 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

There's a lot of buzz around Caserio.  He's someone I think would make a good GM.  Word around the league is he actually makes a pretty big contribution to what they have going on in New England even though he doesn't receive much credit.

i cant believe im saying this but I'd gladly take him. even if it meant making him the highest GM..... and if you've ever followed my utter hatred of the Patriots, you know how hard it is for me to say that.

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So this post isn't about complaining about our current crap storm that is Pagano and Grigson. Yes we beat green bay but there not the answer.

This post is about possible replacements that would be upgrades to our current situation. I'm gonna list some GM candidates and Coaching candidates and I'm curious what you guys think of them.



George Paton, assistant general manager, Minnesota Vikings: helped create a strong defense in Minnesota, has turned down interviews but since we have luck maybe they could convince him to leave the vikings.


Trent Kirchner, co-director of player personnel, Seattle Seahawks: Helped create a stable franchise in Seattle, and find talent in where no ones else can.


Will McClay, senior director of college and pro scouting: despite what many will say Cowboys have built a strong offensive line and have had some great draft picks like Byron Jones and slowly built a contending team, Especially with someone with a background in Scouting McClay could bring a strong offensive line and Reliable 1st round picks, which we haven't had in the last couple drafts


Head Coach:


Josh McDaniels: I personally don't like McDaniels as a head coach, think he's like Norv Turner and Wade Phillips Great Coordinators but not good Head Coach, but there's a lot of talk about him.


Kyle Shanahan: He has been able to create good run teams with his zone blocking scheme and offenses have been strong except last years implosion. Problem is that he is a young coordinator with no Head Coach experience, so while I like him its a gamble.


Jim Schwartz: Under achiever at Detroit but created a strong defense utilizing talent well in Philadelphia, not a fan of hiring another defense minded coach.


Matt Patricia: Same thing here not a fan of another defensive minded coach but he has done well under Bill and creates good defenses.


Tom Herman: Highly unlikely but an interesting candidate, Herman is a certified genius (not figure of speech he's a Mensa Member) created a strong team in college out of a weak program, he may just be another good college coach and never be able to make it in NFL, he also has a short history as a Head coach but he's offensive minded coach and his coaching tree goes to urban meyer so he's an interesting pick.

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On 10/31/2016 at 10:44 AM, ar7 said:

Wasn't Nick Caserio rumored to be the guy that Jim Irsay wanted back in 2012? Or maybe it was that he wanted to at least interview him but Caserio turned it down. I can't remember for sure.


I'm not convinced that there is a new GM after this season and I honestly have no idea who the Colts should go after even if they were looking for someone.


I believe, but could be wrong, that that was Eric DeCosta.

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3 hours ago, Buck Showalter said:

Ha pretty funny...

Create thread specifically labeled "Not Complaining"...

Then proceed to complain within the thread...


As for your candidates you've listed, Herman's is an interesting addition, I at least haven't seen his name thrown around...


3 hours ago, FanFromtheWasteland said:

Possible new gm/hc and not complaining about...and I use your words "current crap storm" are pretty much mutually exclusive phrases. Nice try though

 If you understood the context of the sentence it was stating that was what I was trying to stay away from, I'm kind of bummed that it got merged because in the other posts the conversation seemed to have deteriorated.


Aside from that I would generally would like to get a GM like Will McClay I think what the cowboys have done in there drafting lately shows great ability in there scouting of College athletes and I think we can benefit from his experience.

As for Head Coach I think it is a high risk high reward choice but I'd like an offensive minded Coach which made me think of Tom Herman although I don't think he'll leave college football yet so I would also go with Kyle Shanahan since he has been able to highlight talented players and build a strong run game.


Of course GM and Head coach have to work well together so it would definitely be hire the GM then let him pick his Head coach. What do ya'll think

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On 10/31/2016 at 9:28 AM, csmopar said:

if he'd be open to coming back, absolutely.  But he retired to spend time with his family right? so I doubt he'd come back


I don't like the Idea of a coach coming out of retirement to rejoin league just for the fact the league is ever evolving and the ability to hire a good coaching staff will be harder because of there time out of the league. Like what Jon Gruden has said he wouldn't be an effective coach anymore due to his time out of the league.

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I don't think McDaniels will ever be a good HC IMO. He was 11-17 during his tumultuous (saying it nicely) tenure with Denver. I don't think it's even about maturing I just don't think he has the capability to lead a team. I would predict he will not have a career as a head coach over .500


I wouldn't want him as the Colts head coach that's for sure.

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7 minutes ago, BOTT said:

That's a silly question


Hows it silly? There's more evidence to say they could make it than not. Personally I just don't think you like the two of them no matter what. Win or lose you just want them fired.

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4 minutes ago, krunk said:

Hows it silly? There's more evidence to say they could make it than not. Personally I just don't think you like the two of them no matter what. Win or lose you just want them fired.

Make what?


the rest of you statement is just silly.  Yeah, I just hate both on a personal level for some unknown sinister reason....

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