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Irsay comes clean on Grigson & Pagano....


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Irsay was at some big charity event last night and spoke with the press that was there.....    that includes ESPN's Mike Wells.


It's an interesting read.....      and a good read.     Worth a few minutes of your time.





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Regarding this quote


I told Chuck, 'Look, all you do and you have do it within this tough minute window maybe of intensity. You go up to Colt (Anderson against New England last season) and you say, 'Hey, you don't snap that ball if you don't like the look. If there's nothing but green space in front of you, you snap it, but if not, you either take delay of game or you take a timeout. Don't you dare snap that ball. Do you understand?''


Wasn't it Griff Whalen that snapped the ball?


Still a great read. Thanks for sharing NCF.

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9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Irsay was at some big charity event last night and spoke with the press that was there.....    that includes ESPN's Mike Wells.


It's an interesting read.....      and a good read.     Worth a few minutes of your time.






Interesting what he said about Ryan having higher tolerance than Chuck.  And what he said about the infamous Colt Anderson play, which IMO was the fault of the ST coach.  But Chuck ultimately has to take the heat.  


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11 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


Interesting what he said about Ryan having higher tolerance than Chuck.  And what he said about the infamous Colt Anderson play, which IMO was the fault of the ST coach.  But Chuck ultimately has to take the heat.  



13 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

Regarding this quote


I told Chuck, 'Look, all you do and you have do it within this tough minute window maybe of intensity. You go up to Colt (Anderson against New England last season) and you say, 'Hey, you don't snap that ball if you don't like the look. If there's nothing but green space in front of you, you snap it, but if not, you either take delay of game or you take a timeout. Don't you dare snap that ball. Do you understand?''


Wasn't it Griff Whalen that snapped the ball?


Still a great read. Thanks for sharing NCF.


Even Pagano seemed confused as to why the ball was snapped.  That suggests to me that either his understanding was that the ball wouldn't be snapped/should have been a decoy all along (maybe to get the Pats to jump), or that he didn't have much input on it and let McMahon be in charge of it.  I don't really blame Pagano for that gaffe.  I think that falls more on Whalen and McMahon

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Say what you want about the man's past struggles but he is a sold out owner to his team, city and fans.   I believe he is sincere in what he says and how he says it.  He was able to tell it straight without really telling too much.  He has a very unique style.


I can tell he has benefited from many talented people in the industry throughout his tenure. 


I read the hate about him in the press and other fans but they really have no clue.  Indy is fortunate to have him as the owner.  I am sure Baltimore fans wont agree with me but getting past all that he is a very good owner.


Thanks for the link and read.

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The 1 thing that easy to downplay here or forget [Yes, I will admit up front that I wanted both the GM & HC gone. I won't ran away from that.] is what Jimmy said, by firing both Grigs & Pags the owner would have to admit he totally misread the confidence he placed in Ryan & Chuck. Not as easy pill to swallow as an owner. I get it. So, it makes sense that Irsay isn't ready to throw them away & start over. 


Will these guys mold a championship team in INDY? Who knows. Retaining both guys can lead to a stronger commitment to win for a boss who stuck with you I suppose.  Imagine where we'd be with Mike Zimmer right now? A lot better on defense that's for sure. 


I know; I know. Give em time. I'm trying man. I really am. 

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7 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I really, Really,  REALLY ***HATE*** auto-correct.


I wrote Irsay comes clean about Grigson and Pagano and it changes it to IRAs.....      Aaaaahhhhh!!!


I hate auto-correct!      :Nuke:

Yep, it's made me create curse words that haven't been uttered before numerous times. I do like it when it corrects a word I'm close on, but can't master the spelling on though. But yes, it can also infuriate me to not end too. I feel your pain & frustration NCF. Trust me. It blows. 

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17 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I really, Really,  REALLY ***HATE*** auto-correct.


I wrote Irsay comes clean about Grigson and Pagano and it changes it to IRAs.....      Aaaaahhhhh!!!


I hate auto-correct!      :Nuke:

Happens to the best of us even the grammar police 

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Never say that firing a DC isn't a bad reflection on them or that they're not a bad coach. Actually, it kind of does because when they hire you nobody ever says actually you were our 3rd choice. But, we're happy to have you here. Come on. 


It's like when a women dumps you but says you're a sweet guy. Translation: It means either a. you don't spend enough money on her, b. you're boring & not adventuresome enough in her eyes, or c. you have no idea what you're doing where it counts either on the sidelines or behind closed doors. Just sayin'. 

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I think Irsay does confirm here that there was a time that Chuck found in difficult to fire people that needed it just by the way Irsay talks about Pagano showing he could be tough. I also think that could have carried over to roster decisions possibly and why Grigson apparently stepped in when he apparently did. May not be the case but that's my read on it combined with what he said about Pagano having to go up to Griff and tell him not to snap the ball and take a penalty or take a time out

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Part of me wonders why Jimmy never let anyone in the media know immediately what he was gonna do regarding Ryan & Chuck if he was already leaning in the let's keep em around direction anyway. 


But, I suppose there's no harm in seeing how passionate both guys were in making sure the Colts keep ascending vs declining I guess. You know, like lets see how driven these men are to keep this INDY ship afloat vs hitting the rocks & breaking apart just to gauge their resolve, tenacity, & Championship aspirations to win another trophy. 


I get that approach on 1 level & yes, team chemistry in the locker room carries considerable weight too. I just wanna be able to run the ball or we are toast in the playoffs. 

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Thanks for posting this story NCF. You're one of my favorite posters on here. I don't know why you take unnecessary flak on the Forum sometimes. It's a mystery to me man. 


I know I joke around on here a lot & I know I'm no football mastermind myself, but I just like folks like yourself & Gavin that break down stuff & guys like BOTT & CR91 that make me laugh. It's good to know SW1 isn't the only screwed up person around here BTW. I mean that in a good way. LOL! If that's even possible. 


I know; I know. Shut up while I'm ahead or is that behind? Forget it. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Part of me wonders why Jimmy never let anyone in the media know immediately what he was gonna do regarding Ryan & Chuck if he was already leaning in the let's keep em around direction anyway. 


But, I suppose there's no harm in seeing how passionate both guys were in making sure the Colts keep ascending vs declining I guess. You know, like lets see how driven these men are to keep this INDY ship afloat vs hitting the rocks & breaking apart just to gauge their resolve, tenacity, & Championship aspirations to win another trophy. 


I get that approach on 1 level & yes, team chemistry in the locker room carries considerable weight too. I just wanna be able to run the ball or we are toast in the playoffs. 


I can answer this for you....


In real time this was a matter of less than 24 hours....   even if Irsay was inclined to keep them both,  he had to make sure that both Grigson and Pagano were good with each other.     That they'd be willing to stay in a working relationship.      They both had to say yes.       If one said no,  then the whole deal collapses.     So, Irsay had to see how it would play out.       He put them in a room and see if they could be men and hash it out.


That took a little time.      Not enough time for Irsay to signal anything to anyone.


Sometimes things unfold that way.....


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11 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Irsay was at some big charity event last night and spoke with the press that was there.....    that includes ESPN's Mike Wells.


It's an interesting read.....      and a good read.     Worth a few minutes of your time.





Good read NCF!

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10 hours ago, ColtfreakDVA said:

Say what you want about the man's past struggles but he is a sold out owner to his team, city and fans.   I believe he is sincere in what he says and how he says it.  He was able to tell it straight without really telling too much.  He has a very unique style.


I can tell he has benefited from many talented people in the industry throughout his tenure. 


I read the hate about him in the press and other fans but they really have no clue.  Indy is fortunate to have him as the owner.  I am sure Baltimore fans wont agree with me but getting past all that he is a very good owner.


Thanks for the link and read.

Yea,. How bout a roast, Coltfreak?


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27 minutes ago, krunk said:

Good read NCF!

I think what I took away from this article was that basically every team has some disharmony in the front office, to an extent. Its just like any other work place. Not everyone is going to be in agreement all the time. I really wish that they wouldnt have brought this back up with the regular season about to start. Issue was dead I think when he re upped both of them. Now his real problem is going to be how much patience he's going to have with both/either as they start new contracts and in my estimation the roster hasnt improved over 2012/13.

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2 minutes ago, theanarchist said:

I think what I took away from this article was that basically every team has some disharmony in the front office, to an extent. Its just like any other work place. Not everyone is going to be in agreement all the time. I really wish that they wouldnt have brought this back up with the regular season about to start. Issue was dead I think when he re upped both of them. Now his real problem is going to be how much patience he's going to have with both/either as they start new contracts and in my estimation the roster hasnt improved over 2012/13.

I think he was trying to put things in a place to where no one can come along and say there is discord or create brand new stories.  He's already let the cat out of the back as to where things were, as well as where things are with the two of them

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19 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I can answer this for you....


In real time this was a matter of less than 24 hours....   even if Irsay was inclined to keep them both,  he had to make sure that both Grigson and Pagano were good with each other.     That they'd be willing to stay in a working relationship.      They both had to say yes.       If one said no,  then the whole deal collapses.     So, Irsay had to see how it would play out.       He put them in a room and see if they could be men and hash it out.


That took a little time.      Not enough time for Irsay to signal anything to anyone.


Sometimes things unfold that way.....


While I agree that it is beneficial to see if both Ryan & Chuck are still willing to work with each other, compromise a little bit, & give the other guy more freedom to do their own thing or vent their frustrations openly under the umbrella of I need this from you to put us on the road to Lombardi greatness; Jim Irsay really doesn't need an input from anybody if he's ready to clean house in the front office or the sidelines. 2011 already validated or confirmed Jimmy's right to do whatever he wants provided it meets with his Championship vision of the future. 


The fact that Jimmy approved of the strides the Colts had made in a post Manning era made the need to have Pags & Grigs hash out their differences means that the owner liked the progress this team had accomplished under a new regime sure. However, the owner once they've reached a conclusion on retaining or firing an HC or GM has no reason to wait for anybody. You either drop the hammer & clear the decks or you don't. It's really that simple. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

While I agree that it is beneficial to see if both Ryan & Chuck are still willing to work with each other, compromise a little bit, & give the other guy more freedom to do their own thing or vent their frustrations openly under the umbrella of I need this from you to put us on the road to Lombardi greatness; Jim Irsay really doesn't need an input from anybody if he's ready to clean house in the front office or the sidelines. 2011 already validated or confirmed Jimmy's right to do whatever he wants provided it meets with his Championship vision of the future. 


The fact that Jimmy approved of the strides the Colts had made in a post Manning era made the need to have Pags & Grigs hash out their differences means that the owner liked the progress this team had accomplished under a new regime sure. However, the owner once they've reached a conclusion on retaining or firing an HC or GM has no reason to wait for anybody. You either drop the hammer & clear the decks or you don't. It's really that simple. 


But if you've decided to retain them both,  and then meet with them,  and they both say this won't work.    Or one says this won't work,  then what?


You asked why it didn't leak out sooner to the media and I'm explaining.   


Because until Irsay knew that this would work,  he didn't want to say anything to anyone.


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8 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

So I guess they had their come-to-Jesus meeting and are now yoga buddies on Mondays.  Whatever.  So long as they quit +in at each other and start helping this team win.



11-5 + 1 playoff win

11-5 + 2 playoff wins

8-8 (with franchise QB out over half the season)



yeah...it's about time they start helping this team win.



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On 9/6/2016 at 11:28 PM, ColtfreakDVA said:

Say what you want about the man's past struggles but he is a sold out owner to his team, city and fans.   I believe he is sincere in what he says and how he says it.  He was able to tell it straight without really telling too much.  He has a very unique style.


I can tell he has benefited from many talented people in the industry throughout his tenure. 


I read the hate about him in the press and other fans but they really have no clue.  Indy is fortunate to have him as the owner.  I am sure Baltimore fans wont agree with me but getting past all that he is a very good owner.


Thanks for the link and read.

I agree I've always thought highly of Mr. Irsay. He's not prefect we all know he's made mistakes in his life as we all have. I believe he's a very good man with great intentions. 

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1 minute ago, AZColt11 said:

Talkin Superbowls here.


Do you really think they haven't been trying to put together a SB caliber team since they got here?


this team, under the Pagano/Grigson regime, have gotten closer to the SB every season except for last...for what should be quite obvious reasons.

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2 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


and this team, under the Pagano/Grigson regime, have gotten closer to the SB every season except for last...for what should be quite obvious reasons.

Oh I'm on board with the positive crowd such as yourself.  I just think their energy could be better served with focusing on the team instead of bickering amongst themselves.    Irsay has acknowledged as much.  Hopefully that meeting changed things and they on the same page now, or at least better equipped to handle their differences.

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54 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Oh I'm on board with the positive crowd such as yourself.  I just think their energy could be better served with focusing on the team instead of bickering amongst themselves.    Irsay has acknowledged as much.  Hopefully that meeting changed things and they on the same page now, or at least better equipped to handle their differences.

I don't know. A leopard doesn't change his spots. Everything may be smoothed over until key people get injured and/or we start a losing streak. Then all h*** may break lose. Remember to duck and cover ...

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