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Come on, Irsay


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Big Whooop. :bored:  That would quite frankly be an embarrassment given the supposed talent on this team.


Oh well. The Super Bowl is the goal, and making the playoffs is the first step in that process. 


So what we underperformed? Do we set the playoffs based on how well teams perform? 


No. Good teams miss the playoffs because they don't win their division. It's the nature of the beast. 

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Oh well. The Super Bowl is the goal, and making the playoffs is the first step in that process. 


So what we underperformed? Do we set the playoffs based on how well teams perform? 


No. Good teams miss the playoffs because they don't win their division. It's the nature of the beast. 

This team ain't winning the Super Bowl shooting themselves in the foot every other snap.  I picked them before the season to make it but it's becoming more and more obvious that this team just doesn't have the necessary coaching, discipline and consistency required. 

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That qualifies as one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this website.


Sad?       Sad?!?


Let me ask,   do you even know the meaning of the word? 


SAD?!?!?         Holy Cow.....       :facepalm: 

What about the whole, move to LA thing. I think that qualifies as fairly ridiculous....

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I think Irsay is going to see what has happened with Miami.


They fired Philbin and have blown-up in both games without him.


I think Irsay is going to think if it could happen for Miami,  why couldn't it happen for the Colts.      (that's not to say it will happen for the Colts....)


I think the Carolina game and definitely the Denver game are Nationally televised.     I don't think Irsay will want risk (A) embarrassment and (B) being 3-6, so I think he'll be moved to make a change sooner rather than later.


After the game is the bye-week.    There's a great opportunity for a change.   But I think it's coming sooner.     That first half was beyond awful.     It's hard to even recognize this time right now......


Entirely different situations. Philben was a wash from the time he was hired. His team had issues before they ever even got to the team facility. 

And who on our staff is going to take over and turn us around? If they can't do it UNDER Pagano, why would they be able to with him gone?


Pagano isn't a great head coach. But are Pep or Manusky better candidates? There is a very, very high probability that Pagano is the least of all the evils. 

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The only thing I hate about the NFL playoff system is that you could win a division and be 6-10 or 7-9 and make the playoffs. No way should a team below .500 make the playoffs.


Then why have divisions?


I like the system. Only thing I would change is that a team under .500 cannot host a playoff game if their WC opponent is above it. 

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This team ain't winning the Super Bowl shooting themselves in the foot every other snap.  I picked them before the season to make it but it's becoming more and more obvious that this team just doesn't have the necessary coaching, discipline and consistency required. 


So it's better to just say "Nope we can't do it" than actually, you know, give it a try?

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We don't have a stranglehold on the division this year.


It looks like we'll struggle to win the division....   we'll probably do it,  but I no longer expect it to be easy.


Besides,  winning the division is the lowest of Irsays goals.   


I think a change is coming.      Could be tonight....   could be tomorrow,  but I think it will come no later than after the Denver game.


Our next two games look like losses.    The Panthers AT Carolina.      Looks like a loss.


Denver at our place.      Looks like a loss.


If that happens,  we'll be,  3-6.      How would that stranglehold look at 3-6?


I think an in-season change is inevitable.      I no longer think "if"....    I see it as "when"...    and "who"....?


Nothing would shock me at this point, they could clean house with regards to the coaching staff and still probably not miss a beat with regards to beating divisional foes and winning the division out.  I'm not sure if it would be better to do it now or just wait till the seasons over.  It's going to happen, there is no doubt about that.  I don't expect Pagano and Pep to be here next year I'd be willing to wager a bet both of them will be gone.  Its also a possibility Grigson may be gone but they may ride out his contract which I think he has one more year on.

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Entirely different situations. Philben was a wash from the time he was hired. His team had issues before they ever even got to the team facility. 

And who on our staff is going to take over and turn us around? If they can't do it UNDER Pagano, why would they be able to with him gone?


Pagano isn't a great head coach. But are Pep or Manusky better candidates? There is a very, very high probability that Pagano is the least of all the evils. 


I think the candidate is Chud.


Look.....    I am not -- REPEAT, NOT -- banging the table demanding that someone has to be fired.


My post is only to say that after watching todays debacle -- one of the worst in Luck's 3.5 years -- I think Irsay is going to make a change and soon,  whether we want him to or not....

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I think the candidate is Chud.


Look.....    I am not -- REPEAT, NOT -- banging the table demanding that someone has to be fired.


My post is only to say that after watching todays debacle -- one of the worst in Luck's 3.5 years -- I think Irsay is going to make a change and soon,  whether we want him to or not....


I can't see it being Chud. Usually when that sort of thing happens the assistant HC is loped in with the HC, and a coordinator is promoted. I'd put my money on Manusky, or Pep, and I'd put more money on Pep because he's bee so popular where it comes to the subject of future head coaches.  

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So it's better to just say "Nope we can't do it" than actually, you know, give it a try?

Of course they should give it a try...but I'm adjusting my expectations for this lot downward based on what I've seen thus far.  If we played in any other division this team would most likely be watching this year's playoffs from home.

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I can't see it being Chud. Usually when that sort of thing happens the assistant HC is loped in with the HC, and a coordinator is promoted. I'd put my money on Manusky, or Pep, and I'd put more money on Pep because he's bee so popular where it comes to the subject of future head coaches.  


If I had to guess,  I'd guess that Pep is seen as part of the problem.


And if he's not,  then I think we have far worse problems than we're all aware of.     Pep was terrible today.     This was not a game to aid his cause.


Chud was a HC for Cleveland for a year.    He's been an OC.      So, he's got front line experience.


All that said,  Dan Campbell is the new guy in Miami.    And I'm not aware that he's been a HC or a coordinator at any level.    I think he was the team's tight ends coach a few weeks ago.


Changes are hard to figure sometimes....


This is one of the strangest seasons I can ever recall.....

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Of course they should give it a try...but I'm adjusting my expectations for this lot downward based on what I've seen thus far.  If we played in any other division this team would most likely be watching this year's playoffs from home.


Sure we would. But since we don't have to worry about that, this talk that we should tank for a high draft pick is ridiculous. 

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We have a stranglehold on the division. And in case you didn't know or have forgotten, that means we're going to the playoffs.


NO ONE is getting moved until the playoffs are out of the question. 


No one.


For any reason. 


Dude....That new profile pic......

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love the Colts (but fading) hate to say it but sell the team and move it to LA please. Last ten years second best win/loss record in the nfl and one superbowl win. Just so SAD I lived in NYS all my life and don't care where the colts are I just want them to do BETTER

The location has nothing to do with anything...

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How have high draft picks helped out Oakland? Washington? Jacksonville? 


Seriously? Have you not been watching the Raiders for the last two seasons? Ever since Al Davis and his dementia shuffled off this mortal coil they have been turning things around. Lots of young talent. That is maybe the worst example you could have given.


And Washington? RG3 and the deal they made to get him sunk that team. You realize that they basically haven't had draft picks for the past 3 years, yes? Even still they are playing better football right now than the colts are.


Jacksonville is a very poorly run team. If you are comparing the Colts to the Jags then you must have microscopically low expectations for our team.


Sorry. Try again.

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love the Colts (but fading) hate to say it but sell the team and move it to LA  please.    Last ten years second best win/loss record in the nfl and one superbowl win. Just so SAD    I lived in NYS all my life and don't care where the colts are I just want them to do BETTER


Dude......If you think like that then you need to "go on somewhere". For lack of a better phrase. To hell with LA. AND NYC. The Mets are going to get beat too man. Just so ya know.

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love the Colts (but fading) hate to say it but sell the team and move it to LA please. Last ten years second best win/loss record in the nfl and one superbowl win. Just so SAD I lived in NYS all my life and don't care where the colts are I just want them to do BETTER

London wants a team again.


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I can't see it being Chud. Usually when that sort of thing happens the assistant HC is loped in with the HC, and a coordinator is promoted. I'd put my money on Manusky, or Pep, and I'd put more money on Pep because he's bee so popular where it comes to the subject of future head coaches.

I think I would lose all faith in Irsay if Pep was the interim coach

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It is not rocket science. We need to make some immediate changes.


1. Get Andrew a proper experienced QB coach...dump Clyde.

2. Get an OC who can calls plays in the NFL...dump Pep.

3. Get a HC who can prepare the team to play on Sunday...dump Pagano.


OR we can let the season play out and get a high draft position.

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I'm hoping, but not expecting Pagano gets axed Monday morning!

Chud would be our interim. We will have a head start on luring Urban Myer, Harbaugh, Saban, Payton...etc...

None of those guys is coming here. Get real. Payton is the only one that is half way realistic. But highly doubtful

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It is not rocket science. We need to make some immediate changes.

1. Get Andrew a proper experienced QB coach...dump Clyde.

2. Get an OC who can calls plays in the NFL...dump Pep.

3. Get a HC who can prepare the team to play on Sunday...dump Pagano.

OR we can let the season play out and get a high draft position.

If you dump the entire staff midseaon, they will get a high draft pick. Derp

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Seriously? Have you not been watching the Raiders for the last two seasons? Ever since Al Davis and his dementia shuffled off this mortal coil they have been turning things around. Lots of young talent. That is maybe the worst example you could have given.


And Washington? RG3 and the deal they made to get him sunk that team. You realize that they basically haven't had draft picks for the past 3 years, yes? Even still they are playing better football right now than the colts are.


Jacksonville is a very poorly run team. If you are comparing the Colts to the Jags then you must have microscopically low expectations for our team.


Sorry. Try again.


Yeah, Oakland has finally started to turn things around (TURN THINGS AROUND. Not "turn the corner and actually make the playoffs") after years of being a perennial top 10 pick. 


Washington traded first round picks. They still had other ones to work with. And they were awful BEFORE they made the Griffin trade. With high picks. 


And I don't know where you got that I was comparing us to the Jags, but then again your comprehension of the post was entirely off base to begin with so I'll just leave that go at that having already spent more than enough time responding to you. 

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love the Colts (but fading) hate to say it but sell the team and move it to LA please. Last ten years second best win/loss record in the nfl and one superbowl win. Just so SAD I lived in NYS all my life and don't care where the colts are I just want them to do BETTER

Dumbest post of the year.

First, the Colts can't move.

Second, how does moving the team help anything?

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