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What If Manning Is Done In Indy?


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Heartbroken colts fan

This is a very bizarre confluence of events isn't it?

I don't envy the decision makers

And I don't relish the thought of being in other teams shoes.........facing a Manning led team

Remember what he told Irsay and Polian.. "dont pick me and i will come back and kick your butts for the next 20 years.."

Ya, that scares me.. lets just keep him in Indy please..

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Really? Haven't seen the NFL talent from Luck yet... Man you are one of the BIGGEST Luck lovers out there, for you I hope he is half the God you think he is.

I feel the same way, I have watched Luck.. I don't see the NFL God that everyone else perceives he will be. And there are many Luck lovers on here.

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I feel the same way, I have watched Luck.. I don't see the NFL God that everyone else perceives he will be. And there are many Luck lovers on here.

I think these Luck lovers are the ones that bought the Luck jersey, and they are just afraid they will waste 200 bucks on a jersey that might or might not happen. Either that or they are the most ungreatful people I have ever seen wanting to run Manning out of town...:edit:

Edited by PeytonGirl
unnecessary general insult
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Irsay is a wierd one, hes like a coin you dont know what side your going to get. One minute hes complaining about paying and injured qb, the next he says if hes healthy he stays, i dont know waht to believe honestly.

Lol i like that, kinda shows he's a pretty emotional guy and he isnt scared to let ppl know it... on that note i would love to know how things are with peyton, just the part where he said "we're obviously in the rebuilding stage no denying that"... kinda makes you wonder if he means a complete change of things including manning or just in philosophy.

I would love to see peyton back... but the thought of a scrambling QB when theres nothing down field starting is reaaaaally tempting.

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Remember what he told Irsay and Polian.. "dont pick me and i will come back and kick your butts for the next 20 years.."

Ya, that scares me.. lets just keep him in Indy please..

Even back then,he had his heart set on playing 20 years.I think he'll hold true to it.

To be accurate, he said the next 15 years. And, if I am doing the math correctly; there is only one of those 15 years remaining.

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Lol i like that, kinda shows he's a pretty emotional guy and he isnt scared to let ppl know it... on that note i would love to know how things are with peyton, just the part where he said "we're obviously in the rebuilding stage no denying that"... kinda makes you wonder if he means a complete change of things including manning or just in philosophy.

I would love to see peyton back... but the thought of a scrambling QB when theres nothing down field starting is reaaaaally tempting.

Yea i hear you, one can only imagine how many more rings Peyton would have if we actually changed our Defensive Philosphy (dreaded tampa 2) and brought in a worthy defensive coaching staff

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Yea i hear you, one can only imagine how many more rings Peyton would have if we actually changed our Defensive Philosphy (dreaded tampa 2) and brought in a worthy defensive coaching staff

Just thinking about that makes me happy

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Just thinking about that makes me happy

I still have a feeling if we dont keep Caldwell the next coach will be someone out of the wood works who believes in a Tampa 2 Defensive system and nothing will change. I Sincerely hope thats not the case, i really hope Irsay is serious about a new philosophy.

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I still have a feeling if we dont keep Caldwell the next coach will be someone out of the wood works who believes in a Tampa 2 Defensive system and nothing will change. I Sincerely hope thats not the case, i really hope Irsay is serious about a new philosophy.

I think he is... if caldwell is willing to change ships and ride with irsay then he can stay be my guest... after all he has not a Defensive minded coach since he was peytons QB coach... i think all that will have to do with the DC the colts pick... hopefully he's a really good one and not some tampa 2 guy.

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Soooooo is that why you picked snoopy,just to lure us into a false sense of security?! :hide::lol:

Yes, that is my secret. Now, I will have to remove your post before others find out. j/k

Just for the record, I am not a Luck supporter. I am not a Manning supporter. I am a Colt's supporter.

I am too dumb to know what the correct decision should be; but I have faith that the Colts will do what they feel is best at the time regardless of whether or not you, I, or anyone else here agrees or disagrees.

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Yes, that is my secret. Now, I will have to remove your post before others find out. j/k

Just for the record, I am not a Luck supporter. I am not a Manning supporter. I am a Colt's supporter.

I am too dumb to know what the correct decision should be; but I have faith that the Colts will do what they feel is best at the time regardless of whether or not you, I, or anyone else here agrees or disagrees.

Yes,we must love our team.They represent us,our city and our families.I live in china,but i represent my city and our colts everyday.

GOOOOOOO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!! :colts:

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I LOVE both, but I'm more of a Manning fan than a Colts fan. Ideally, I'd like to see Peyton playing, mentoring Luck as long as everyone involved is happy and healthy. I'm torn though, because I would also like to see Peyton win at least 1 more SB before the end of his career. I really don't see him going anywhere, but if Peyton were to go to another team, the team would have to be willing to adopt the way Peyton runs an offense. He is not going to go somewhere where he isn't able to take his offensive mentality with him. Is there a team that seems to have every piece out there but a QB AND would be able to adopt and perfect a whole new offense in 1 or 2 years? I don't know, but if there is, I wouldn't be heartbroken to see it happen. I think Peyton deserves to win another SB in whatever way he is able to obtain it. It is the front offices' fault for building a team souly (sp?) around Peyton and not building a more well-rounded team. If Peyton's healthy for the next couple of years, is that enough time to rebuild a Colts team that compliments Peyton and doesn't depend on him?...I'm not sure. If not, I'd like to see Peyton go to another team and see the Colts rebuild a team that compliments, doesn't depend on Luck. (This is where we actually address the defense for once). I feel this situation would be a win win. Peyton may have a few great years left, just enough time to win a SB with another team that's ready for him and it would give the Colts the opportunity to rebuild a team over the next few years and be SB ready by the time Peyton retires. Good for Peyton in the now, good for the Colts in the future.

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I think these Luck lovers are the ones that bought the Luck jersey, and they are just afraid they will waste 200 bucks on a jersey that might or might not happen. Either that or they are the most ungreatful people I have ever seen wanting to run Manning out of town... I beat they also spit on their mom's face for getting a sweater for christmas instead of a toy.

Its nothing about Manning personally. People have to understand that... I already went into detail the amount of praise and credit Peyton should get. It would also be really hard to see Peyton in another uniform playing the colts next year...

BUT when it comes to Luck as an NFL prospect its pretty easy why everyone agrees hes the real deal. Sure, everyone first looks at physical gifts when evaluating a player. Hes big both in height (6'4") and size (230 lbs) and has arm strength comparable to Peyton's. Hes not going to be Michael Vick or RG3 in terms of running ability and speed, but he can scramble and get out of trouble and even pick up yardage when nothing else is open.

When it comes to his football talent, hes very accurate and can place his throws where he wants to. Many college QBs air the ball out and depend on their WRs to make plays, but Luck can put the ball right on target. As for some of the little things, he has great footwork. Hes calm in the pocket, can move around and be ready to get rid of the ball quickly. Hes very good at feeling pressure and stepping up to keep plays alive. Even when he has to run out of the pocket, he does a great job and squaring up and throwing on the run. As for his delivery (one thing that got alot of hype in the NFL this year with comments about Tebow), Luck is also very good. He can vary his release point to make all the throws he'll need to make in the NFL. Technically, hes very sound.

College system. This may matter the least in the long term for a QB in the NFL, but in the short term it could mean everything. Luck played in a pro style offense at Stanford. Compare this to a spread or an option based offense and you'll realize that hes ready to tackle an NFL playbook because hes run some of the plays and is used to lining up under center with 5 down lineman and a TE with back(s) behind him. He is used to 3, 5, & 7 step drops and working through progressions. Alot of college QBs aren't used to that and the adjustment takes time. Also, Luck was coached by now head coach and former NFL (colts) QB Jim Harbaugh. Make a difference? Probably. Hes been successful in the NFL and thats how he coached in college. Plus the experience of a young QB with a guy that played the position professional is invaluable.

Intangibles. This is where Luck shines. Sure you can teach alot of the above stuff. You can be an athletic beast and make up for deficiencies, but you can't teach intelligence. Andrew Luck was a High School Valedictorian, and would have made Stanford based on his academic qualifications alone. His college major was architecture, maybe one of the most time demanding things he could have choosen and hes not only stuck with it, but had a 3.5 GPA. He already reads defenses very well in the college game and makes changes at the line like Peyton did at Tennessee. Hes patient and will take what defenses give him (sound familiar?) even if that means running the ball like they did a few nights ago in the first half. Hes also very good with situational football. Hes made throws this year that may have been behind a receiver because he knew if he put it on target the safety would have laid his guy out. Luck can do more to help your team win before the ball is even snapped than almost any other QB coming out of college in the last 10 years. That's what makes him really special.

Luck won't be Peyton Manning. Nobody will be Peyton Manning, but he has everything to be a great NFL quarterback in this league for a long time. And who knows, maybe he'll be in the same league as Peyton manning when hes done.

This isn't a conversation about Luck now vs Peyton now. Its really about the future. This kid has a very bright future, and I hope we're smart enough to let that be the future of the Indianapolis Colts.

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All the "Manning might not ever resemble himself" talk is just crazy! YES, it might be true but if we stop letting emotions get the best of us we would know Manning is just not gonna play the game if he is not up to par its just not the kind of man he is. My gut tells me that Manning knows what he has left right now and by the time we are ready to make the call on LUCk he will be sure that everyone knows. There is no question in my mind that he will do what is best for Colts before anyone else.

We also know that if there is one thing that this season has shown its that we must pick up a QB no matter what, Even if manning calls its quits and we draft luck there is no way that we dont try to pick up a quality back up.....Manning or Luck goes down and were left with the same mistake that haunted this year and who wants to be the fool that made that call lol. ( Dan is not the answer)

All that said lets not forget Irsay made it clear that ""if"" Manning is good to go.....(that means all he has to do is ask with a man like Manning) he will stay a Colt. Im not gonna say if its the right thing or not but I feel like no matter what we do without Manning the next few years are gonna see a lot more losses than most new Colts fans are accustom to, and who better to stop the bleeding over the next year or two than the Man who made a career out of it. He has proven that he can take a 2-13 team and carry them to the post season year after year.

The last thing you have to keep in mind is that Manning has proven its not about money and he will resturcture his contract to help his team..........I can see a Colts team less a few aging players but I think given what we know, Manning pending good health has a backup named Luck next year when he should be on the phone with SF going after rings with the few years he has left.

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I am not saying don't take Luck.

However, Irsay needs to do whatever he can to keep Peyton. Peyton has always said he has wanted to retire as a Colt. Offer Peyton a Coaching position, GM position, something. Peyton has been the QB/Coach for years. We can't let that experience and enthusiasm go to another team. He is too valuable to this team and community. I remember the days that the games were not even televised because the stadium could not sell out. It was Peyton's magic that filled those empty seats.

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Man, if the Colts cut a healthy, ready to go Peyton Manning, I might die a bit on the inside. With that said, I would still cheer for the Colts; always gonna be a Colts fan! I would still want Peyton to win a ring or two before he retires. Hopefully they wouldn't cut him and instead trade him if they don't want to keep him on the roster

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Yep, I have been compared to the devil or satan before haven't I?

Now you know why I haven't posted much lately. :neener: I know I would probably say something that someone wouldn't like so I have just been reading. haha Now behave yourself shecolt. :highfive:

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First of all I have to say I am a Peyton Manning Fan, I followed him from UT to INDY. If they let him go and he is able to play, then Irsay is a complete dipstick. Peyton Manning is the reason we have a new facility, the reason the Super Bowl is in INDY, the reason the people of Indianapolis now talk about football all the time. He is the face of the NFL. He is a fine young man who makes and does our city proud. He has given so much to this team, We can't forget that. If he is playing on a different team I will be following him. There are alot of other fine players on the Colts that I will cheer for but I fear that most of them will be gone if Peyton is gone, and in that case it will be the saddest day this Colts fan has ever had. I sincerely hope that we have Peyton for a few more years until he is ready to retire.

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Man, if the Colts cut a healthy, ready to go Peyton Manning, I might die a bit on the inside. With that said, I would still cheer for the Colts; always gonna be a Colts fan! I would still want Peyton to win a ring or two before he retires. Hopefully they wouldn't cut him and instead trade him if they don't want to keep him on the roster

I feel if they finally release him healthy, they must be doing him a huge favor, one that is even better than the money they pay him. Not getting him involved in the rebuilding and let him have a free 3-4 years to pursue another superbowl. nothing is bigger than this.

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I feel if they finally release him healthy, they must be doing him a huge favor, one that is even better than the money they pay him. Not getting him involved in the rebuilding and let him have a free 3-4 years to pursue another superbowl. nothing is bigger than this.

With Manning, this team is a Super Bowl contender. It's not all because of Manning, but his play allows the defense to play the way they were built to play. It's like a chemical reaction. Manning isn't a reactant, he is a catalyst that allows the reaction to occur faster and more efficiently.

I know Irsay said we are rebuilding, but I would think we are reloading. Rebuilding, to me, means blowing it all up and starting over. We still have lots of vets who know how to carry themselves and are hard working and leaders for this team.

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shocked...at these comments. this is a bussinesss, but............irsay owes manning, and he owes manning big time. if peyton manning is not an indianapolis colts next year, the person that needs to go is jim irsay.there are no records, no super bowl win, no lucas oil stadium and no super in indy without #18. this isn't even an option, if that happens irsay, will look like a ...........!!! (really bad)

Who is gpoi

While you guys are thanking #18 for things he's brought to Indianapolis, don't forget to thank him for something he's KEPT in Indianapolis- the team.

Without Peyton, we're all rooting against the Los Angeles Colts every week.

Remember how wrong it looked to see Joe Montana in a Chiefs uniform? Picture Peyton donning that orange helmet in Cleveland.

The question is his health. Honestly, if he's not able to play like he has in the past, I think he'll do all of the deciding for us and hang 'em up. If not- trade that #1 pick and fix the team around him. This year's draft is VERY QB rich- get one of the less ballyhooed guys to be the heir apparent, and sit and watch for a few years.

If they let Peyton go, he'll taste the playoffs long before the Colts ever will again. And he'll paste us like the Saints did this year if we ever have to play him.

I remember when the Colts traded Unitas to San Diego after being a Colt for at least 15 years. Seeing him in Sd's uniform was strange indeed.
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I've been thinking about this a lot today. I am a diehard Colts fan and just can't cheer against them and never will. I would support Andrew Luck and pull for him every step of the way. If Manning's career was over I would be so sad his career ended the way it did but look forward to watching him on TV. If he went to play for another team it would be super hard to watch. It would probably be the most gut wrenching thing I could think of as a sports fan to have to watch.

I know it might not be the "smart" football move but I would really love for the Colts to have Manning next season and Luck to be ready for the future and address the other needs as we go.

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I became a Colts fan because of Peyton Manning. I am not from Indiana and don't feel a deep connection to the Colts beyond Peyton Manning. If Peyton retires a Colt, then maybe I can become a fan of the team first from that point on. But, as of now, my allegiance to Peyton is greater than my allegiance to the team. If he goes somewhere else, I will become a fan of that team, at least for the remainder of his career. When you live in an area that doesn't have a pro team (the closest one being Cincinnati, which has been pretty much a joke my whole life), you tend to become fans of players rather than teams.

On a side note, do you all think that if Brady, who is just like a year younger than Manning, had suffered the same injury and the Patriots were in our position, that there would be any discussion of letting Brady go? I highly doubt it. The Pats would trade that pick and fleece some desperate team in a heartbeat. Do you know why? Because Bob Kraft knows how to run a football team. I just hope Irsay does too.

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On a side note, do you all think that if Brady, who is just like a year younger than Manning, had suffered the same injury and the Patriots were in our position, that there would be any discussion of letting Brady go? I highly doubt it. The Pats would trade that pick and fleece some desperate team in a heartbeat. Do you know why? Because Bob Kraft knows how to run a football team. I just hope Irsay does too.

I am glad you mentioned this. I have been wondering what the members here who are fans of other teams would want their team to do if they were in the same situation. There is a thread about this, but sadly it hasn't gotten much attention because it is in the draft forum.


I doesn't matter to me which thread those fans respond to, but I would enjoy reading their input.

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But not manning.Its laughable that people even compare 'luck' to him!Let's see how he performs first before we ordain him the G.O.A.T.

Show me ONE post where people are comparing him to Manning. You are so obsessed by #18 that you are posting *ic rantings with no back-up. Once you understand the logic of what people are saying, it may help you post.

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Show me ONE post where people are comparing him to Manning. You are so obsessed by #18 that you are posting *ic rantings with no back-up. Once you understand the logic of what people are saying, it may help you post.

The luck camp makes that comparision ALL-THE-TIME.They even made threads about it.Let's just wait until combine and proday before we draw any conclusions,shall we?There might be more to the ANDREW LUCK story than we know.

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The luck camp makes that comparision ALL-THE-TIME.They even made threads about it.Let's just wait until combine and proday before we draw any conclusions,shall we?There might be more to the ANDREW LUCK story than we know.

Nope, you are wrong. If Manning was immortal, and could play at the same level as he did when last on the field, no one would replace him with Luck. Unfortunately, he is aging, and has a serious injury. That's the bit you are missing.....

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If I was Irsay, I would draft Luck then if Manning was healthy build an underground dungeon to store Luck in for 4-5-6 years. I'd lock him up & throw away the key for the appropriate amount of time. However, that dungeon would come equipted with a harem, swimming pool, work out room, full sized NFL field, HD TVs, PS3 along with Madden and whatever other games he wanted, smoothie king, ST. Elms steakhouse, ANY high quality necessities he could use. He would have a servant that could travel to the outside world to get him whatever he wanted, but he himself couldn't leave. It would probably be wise to have around a cool 100 million in a Swiss bank account waiting for him when he is released back into the world. Bam, problem solved.

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