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If the season is to be saved, we have to make a change....


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I said this in another thread, but I'm sure it will get lost on a night like tonight....   so it's worth repeating.


I thought Greg Manusky did a masterful job tonight!    I was really impressed with how he took spit and dirt and glue and duct tape and put together a pretty solid defense.


We start with Toler, Butler and Smith out.   And then Vonte goes down.     And suddenly, our corners are Brown and Price and Patterson!?!       Holy Cow and they didn't embarrass themselves!


Our run defense was mostly good.   


But we don't have enough of a pass rush yet and the secondary is the Wounded Warrior Project!


I thought Manusky earned his paycheck tonight!!


The defense was great. And they got robbed with a handful of ticky tack penalties in the secondary. Up until that second TD drive, they were holding us in the game.

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No he didn't. Arians is a really bad play caller. Not as bad as Pep has been this year, but bad nonetheless. He's a pretty good head coach, though. 


'Arians' and 'delayed RB dump offs' doesn't belong in the same sentence.


But I agree with the last line there. The first third and two, which was followed by AV's missed field goal, is a perfect example of poor situational play calling. 

I wasn't meaning to connect Arians to the delayed RB dump offs. I was meaning where was that in Pep's play calls for a check down relief valve. Arians IMO blows Pep away as far as play calling and that is why I said people miss him as our OC. I agree he is a much better head coach than and OC.

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I said this in another thread, but I'm sure it will get lost on a night like tonight....   so it's worth repeating.


I thought Greg Manusky did a masterful job tonight!    I was really impressed with how he took spit and dirt and glue and duct tape and put together a pretty solid defense.


We start with Toler, Butler and Smith out.   And then Vonte goes down.     And suddenly, our corners are Brown and Price and Patterson!?!       Holy Cow and they didn't embarrass themselves!


Our run defense was mostly good.   


But we don't have enough of a pass rush yet and the secondary is the Wounded Warrior Project!


I thought Manusky earned his paycheck tonight!!

Agreed.  3rd down defense was very good tonight

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I'm not saying he isn't handicapped by the lack of talent on the Oline, but that does not excuse the befuddling game plans for the first two games this year. The Jets and Bills are both blitz heavy teams that play press coverage, yet the game plans do little to help Luck or the Oline. It's as if Pep thinks the Oline is the best in the NFL and he doesn't need to adjust his game plan to account for all the blitz and press coverages the Colts are seeing.

Agreed.  His playcalling hasn't been that great, and he hasn't shown an ability to adjust his gameplan.  But I think he showed a lot of improvement last year and that understanding of how to have success must still be there somewhere.

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The only exception I would make on that is that I think Allen got hurt.   I heard on the broadcast that Allen did NOT come back out on the field for the 2nd half.    I didn't see him play.    And I think that's why Jack (Sorry, blanking on his name) (84) played so much in the 2nd half.     But almost nothing to Fleener.


What is going on?!?

Allen messed up his ankle again & IDK what's going on man. We have to get it together fast. But like I said before I really hope those 2 go to Pep & demand the ball cause we can't keep handicapping our offense by just throwing to the WRs.

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Agreed.  His playcalling hasn't been that great, and he hasn't shown an ability to adjust his gameplan.  But I think he showed a lot of improvement last year and that understanding of how to have success must still be there somewhere.

Maybe but I have not seen it in the first two games. I would venture to say that the game plans have regressed.

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I wasn't meaning to connect Arians to the delayed RB dump offs. I was meaning where was that in Pep's play calls for a check down relief valve. Arians IMO blows Pep away as far as play calling and that is why I said people miss him as our OC. I agree he is a much better head coach than and OC.

Lol... while I think Hamilton's (or maybe Luck's) play calling has been atrocious as of late you'd be lucky to have Luck standing up with Arians play calling. I find it very funny that people complain about Hamilton's play calling and call for Arians who literally does the exact same thing except he doesn't throw at all to his RBs.

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Yes, but he can only work with the (limited) talent Grigson provides. Lance Louis should not be starting anywhere in the NFL

You'd be comfortable with Chud as the OC? I'm not saying he's a bad choice, but I don't know anything about him. I don't know what kind of offense he likes to run and how that will fit in with what we have here.

Chud couldn't possibly be worse than Pep.

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Lol... while I think Hamilton's (or maybe Luck's) play calling has been atrocious as of late you'd be lucky to have Luck standing up with Arians play calling. I find it very funny that people complain about Hamilton's play calling and call for Arians who literally does the exact same thing except he doesn't throw at all to his RBs.

I am not advocating for Arians as I believe we can do better at OC than both him and Pep. I also agree with Arians play calling getting Andrew killed with our current O-Line. I just believe Arians is better than Pep as an OC, but that doesn't take a whole lot.

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Grigson has had 3+ years to address the O-line. He hasn't. It's still one of the worst units in football.


After his first draft, he really just had 1 job-- build the O-line.


He simply cant do it, and if I were Irsay, I would find someone that can. I don't want a plethora of receivers and RBs. Get an O-line. Grigson, this is largely on you.


Don't even get me started on Pep and the play calling.....

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Some glaring issues that cost the Colts the game tonight:


1.  Offense kept shooting itself in the foot with holding penalties.

2.  Luck held the ball too long, and his interceptions were from getting pressured and hit. 

3.  Not enough pitches, screens, and dump-offs to Gore, Robinson, and the TEs to counter blitzes.

4.  Jets couldn't run against the Colts D, but they could pass all day against that weak Zone coverage.

5.  Colts should have adjusted at halftime to man-coverage and kept a double-team on Marshall.


All of a sudden, the Colts look stronger against the run and weaker against the pass.  Let's hope some of the starting corners can return to action next week.

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Saved, as in what? We might go 9-7 and win this division? Outside of a string of freakish occurences, this team has no prayer of advancing to a Super Bowl.

In the Luck era, Chuck = Mora. Unfortanately for Grigson, he hasn't Polian's pedigree, and will likely be flushed as well. Outside of a Lombardi, I can't picture either surviving.

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Some glaring issues that cost the Colts the game tonight:

1. Offense kept shooting itself in the foot with holding penalties.

2. Luck held the ball too long, and his interceptions were from getting pressured and hit.

3. Not enough pitches, screens, and dump-offs to Gore, Robinson, and the TEs to counter blitzes.

4. Jets couldn't run against the Colts D, but they could pass all day against that weak Zone coverage.

5. Colts should have adjusted at halftime to man-coverage and kept a double-team on Marshall.

All of a sudden, the Colts look stronger against the run and weaker against the pass. Let's hope some of the starting corners can return to action next week.

Regarding #4 and 5, they didn't have much choice but to play zone heavy with price, brown and Patterson as the only healthy CBs.

Agree with the rest though

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The thing about Manusky is that if you need an average defense, he'll give you an average defense. If you need a good defense, he'll give you an average defense.


Well....   we can agree to disagree in broad general terms....    but tonight,  I thought Manusky got every ounce of ability out of a badly damaged defense.      I thought he turned nothing into something.    An average defense would've given up 30-something tonight.     They didn't.


In the grand scheme of things,  it likely won't matter either way.    I'm expecting Pagano to go after this season and the new coach will want his own DC. 


So,  you'll get your wish twice over.     Three times,  if Irsay also cans Grigson,  which I'm not sure he'll be willing to do....

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If Pep is not fired Tuesday,  then I'm guessing the next possible window of opportunity is the bye week, which this year is week 10,  after the Denver game at home.


If it's my call, it's tomorrow -- Tuesday.


But perhaps Grigson and Pagano will give him more time to get this fixed?     I wouldn't,  but they might.


I guess we'll know tomorrow.

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I don't think it's just Pep, don't get me wrong I think the play calling could be better, but I also think the players on offense are just flat out not getting it done.  The line isn't blocking, the receivers aren't getting open, the line is holding way too often, the running backs are dropping the ball too much, the QB is not playing well.  Not all of that is Pep.  Don't get me wrong, again I think the play calling could be improved but it's far from the only issue on offense right now. 

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Wow....What a total dumpster fire. 


Im really starting to worry about Luck though. I know the O-line and WRs were not helping him tonight but man...you cant just keep forcing like that even if no one is open. I just dont have faith that this staff can reign him in and correct the glaring issues we have in other areas. I really hope im wrong and the team gets it together but yikes.

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Regarding #4 and 5, they didn't have much choice but to play zone heavy with price, brown and Patterson as the only healthy CBs.

Agree with the rest though

I was honestly impressed with how well the secondary held up since they were down to their fifth corner being their number one corner.  They wore down by the end of the game and Jets took advantage but considering who was out there I thought they held their own most of the game.

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Wow....What a total dumpster fire. 


Im really starting to worry about Luck though. I know the O-line and WRs were not helping him tonight but man...you cant just keep forcing like that even if no one is open. I just dont have faith that this staff can reign him in and correct the glaring issues we have in other areas. I really hope im wrong and the team gets it together but yikes.

If there is a flaw in Luck's game he's been reckless with the ball.  So was Peyton early in the career.  That's the one thing Dungy work on the offense with.  Getting Peyton to take care of the ball more.  He made it a real focus and Manning really improved in that area.

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But lets say you want to blame the oline and receivers.  So alter the gameplan.  Have look throw quicker on short slants and dump off to backs to get a rhythm going.  Basically, do what the Patriots would do.  But standing back there, holding the ball too long, trying to get the ball down the field is just bad strategy.


I blame Pep 100%.  There are no options but long passes.

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If there is a flaw in Luck's game he's been reckless with the ball.  So was Peyton early in the career.  That's the one thing Dungy work on the offense with.  Getting Peyton to take care of the ball more.  He made it a real focus and Manning really improved in that area.

 Yeah. I think he really does need someone to help instill him that sense of letting things come to him more often like Dungy did for Peyton in 2003.  

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Well.... we can agree to disagree in broad general terms.... but tonight, I thought Manusky got every ounce of ability out of a badly damaged defense. I thought he turned nothing into something. An average defense would've given up 30-something tonight. They didn't.

In the grand scheme of things, it likely won't matter either way. I'm expecting Pagano to go after this season and the new coach will want his own DC.

So, you'll get your wish twice over. Three times, if Irsay also cans Grigson, which I'm not sure he'll be willing to do....

we played against Ryan Fitzpatrick.... If they had and NFL quality QB they would have beat us by 30
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we played against Ryan Fitzpatrick.... If they had and NFL quality QB they would have beat us by 30


I knew somebody would eventually go down this road....


And IF we had all four of our corners who either didn't play at all,  or played a half (Vonte) than we would've won.


And IF we had a decent OL,  we would've won.


And IF we had a better OC,  we would've won.



If, if, if, if.      Don't get caught up in that game.......     There's just no end to it.

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I knew somebody would eventually go down this road....

And IF we had all four of our corners who either didn't play at all, or played a half (Vonte) than we would've won.

And IF we had a decent OL, we would've won.

And IF we had a better OC, we would've won.

If, if, if, if. Don't get caught up in that game....... There's just no end to it.

you know I right I'm not gonna sit here and act like the D played great when we "shutdown" Ryan freaking Fitzpatrick
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I was happy to see gore running the football well tonight I have to agree with many of the comments in regards to situational football. couldn't understand certain things like taking gore out for Robinson on some critical short down and distance. We ran the ball but there was very little play action, also for the life of me I could not figure out why there were no screens or quick hitches, dumps to the backs. I did not start seeing Pep do any of that until late.

When Pep was hired he talked about a playing style on offense where we would not have many wasted plays. An offense that would be efficient. I don't know who in Hades talked him out of his initial plans but this offense is not efficient and there's plenty of wasted plays and opportunities. None of this looks like what he said he wanted.

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But lets say you want to blame the oline and receivers. So alter the gameplan. Have look throw quicker on short slants and dump off to backs to get a rhythm going. Basically, do what the Patriots would do. But standing back there, holding the ball too long, trying to get the ball down the field is just bad strategy.

I blame Pep 100%. There are no options but long passes.

Not blaming the o line is stupid. Sure Luck holds on to the ball too long at times but he still gets hit way too much.

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you know I right I'm not gonna sit here and act like the D played great when we "shutdown" Ryan freaking Fitzpatrick


I can't believe you want to fight this?!


We were without Vonte (for a half) Toler, Butler and Smith for the whole game.


Our corners were Brown, Price and Patterson for the entire 2nd half.


We were down bodies on the DL.     Without Newsome on the linebacking core.


And the offense consistently put the defense in bad situations.


You maybe in a bad mood and not ready to give anyone any credit,  but ignoring facts doesn't help your cause.


The defense played terrific under very, very difficult circumstances.

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I can't believe you want to fight this?!


We were without Vonte (for a half) Toler, Butler and Smith for the whole game.


Our corners were Brown, Price and Patterson for the entire 2nd half.


We were down bodies on the DL.     Without Newsome on the linebacking core.


And the offense consistently put the defense in bad situations.


You maybe in a bad mood and not ready to give anyone any credit,  but ignoring facts doesn't help your cause.


The defense played terrific under very, very difficult circumstances.

they kept the Colts in this game far longer than they had any business being in it based on how the offense played. They just simply wore down by the end of the game.
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I cant sleep but I am off work until Wednesday anyway. I cant believe we are 0-2 again. We don't look good either. The next 3 games are against Division opponents at Titans, Jags, at Texans that is where the season lays. I have gotten a number of calls tonight but the one that stands out is an aunt of mine. I haven't heard from her in months. She lives in a different state. She left me a message asking what's wrong with the Colts?

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I have gotten a number of calls tonight but the one that stands out is an aunt of mine. I haven't heard from her in months. She lives in a different state. She left me a message asking what's wrong with the Colts?


Tell her she forgot to wear her Colts jersey and it's all her fault.

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Sorry,  but Pep has to go.    The sooner the better.


The offense is a complete disaster.


Luck looks confused and lacking confidence.     That's on Pep.


The running game is spotty at best and that's on Pep.


The passing game is a horrible mess and that's on Pep.    Does he even know it's OK to pass to tight ends and running backs?    Almost everything is to a wide receiver.


Pep doesn't understand the difference between college football and the NFL.    He's still trying to use things that worked at Stanford and tries to make them work at the Professional level.  


I rarely want to see 6 or 7 OL.    Not with all our weapons.   I don't want to see David Parry at fullback.    I don't want to see Josh Robinson or the Vega kid in crucial situations --  trying for a 1st down or inside the 10.    That's why we brought in Frank Gore.     I think the Gore fumble was brought on by a poor exchange with Luck that wasn't clean.  I could be wrong,  but that's what I thought I saw.


I think we give away plays by alerting everyone in the stadium of our intentions by personnel groupings on down and distance.    I sit at home and call out "pass" or "run" depnding on down and distance and where we are on the field.    I'm not wrong that often.    All we're doing is making our job much, much harder than it has to be.


Honestly,  I hope we all wake up tomorrow to find Pep has been let go and Chudzinski is the new OC.     The sooner this happens,  the better off the Colts will be.




I agree with you, however I do think that won't happen. I expect Irsay cleaning out the house at the end of the season.

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Sorry, but Pep has to go. The sooner the better.

The offense is a complete disaster.

Luck looks confused and lacking confidence. That's on Pep.

The running game is spotty at best and that's on Pep.

The passing game is a horrible mess and that's on Pep. Does he even know it's OK to pass to tight ends and running backs? Almost everything is to a wide receiver.

Pep doesn't understand the difference between college football and the NFL. He's still trying to use things that worked at Stanford and tries to make them work at the Professional level.

I rarely want to see 6 or 7 OL. Not with all our weapons. I don't want to see David Parry at fullback. I don't want to see Josh Robinson or the Vega kid in crucial situations -- trying for a 1st down or inside the 10. That's why we brought in Frank Gore. I think the Gore fumble was brought on by a poor exchange with Luck that wasn't clean. I could be wrong, but that's what I thought I saw.

I think we give away plays by alerting everyone in the stadium of our intentions by personnel groupings on down and distance. I sit at home and call out "pass" or "run" depnding on down and distance and where we are on the field. I'm not wrong that often. All we're doing is making our job much, much harder than it has to be.

Honestly, I hope we all wake up tomorrow to find Pep has been let go and Chudzinski is the new OC. The sooner this happens, the better off the Colts will be.


Was really on the verge of deleting my account and then I seen this. You're always the one defending Pep and now you've jumped ship. Now this, this is a sight for sore eyes. I like this version of NCF


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...for the life of me I could not figure out why there were no screens or quick hitches, dumps to the backs. I did not start seeing Pep do any of that until late.


They ran out the clock with 3 really nice screen plays in their final possession, all 20 seconds of it, for what it's worth. Still not real sure what they were trying to accomplish there, but apparently those plays do exist in the playbook.

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