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Maybe #18 isn't done.


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There was nothing fraudulent about Favre's 2010 season. He sucked as bad as the team's record indicated. Like it or not, if the defense keeps bailing Peyton out he'll become hated pretty fast. I'm not saying I approve of it, that's just how people are.

The 1 silver lining would be the irony of the Brady homers negating his success thanks to the defense.

You seem kind of salty today. Favre's records were going to go down eventually anyways whether by Peyton or the new young guns like Luck.

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There was nothing fraudulent about Favre's 2010 season. He sucked as bad as the team's record indicated. Like it or not, if the defense keeps bailing Peyton out he'll become hated pretty fast. I'm not saying I approve of it, that's just how people are.

The 1 silver lining would be the irony of the Brady homers negating his success thanks to the defense.


Hey Favre had his 2009 season before his home stretch, and Peyton had his 2013 season. One lost in the NFCCG and the other in the SB.


Lots of similarities in their careers, IMO. With the way passing records are falling left and right, someone will break 75,000 yards someday.

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He's still good enough to help a team win, probably better than most QBs this year but he's falling fast.  Im a big peyton fan and his class is unmatched but lets face it, we are for sure looking at most likely his last year.  He's completely lost the deep ball and his short passes are wobbly as heck.  He can beat defenses with his knowledge but his physical skills are done.  Sadly, its time to retire.  I'd love for him to be the colts Offensive coordinator.


If he has lost the deep ball, then how is he overthrowing Emanuel Sanders?

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Denver needs to let Peyton run his offense.  A 39 year old QB with numbness in his fingers and who doesn't have the natural athleticism other QBs do shouldn't be throwing so much on the run.  Let him run his offense and let the defense be able to play more to their strengths.

I agree with you, and said so in an earlier post.   Trying to change the way he does things at this stage of the game will not be successful.   I do think they need to improve the run game to help him out.    Mixing things up a bit, and keeping the other teams guessing.    


Last night was one wild and crazy game.       I thought sure it was headed to OT, but The Denver  Defense had other plans. :)

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I was  a little confused :nutz: on that one too.   Not really sure what he meant.


Going out on a limb here........... and thinking most GB and Favre fans probably are not looking forward to Peyton breaking Favre's record,  which if he can continue to stay in the game this year will no doubt happen before season's end.   :dunno:    Maybe something completely different.   :scratch:

Yeah, he'll break it this year and he'll do it 2 less seasons than Favre did.  He would have already done it had it not been for missing his last season with the Colts due to injury.  Of course, Favre didn't play much in his rookie season, but it wasn't due to injury.

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GB made the right choice by going with Rodgers and the Colts with Luck. It had to be done for both franchises. LUCKILY haha it has worked out for both franchises. Rodgers has even won a SB, Luck has made a Final 4 and has won 11 games every season since entering the league. As of now Rodgers is the best QB in the league, I will say Brady is 2nd out of respect, and I think Luck is 3rd. Luck just doesn't have the Defense yet to win the whole thing and because of that we will probably lose again in the Playoffs when we play a tough physical team. Grigson has this next draft to build the Defense. Having said all of that isn't it technically SB or bust in most peoples eyes now? I mean at least getting there after going to the Title Game last season.

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Yeah, last night was pretty telling.


I do think Kubiak wants to get the running game going to make things easier for Peyton, but last night proved that it's not  easy, or successful to try to change the way a person has been playing his entire career.    


If they can get a happy medium between the two.... watch out.


And the Defense,  my word....   they started off a little shaky with all the penalties and :flag:   but when they settled down,  they were pretty incredible.

 Indeed, there is a happy medium.  There's no question, the Broncos have to develop their O line and generate a running game (just like we Colts need to do).  As the season wears on and the weather turns sour  (in outdoor stadiums), the Broncos will need to rely on that ground game and nasty D more and less on Peyton bailing them out with his arm.  There will be times the arm and smarts of Peyton will be needed, and times the ground and pound and smothering D phase is the way.  And teams that develop that balance can keep the opposing D off guard more easily.


We need that running game, gelling O line like the Broncos do.  I hope our D can develop a nasty streak in them as well.  It's early, but Denver is on it's way, we need to get on track, pronto.

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When they went back to the offense he's more comfortable with he was much more effective. With that said I love Peyton but he's been throwing some ugly throws this year and while the year is young and I think he can still have moments like last night I think this might be it for him.

I like your Ric Flair quote. I wish we would've kept that player. We let a few players go that were Great chemistry players and made the locker room fun. Last season was fun, Colts looked tight against Buffalo for some reason and looked disinterested at times.

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We should've found a way to re-sign Cory Redding and Sergio Brown. I wouldn't even been opposed too re-signing Reggie for cheap for 1 more year. Reggie would still be Good in some situational downs where we need a big first on 3rd and short.

How does this relate to the topic on hand, the one about Peyton?

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If he has lost the deep ball, then how is he overthrowing Emanuel Sanders?


Just because you over throw someone doesn't mean you "have a deep ball." I can go out in the back yard and throw a deep pass to one of my family members and completely over throw them. 


I think he can still throw it 40 yards, but if he can't control a pass past 20 yards then he doesn't have a deep ball.   Remember the commercials "Laser rocket arm"? That's long gone now, he's older, he's had the neck surgeries.  I'm not downing him, I'm just stating the facts, he can't let the ball fly like he used to. Its quite obvious, look at how some of the balls just float. There is something up, the last drive when he tied the game he threw some solid passes...  But a majority of the game he looked like a JV quarterback on an NFL field.  His mind is there, his body isn't, simple and plain. 

Edited by 21isSuperman
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How does this relate to the topic on hand, the one about Peyton?

It doesn't but I posted what I Posted because I noticed the Ric Flair quote below 8818's avatar. Regarding Peyton = He isn't done and anyone that believed that in the first place doesn't know Football. He is still a Top 5 QB in the league - Now that is related to this topic.

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I still say he doesn't look the same. May have a little bit left in him. But he's still not the same.

He isn't the same you are correct but he's still Top 5 today. Only Rodgers, Brady, Luck are better IMO. I would still take Peyton 4th for just this season. He is so smart and can still find ways to win eventhough his arm strength isn't the same.

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I believe, if they're smart, they'll do both. Keep the other teams guessing.

They need to do a mix of both. Also the play calling needs to be better too. I don't know who thinks its a good idea to run a bootleg with Peyton. I love the guy but he runs as slow as my grandma lol. And the end around call on 4th and 1 was ridiculous too. When the Kubiak offense is being ran they need to clean up some of the play calling.

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There was nothing fraudulent about Favre's 2010 season. He sucked as bad as the team's record indicated. Like it or not, if the defense keeps bailing Peyton out he'll become hated pretty fast. I'm not saying I approve of it, that's just how people are.

The 1 silver lining would be the irony of the Brady homers negating his success thanks to the defense.

Oh...he is definately hated by a majority on the Denver forum. The amount of anger and resentment is beyond belief. They have some Peyton faithful but most have been calling for Brock since the end of last season. They wanted to cut Peyton. The fact that the OL was as horrible as I've ever seen one in front of Peyton they were blaming the sacks on Peyton too. I mean we believe our OL is bad but its actually better than Denvers...and anyone that wanted to sign Evan Mathis should look at last night as a sign of why we didnt....he and Sambrono got bullied and beat all night long. That was an embarrassment of OL play for Denver and KC couldn't protect Alex much better. There is going to be a ton of ups and downs this year for Peyton...last night will probably be a microcossom of the rest of the season....Denver just hopes that come the playoffs the defense and offense can play well at the same time....or at least play well enough to keep each other in the game.


Brett's last season was rough...he took a beating and I don't wish that for Peyton at all....he looks old..especially sitting on the sideline and he looks as old as the coaches and he has a bunch of kids sitting around listening to him diagram plays....how he can take a beating like that I don't know..but he did and he kept coming back....like the ol' sherriff in a western...he isn't the fastest gun in the west...and he's been shot a few times and hobbled a bit...but he is wise...and strikes when he sees his chance. Crazy fun game....heart breaking for Charles..I felt bad for him but Andy Reid just amazes me sometimes.

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Oh...he is definately hated by a majority on the Denver forum. The amount of anger and resentment is beyond belief. They have some Peyton faithful but most have been calling for Brock since the end of last season. They wanted to cut Peyton. The fact that the OL was as horrible as I've ever seen one in front of Peyton they were blaming the sacks on Peyton too. I mean we believe our OL is bad but its actually better than Denvers...and anyone that wanted to sign Evan Mathis should look at last night as a sign of why we didnt....he and Sambrono got bullied and beat all night long. That was an embarrassment of OL play for Denver and KC couldn't protect Alex much better. There is going to be a ton of ups and downs this year for Peyton...last night will probably be a microcossom of the rest of the season....Denver just hopes that come the playoffs the defense and offense can play well at the same time....or at least play well enough to keep each other in the game.


Brett's last season was rough...he took a beating and I don't wish that for Peyton at all....he looks old..especially sitting on the sideline and he looks as old as the coaches and he has a bunch of kids sitting around listening to him diagram plays....how he can take a beating like that I don't know..but he did and he kept coming back....like the ol' sherriff in a western...he isn't the fastest gun in the west...and he's been shot a few times and hobbled a bit...but he is wise...and strikes when he sees his chance. Crazy fun game....heart breaking for Charles..I felt bad for him but Andy Reid just amazes me sometimes.

You are right. The Denver fans have turned on him since the end of last year. Everything is his fault it seems but most of them are Elway fans anyways. The Oline is the biggest issue with the team and unless it is somehow fixed, it will be a long season on offense for Denver. At least they have the strong D to cover in the mean time.


I find myself rooting for Manning this year. I remember last year when everyone was saying Brady was too old and washed up and then he went on to win it all. It would be cool to see Manning put together a great season despite the detractors.

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Everyone is missing a VERY big point here in that the Broncos haven't been able to run the ball at all yet this season. Yes, they need to let Peyton run "his" offense but he needs help from the running game as well.

That goes back to the Oline and to the fact that Anderson is nothing special. Sometimes I think Elway and Kubiak believe Terrell Davis is back there with the way they talk about establishing run ...

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That goes back to the Oline and to the fact that Anderson is nothing special. Sometimes I think Elway and Kubiak believe Terrell Davis is back there with the way they talk about establishing run ...


Yup. CJ Anderson had a good spurt towards the end of last season with a much healthier o line to run behind. Obviously neither of which has lasted into this year.

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Oh...he is definately hated by a majority on the Denver forum. The amount of anger and resentment is beyond belief. They have some Peyton faithful but most have been calling for Brock since the end of last season. They wanted to cut Peyton. The fact that the OL was as horrible as I've ever seen one in front of Peyton they were blaming the sacks on Peyton too. I mean we believe our OL is bad but its actually better than Denvers...and anyone that wanted to sign Evan Mathis should look at last night as a sign of why we didnt....he and Sambrono got bullied and beat all night long. That was an embarrassment of OL play for Denver and KC couldn't protect Alex much better. There is going to be a ton of ups and downs this year for Peyton...last night will probably be a microcossom of the rest of the season....Denver just hopes that come the playoffs the defense and offense can play well at the same time....or at least play well enough to keep each other in the game.

Brett's last season was rough...he took a beating and I don't wish that for Peyton at all....he looks old..especially sitting on the sideline and he looks as old as the coaches and he has a bunch of kids sitting around listening to him diagram plays....how he can take a beating like that I don't know..but he did and he kept coming back....like the ol' sherriff in a western...he isn't the fastest gun in the west...and he's been shot a few times and hobbled a bit...but he is wise...and strikes when he sees his chance. Crazy fun game....heart breaking for Charles..I felt bad for him but Andy Reid just amazes me sometimes.


There's nothing people hate more than a quarterback who doesn't pull his weight even if they're undefeated and even if it's not warranted. I wasn't aware that Peyton had critics outside of Denver's skeptics, Patriots obsessors, and ESPN Radio mutants.

I've always secretly liked the idea of the 2 greatest quarterbacks having 1 ring each. It keeps the GOAT arguments interesting. If the Broncos make the playoffs though I'm pulling for Manning no matter what.

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You only said that because of my 1 liner about Brady homers.

Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about on this thread. You seem really upset/bitter that Manning is going to break Favre's record this season. I get that you love Favre BUT Pats/Brady fans have always respected Manning even if we believe Brady is better. Their rivalry has been the best the NFL has ever had and maybe the best in all of sports. We also understand that the two of them have pushed each other to reach the heights they have. If Manning gets his second ring and it comes as a result of his defense carrying the day, so be it. No championship is ever won without everyone doing their part.

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You are right. The Denver fans have turned on him since the end of last year. Everything is his fault it seems but most of them are Elway fans anyways. The Oline is the biggest issue with the team and unless it is somehow fixed, it will be a long season on offense for Denver. At least they have the strong D to cover in the mean time.


I find myself rooting for Manning this year. I remember last year when everyone was saying Brady was too old and washed up and then he went on to win it all. It would be cool to see Manning put together a great season despite the detractors.

The thing is...look at Elways numbers his last couple seasons....especially the first SB...he wasn't exactly lighting it up yet these guys act like they can't win with Manning. Granted he can't do everything in Gary's offense that he needs to do but NEITHER can that OL.....its painful to watch. That is the worst OL in the league imo. They can't run the ball and they DEFINATELY can't protect Peyton. We all know Peyton's arm isn't what it once was but if he can't use his legs to step into his throws its going to be a pick. He needs a clean pocket and they can't provide that. They need to get him into shotgun more but slowly mix in some of the wco stuff from under center.


Yeah the fans are just hateful...and honestly they are ungrateful...I know its what have you done lately for me league but man Peyton bailed them out the last 3 years and took them to a SB...without him they aren't a playoff team. With him now he can still make plays. He is going to have to lean on the defense but he had the two scores before the half with some nice plays and had an important drive to answer KCs coming out the second half for a fg and of course they stalled when they tried to run more Kubiak offense in the 3rd and 4th again they stumbled....but a great 2 minute drill like we often see from him (probably one of the best all time with Brady and Brees at doing that) and he made some clutch plays.


In the end like I said I think if he continues to take a beating this likely is his last year but I just hope he goes out making a few more plays like that last drive last night. He has a great defense...if it stays healthy they will have a shot in every game...but to call for his replacement...just rediculous....Oz under that pressure last night and trying to run that 2 minute I don't think he could have kept Denver in that game.


Elways numbers in his first SB 12-22 123yds 0td 1int 51.9 passer rating...even leading up to that he wasn't lighting up the place...I know a SB win covers up everything and people remember his helicopter leap but lets be real...Peyton Manning last night would be perfectly good enough to win a SB if that defense is playing like that (minus the dumb penalties) against just about anyone. 

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There's nothing people hate more than a quarterback who doesn't pull his weight even if they're undefeated and even if it's not warranted. I wasn't aware that Peyton had critics outside of Denver's skeptics, Patriots obsessors, and ESPN Radio mutants.

I've always secretly liked the idea of the 2 greatest quarterbacks having 1 ring each. It keeps the GOAT arguments interesting. If the Broncos make the playoffs though I'm pulling for Manning no matter what.

I visit their site to get news on Manning mostly just because I'm a big fan of him obviously. I can barely read their board because of the hatred...like many hoping he gets hurt so they will put Brock in. Pretty sick stuff honestly. But mostly they blame him for the offense looking terrible because he has struggled on those roll out passes...but they ignore the fact that their OL has been quite frankly an embarrassment. It's not Peyton's fault the run game is crap and that he hasn't had a chance to set his feet. Even in shotgun he is having to rush but at least he can survey the field and get it out quick. I was following their game day thread last night and they were murdering him on every incompletion. I mean I understand the pick 6 that was a bad bad play but even on his good throws and even after guys dropped some balls they wanted him gone. Its going to last all year...its just a horrible way to be a fan really...because even when they win they are unhappy because they were proven wrong.


Favre still had some physical gifts his last year but the team had just fallen apart around him but Peyton is working with a lot less physically. They are both the gunslingers at heart...Favre did it longer before the rule changes so his yardage numbers are just crazy although Peyton certainly while throwing his share of picks did it with a little more precision. My family hated the Packers being Bear fans but secretly I was always amazed at the plays Favre made...throwing left handed...off the wrong foot...just crazy qb that played with more heart and toughness than any i've ever witnessed...it was a pleasure to watch and like Favre the NFL will not be the same when Manning is gone.

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It's crazy the only two qbs to get to 70,000 yds couldn't be more different. Favre played like a kid out there...enjoying the game...the fun...the excitement...the weather...the booming arm..the oh no oh no...yes plays...then you have Peyton who was kinda the cerebal assassin...the calculated plays...precision over big arm...the dome..serious meticulous planner. The only similarities is the both won one SB and they both ran into juggernaut franchises (NE for Peyton....SF/DAL for Favre). I think they both like Dan Marino carried their teams more than any other players in NFL history. Great fun watching both...but both very very different styles.

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But you saw the part about Brady at the end and responded. Talk about upset/bitter (put them together and you get obsessed).

You must have missed how I did not address the last part of your post because it was absurd and posted to start fights on this thread because of your bitterness. Manning has been throwing now for what 3+ seasons with half an arm and will still beat Favre's record in 2 seasons less ... imagine if he had not missed a season with the neck and was fully healthy these past 3, he would be at 80,000 right now easily ...

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