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The reason for the Castonzo Holdup in signing


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According to CBS Sports, Castonzo's agent wants the fourth year of his contract guaranteed. The Colts don't. Thus, no signing. It doesn't make sense to me why the Colts would play hardball with this. Castonzo is the team's projected left tackle protecting the blindside of Mr. $90 Million. I suspect he will be the LT for the next ten years. If he doesn't have the talent to do that, or if the Colts think he isn't worth keeping three years from now, then I kind of question why Indy used a first round pick on him.

I mean, if Castonzo turns into another Tony Ugoh, then I don't think Chris Polian and his dad need to worry about that guaranteed fourth year. They'll both probably be sent packing before it arrives. The reputations of the Polians cannot afford yet another busted first round pick, and the Colts stand no shot of winning another Super Bowl in Peyton Manning's final playing years if they continue to flop in the draft.

Reputations and pinks slips aside,

it's all the more important to ink Castonzo and get him in camp because there are no other options currently available. The Colts don't seem all that serious about re-signing Charlie Johnson, and if you trust a player like Jeff Linkenbach as this team's starting left tackle, don't say that in public or people will laugh at you.

Charlie Johnson was the starting left tackle the last two seasons, and despite playing out of position, he was very solid. Charlie is a natural guard. He's also a better option at right tackle than Diem

Above is basically botom half of article on Diem


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This issue is not exclusive to the Colts. Mort stated that every team who picked from 20 down does not want to give the 1st rounders a guaranteed fourth year.

It will get done.

Thing is this is supposed to be our Franchise LT for rest of Peytons Career, & without CJ in the fold we have no LT as of now, & u dont want to throw in a rookie thats unschooled in technique, that is recipe for disaster,. he needs to get to camp ASAP

put another Sign him & get to camp as u dont want to throw a left tackle in blind to protect blindside

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Awesome! So we are at an impasse with CJ and having trouble signing Castonzo.

We do not need that LT position hammered at all. We do not need our rookie LT to be in camp even though he is all ready well behind. :rolleyes2:

Hopefully this gets done today or tomorrow. Castonzo needs to be in there now. There is all ready little hope of him being the starter with how much time he has missed.

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Awesome! So we are at an impasse with CJ and having trouble signing Castonzo.

We do not need that LT position hammered at all. We do not need our rookie LT to be in camp even though he is all ready well behind. :rolleyes2:

Hopefully this gets done today or tomorrow. Castonzo needs to be in there now. There is all ready little hope of him being the starter with how much time he has missed.

Unless you're talking about OTA's, which everyone has missed, he hasn't missed any time yet. But I get your point. We need both CJ and him in camp.

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Get it done. Guess Bill and Jim don't trust their own pick. Sign him for 4 years and get CJ back.

Not sure that they don't trust their pick but these draft picks are still rookies and have to prove that they can produce in the NFL. Some draft picks I'm sure have not been worthy of a 4 year contract. Their contract should be able to be extended if he works out with the team that drafted them. Sounds like he has the same agent that Peyton has and in my opinion he always ask for the moon and that ups his pay check. I'm just glad that a cap was put on rookie contracts in the last agreement. JMO of course.

I'm betting that were not the only team having problems signing their draft picks just another problem with the lock out or this would have been taken care of long ago.

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Lets just get this done. This kids needs as much time in practice as possible. I am going to be upset if this new look offensive line cant go out game 1 and hold it together. We have a QB thats not going to be very happy if he is getting hit right after he comes off and injury. Shoot still will be injured.

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Not sure that they don't trust their pick but these draft picks are still rookies and have to prove that they can produce in the NFL. Some draft picks I'm sure have not been worthy of a 4 year contract. Their contract should be able to be extended if he works out with the team that drafted them. Sounds like he has the same agent that Peyton has and in my opinion he always ask for the moon and that ups his pay check. I'm just glad that a cap was put on rookie contracts in the last agreement. JMO of course.

I'm betting that were not the only team having problems signing their draft picks just another problem with the lock out or this would have been taken care of long ago.

Well if they are not sure if draft picks are going to pan out then they should stop betting the future of this team on draft picks and use more FA's. But they decide to use draft picks to fill hole. Then get them sign and their buts at camp.

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Get it done. Guess Bill and Jim don't trust their own pick. Sign him for 4 years and get CJ back.

i think costanzo is, and will be, the most trustworthy 1st rd pick weve had in years..really like what i saw from him @ the combine and couldnt believe we got this guy @ the spot we were drafting..i say he'll get the fourth year guaranteed

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WHATEVER!!!!!!!!! We probably won't sing him!! Jim Irsay brainwashed all the players into thinking we are SO good and have had SO much success that we don't need to sign free agents or new players!!! WE MADE THE PLAYOFFS 9 YEARS IN A ROW AND ONLY HAVE 1 SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have had the NFLs best qb of all time for 14 years and only have 1 SB!!! THANKS JIM, you really know success!!!! Castonzo is going to be AWESOME and he's not signed yet??????? PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!! When Peyton leaves in 5 years, all of us are going to be feeling like Lions fans, THANK JIM IRSAY< YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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WHATEVER!!!!!!!!! We probably won't sing him!! Jim Irsay brainwashed all the players into thinking we are SO good and have had SO much success that we don't need to sign free agents or new players!!! WE MADE THE PLAYOFFS 9 YEARS IN A ROW AND ONLY HAVE 1 SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have had the NFLs best qb of all time for 14 years and only have 1 SB!!! THANKS JIM, you really know success!!!! Castonzo is going to be AWESOME and he's not signed yet??????? PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!! When Peyton leaves in 5 years, all of us are going to be feeling like Lions fans, THANK JIM IRSAY< YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mature much?

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WHATEVER!!!!!!!!! We probably won't sing him!! Jim Irsay brainwashed all the players into thinking we are SO good and have had SO much success that we don't need to sign free agents or new players!!! WE MADE THE PLAYOFFS 9 YEARS IN A ROW AND ONLY HAVE 1 SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have had the NFLs best qb of all time for 14 years and only have 1 SB!!! THANKS JIM, you really know success!!!! Castonzo is going to be AWESOME and he's not signed yet??????? PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!!!! When Peyton leaves in 5 years, all of us are going to be feeling like Lions fans, THANK JIM IRSAY< YOUR THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'd blame Polian before Irsay. I'm seeing a change in philosophy with Chris Polian taking the reigns. A more balanced attack and a beefier D. We should be optimistic

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again, not well informed. first round picks want shorter deals because the second contract is potentially much more valuable

u know it all dont u..words of wisdom from this guy..yeah yeah yeah..i know all this stuff u guys r trying to tell me

my point IS peyton is signed for 5 yrs, correct..we need a stud LT for 5 yrs, correct..

i wasnt trying to inform any1..just trying to have fun..but u some of u guys could be cast in the movie rise of the planet of the dorks..i mean really..not a well informed post..half the ish u guys post is just obvious stuff so get off ur high horse and relax a lil..geez

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I'd blame Polian before Irsay. I'm seeing a change in philosophy with Chris Polian taking the reigns. A more balanced attack and a beefier D. We should be optimistic

True, if they waste Peyton's final 5 years, they should be ashamed

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u know it all dont u..words of wisdom from this guy..yeah yeah yeah..i know all this stuff u guys r trying to tell me

my point IS peyton is signed for 5 yrs, correct..we need a stud LT for 5 yrs, correct..

i wasnt trying to inform any1..just trying to have fun..but u some of u guys could be cast in the movie rise of the planet of the dorks..i mean really..not a well informed post..half the ish u guys post is just obvious stuff so get off ur high horse and relax a lil..geez

Well you managed to follow up some off base posts with this mindless rant.

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Tell me, what possible impact does Manning signing a 5 year deal have on Castonzo's contract? What difference does that make?

Peyton's contract and Costanzo's contract are completely separate topics. Odds are, if the Colts' trends hold true, Costanzo will be with the organization well after Peyton retires. The Colts always bring up their own, especially on the O-line, and they stick around IF they produce. This is just Costanzo and his agent trying to get the lucrative 2nd contract sooner rather than later. Plain and simple.

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I saw Steve Wyche on NFL Network and I don't remember the exact wording he used, but it was something like "In the new CBA, later first round picks only get 3 years guaranteed". Does that mean all first round picks after 20th overall can only have 3 years guaranteed or is that just the general flow of how teams have signed their first rounders?

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No pick from 17 to 24 has signed yet. The market isn't quite set for those picks at this time, and the agents are holding their guys out because they want to set a precedent for years to come. Realistically speaking, within the next few days, those picks should all fall in line, and I don't expect any of them to get that 4th year guaranteed. That was never the plan with the new CBA negotiations.

As soon as Solder is signed, Castonzo should be right behind him.

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Well if they are not sure if draft picks are going to pan out then they should stop betting the future of this team on draft picks and use more FA's. But they decide to use draft picks to fill hole. Then get them sign and their buts at camp.

Since when have FAs been a guarantee? It's not about trusting your draft picks - it's about running a sound business. You really don't want to have a bunch of money tied up in unproven players, do you? It happens all the time that draft picks don't work out. It also happens all the time that FAs don't work out.

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Since when have FAs been a guarantee? It's not about trusting your draft picks - it's about running a sound business. You really don't want to have a bunch of money tied up in unproven players, do you? It happens all the time that draft picks don't work out. It also happens all the time that FAs don't work out.

Thus, the owners went for, and got a rookie salary cap in the new deal.

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No pick from 17 to 24 has signed yet. The market isn't quite set for those picks at this time, and the agents are holding their guys out because they want to set a precedent for years to come. Realistically speaking, within the next few days, those picks should all fall in line, and I don't expect any of them to get that 4th year guaranteed. That was never the plan with the new CBA negotiations.

As soon as Solder is signed, Castonzo should be right behind him.

Castonzo needs to recognize that he doesn't work of the agent (Condon), the agent works for him. Because he has had no exposure to the Colts system or work with the team, he needs to get into camp if he wants to start. Otherwise, he needs to be ready to spend his entire first season behind the curve and Manning is not going to be his friend.

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Castonzo needs to recognize that he doesn't work of the agent (Condon), the agent works for him. Because he has had no exposure to the Colts system or work with the team, he needs to get into camp if he wants to start. Otherwise, he needs to be ready to spend his entire first season behind the curve and Manning is not going to be his friend.

I forgot he's represented by Condon. Might be trying to get some of his lost Manning money back...

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I forgot he's represented by Condon. Might be trying to get some of his lost Manning money back...

Good point but he's only hurting the rookie. If he holds out too long he won't get to start for sure. He has a lot of work to do and not much time to get it done in. Hope he's reading the play book with this time not in camp.

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Guest BlueShoe

How is being passionate about this team, not being mature....... Care about the team much?

Not to take sides here but I like your point above the most. People seem to forget that being a fan from time to time means being irrational at times. It's emotional for all of us and that's why we love it so much. 90% of the time we are all very rational fans. 10% of the time we want the Polian’s marched out of town. It’s just the nature of being a fan.

I think we all care or we wouldn’t be fans.

Now let’s get ready for a ______ year! I am leaving the field blank because I don’t want to jinx us. ;)

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