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Who was with the team last year that won't be this year


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Who gets cut in training camp that was with the team last year. 


Only people who where on the active roster or practice squad for a good portion of the year, not guys who where on IR or guys who came in and filled in for a week or 2. 


Being put on practice squad still counts as being with the team.


Zurlon Tipton - I'm hesitent on this because I think there is a good chance he's on the PS.  I don't see him on the active roster though.  His YPC last year was so bad he made Trent Richardson look good, so I think he may get the complete axe.  I don't see any upside here.


Griff Whalen - I like him, he's been an underdog player that's done everything the team's asked him.  But this is the NFL and reality is that the Colts are ultra deep at WR and I'm pretty sure he's out of time to be on the PS.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a call if there was a WR injury though.


Jack Doyle - Another guy I like who does everything the Colts ask of him.  Problem is that Sean McGrath looks like a guy who could displace him and he also has to watch out for Swoope.  An injury to a TE though and we may call him.


Lance Louis - Especially if Donald Thomas manages to stay healthy he's likely sent packing.  But even without Thomas, there is a lot of competition here.


Montori Hughes - We just drafted David Parry who I think will displace him.  Plus Zach Kerr can rotate to NT on passing downs.  I think his services are no longer required.

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Gonna completely ignore your criteria Valpo (forgive me :hug:haha )

Just gonna name everyone who was on the Colts roster one way or another that won't be this year..... the names that are more known

Vick Ballard

Lance Louis

Griff Whalen

Colt Anderson

Daniel Adongo

Donald Thomas

Bjoern Werner

To your post, I have Doyle pegged as a lock for the #3 TE and Swoope on the PS another year. Swoope moves up next year as D. Allen moves on in FA to the Steelers or another AFC contender just so he can face the :colts: and show them what they missed out on


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Montori Hughes and Bjoern Werner will both be on this team. Both are on Rookie cheap contracts. Hughes can play inside at NT, or DE. An the very least he provides depth. Werner actually played well against the run, not so much as a pash rusher.  Im not saying both players will be active every week, but they are not going anywhere.

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Coming off a rookie season where Kerr had 3 sacks in around 300 snaps before hitting a rookie wall I doubt he gets cut...Highly unlikely

That was scheme. All types of people were getting sacks for the team because we had to get creative without Mathis. Heck Kelcy Quarles had like 2 sacks. Plus Chapman is so bad at times, it makes guys like Kerr look like Dontori Poe at NT.

With Hughes, and now Parry, it'll be hard for him to make this team.

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That was scheme. All types of people were getting sacks for the team because we had to get creative without Mathis. Heck Kelcy Quarles had like 2 sacks. Plus Chapman is so bad at times, it makes guys like Kerr look like Dontori Poe at NT.

With Hughes, and now Parry, it'll be hard for him to make this team.

Sorry it takes more then scheme to make plays(Though it does help some....But players still have to be good enough to make plays)......What exactly has Hughes done to even be mentioned with Kerr? Parry has not even taken a snap so I don't know what he has to do with Kerr who has actually produced....And no a player looking bad wont actually help another player look good...That's not how it works...Otherwise Tom Zbikowski would have made Antoine Bethea look like a future HoF Safety in 2012 because Zbi pretty much quit on the team and Bethea sure did not look like a HoF because of it

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Everybody's either too good, or too cheap.

Quite the conundrum.

That's why we need more questionable characters on the team.

Easy cuts. They do it themselves.

Yep lol. I wish we could do like baseball and trade a few spare parts for a young solid player at a position of need. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury in the NFL. 

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Yep lol. I wish we could do like baseball and trade a few spare parts for a young solid player at a position of need. Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury in the NFL. 

That strategy in baseball don't work that often anyway, Trade away a top hitter for a pitcher then you need a hitter to replace the hitter you traded, Trade away a top pitcher then your really screwed up because top pitchers are harder to get then top hitters

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That was scheme. All types of people were getting sacks for the team because we had to get creative without Mathis. Heck Kelcy Quarles had like 2 sacks. Plus Chapman is so bad at times, it makes guys like Kerr look like Dontori Poe at NT.

With Hughes, and now Parry, it'll be hard for him to make this team.

3 sacks isn't anything to ring the alarm about though. Whether or not he's creating pressure and beating lineman is what you should look at. Newsome's 6.5 sacks wad impressive because he never really started any games, had limited snaps, and you saw him generating pressure on his own.

Kerr got some "right place, right time" sacks. It's not like he was a menace out there. Heck even Jerry Hughes had seasons with us when he had 2 sacks, but we still moved on from him.

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Sorry it takes more then scheme to make plays(Though it does help some....But players still have to be good enough to make plays)......What exactly has Hughes done to even be mentioned with Kerr? Parry has not even taken a snap so I don't know what he has to do with Kerr who has actually produced....And no a player looking bad wont actually help another player look good...That's not how it works...Otherwise Tom Zbikowski would have made Antoine Bethea look like a future HoF Safety in 2012 because Zbi pretty much quit on the team and Bethea sure did not look like a HoF because of it

Hughes is WAY better than Kerr


Hughes will be the sleeper on the team that will be starting before the halfway mark.  He will beat out Chapman for NT unless Chapman makes a drastic improvement this season.


Kerr takes too many plays off...



Rewatch the games

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3 sacks isn't anything to ring the alarm about though. Whether or not he's creating pressure and beating lineman is what you should look at. Newsome's 6.5 sacks wad impressive because he never really started any games, had limited snaps, and you saw him generating pressure on his own.

Kerr got some "right place, right time" sacks. It's not like he was a menace out there. Heck even Jerry Hughes had seasons with us when he had 2 sacks, but we still moved on from him.

Your comparing a rush linebacker to a D Lineman whos first priority on most plays is to stop the run....your going to have to do better then that...But Ill play along......Timmy Jernigan for the Baltimore Ravens who played roughly 302 snaps for the Ravens had 4 sacks to Kerrs 3 who played in 16 less snaps with only 7 less tackles...Jernigan went in the 2nd round of the draft


Sheldon Richardson his rookie year played in roughly 880 snaps his rookie year put up 3.5 sacks while starting 15 gaames and playing in all 16, Zach had 16 tackles despite not starting a game....He deserves a lot more credit for his play then your giving him...We can talk about pressures but that's likely the stat that is lopsided do to the large gap in snaps played compared to the other players I mentioned

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Hughes is WAY better than Kerr


Hughes will be the sleeper on the team that will be starting before the halfway mark.  He will beat out Chapman for NT unless Chapman makes a drastic improvement this season.


Kerr takes too many plays off...



Rewatch the games

I do..often.....Kerr was better....I don't know what the fascination is with Hughes with some around here.

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Gonna completely ignore your criteria Valpo (forgive me :hug:haha )

Just gonna name everyone who was on the Colts roster one way or another that won't be this year..... the names that are more known

Vick Ballard

Lance Louis

Griff Whalen

Colt Anderson

Daniel Adongo

Donald Thomas

Bjoern Werner

To your post, I have Doyle pegged as a lock for the #3 TE and Swoope on the PS another year. Swoope moves up next year as D. Allen moves on in FA to the Steelers or another AFC contender just so he can face the :colts: and show them what they missed out on



All those guys I could see going except for Werner.  Right now cutting him would be cap loss. . . his entire salary this year is guaranteed, plus the remainder of his signing bonus.  He might get cut next year if he doesn't perform but this year he's on the roster simply out of cap concerns.

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Your comparing a rush linebacker to a D Lineman whos first priority on most plays is to stop the run....your going to have to do better then that...But Ill play along......Timmy Jernigan for the Baltimore Ravens who played roughly 302 snaps for the Ravens had 4 sacks to Kerrs 3 who played in 16 less snaps with only 7 less tackles...Jernigan went in the 2nd round of the draft


Sheldon Richardson his rookie year played in roughly 880 snaps his rookie year put up 3.5 sacks while starting 15 gaames and playing in all 16, Zach had 16 tackles despite not starting a game....He deserves a lot more credit for his play then your giving him...We can talk about pressures but that's likely the stat that is lopsided do to the large gap in snaps played compared to the other players I mentioned


I fully agree with you but I still don't understand why Kerr was a healthy scratch towards the end of the season.  

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Your comparing a rush linebacker to a D Lineman whos first priority on most plays is to stop the run....your going to have to do better then that...But Ill play along......Timmy Jernigan for the Baltimore Ravens who played roughly 302 snaps for the Ravens had 4 sacks to Kerrs 3 who played in 16 less snaps with only 7 less tackles...Jernigan went in the 2nd round of the draft


Sheldon Richardson his rookie year played in roughly 880 snaps his rookie year put up 3.5 sacks while starting 15 gaames and playing in all 16, Zach had 16 tackles despite not starting a game....He deserves a lot more credit for his play then your giving him...We can talk about pressures but that's likely the stat that is lopsided do to the large gap in snaps played compared to the other players I mentioned

I'm not comparing them directly. I'm using Newsome as a reference point in terms of what should be considered impressive. Obviously you don't expect big sack numbers from a NT, but you can't just hang your hat on the fact that he had some tackles and a few sacks. I'm not saying he was terrible but he wasn't a force to be reckoned with out there and he disappears at times.

Comparing what he did his rookie year vs. Sheldon Richardson is silly. Trent Richardson rushed for more yards his rookie year than Beastmode, but look how that turned out. I'm not saying he's a terrible player, but I don't think he'll make the team. The staff is high on Hughes and Parry is familiar with the D because he ran something similar in college. Plus he comes from a notable school. Parry is probably a very prospect coming out than Kerr was anyways, so it's not hard to imagine the staff keeping him over Kerr.

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I'm not comparing them directly. I'm using Newsome as a reference point in terms of what should be considered impressive. Obviously you don't expect big sack numbers from a NT, but you can't just hang your hat on the fact that he had some tackles and a few sacks. I'm not saying he was terrible but he wasn't a force to be reckoned with out there and he disappears at times.

Comparing what he did his rookie year vs. Sheldon Richardson is silly. Trent Richardson rushed for more yards his rookie year than Beastmode, but look how that turned out. I'm not saying he's a terrible player, but I don't think he'll make the team. The staff is high on Hughes and Parry is familiar with the D because he ran something similar in college. Plus he comes from a notable school. Parry is probably a very prospect coming out than Kerr was anyways, so it's not hard to imagine the staff keeping him over Kerr.

"Comparing what he did his rookie year vs. Sheldon Richardson is silly."


No its not, They put up similar numbers...except Richardson had significantly more snaps his rookie year.......Keeping Parry over Kerr...who has produced already well at the NFL is not realistic, If and when Parry makes the roster it will be because he beat out guys like Okine and Pendleton...which  will give us:










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"Comparing what he did his rookie year vs. Sheldon Richardson is silly."


No its not, They put up similar numbers...except Richardson had significantly more snaps his rookie year.......Keeping Parry over Kerr...who has produced already well at the NFL is not realistic, If and when Parry makes the roster it will be because he beat out guys like Okine and Pendleton...which  will give us:










Saying they put up similar numbers in one instance is silly. You have to look at the overall body of work when you compare people because stats can be misleading. Richardson is a destructive force on the line who can still get better. Kerr is a serviceable player.

Lets not forget all the analysts who said RGIII was a better player than Luck because of their rookie numbers.

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Saying they put up similar numbers in one instance is silly. You have to look at the overall body of work when you compare people because stats can be misleading. Richardson is a destructive force on the line who can still get better. Kerr is a serviceable player.

Lets not forget all the analysts who said RGIII was a better player than Luck because of their rookie numbers.

You can undersell what Kerr did all you want before he hit a rookie wall...But he will be on the 53 roster if he remains healthy

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Who gets cut in training camp that was with the team last year. 


Only people who where on the active roster or practice squad for a good portion of the year, not guys who where on IR or guys who came in and filled in for a week or 2. 


Being put on practice squad still counts as being with the team.


Zurlon Tipton - I'm hesitent on this because I think there is a good chance he's on the PS.  I don't see him on the active roster though.  His YPC last year was so bad he made Trent Richardson look good, so I think he may get the complete axe.  I don't see any upside here.


Griff Whalen - I like him, he's been an underdog player that's done everything the team's asked him.  But this is the NFL and reality is that the Colts are ultra deep at WR and I'm pretty sure he's out of time to be on the PS.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a call if there was a WR injury though.


Jack Doyle - Another guy I like who does everything the Colts ask of him.  Problem is that Sean McGrath looks like a guy who could displace him and he also has to watch out for Swoope.  An injury to a TE though and we may call him.


Lance Louis - Especially if Donald Thomas manages to stay healthy he's likely sent packing.  But even without Thomas, there is a lot of competition here.


Montori Hughes - We just drafted David Parry who I think will displace him.  Plus Zach Kerr can rotate to NT on passing downs.  I think his services are no longer required.


 Hughes will be the starter and barring injury Doyle is a 99% lock. Get real!

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3 sacks isn't anything to ring the alarm about though. Whether or not he's creating pressure and beating lineman is what you should look at. Newsome's 6.5 sacks wad impressive because he never really started any games, had limited snaps, and you saw him generating pressure on his own.

Kerr got some "right place, right time" sacks. It's not like he was a menace out there. Heck even Jerry Hughes had seasons with us when he had 2 sacks, but we still moved on from him.

Actually, most of Newsome's sacks weren't impressive all all.....when you are unblocked you should make a play. Having said that, I like his potential.

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Who gets cut in training camp that was with the team last year. 


Only people who where on the active roster or practice squad for a good portion of the year, not guys who where on IR or guys who came in and filled in for a week or 2. 


Being put on practice squad still counts as being with the team.


Zurlon Tipton - I'm hesitent on this because I think there is a good chance he's on the PS.  I don't see him on the active roster though.  His YPC last year was so bad he made Trent Richardson look good, so I think he may get the complete axe.  I don't see any upside here.


Griff Whalen - I like him, he's been an underdog player that's done everything the team's asked him.  But this is the NFL and reality is that the Colts are ultra deep at WR and I'm pretty sure he's out of time to be on the PS.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a call if there was a WR injury though.


Jack Doyle - Another guy I like who does everything the Colts ask of him.  Problem is that Sean McGrath looks like a guy who could displace him and he also has to watch out for Swoope.  An injury to a TE though and we may call him.


Lance Louis - Especially if Donald Thomas manages to stay healthy he's likely sent packing.  But even without Thomas, there is a lot of competition here.


Montori Hughes - We just drafted David Parry who I think will displace him.  Plus Zach Kerr can rotate to NT on passing downs.  I think his services are no longer required.



Montori Hughes isn't going anywhere..

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"Comparing what he did his rookie year vs. Sheldon Richardson is silly."


No its not, They put up similar numbers...except Richardson had significantly more snaps his rookie year.......Keeping Parry over Kerr...who has produced already well at the NFL is not realistic, If and when Parry makes the roster it will be because he beat out guys like Okine and Pendleton...which  will give us:










I'm rooting for Zach Hodges. Hopefully he can at least make the PS. Cam Johnson as well.

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It is probably more expensive to rent a video game for a year than Jack Doyle.


He's not gunna set the world on fire, but he has experience, knows the offense, has versatility and is better than quite a lot of the #3 TEs around the league.

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I fully agree with you but I still don't understand why Kerr was a healthy scratch towards the end of the season.  

He played in 12 games....outside of a Bowl game in college players play in 12 games....His body just didn't adjust well to the extra 4 games his 1st year I don't think. Montori also only played in 12 games

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It is probably more expensive to rent a video game for a year than Jack Doyle.


He's not gunna set the world on fire, but he has experience, knows the offense, has versatility and is better than quite a lot of the #3 TEs around the league.


True but Seth McGrath is just as cheap and has slightly better receiving stats in the NFL.  I think there is more competition here then people recognize.

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