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Deflategate merge -- pending appeal results

Bad Morty

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ok I don't recall what he's been fined for, but I'm sure it's happened. What I'm trying to say is this...the NFL is filled with offenders of various stripes. You've got your "Rice/Peterson/Hardy/Roethlisburger/etc" off-field stuff...you've got your PED users...and then you've got your "guy who wore his socks too high/had a logo on during a press conference/name the silly minutiae type stuff the NFL fines players for" type of offenders. Brady has been nowhere near the "serious offender" categories. He's never made the league look bad before, and in fact has been an excellent ambassador for the game to date.

...lets not forget the time he missed the birth of his first illegitimate child..kind of left Mrs. Moynahan hanging.....he's quite the ambassador!

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Florio hits this right out of the park http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/06/24/search-for-new-information-about-deflategate-should-include-nfls-next-333-games/?ocid=Yahoo&partner=ya5nbcs


It makes way too much sense, so therefore Goodell won't do it. But why not make it a point this year to measure and collect the halftime data on all footballs and compare the results to the Patriots footballs from the AFC Championship game? It would be the only way to definitively answer the question about whether or not the Patriots balls acted 'normally' or if they were tampered with...and if the data shows that there was no tampering, the Pats should get their picks back and their fine reimbursed.

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ok I don't recall what he's been fined for, but I'm sure it's happened. What I'm trying to say is this...the NFL is filled with offenders of various stripes. You've got your "Rice/Peterson/Hardy/Roethlisburger/etc" off-field stuff...you've got your PED users...and then you've got your "guy who wore his socks too high/had a logo on during a press conference/name the silly minutiae type stuff the NFL fines players for" type of offenders. Brady has been nowhere near the "serious offender" categories. He's never made the league look bad before, and in fact has been an excellent ambassador for the game to date.


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The question now is how will Goodell deal with the internal conflict of knowing that Brady didn't do anything while having to save face on his initial uninformed rush to judgment.

What makes you think that Goodell thinks Brady did nothing? Goodell has made no comment or statement backing off of anything. He is big on what he calls the integrity of the game and is very strong in those feelings. A better question is how will Brady deal with a suspension and save face and explaining why he cost Kraft 1 million dollars and his team two draft picks by refusing to clear his name when he had the chance? No, Brady didn't have to cooperate as ask but now that him and his team are facing the consequences of his choice how will he save face? No matter the outcome of the suspension the fine and loss of draft picks are fact at this point. Kraft backed off of that because of what? For the benefit of the game? :spit:

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oh believe me - I don't put anybody I'm not intimately acquainted with on any pedestals. I'm simply saying that he has never come under any league disciplinary review before (that I'm aware of), which over the course of a 13 year career says something about him.

If it is found by an ex equipment person that Brady has had the ball deflated your comment would not be true? Time will tell when one of those equipment men will want big money to keep silent if not they will cash in big time with the knowledge that most think the have. We can speculate all we care to but not too much has be said about the two that know the truth without a doubt. Is that why Kraft didn't want this to go to court? Subpoenas and testifying under oath in a real court is a little different than the meetings with Goodell.

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ok I don't recall what he's been fined for, but I'm sure it's happened. What I'm trying to say is this...the NFL is filled with offenders of various stripes. You've got your "Rice/Peterson/Hardy/Roethlisburger/etc" off-field stuff...you've got your PED users...and then you've got your "guy who wore his socks too high/had a logo on during a press conference/name the silly minutiae type stuff the NFL fines players for" type of offenders. Brady has been nowhere near the "serious offender" categories. He's never made the league look bad before, and in fact has been an excellent ambassador for the game to date.


Other then the groin kick, or the multiple times he's yelled in an officials face or chased them off the field, yeah classy guy.....oh yeah there was that period when he benefitted from the illegally taped defensive signals, but that was all on the coach anyway so......

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Other then the groin kick, or the multiple times he's yelled in an officials face or chased them off the field, yeah classy guy.....oh yeah there was that period when he benefitted from the illegally taped defensive signals, but that was all on the coach anyway so......

Lol. You can tell who is going to be really upset if this penalty gets reduced or eliminated.

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Yeah and so what ? What I said was that he would never be prosecuted . 


1) How would they really prove it.


2) Who and why would anyone try to prosecute him.


Because two *s Reiss and McCan are making a big deal out of pure nonsense doesn't make it any less silly.

I am not arguing any of that but for some up here that wanted to hang on to Brady's presser from Jan as him lying or covering up, him testifying under oath was a pretty big step in him proclaiming his innocence IMO.

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Like most things in life if you don't want to believe something or do want to believe something you will find away to do so.

Well said. When someone refuses to see or use common sense when making a choice there is not much you can do. The truly sad part is when the truth does come out one way or another how many are willing to admit they were wrong?

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Lol. You can tell who is going to be really upset if this penalty gets reduced or eliminated.

Couldn't care less if it does. I think it would actually be funnier if that did happen. Then you'd have someone w his name "cleared" yet the team accepted the largest punishment in NFL history for something that apparently didn't happen.

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I get you and it's a fair point but to play the DA somewhat history is littered with people of previous good character who have done some pretty bad stuff. In the same way we shouldn't prejudge someone for having a criminal record, you shouldn't prejudge someone for not if that makes sense. 


In the real world of course we all will, and to some degree it is of some use in assessing people. You should then ask the question.. why would the league be willing to go after one of the squeeky clean megastars of the league? It's not like they've had their hand forced with the Peterson/Rice situation. I'm just saying they wouldn't do it on a whim. 

I posted this response to another poster who asked the same thing. This is from Mike Reiss and his take is probably the best I read on why Brady would be the target of the league in this and the fall guy.


When Wells was defending his report and findings that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware” of wrongdoing in a May conference call, he said, “All of this discussion that people in the league office wanted to put some type of hit on the most iconic player of the league, the real face of the league, doesn’t make any sense.” But here’s the counterpoint to Wells: It makes sense if the alternative was that the league would look like it didn’t know what it was doing in the first place by calling for a full-scale, $5 million investigation on something easily explained by science. So essentially it was bury Brady or bury themselves. Which brings me back to my original point from early May: “I’ve digested the 243-page Wells report multiple times, and with its bias and lack of fairness in certain areas, I truly can’t believe what the commissioner has done to the legacy and reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks and ambassadors in the history of the game -- all over air pressure in a football and without definitive proof he had anything to do with it.” 

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I am not arguing any of that but for some up here that wanted to hang on to Brady's presser from Jan as him lying or covering up, him testifying under oath was a pretty big step in him proclaiming his innocence IMO.

Why? I am sure his lawyer explained it makes no difference past this meeting. People lie under oath everyday. Is it a lie when someone says I will never do it again and then gets caught doing it again? It happens all the time. You putting Brady on a pedestal and refusing to believe anything negative in anyway, shape or form is IMO just setting yourself up for a big let down. Brady is human no matter what you think and he has faults just like the rest of us.

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I posted this response to another poster who asked the same thing. This is from Mike Reiss and his take is probably the best I read on why Brady would be the target of the league in this and the fall guy.


When Wells was defending his report and findings that Tom Brady was at least “generally aware” of wrongdoing in a May conference call, he said, “All of this discussion that people in the league office wanted to put some type of hit on the most iconic player of the league, the real face of the league, doesn’t make any sense.” But here’s the counterpoint to Wells: It makes sense if the alternative was that the league would look like it didn’t know what it was doing in the first place by calling for a full-scale, $5 million investigation on something easily explained by science. So essentially it was bury Brady or bury themselves. Which brings me back to my original point from early May: “I’ve digested the 243-page Wells report multiple times, and with its bias and lack of fairness in certain areas, I truly can’t believe what the commissioner has done to the legacy and reputation of one of the greatest quarterbacks and ambassadors in the history of the game -- all over air pressure in a football and without definitive proof he had anything to do with it.” 

I wasn't aware that the Wells report was printed in Braille? :scratch:

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Why? I am sure his lawyer explained it makes no difference past this meeting. People lie under oath everyday. Is it a lie when someone says I will never do it again and then gets caught doing it again? It happens all the time. You putting Brady on a pedestal and refusing to believe anything negative in anyway, shape or form is IMO just setting yourself up for a big let down. Brady is human no matter what you think and he has faults just like the rest of us.

I suppose that goes along with the thinking, right? He is lying no matter what. For some up here they were clamoring for him to say anything since the report came out and we all know that if he had he would have been accused of lying as well as really he can't win. I get the narrative is set but him testifying under oath is a big step for him in proclaiming his innocence which is what some up here wanted him to do. That was my point. Not whether you or I believe him.

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I suppose that goes along with the thinking, right? He is lying no matter what. For some up here they were clamoring for him to say anything since the report came out and we all know that if he had he would have been accused of lying as well as really he can't win. I get the narrative is set but him testifying under oath is a big step for him in proclaiming his innocence which is what some up here wanted him to do. That was my point. Not whether you or I believe him.

I have no problem on your point of view. He refused to proclaim his innocents when ask before. Before what I ask? Before he knew the finale fines, lost draft picks and suspension is what. I wonder had Brady had it to do over would he have cooperated? He sure wouldn't have cost his team such a severe penalty had he came forward when ask to. All the excuses in the world do not answer why he didn't cooperate in the first place. When your bias you will come up with everything that could be thought of to justify why you feel the way you do. You pick and choose what you want to believe no matter what.

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I have no problem on your point of view. He refused to proclaim his innocents when ask before. Before what I ask? Before he knew the finale fines, lost draft picks and suspension is what. I wonder had Brady had it to do over would he have cooperated? He sure wouldn't have cost his team such a severe penalty had he came forward when ask to. All the excuses in the world do not answer why he didn't cooperate in the first place. When your bias you will come up with everything that could be thought of to justify why you feel the way you do. You pick and choose what you want to believe no matter what.

It is hard to say as the first report by Mort was bogus and that was at the time of Brady's Jan. presser. I think it is easy in hindsight to look back and say he could have done something different. But him coming forward and saying he did something when he has been adamant that he did not do anything makes it seem silly to say he should have just owned up to it if he is innocent. I think the mistake he and Yee made with his phone was not getting the PA involved as they could have helped him side step that better. I would think if he has any regrets it would be that point. He did sit and answer all of Well's questions and was told he cooperated, Wells said he and the team substantially cooperated in the report. I believe Brady did not know then it would be used against him to punish him and in that regard he could have handled that better.

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I have no problem on your point of view. He refused to proclaim his innocents when ask before. Before what I ask? Before he knew the finale fines, lost draft picks and suspension is what. I wonder had Brady had it to do over would he have cooperated? He sure wouldn't have cost his team such a severe penalty had he came forward when ask to. All the excuses in the world do not answer why he didn't cooperate in the first place. When your bias you will come up with everything that could be thought of to justify why you feel the way you do. You pick and choose what you want to believe no matter what.

You can't take anything Brady said in his initial comments on this as evidence of anything because of the false information the league allowed to be spread about the magnitude of the deflation. Brady stood at the podium believing that the balls were all 2lbs lower than they should have been and could only have thought that somebody did something to the balls without his knowledge at that point. "I don't believe so" sounds pretty precisely like a guy thinking "I didn't do anything, but clearly something was done because the balls were all 2 lbs light".

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You can't take anything Brady said in his initial comments on this as evidence of anything because of the false information the league allowed to be spread about the magnitude of the deflation. Brady stood at the podium believing that the balls were all 2lbs lower than they should have been and could only have thought that somebody did something to the balls without his knowledge at that point. "I don't believe so" sounds pretty precisely like a guy thinking "I didn't do anything, but clearly something was done because the balls were all 2 lbs light".



So you've explained away all that Brady contact with the fired NE employee. Cool . Now how about the issue of being called the deflator and the ESPN remark ? We all have opinions and some are tainted while others might be more objective. For me it's like a  murder trial based on circumstantial evidence. The defendant doesn't have a solid alibi. He was having an affair with a younger woman. He just took out a large insurance policy on his wife. None of those issues on it's own is enough to convict but you see juries convicting in about 3-4 hours on that kind of evidence. Plus it's 9 to 12 people agreeing on "beyond a reasonable doubt." Ohh and the defendant might have 13 years of a clean work record to boot. 


Just a rebuttal to all you have posted in the last few days....

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Yeah. You know the one bright spot in this whole thing has been Kraft's support of Brady. From before the SB until now. I know many Pats fans were upset when Kraft capitulated on the team penalties but he has always supported Brady and that has been really cool to see. These types of issues can have a way of tearing orgs apart and it is apparent Kraft is doing all he can to be together with Brady on this.



Here ya go.....



A league source tells Profootballtalk.com that Tom Brady "simply reiterated his denial" regarding involvement in or knowledge of deflating footballs during Tuesday's appeal with commissioner Roger Goodell, and "the answers were regarded by some in the room as not entirely credible."

Reports following Brady's meeting with Goodell indicated Tom Terrific gave an "A+ performance," but it seems league officials disagree. Brady reportedly attacked the Wells Report and stated he "didn't do anything wrong." PFT's Mike Florio -- a former attorney -- believes it is "unlikely" that Goodell will "fully exonerate" Brady, and may opt to uphold his four-game suspension.
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Couldn't care less if it does. I think it would actually be funnier if that did happen. Then you'd have someone w his name "cleared" yet the team accepted the largest punishment in NFL history for something that apparently didn't happen.


And maybe it won't get overturned... who knows ?




A league source tells Profootballtalk.com that Tom Brady "simply reiterated his denial" regarding involvement in or knowledge of deflating footballs during Tuesday's appeal with commissioner Roger Goodell, and "the answers were regarded by some in the room as not entirely credible."

Reports following Brady's meeting with Goodell indicated Tom Terrific gave an "A+ performance," but it seems league officials disagree. Brady reportedly attacked the Wells Report and stated he "didn't do anything wrong." PFT's Mike Florio -- a former attorney -- believes it is "unlikely" that Goodell will "fully exonerate" Brady, and may opt to uphold his four-game suspension.
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So you've explained away all that Brady contact with the fired NE employee. Cool . Now how about the issue of being called the deflator and the ESPN remark ? We all have opinions and some are tainted while others might be more objective. For me it's like a  murder trial based on circumstantial evidence. The defendant doesn't have a solid alibi. He was having an affair with a younger woman. He just took out a large insurance policy on his wife. None of those issues on it's own is enough to convict but you see juries convicting in about 3-4 hours on that kind of evidence. Plus it's 9 to 12 people agreeing on "beyond a reasonable doubt." Ohh and the defendant might have 13 years of a clean work record to boot. 


Just a rebuttal to all you have posted in the last few days....

you already know what I think happened...no need for me to re-hash it for the hundredth time.

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And maybe it won't get overturned... who knows ?




A league source tells Profootballtalk.com that Tom Brady "simply reiterated his denial" regarding involvement in or knowledge of deflating footballs during Tuesday's appeal with commissioner Roger Goodell, and "the answers were regarded by some in the room as not entirely credible."

Reports following Brady's meeting with Goodell indicated Tom Terrific gave an "A+ performance," but it seems league officials disagree. Brady reportedly attacked the Wells Report and stated he "didn't do anything wrong." PFT's Mike Florio -- a former attorney -- believes it is "unlikely" that Goodell will "fully exonerate" Brady, and may opt to uphold his four-game suspension.


So basically he pouted like a baby for a lot longer than the allotted four hours while we get all the dumb unnamed "sources" that Schefter speaks to saying they were backup QBs and longsnappers that used to deflate balls and that Brady "did great". The two bozos still haven't been spoken to since the text messages were discovered by Wells. Yes he should have found them before the first interview so he wouldnt have had to ask for a second, but for real all of this is going on and these two haven't been asked a question since "the Deflator" was discovered.

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Here ya go.....



A league source tells Profootballtalk.com that Tom Brady "simply reiterated his denial" regarding involvement in or knowledge of deflating footballs during Tuesday's appeal with commissioner Roger Goodell, and "the answers were regarded by some in the room as not entirely credible."

Reports following Brady's meeting with Goodell indicated Tom Terrific gave an "A+ performance," but it seems league officials disagree. Brady reportedly attacked the Wells Report and stated he "didn't do anything wrong." PFT's Mike Florio -- a former attorney -- believes it is "unlikely" that Goodell will "fully exonerate" Brady, and may opt to uphold his four-game suspension.


Yeah, I figured the league's PR would weigh in. Look, none of us expect Roger to exonerate Brady. This was no longer about air pressure a looooong time ago. Reps are at stake and a power play. But again, my point was not Brady's performance or how it was received by the league but the fact that he testified under oath to proclaim his innocence. Something that many up here wanted to see him do since the report came out in May.

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you already know what I think happened...no need for me to re-hash it for the hundredth time.


Yes but the thing is I think you switched gears on us. I remember you explaining that by saying you thought the balls were tampered with but in a "small way." Then , as I remember .. I could be wrong .. you said it's possible the balls were stuck in the bathroom and Brady knew nothing about it. Cool... But now aren't you saying the science "proves" the balls were never tampered with to begin with ? I can go back and check if you like. But anyway .. how do you "now" or "presently " explain away the deflator and ESPN remarks ? If I'm wrong , I apologize in advance ...

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So basically he pouted like a baby for a lot longer than the allotted four hours while we get all the dumb unnamed "sources" that Schefter speaks to saying they were backup QBs and longsnappers that used to deflate balls and that Brady "did great". The two bozos still haven't been spoken to since the text messages were discovered by Wells. Yes he should have found them before the first interview so he wouldnt have had to ask for a second, but for real all of this is going on and these two haven't been asked a question since "the Deflator" was discovered.



I guess , according to this report , not everyone handed out an "A+" grade ?

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Yeah, I figured the league's PR would weigh in. Look, none of us expect Roger to exonerate Brady. This was no longer about air pressure a looooong time ago. Reps are at stake and a power play. But again, my point was not Brady's performance or how it was received by the league but the fact that he testified under oath to proclaim his innocence. Something that many up here wanted to see him do since the report came out in May.



I hate to be a bad guy , but there are two points of view on this. 


1) Yours


2) People that think there is too much to explain away. 


My take on it is I think those that stand behind number 1 are entitled to their opinion. But what bothers me is they explain it away by claiming there is .. was a "league vendetta" against NE and Tom Brady. That makes even less sense the ball boys messing with balls without his knowledge or at least his OK. Then NE "defenders" go on to say that the league would have had egg on it's face paying for the investigation and it finding nothing on NE or Brady. That is even more unbelievable.

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"Sources also told Schefter that Brady came off as very genuine, earnest, and persuasive, addressing every issue raised in the league-sanctioned Wells report during Tuesday's hearing which lasted 10 hours. One of the sources called it "an A+ performance."



"Patriots owner Bob Kraft, who is on a trip to Israel with a group of Pro Football Hall of Famers, sent a sworn affidavit backing Brady. One source said the affidavit was very compelling, and had "almost a holy feel to it". :)


Here ya go.....



A league source tells Profootballtalk.com that Tom Brady "simply reiterated his denial" regarding involvement in or knowledge of deflating footballs during Tuesday's appeal with commissioner Roger Goodell, and "the answers were regarded by some in the room as not entirely credible."

Reports following Brady's meeting with Goodell indicated Tom Terrific gave an "A+ performance," but it seems league officials disagree. Brady reportedly attacked the Wells Report and stated he "didn't do anything wrong." PFT's Mike Florio -- a former attorney -- believes it is "unlikely" that Goodell will "fully exonerate" Brady, and may opt to uphold his four-game suspension.

Source: Profootballtalk on NBC Sports 

Jun 24 - 1:

Looks like both sides are leaking information in order to get the public opinion on their side.

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Yes but the thing is I think you switched gears on us. I remember you explaining that by saying you thought the balls were tampered with but in a "small way." Then , as I remember .. I could be wrong .. you said it's possible the balls were stuck in the bathroom and Brady knew nothing about it. Cool... But now aren't you saying the science "proves" the balls were never tampered with to begin with ? I can go back and check if you like. But anyway .. how do you "now" or "presently " explain away the deflator and ESPN remarks ? If I'm wrong , I apologize in advance ...

here it is, summary form:


1) Over-inflated balls in Jets game tick Brady off...yells at ball guys to make sure he gets 12.5 balls like he asked for. That's the extent of Brady's involvement

2) Ball guy takes balls into bathroom and at the very least gauges them all to make sure refs didn't screw them again, at most he lets air out of balls that measure over the 12.5 spec down to 12.5


Lying about bathroom trip explained...confusion by Brady at press conference explained...lack of scientific evidence of ball deflation explained.


That's it.

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What makes you think that Goodell thinks Brady did nothing? Goodell has made no comment or statement backing off of anything. He is big on what he calls the integrity of the game and is very strong in those feelings. A better question is how will Brady deal with a suspension and save face and explaining why he cost Kraft 1 million dollars and his team two draft picks by refusing to clear his name when he had the chance? No, Brady didn't have to cooperate as ask but now that him and his team are facing the consequences of his choice how will he save face? No matter the outcome of the suspension the fine and loss of draft picks are fact at this point. Kraft backed off of that because of what? For the benefit of the game? :spit:

"He is big on what he calls the integrity of the game and is very strong in those feelings."

You just hit the nail on the head, crazycolt1. Again. As have many others on this forum concerning that very thing. This whole debacle is about the NFL, not just Brady & the Patriots. It's about changing disciplinary protocol and its implementation. The NFL has been the jest of many widely known jokes when it comes to handing out punishment for violations over the last decade or so right up to and including Rice & Peterson. The violations against Brady & the Patriots in and around DeFlateGate were the last straws that broke the camel's back. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong infractions. What better way to set an example out of the arguably best team and QB in the league? We all just witnessed it over the last couple of months.

It's about the NFL! Pure, plain, and simple. That's the reasoning behind this whole war of wills, words, and authoritative control while establishing an unmitigated setting for future violations and infractions. It's about setting standards. It's about taking pure control. It's about sending a clear precise message to all members of this fraternity that's called the NFL.

It's about the LEAGUE! Period.

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here it is, summary form:


1) Over-inflated balls in Jets game tick Brady off...yells at ball guys to make sure he gets 12.5 balls like he asked for. That's the extent of Brady's involvement

2) Ball guy takes balls into bathroom and at the very least gauges them all to make sure refs didn't screw them again, at most he lets air out of balls that measure over the 12.5 spec down to 12.5


Lying about bathroom trip explained...confusion by Brady at press conference explained...lack of scientific evidence of ball deflation explained.


That's it.



What do you think Brady and the deflator could have possibly talked about for 15 minutes ? That's a ton of dialog . According to your theory , Jastremski must have just kept denying he did anything to the balls. 15 whole minutes of that.. C'mon.Then you have stuff like "you alright ?" Why would Tom Brady give a crap about this guy ?

Doesn't this make you wonder at least a little bit if you really believe what you are saying. Why would this jerk take air out of balls on his own... an incredible thing to believe .. I mean why would he risk all he risked to do that ? ... 


Also how could Brady be mad at Jastremski if officials put too much air in the balls ? They must have obviously done that at the Jet game. We know the protocol is for the ball boys to prepare the balls to the QB's liking. The QB's check them out .. gives them back and they are later presented to the officials. Jastremski is then "TOTALLY" out of the equation... right ? The only reason I can think of as to why Brady would be mad at him is if he was suppose to somehow check (or maybe alter them ?) them "AFTER" the officials OK'd them for play. 


Do I have something wrong here ? I must have because I've never read what I have above by anyone before...

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here it is, summary form:

1) Over-inflated balls in Jets game tick Brady off...yells at ball guys to make sure he gets 12.5 balls like he asked for. That's the extent of Brady's involvement

2) Ball guy takes balls into bathroom and at the very least gauges them all to make sure refs didn't screw them again, at most he lets air out of balls that measure over the 12.5 spec down to 12.5

Lying about bathroom trip explained...confusion by Brady at press conference explained...lack of scientific evidence of ball deflation explained.

That's it.

What info was the ball boy joking about going to espn with?

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It is hard to say as the first report by Mort was bogus and that was at the time of Brady's Jan. presser. I think it is easy in hindsight to look back and say he could have done something different. But him coming forward and saying he did something when he has been adamant that he did not do anything makes it seem silly to say he should have just owned up to it if he is innocent. I think the mistake he and Yee made with his phone was not getting the PA involved as they could have helped him side step that better. I would think if he has any regrets it would be that point. He did sit and answer all of Well's questions and was told he cooperated, Wells said he and the team substantially cooperated in the report. I believe Brady did not know then it would be used against him to punish him and in that regard he could have handled that better.

No one expected him to own up to something he claims he didn't do. All he had to do was cooperate with the investigation and prove he was innocent. It is not rocket science. But he chose not to cooperate thinking it more than likely wouldn't be near as severe as it was. He didn't take it serious and made himself look arrogant. Why should he had to have side stepped anything if he didn't have something to hide? You cant seem to make up you mind about thinking he did nothing wrong or you would not have said side step anything. When someone ask you a direct question the best answer is yes or no. Not "I don't think so'. He then tried to make a joke out of it with the "it's not Isis and no one got killed". Say what you want that was not very smart with the subject being so serious. His attitude came off as I am Tom Brady, how dare you to question me. Like I have said from the start, it is Brady who started and made all this happen. there is no one to blame but him. Especially after the team had already been found guilty of actions detrimental to the league. Was this the time to crack jokes? I know you are a Brady fan but if you can't see how he made himself look then you are blind with fandom.

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What do you think Brady and the deflator could have possibly talked about for 15 minutes ? That's a ton of dialog . According to your theory , Jastremski must have just kept denying he did anything to the balls. 15 whole minutes of that.. C'mon.Then you have stuff like "you alright ?" Why would Tom Brady give a crap about this guy ?

Doesn't this make you wonder at least a little bit if you really believe what you are saying. Why would this jerk take air out of balls on his own... an incredible thing to believe .. I mean why would he risk all he risked to do that ? ... 


Also how could Brady be mad at Jastremski if officials put too much air in the balls ? They must have obviously done that at the Jet game. We know the protocol is for the ball boys to prepare the balls to the QB's liking. The QB's check them out .. gives them back and they are later presented to the officials. Jastremski is then "TOTALLY" out of the equation... right ? The only reason I can think of as to why Brady would be mad at him is if he was suppose to somehow check (or maybe alter them ?) them "AFTER" the officials OK'd them for play. 


Do I have something wrong here ? I must have because I've never read what I have above by anyone before...

You have to consider how this might have played out accepting the premise that Brady wouldn't have been foolish enough to ask those guys to get him balls that were deflated below the limit. So start there - Brady tells these guys after the Jets game "I want them at 12.5, and I don't want anymore excuses about the refs not inflating them properly. It's YOUR job to get me balls the way I want them". So now we are into a serious gray area. Did Brady just order those guys to violate a rule? Not really. Is Brady going to be shocked and amazed if he finds out that those guys were doing something to the balls after the refs approved them? No...of course not. So what do you call that? I'm your boss, I'm at a sales meeting, you are 45 minutes away in traffic...I tell you "you better get your butt here in 30 minutes or your job is on the line!". Did I just order you to violate the speed limit? Am I going to be astonished to learn that you got a ticket for speeding?


So now fast forward...that's the environment we are in...so now all of a sudden Monday morning rolls around and the media is exploding with NFL leaked stories that the balls you played with last night were all 2 pounds under the limit. What are you thinking at that point? Are you not going to immediately get on the phone with your guy and find out what the he11 is going on? Is it really hard to imagine that being a fairly lengthy conversation?

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You have to consider how this might have played out accepting the premise that Brady wouldn't have been foolish enough to ask those guys to get him balls that were deflated below the limit. So start there - Brady tells these guys after the Jets game "I want them at 12.5, and I don't want anymore excuses about the refs not inflating them properly. It's YOUR job to get me balls the way I want them". So now we are into a serious gray area. Did Brady just order those guys to violate a rule? Not really. Is Brady going to be shocked and amazed if he finds out that those guys were doing something to the balls after the refs approved them? No...of course not. So what do you call that? I'm your boss, I'm at a sales meeting, you are 45 minutes away in traffic...I tell you "you better get your butt here in 30 minutes or your job is on the line!". Did I just order you to violate the speed limit? Am I going to be astonished to learn that you got a ticket for speeding?


So now fast forward...that's the environment we are in...so now all of a sudden Monday morning rolls around and the media is exploding with NFL leaked stories that the balls you played with last night were all 2 pounds under the limit. What are you thinking at that point? Are you not going to immediately get on the phone with your guy and find out what the he11 is going on? Is it really hard to imagine that being a fairly lengthy conversation?



Thank you. Guilty as sin IMO. I don't see the "grey area." 

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Yeah, I figured the league's PR would weigh in. Look, none of us expect Roger to exonerate Brady. This was no longer about air pressure a looooong time ago. Reps are at stake and a power play. But again, my point was not Brady's performance or how it was received by the league but the fact that he testified under oath to proclaim his innocence. Something that many up here wanted to see him do since the report came out in May.




He testified under oath guys... he can't possibly lie.. again... I mean of all places you don't lie in the Commissioners office while under oath... jeeze

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No one expected him to own up to something he claims he didn't do. All he had to do was cooperate with the investigation and prove he was innocent. It is not rocket science. But he chose not to cooperate thinking it more than likely wouldn't be near as severe as it was. He didn't take it serious and made himself look arrogant. Why should he had to have side stepped anything if he didn't have something to hide? You cant seem to make up you mind about thinking he did nothing wrong or you would not have said side step anything. When someone ask you a direct question the best answer is yes or no. Not "I don't think so'. He then tried to make a joke out of it with the "it's not Isis and no one got killed". Say what you want that was not very smart with the subject being so serious. His attitude came off as I am Tom Brady, how dare you to question me. Like I have said from the start, it is Brady who started and made all this happen. there is no one to blame but him. Especially after the team had already been found guilty of actions detrimental to the league. Was this the time to crack jokes? I know you are a Brady fan but if you can't see how he made himself look then you are blind with fandom.


He made the Isis comment because of the way this situation was being portrayed in the media. It had nothing to do with arrogance or a sentiment of 'I'm Tom Brady, how dare you question me'. Most here have even admitted that the action itself isn't even a big deal, so imagine his surprise when he sees that every news outlet in the country was leading off with this story, treating it like some national scandal...so he basically said 'what the heck is going on here, how is this first page news'. That isn't as crazy as you guys want to portray it. 


Again, you guys are claiming he's guilty because of the press conference when just a day before the team was knocked back on their heels when a report falsely claimed that all their balls were 2 lbs under. Forget everything you think you know now...because at the time, that was the only information out there and it turned out to be not even true. 

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