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NFL hires first female official


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Hate to be the cynical one in the bunch, but it seems like a PR play more than actual progress and equality. I guess the means doesn't invalidate the result, but I wonder if this would have happened if not for all the domestic issues the NFL has recently suffered through.

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Hate to be the cynical one in the bunch, but it seems like a PR play more than actual progress and equality. I guess the means doesn't invalidate the result, but I wonder if this would have happened if not for all the domestic issues the NFL has recently suffered through.

I am not too sure about that but it was just a matter of time before this was going to happen. The NBA has already done it so now the big question is will the MLB do it? That is more than likely a bigger hurdle than the NBA or the NFL. Baseballs umpires are very set in their ways it seems.

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I am not too sure about that but it was just a matter of time before this was going to happen. The NBA has already done it so now the big question is will the MLB do it? That is more than likely a bigger hurdle than the NBA or the NFL. Baseballs umpires are very set in their ways it seems.


She and other women have been in the NFL's developmental system for a while. Maybe my cynicism is misplaced...


As for MLB, the confrontations between players/coaches and officials are a lot more heated than any other sport. Can you imagine a manager running out to the plate to argue a call with a female ump? Kicking dirt on her when he gets tossed out?

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She and other women have been in the NFL's developmental system for a while. Maybe my cynicism is misplaced...


As for MLB, the confrontations between players/coaches and officials are a lot more heated than any other sport. Can you imagine a manager running out to the plate to argue a call with a female ump? Kicking dirt on her when he gets tossed out?


The problem there is the MLB needs to be ending that crap.  Grown men kicking dirt like a child because they did not get their way?  The image is made even worse because they old men are wearing the same uniforms as their players.  The MLB would do well to grow up a bit in that area.

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"The NFL has not officially confirmed the new hires and it is unknown if Thomas will be assigned to a permanent crew or not."

^ So basically, it's still not official whether this hiring will mean anything. I also see no mention of her getting a head referee job, so she could be part of the chain gang for all we know, meaning she won't have to make controversial on-field decisions.


If she does get a strong position, I'm concerned what will happen when these head coaches happen to get into her face after a call. If equality is important, I want to see those head coaches rip into her, and then maybe she'll even rip into them.

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The problem there is the MLB needs to be ending that crap.  Grown men kicking dirt like a child because they did not get their way?  The image is made even worse because they old men are wearing the same uniforms as their players.  The MLB would do well to grow up a bit in that area.


Yeah it's pretty ridiculous, but I also think it's hilarious.

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If she can wear "Big Girl" pants and make "Big Girl" calls on the field, I have absolutely no problem with this. Superman brings up an interesting point, though. I sure hope this is not window-dressing by the NFL! I really think that the female gender(as well as male) can excel at anything if they put forth their minds to it. There are some exceptions with regards to "strength" issues in various sports, but from an "officiating standpoint" ... I give a HUGE THUMBS-UP to the move! BRAVO!

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"The NFL has not officially confirmed the new hires and it is unknown if Thomas will be assigned to a permanent crew or not."

^ So basically, it's still not official whether this hiring will mean anything. I also see no mention of her getting a head referee job, so she could be part of the chain gang for all we know, meaning she won't have to make controversial on-field decisions.


If she does get a strong position, I'm concerned what will happen when these head coaches happen to get into her face after a call. If equality is important, I want to see those head coaches rip into her, and then maybe she'll even rip into them.


Her position, when confirmed official with the others, is permanent, and very likely on field.  Here is an official source confiding in the Baltimore Sun-


"She has the right temperament and attitude and feel for the game," an officiating source told The Baltimore Sun. "She knows the rules and understands how to apply them in the spirit of the rules. That sets her apart, male or female."


** She has officiated as a Line Judge in pre-season games, and Thomas has experience working the New Orleans Saints practices and an Indianapolis Colts minicamp as part of the NFL officiating development program. She also officiated the United Football League championship game in 2010 **


Shee attended college on a basketball scholarship, and is a Pharmaceutical rep.

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I don't really get why women need to have these positions. I am not saying they can't do the job but the sport is exclusively played by men so it seems to make sense to have men on the field officiating. I think she will be set up for abuse too the first time she gets a call wrong so hopefully she has thick skin.

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Hate to be the cynical one in the bunch, but it seems like a PR play more than actual progress and equality. I guess the means doesn't invalidate the result, but I wonder if this would have happened if not for all the domestic issues the NFL has recently suffered through.


I think this has been in the works for far longer than the domestic violence issue,  which of course has been around for a long, long time, but only exploded onto the scene this year.


So, given there are several female refs in the NBA,  and they're doing a decent job,  I'm not feeling the PR move here....

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I think this has been in the works for far longer than the domestic violence issue, which of course has been around for a long, long time, but only exploded onto the scene this year.

So, given there are several female refs in the NBA, and they're doing a decent job, I'm not feeling the PR move here....

Yeah after thinking about it, I realized they didn't just start thinking about this in the last 12 months. She was a finalist a year ago. It could still be a measured decision, but probably not.

And of course, my question has nothing to do with her qualifications. I'm sure she's just as capable as anyone else that's been promoted.

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I don't really get why women need to have these positions. I am not saying they can't do the job but the sport is exclusively played by men so it seems to make sense to have men on the field officiating. I think she will be set up for abuse too the first time she gets a call wrong so hopefully she has thick skin.

Because she enjoys it? Men ref sports played exclusively by women, so I don't see the problem.

And I totally disagree about her getting abused. Men tend to get into p****** contests with each other....I think they will tend to be kinder to a woman.

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Her position, when confirmed official with the others, is permanent, and very likely on field.  Here is an official source confiding in the Baltimore Sun-


"She has the right temperament and attitude and feel for the game," an officiating source told The Baltimore Sun. "She knows the rules and understands how to apply them in the spirit of the rules. That sets her apart, male or female."


** She has officiated as a Line Judge in pre-season games, and Thomas has experience working the New Orleans Saints practices and an Indianapolis Colts minicamp as part of the NFL officiating development program. She also officiated the United Football League championship game in 2010 **


Shee attended college on a basketball scholarship, and is a Pharmaceutical rep.

Well, ColtsBlueFL, apparently this story is all the buzz tonight. NBC Nightly News ran this story this evening on Sarah Thomas. Very insightful and informative.

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Because she enjoys it? Men ref sports played exclusively by women, so I don't see the problem.

And I totally disagree about her getting abused. Men tend to get into p****** contests with each other....I think they will tend to be kinder to a woman.

Are you sure she can handle Harbaugh's whining? lol.

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You singled out the race in a general comment that was related to minority. The comment was gender, race, black or white. It is a common used reference with no insult intended.

The OP was gender. It's like most people feel like they have to remind everybody that they're not racist and throw the old reliable "race doesn't matter" bit into every conversation.

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The OP was gender. It's like most people feel like they have to remind everybody that they're not racist and throw the old reliable "race doesn't matter" bit into every conversation.

Look, I only commented because you brought it up and it was like you had an issue. There was zero wrong with the original comment. If that has to be explained to you I guess I am not the one to do it. I will not comment any further on this matter. If you have a problem then find someone who will play games with you.

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Indeed, but I was tipped off... by a Vikings fan from NY... ;-(

Ah-ha. I get tipped off a lot as well. (and flipped off, too!) :) Have friends, family, colleagues, associates, partners, et.al from around the entire North American continent. There are only a few cities from NFL franchises I do not have a contact in. Sometimes it is extremely tough keeping up pace with everything. However, I enjoy this NFL so much I'll probably die from it one day. (not a bad way to go, btw.) Have been a Colts Fan since August 1964. Saw Unitas, Berry, Moore, Donovan, Curtis, Morrall, Orr, Smith, Carr, Jones, Erhmann, Dutton and into the 1980s - present! Already have my Colts burial clothes picked out. Fanatic? You betcha! :)


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Because she enjoys it? Men ref sports played exclusively by women, so I don't see the problem.

And I totally disagree about her getting abused. Men tend to get into p****** contests with each other....I think they will tend to be kinder to a woman.

Nice post BOTT & yes men tend to get into altercations with other players on the field & considering that you can't touch a ref & they can eject players from a game if they are being unruly I don't foresee a huge dilemma here. 


Now, regarding inappropriate sexist comments about her body...1 NFL Cameras are everywhere & microphones pick up everything. 2. Most men have families, wives, & children at home. They won't harass Miss Thomas like cat calls from a road construction crew. 3. If a player did step over the line with a lewd comment toward Sarah, both the Commissioner & the team owner & HC would come down on that player so harshly that they would never dream of crossing the line again. Trust me. 4. Since she won't be in a locker room with athletes showering after a game, I don't see Sarah being manipulated in any way against her will or her personal safety threatened directly. 

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"The NFL has not officially confirmed the new hires and it is unknown if Thomas will be assigned to a permanent crew or not."

^ So basically, it's still not official whether this hiring will mean anything. I also see no mention of her getting a head referee job, so she could be part of the chain gang for all we know, meaning she won't have to make controversial on-field decisions.


If she does get a strong position, I'm concerned what will happen when these head coaches happen to get into her face after a call. If equality is important, I want to see those head coaches rip into her, and then maybe she'll even rip into them.

I don't see this as a major slippery slope situation RMDY here's why: An angry HC asks for clarification on a call, Sarah jogs over to the sideline to hear the coach out, if no instant replay is called for she says I stand by my call & if your unhappy with the call take it up with Dean Blandino, VP of Officiating, on Monday & then Sarah resumes the game itself. There's a difference between 1 brief profane outburst about a bad call & delaying the game to personally humiliate a referee. It's pretty easy to detect the difference IMO. 


Also, just like any other zebra in the NFL coaches will do a report on her about what kinds of penalties she likes to throw flags on & what LBs, DBs, & WR's can get away with in terms of jamming & contact preferences. Once you know a refs tendencies, you know how to execute your game plan on Sunday. It's really not that hard to figure out. 


I'd say the most pressure is on Sarah to get her calls right because if she frequently makes the wrong interpretation on the field she won't be officiating big rivalry games, playoff games, or SBs down the road because she will be re-assigned to TV blackout games like the Jaguars or weeded out of the league entirely. Sarah knows this. It's in her best interest to be accurate, do high profile games, & put money in her own pocket when she validates her worth over time. 


If a male zebra can endure colorful language, why can't a female zebra do the same exact thing a la this Budweiser ad?...I love this commercial! haha


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Oh course, it is a mixed message that the NFL has attractive cheerleaders around for visual sex appeal purposes to look at but the 1st female referee is to be treated as a respected colleague in stripes to show how far this multi-billion dollar corporation has evolved. 


It's like giving a kid cotton candy non-stop instead of nutritious food & then wondering why they develop diabetes early in life. Just an observation not a full fledged condemnation outright. 


Be respectful of this landmark female hiring, be sure to clap for this milestone on behalf of women everywhere & as we go to break checkout this cute new cheerleader routine...See what I mean? 

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Meh......I am not all that excited and I am a feminist.


I can't say any woman cannot or should not full fill a dream of theirs, but wait until men start to bash this lady more then the male refs for getting a call wrong in a game....it will happen. Oh yes it will......


Or they will make excuses for her "She got it wrong.....but she is a woman."



Power positions for females can be a very delicate issue in our society no matter how evolved people claim we are. Sometimes they can be a little too forced to me in order to look good publicly without actually having real progress made for society as a whole long term.

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