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What if players rigged their workouts to drop down spots?

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I'd say it does happen with certain players. I'm not saying Dawson did this, but I'm happy people are down on him now. It almost assures he'll be there at 29. Or maybe even our 2nd round pick. But yeah, I do agree that Benjamin did that last year. It makes sense really. If I'm a WR for example, I don't want to get drafted by some nobody with a horrible QB.

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I'd say it does happen with certain players. I'm not saying Dawson did this, but I'm happy people are down on him now. It almost assures he'll be there at 29. Or maybe even our 2nd round pick. But yeah, I do agree that Benjamin did that last year. It makes sense really. If I'm a WR for example, I don't want to get drafted by some nobody with a horrible QB.

Which teams said they were down on him after his combine?
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Its fairly common occurrence...I don't blame them...Would you want to be a WR and land on the Jets for example? Before you know it you have people calling you a bust when the reality is your not able to show your talents because a lack of a QB.

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Which teams said they were down on him after his combine?


Just people on here are down on him now man, but I'm pretty sure quite a few teams are probably down on him. I mean its pretty obvious he didn't look good today in the drills and his 40 wasn't great. It will hurt his stock no doubt.

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I'd say it does happen with certain players. I'm not saying Dawson did this, but I'm happy people are down on him now. It almost assures he'll be there at 29. Or maybe even our 2nd round pick. But yeah, I do agree that Benjamin did that last year. It makes sense really. If I'm a WR for example, I don't want to get drafted by some nobody with a horrible QB.

If we take Dawson with our 2nd, I will get arrested for screaming YES so loud that I disturbed the peace lol. Just think If we got someone like Armstead/Goldman in the first and Dawson in the 2nd. What a big boost to our defense that would be!

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I'd say it does happen with certain players. I'm not saying Dawson did this, but I'm happy people are down on him now. It almost assures he'll be there at 29. Or maybe even our 2nd round pick. But yeah, I do agree that Benjamin did that last year. It makes sense really. If I'm a WR for example, I don't want to get drafted by some nobody with a horrible QB.

I thought he was overrated before the combine. But with his stock falling I believe he'll definitely be there in the second.
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Which teams said they were down on him after his combine?

I have read several articles on Dawson the last couple of days. According to NFL.com, the press conference did not go really well for him as far as answering questions. I don't put a lot of stock in that, it is hard to defend yourself, especially if you are not good at public speaking. Regardless, today's performance was not good, and it had to do with all the drills. I believe he was last in vertical jump, and with the 40, it shows a lack of explosiveness, according to scouts. Also, after today, he was angry and lashed out on Twitter, which may not have been the smartest move, but I liked it. He said, "I am a great football player, I am not a track star"! For me the tape always win, but today did ensure I believe he will be there when the Colts pick, since so many other DL and LB's did really well. Teams can't help themselves after watching the combines. I was surprised other players I liked were panned a bit today. Shaq Thompson had a decent day, but afterwards, many clubs believe he will have to play SS. I would love him to fall. Perryman had a very bad day too.


Now as far as the incentive to tank, you would only do it if you were sure your tape was such you were going to be drafted first round. I don't think Benjamin, with all the WR's last year could have depended on that, but who knows. One thing I found interesting was a reporter who was talking about it. Remember, if you are a RB, you have a shorter shelf life, and need to get to FA as quick as possible. So would you possibly think about tanking to get into the second or third. You get two things out of it. Probably a better team, and the second is the most important. Your contract is only four years, not the five for 1st rounders. Would you sacrifice the money of the first round, to get to FA one year earlier. It is an interesting thought.

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I thought he was overrated before the combine. But with his stock falling I believe he'll definitely be there in the second.

Agreed I missed the bus on that kid too TCU plays that funky D off the field problems which would be a no go for me don't care who you are PASS

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Could be that an NFL team tampered with them promising things. Or the team is so bad they know they will have no future with them. Something interesting I thought about lol


Here's the problem with this idea.....   (almost too many to count)


First,  almost no one knows where they are ranked.


Second,   since all 32 teams rank players differently,  then every board looks different.


Third,   no one throws their combine performance      (despite one comment in this thread that it's a common occurrence  :facepalm:  )


Fourth,  if a player doesn't want to be drafted by a certain team,  then he (A) his agent contacts that team and tries hard to discourage that team from selecting him.   (B)  Does not cooperate with that team and does not do interviews with that team.  But this is tricky,  because that team can turn around and trash you and label you difficult to work with and that you have an attitude problem and are not a team player.     It goes both ways.


Fifth,  players don't want to do anything that might impact their money.  And doing poorly deliberately means you'll make less money.  


Sixth,  players are also hyper competitive.   They're not going to try and throw their combine so a team will pick them.   Heck no.


Seventh,   teams lie.   Teams say all the time how much they like a certain player and they will try and pick a player in a certain round and then that round comes and the team picks a different players.    Whoops!    They liked someone else.... more!


Eighth...  here's another....   how would this happen?   Who would float the idea first?   Which team is going to suggest this to a player?    And risk a huge fine, the loss of draft picks and complete embarrassment if caught in the act?    And which players is going to suggest this to a team?   And risk having that team think that you're not a competitive player on the up and up always trying their best?


This idea is complete and utter madness!


For these and way too many other reasons,  tanking the combine does not happen.


And if you're going to say it does,  then please,  by all means,  post a link to that story....   I'd like to read that!!


This thread gets a Razzy for worst thread during the combine season.


My head hurts and wants to explode!    :Nuke:

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Here's the problem with this idea.....   (almost too many to count)


First,  almost no one knows where they are ranked.


Second,   since all 32 teams rank players differently,  then every board looks different.


Third,   no one throws their combine performance      (despite one comment in this thread that it's a common occurrence  :facepalm:  )


Fourth,  if a player doesn't want to be drafted by a certain team,  then he (A) his agent contacts that team and tries hard to discourage that team from selecting him.   (B)  Does not cooperate with that team and does not do interviews with that team.  But this is tricky,  because that team can turn around and trash you and label you difficult to work with and that you have an attitude problem and are not a team player.     It goes both ways.


Fifth,  players don't want to do anything that might impact their money.  And doing poorly deliberately means you'll make less money.  


Sixth,  players are also hyper competitive.   They're not going to try and throw their combine so a team will pick them.   Heck no.


Seventh,   teams lie.   Teams say all the time how much they like a certain player and they will try and pick a player in a certain round and then that round comes and the team picks a different players.    Whoops!    They liked someone else.... more!


Eighth...  here's another....   how would this happen?   Who would float the idea first?   Which team is going to suggest this to a player?    And risk a huge fine, the loss of draft picks and complete embarrassment if caught in the act?    And which players is going to suggest this to a team?   And risk having that team think that you're not a competitive player on the up and up always trying their best?


This idea is complete and utter madness!


For these and way too many other reasons,  tanking the combine does not happen.


And if you're going to say it does,  then please,  by all means,  post a link to that story....   I'd like to read that!!


This thread gets a Razzy for worst thread during the combine season.


My head hurts and wants to explode!    :Nuke:

There have been players that have said over the years they have tested poorly on there 40's in hopes that a team will pass on them, Obviously its not fool proof(I didn't say it worked a lot but it has)...But it happens more then you think.


1.Most players wont know where they are ranked obviously but they certainly know almost every teams draft needs and that factors into things.


2.Of course but needs can come into play if said player is on the board..If he has a bad combine that may be just enough for a team to pass on him


3.Thats the whole debate...your opinion...not fact




5.Rookie wage scale pretty much took care of that argument ...Jadeveon Clowney got a 4 year $22,272,998 mill over 4 years...Compare that with Sam Bradfords $78,000,000 6 year deal in 2010 with 58 mill guaranteed....To go to the position Clowney is playing now....Mario Williams was the #1 pick in 2006...He signed for 6 years and 54 mill


6.Many wont but that don't apply to everyone


7.I don't think that's so much trickery as it is a team just rating another player higher but it should be expected by the player this can happen, Its the nature of the draft...The team gains nothing by telling said player they will pick them and then passing on them unless he team will put out false hints just to sway other teams...Not against the rules


8.Im not really sure that its binding if you tell a player "we are taking you" and then don't actually...Could be...I have my doubts considering the overwhelming majority get called on draft day right before there name is announced....But if a higher rated player falls into your lap then I'd go with the higher player

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Here's the problem with this idea.....   (almost too many to count)


First,  almost no one knows where they are ranked.


Second,   since all 32 teams rank players differently,  then every board looks different.


Third,   no one throws their combine performance      (despite one comment in this thread that it's a common occurrence  :facepalm:  )


Fourth,  if a player doesn't want to be drafted by a certain team,  then he (A) his agent contacts that team and tries hard to discourage that team from selecting him.   (B)  Does not cooperate with that team and does not do interviews with that team.  But this is tricky,  because that team can turn around and trash you and label you difficult to work with and that you have an attitude problem and are not a team player.     It goes both ways.


Fifth,  players don't want to do anything that might impact their money.  And doing poorly deliberately means you'll make less money.  


Sixth,  players are also hyper competitive.   They're not going to try and throw their combine so a team will pick them.   Heck no.


Seventh,   teams lie.   Teams say all the time how much they like a certain player and they will try and pick a player in a certain round and then that round comes and the team picks a different players.    Whoops!    They liked someone else.... more!


Eighth...  here's another....   how would this happen?   Who would float the idea first?   Which team is going to suggest this to a player?    And risk a huge fine, the loss of draft picks and complete embarrassment if caught in the act?    And which players is going to suggest this to a team?   And risk having that team think that you're not a competitive player on the up and up always trying their best?


This idea is complete and utter madness!


For these and way too many other reasons,  tanking the combine does not happen.


And if you're going to say it does,  then please,  by all means,  post a link to that story....   I'd like to read that!!


This thread gets a Razzy for worst thread during the combine season.


My head hurts and wants to explode!    :Nuke:


I agree, I don't think a player who has a wide range of where he could be drafted would totally tank the combine, and maybe cost himself a significant amount of money.  Although, I could see a player potentially giving a "bad" interview to a couple teams if for some reason he knew he would hate those locations or some aspect of the organizations, and had no interest in going there. 

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I don't believe what I'm reading in this thread...........

I hope JSkinnz doesn't read this......

Otherwise....... :thmdown::facepalm:

Yes...he would be having a word of prayer over some of these.

Seriously, aside from franchise QB prospects like Eli or that :#%&$!: Elway pulling the gambits that they did...why would any player do this?

Because other than franchise cornerstone prospects, they quite possibly run the risk of falling into the top of the second round and winding up with the same lousy stinking team they were trying to avoid....and for less money.

I dont know what happened with Kelvin Benjamin last year....but I haven't heard Paul Dawson's status discussed anywhere near the level were he could manipulate his destination on draft day without risking a drop into the 33-40 range...and I doubt he's trying to.

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I really don't think it happens.  


First of all there is no way of knowing that tanking the combine will drop you a few spots.  And then you don't know that the team you where trying to avoid doesn't trade back and get you or trade up and get you.  You are talking about way too many unknowns here.


Secondly and more importantly we're talking about quite a bit of money that you lose out on as you fall down the draft board.  Purposefully falling on the draft board is going to cost you quite a bit of money.

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Here's the problem with this idea.....   (almost too many to count)


First,  almost no one knows where they are ranked.


Second,   since all 32 teams rank players differently,  then every board looks different.


Third,   no one throws their combine performance      (despite one comment in this thread that it's a common occurrence  :facepalm:  )


Fourth,  if a player doesn't want to be drafted by a certain team,  then he (A) his agent contacts that team and tries hard to discourage that team from selecting him.   (B)  Does not cooperate with that team and does not do interviews with that team.  But this is tricky,  because that team can turn around and trash you and label you difficult to work with and that you have an attitude problem and are not a team player.     It goes both ways.


Fifth,  players don't want to do anything that might impact their money.  And doing poorly deliberately means you'll make less money.  


Sixth,  players are also hyper competitive.   They're not going to try and throw their combine so a team will pick them.   Heck no.


Seventh,   teams lie.   Teams say all the time how much they like a certain player and they will try and pick a player in a certain round and then that round comes and the team picks a different players.    Whoops!    They liked someone else.... more!


Eighth...  here's another....   how would this happen?   Who would float the idea first?   Which team is going to suggest this to a player?    And risk a huge fine, the loss of draft picks and complete embarrassment if caught in the act?    And which players is going to suggest this to a team?   And risk having that team think that you're not a competitive player on the up and up always trying their best?


This idea is complete and utter madness!


For these and way too many other reasons,  tanking the combine does not happen.


And if you're going to say it does,  then please,  by all means,  post a link to that story....   I'd like to read that!!


This thread gets a Razzy for worst thread during the combine season.


My head hurts and wants to explode!    :Nuke:


I mentioned it in my post but ninth is that teams trade around on draft day.  Say you are trying to avoid being the #2 pick so you throw your combine.  There is nothing that says that the #2 team doesn't trade down and grab you.  

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Ahh this makes me nostalgic for the talk of how the the NFL was rigged...


Let's talk Kelvin Benjamin as he has come out saying he bombed his 40 because he wanted to be a Panther. You could almost buy bombing a bit to avoid a team at the top of the draft but to the point of you bomb but not so bad that the one team you want to play for does take you. Without collusion of the team the idea is frankly lubricious... and if there was collusion you're looking at another NFL scandal. The point of the combine process isn't just about teams assessing players, it's about keeping that fan involvement, if the process was exposed as a sham you're going to have some pretty unhappy fans. I'd hope at best this was him trying to ingratiate himself with the Panther's fans, in all the stories about it I've never seen him actually say why the Panthers. Not even a it was my dream to play with Cam and he doesn't exactly have any home town ties.


I call spinning a story out of nothing. 

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Tomorrow is never guaranteed. So, take the best money and draft position when you can get it. I do not buy the idea of tanking for that reason.


Let's say your production with a mediocre QB is mediocre, your rookie contract however will be better dollar wise. You can always sign a 2 yr. "show me" deal once you are a free agent with a team that has a better QB and once you show the league what you can do, you will be rewarded in your next contract.


Besides, teams are under pressure to win faster nowadays that they won't put up with bad QB production (unless you are Rex Ryan) for more than 3 years.

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Fifth,  players don't want to do anything that might impact their money.  And doing poorly deliberately means you'll make less money.  


Not to mention that the guaranteed money changes the further down you go on the draft board. The #1 pick is fully guaranteed, no offset language. The #15 pick probably fully guaranteed, but there's probably offset language in the contract. The #25 pick is probably partially guaranteed (Year 4 is usually not fully guaranteed), and there's definitely offset language.


So not only do you make less money, but you also give teams more ability to wiggle out of paying you, should they decide they don't want you anymore.

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