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Edelman concussion?


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If he was concussed after that hit, how was he allowed to stay in the game?



Cliff Avril had to come out and didn't return but Edelman was not monitored until after the game.


Just seemed odd to me.


The kid is so hard-headed he would not want to come out of the game.


Herm Edwards used to talk about players that played with concussions just because they did not want to miss a play in a big game.  Just my couple of cents on it.

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Anyone else think Edelman should have won MVP?


There are a handful of folks here in NE on the radio saying the same thing you are regarding Edelman.  I think Brady two TD drives in the 4th quarter against the LOB helped his cause.  Had perhaps those two TDs been spread out in the game, Edelman might of got more consideration.

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If he was concussed after that hit, how was he allowed to stay in the game?



Cliff Avril had to come out and didn't return but Edelman was not monitored until after the game.


Just seemed odd to me.


He did look woozy after the helmet hit by the Kam Chancellor hit.


BB was asked in the presser today regarding your question and he indicated he just coaches and the medical staff makes the medical decision. 


Glad to see him back in the game so he must of passed the concussion test.  Given the integrity of the pats sideline employees and staff I feel confident that he passed the test. :)  

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There are a handful of folks here in NE on the radio saying the same thing you are regarding Edelman.  I think Brady two TD drives in the 4th quarter against the LOB helped his cause.  Had perhaps those two TDs been spread out in the game, Edelman might of got more consideration.

I think Brady had a good finish, but wasn't good enough all game to warrant MVP.  He had 2 picks.  Plus, he had a lot of completions because the offensive gameplan was short passes.  Edelman had a great game

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I think Brady had a good finish, but wasn't good enough all game to warrant MVP.  He had 2 picks.  Plus, he had a lot of completions because the offensive gameplan was short passes.  Edelman had a great game


Yes he did have two picks.  But I think he overcame them by leading the team on 4 TD drives against the LOB, albeit slightly injured.  Edelman, like Branch in SB 39, played great and made some key catches in the game.  Sometimes buzz words or buzz stats can help as that was the first time a team has comeback down 10 in the 4th qtr. 


I don't worry to much about 50 pass attempts or setting the completion record as that is more of indication of the short passes as you indicated.   Many times when you set up in shot gun, the short passes are basically runs that end up in the QB stats, so I am not swayed by that much in Brady's favor. 


I think the two TDs and 10 deficient in the 4th helped the cause.


Also for what it is worth, the second pick ended up in points for Seattle, so it was not like the D bailed him out.  Well what I mean was the pick cost the team points and he helped get those points back.  As opposed to being horrible, D bails you out and you have two TD drives and win 21-10 and get the MVP. 


I but agree with you I would certainly understand votes for Edelman.  Perhaps if he could go have more punt returns and yards would of helped him more.

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I think Brady had a good finish, but wasn't good enough all game to warrant MVP.  He had 2 picks.  Plus, he had a lot of completions because the offensive gameplan was short passes.  Edelman had a great game

Having two picks shouldn't disqualify one for MVP. I think Terry Bradshaw won MVP after throwing 3

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I think Brady did deserve it all things considered although lot to be said for Edelman.


Those short passes weren't easy against that defense.


50 attempts is a lot considering-  pressure all night long, getting hit a lot, and having to constantly step up hard in the pocket.

I heard he has no sugar in his Gatorade.  The guy just persevered and his energy was completely spent at games end.

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Julian Edelman is one tough little SOB. I'll give him that. But late in the SB, it was clear that he wasn't right after getting blasted by Chancellor. How he so quickly cleared concussion protocol is beyond me. No, this isn't a conspiracy post. Please don't take it as such. But in one post game presser, he called the Seahawks the "LA Seahawks", and the next day on Scott Van Pelt's ESPN Radio show....he sounded like a punch drunk boxer. Probably due to little to no sleep, and partying, but he wasn't right. 

I admire a guy (still hate the Pats) who came from a small school in my alma mater's conference (Kent State, I went to Ball State) and has made it big in the NFL. But there is no way he should have been cleared to return to that game. Van Pelt made a pretty good argument on Tuesday about it, how the NFL is so concerned about concussions and brain injuries, but let a visibly concussed player back on the field. 

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I think Brady had a good finish, but wasn't good enough all game to warrant MVP.  He had 2 picks.  Plus, he had a lot of completions because the offensive gameplan was short passes.  Edelman had a great game

Brady went 37 for 50 vs LoB. He is also the only QB in a SB to throw 50+ passes and win. His final two TD drives won the game where he went 13 for 15 (8 for 8 on the final drive). If he had just led one TD drive for the win he would deserve it much less two.


Edelman played a whale of a game. Vareen too but neither were more valuable than Brady.

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If he was concussed after that hit, how was he allowed to stay in the game?



Cliff Avril had to come out and didn't return but Edelman was not monitored until after the game.


Just seemed odd to me.

If you watch the play, it was Chancellor who led with his head and got up woosy. I thought he should have been checked for a concussion vs Edelman who appeared to take the hit on the shoulder and got bent over from it hurting his hip.

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He still had enough brain to push off - heck practically threw the defender to the ground and yet I recall Collinsworth talking it up immediately after the play he didn't even have to push off - I about fell on the floor laughing!


And this is off topic, but why wasn't the interception that ended the game called pass interference?  The defender made contact with the receiver before he made contact with the ball and clearly was playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make the play on the ball.   And sure I know both defender and receiver have a right to the path of the ball, but if the body contact happens first, which it clearly did, why is the call not interference?

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He still had enough brain to push off - heck practically threw the defender to the ground and yet I recall Collinsworth talking it up immediately after the play he didn't even have to push off - I about fell on the floor laughing!

And this is off topic, but why wasn't the interception that ended the game called pass interference? The defender made contact with the receiver before he made contact with the ball and clearly was playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make the play on the ball. And sure I know both defender and receiver have a right to the path of the ball, but if the body contact happens first, which it clearly did, why is the call not interference?

Push off?

You are absolutely wrong. There was no push off. Just because the CB motioned for it doesn't mean it happened. He jukes him right, then cut left, and was wide open .

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He still had enough brain to push off - heck practically threw the defender to the ground and yet I recall Collinsworth talking it up immediately after the play he didn't even have to push off - I about fell on the floor laughing!


And this is off topic, but why wasn't the interception that ended the game called pass interference?  The defender made contact with the receiver before he made contact with the ball and clearly was playing through the back of a receiver in an attempt to make the play on the ball.   And sure I know both defender and receiver have a right to the path of the ball, but if the body contact happens first, which it clearly did, why is the call not interference?


Its not PI as you stated in your point that both have a right to the ball.  Once a DB is position to establish his right to the ball the contact is irrelevant.   Basically a DB can not "go through" a WR to get to the ball.  However, if the ball is thrown in such a manner and/or the DB gets into position such that the ball is heading towards the DB without the WR getting position in front of him, the DB has a right to the ball and if the WR hits him in shoulder and/or the DB runs into the shoulder of the WR it does not matter.  Actually the play is textbook DB having a right to the ball.


If the Seattle WR got his body in front of Butler and Butler knocked him over in effort to get to the ball then it could be PI.  The best view of this play is from behind Wilson.  You see the ball going in the direct direction of Butler.

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Its not PI as you stated in your point that both have a right to the ball.  Once a DB is position to establish his right to the ball the contact is irrelevant.   Basically a DB can not "go through" a WR to get to the ball.  However, if the ball is thrown in such a manner and/or the DB gets into position such that the ball is heading towards the DB without the WR getting position in front of him, the DB has a right to the ball and if the WR hits him in shoulder and/or the DB runs into the shoulder of the WR it does not matter.  Actually the play is textbook DB having a right to the ball.


If the Seattle WR got his body in front of Butler and Butler knocked him over in effort to get to the ball then it could be PI.  The best view of this play is from behind Wilson.  You see the ball going in the direct direction of Butler.


You are correct.


That said...if Lockett had just turned his shoulders to the LOS , which is how you run that play , it's either incomplete or PI. He has to either see Wilson throwing the ball or Butler breaking on it. Either one should trigger him to do that. I mean the guy has to be looking back to his QB or the defense. That's why many ,with good football knowledge, are saying he ran a terrible route. Granted nice play by the DB but ridiculous route that even had his OC throw him under the bus.

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Didn't Wilson stay in the game after getting crushed by Clay Matthews in the NFC Championship game? It shouldn't come as any surprise that the NFL's sudden "caution" over head injuries is more a PR campaign than any actual effort to change things. Had this been a week 3 game, sure - Edelman might have gone to the locker room. Once the playoffs start, I think that stuff flies out the window.

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You are correct.


That said...if Lockett had just turned his shoulders to the LOS , which is how you run that play , it's either incomplete or PI. He has to either see Wilson throwing the ball or Butler breaking on it. Either one should trigger him to do that. I mean the guy has to be looking back to his QB or the defense. That's why many ,with good football knowledge, are saying he ran a terrible route. Granted nice play by the DB but ridiculous route that even had his OC throw him under the bus.


How is that possible PI in any shape or form.  Don't listen to the noise DW.  It is one of body position not of torso position.  Turning his torso does not make him farther down field in his route.  His body position on the field is the same regardless of where is torso is pointing.  If you look at the play from behind the QB, you see the ball going straight for the DB, the ball was thrown a tad too far up field.  Yes the WR could have perhaps caught the ball with extended arms had the DB not been there, but running through an opponent's out stretched arms is never PI.   


A DB is entitled to go for the ball and if he is going straight for it and only arms and/or the side of the WR is contacted, basically the ball is in the breadbasket of the DB and off the torso of the WR, so more on the DB, DB wins.  There was no way for the WR's body to catch up to where the ball was being going.   Had the ball been aimed at the WR right side of his chest then it would of been PI for the DB to run through him, but that was not the case.  And turning his torso would not have achieved this as the ball would of sailed past his torso.  Bottom line it was a position on the field issue not a body orientation issue.  


If don't believe try an experiment in your living room.  Stand perpendicular to a wall and five feet away.  Then turn your torso clockwise 1/4 turn and then counterclockwise a 1/4 turn and you will see that your body does not get closer to the wall.  Indeed as you turn either way, you shoulder closest to the way is actually farther away from the wall.   The ball in question was basically coming perpendicular to the WR's shoulder, and as your experiment in your living room demonstrates, turning the torso does not help you get your shoulder close to the ball.   

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Push off?

You are absolutely wrong. There was no push off. Just because the CB motioned for it doesn't mean it happened. He jukes him right, then cut left, and was wide open .


HE 100% pushed off - no ifs ands or buts - he shoved the defender with his hand the defender went in the opposite direction and 3 yards of separation was instantly created!



The video clearly shows the push off that caused the separation! 


Here is another video from someone in the stands ....  the shove actually created much more than 3 yards of separation - more like 5 or better.....




Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(b) Initiating contact with a defender by shoving or pushing off thus creating a separation in an attempt to catch a pass.


This was textbook Offensive PI - I don't care what anyone says - I can be wrong if you say so, but IMO it was a push off and clearly created separation.

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Didn't Wilson stay in the game after getting crushed by Clay Matthews in the NFC Championship game? It shouldn't come as any surprise that the NFL's sudden "caution" over head injuries is more a PR campaign than any actual effort to change things. Had this been a week 3 game, sure - Edelman might have gone to the locker room. Once the playoffs start, I think that stuff flies out the window.


Much like "No More" is a campaign just to make more money selling T-shirts that say "look we care about something! Throw us your money!" 


If the NFL really cared about concussions, the least they would do is provide their players a healthcare package and pay for their medical since it's the players sacrificing their body and their health for this barbaric entertainment. The league itself makes billions, least they could do is guarantee to pay the medical bills and help these poor players when they get injured and their lives are ruined by the injuries. Instead they don't even care. You have Earl Campbell and Jim McMahon who are shells of their former selves, and the league totally don't care. But at the same time, they'll sell pink ribbons and blue T-shirts claiming they give a crap about something. 

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HE 100% pushed off - no ifs ands or buts - he shoved the defender with his hand the defender went in the opposite direction and 3 yards of separation was instantly created!



The video clearly shows the push off that caused the separation! 


Here is another video from someone in the stands ....  the shove actually created much more than 3 yards of separation - more like 5 or better.....




Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to:

(b) Initiating contact with a defender by shoving or pushing off thus creating a separation in an attempt to catch a pass.


This was textbook Offensive PI - I don't care what anyone says - I can be wrong if you say so, but IMO it was a push off and clearly created separation.


please . . . hawkeyes . . . it was late in SB and you are asking for this?   Really?


Oh by the way, seeing that you want to be going by the book, I find extremely interesting that you "happened" to not see the illegally hands to the face by the DB on the initial contact.   btw, it happened at the 10 second mark. 


So in the fairness of letting them play and not give an illegal hands to the face penalty and not think that the hand checking help result in some separation, I think it is "textbook" way of instituting a non call late in a SB.  Just saying.

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How is that possible PI in any shape or form.  Don't listen to the noise DW.  It is one of body position not of torso position.  Turning his torso does not make him farther down field in his route.  His body position on the field is the same regardless of where is torso is pointing.  If you look at the play from behind the QB, you see the ball going straight for the DB, the ball was thrown a tad too far up field.  Yes the WR could have perhaps caught the ball with extended arms had the DB not been there, but running through an opponent's out stretched arms is never PI.   


A DB is entitled to go for the ball and if he is going straight for it and only arms and/or the side of the WR is contacted, basically the ball is in the breadbasket of the DB and off the torso of the WR, so more on the DB, DB wins.  There was no way for the WR's body to catch up to where the ball was being going.   Had the ball been aimed at the WR right side of his chest then it would of been PI for the DB to run through him, but that was not the case.  And turning his torso would not have achieved this as the ball would of sailed past his torso.  Bottom line it was a position on the field issue not a body orientation issue.  


If don't believe try an experiment in your living room.  Stand perpendicular to a wall and five feet away.  Then turn your torso clockwise 1/4 turn and then counterclockwise a 1/4 turn and you will see that your body does not get closer to the wall.  Indeed as you turn either way, you shoulder closest to the way is actually farther away from the wall.   The ball in question was basically coming perpendicular to the WR's shoulder, and as your experiment in your living room demonstrates, turning the torso does not help you get your shoulder close to the ball.   



Is the water bad in Boston ? Read the first line of my post. It says "you are correct.  That means that I agree with the post of yours that I was responding to. The rest of the post goes on to say that if he opens his shoulders to the path of the ball it's either going to result in PI or an incompletion. I suggest you go back and read my post again. I think you'll be pretty surprised that not only did you miss me saying you were right but my explanation of the play clearly states that IMO Locket ran a bad pattern. No where did I say that the play as it evolved was PI.

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There are a handful of folks here in NE on the radio saying the same thing you are regarding Edelman.  I think Brady two TD drives in the 4th quarter against the LOB helped his cause.  Had perhaps those two TDs been spread out in the game, Edelman might of got more consideration.

There wasn't really another obvious choice which usually means it goes to the QB. Not saying Brady didn't deserve it or anything btw. He was on fire down the stretch.

Although speaking of concussions, the people at my house (myself included) thiught he looked concussed after the first interception. It wasn't a particularly vicious hit or anything but when they cut to Brady his eyes looked kinda glazed over.

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Is the water bad in Boston ? Read the first line of my post. It says "you are correct.  That means that I agree with the post of yours that I was responding to. The rest of the post goes on to say that if he opens his shoulders to the path of the ball it's either going to result in PI or an incompletion. I suggest you go back and read my post again. I think you'll be pretty surprised that not only did you miss me saying you were right but my explanation of the play clearly states that IMO Locket ran a bad pattern. No where did I say that the play as it evolved was PI.


I know what you said and that you thought we were right.  I just mentioned do not listen to the noise (the media you were referencing), my second statement.   I went on to explain why the media you were referencing was full of hot air and that any statement by the media about shoulder turning would have nothing to do with the play.  You mentioned that the media would say its either incomplete or PI.  It might be the former but not physically possible be the latter and I explained why it could not possible PI as the media indicated in my points in my post. 


So yes agreed it is not PI as it played out, I hear yah.  but there was no way it could have been PI with any kind of shoulder turn by the WR.  Again, we do not need to listen to the noise and given where the ball was thrown and how Butler got a jump on the route it is physically impossible for the WR to have gotten in position to make it PI with a shoulder turn, torso turn, route turn, or a Turn Turn Turn from the Byrds (actually Pete Seeger wrote that song but I digress).


Sure he could have cut back and gone to the outside and been wide open, he could of stopped and made it an easy WR screen throw and catch.  But the route called was a slant to the post and Wilson threw in that direction and it was not in his body and in a location where he had to stretch out his hands and if Butler does not anticipate it and if Browner does not allow Kearse to pick Butler its a TD, but those two things happened by the two pats players and the media can't rerun the route after the plays by the pats.  it is just as much off base if the media is trying to say he made a mistake for not kicking it outside because Butler ran inside.  there was nothing intrinsic in the set up of the pats defense to alert the WR to change the play or route.   Everything sounds easier to the media once they know where the defense is going. 


And chancing the play to run along the LOS sounds great, but if he catches it and gets tackled outside the end zone the clock is still running and they have to burn their last TO and then the media would be saying he should of ran a slant route into the end zone cause if does he catches the ball and breaks the plane of the end zone and even if he gets thrown back his forward progress is a touchdown.   See my point, everyone in the media is a genius once they know where the defense reacted too.   


btw did you like the Turn, Turn, Turn reference I slid in there . . . :)    


But seriously, that what the talking heads love to do.  Again, the play as it stands is "dumb" even though it is designed to go in the end zone (which is key with the clock running down) and the play along the LOS is "dumb" and one can get tackled in the field of play with the clock running. 


Had Wilson thrown the ball into the WR body, then we have a different story, but where the ball was thrown there is no way he could catch up to it.  And I don't listen to the media as most of them as just a bunch of Tambourine Men

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There wasn't really another obvious choice which usually means it goes to the QB. Not saying Brady didn't deserve it or anything btw. He was on fire down the stretch.

Although speaking of concussions, the people at my house (myself included) thiught he looked concussed after the first interception. It wasn't a particularly vicious hit or anything but when they cut to Brady his eyes looked kinda glazed over.


yes I agreed, if all else fails the QB gets the award.  Edelman had a monster game and Brady had the two drives in the 4th.


Yah and Edelman looked concussed

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I know what you said and that you thought we were right.  I just mentioned do not listen to the noise (the media you were referencing), my second statement.   I went on to explain why the media you were referencing was full of hot air and that any statement by the media about shoulder turning would have nothing to do with the play.  You mentioned that the media would say its either incomplete or PI.  It might be the former but not physically possible be the latter and I explained why it could not possible PI as the media indicated in my points in my post. 


So yes agreed it is not PI as it played out, I hear yah.  but there was no way it could have been PI with any kind of shoulder turn by the WR.  Again, we do not need to listen to the noise and given where the ball was thrown and how Butler got a jump on the route it is physically impossible for the WR to have gotten in position to make it PI with a shoulder turn, torso turn, route turn, or a Turn Turn Turn from the Byrds (actually Pete Seeger wrote that song but I digress).


Sure he could have cut back and gone to the outside and been wide open, he could of stopped and made it an easy WR screen throw and catch.  But the route called was a slant to the post and Wilson threw in that direction and it was not in his body and in a location where he had to stretch out his hands and if Butler does not anticipate it and if Browner does not allow Kearse to pick Butler its a TD, but those two things happened by the two pats players and the media can't rerun the route after the plays by the pats.  it is just as much off base if the media is trying to say he made a mistake for not kicking it outside because Butler ran inside.  there was nothing intrinsic in the set up of the pats defense to alert the WR to change the play or route.   Everything sounds easier to the media once they know where the defense is going. 


And chancing the play to run along the LOS sounds great, but if he catches it and gets tackled outside the end zone the clock is still running and they have to burn their last TO and then the media would be saying he should of ran a slant route into the end zone cause if does he catches the ball and breaks the plane of the end zone and even if he gets thrown back his forward progress is a touchdown.   See my point, everyone in the media is a genius once they know where the defense reacted too.   


btw did you like the Turn, Turn, Turn reference I slid in there . . . :)    


But seriously, that what the talking heads love to do.  Again, the play as it stands is "dumb" even though it is designed to go in the end zone (which is key with the clock running down) and the play along the LOS is "dumb" and one can get tackled in the field of play with the clock running. 


Had Wilson thrown the ball into the WR body, then we have a different story, but where the ball was thrown there is no way he could catch up to it.  And I don't listen to the media as most of them as just a bunch of Tambourine Men



Can I be honest and say I just don't feel like reading through all that stuff as to why it couldn't have been this or that. Bevel is not the media and he called Locket out for the way he ran the route.. no ? 

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Can I be honest and say I just don't feel like reading through all that stuff as to why it couldn't have been this or that. Bevel is not the media and he called Locket out for the way he ran the route.. no ? 


I think he said he could of made a move stronger (faster - moved farther) to the ball, in which case he would of been in front of Butler, and thus PI or incomplete.   Which is a tad different than shoulder adjustment or running along the LOS.  Agreed if he had run faster, assuming he could have and was the play call, then I agree.   Without getting into a long post again, not sure if he ran the correct route and should of been shielded from butler by a rub from Kearse that never happened due to Browner chucking him combine with a throw too far inside by Wilson. 


Its tricky to point blame and/or credit.  But agreed if he ran along the same line that he did and could have run faster I understand your point.


btw, sorry for long post but you missed a good reference to The Byrds in my long post. :)

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I think he said he could of made a move stronger (faster - moved farther) to the ball, in which case he would of been in front of Butler, and thus PI or incomplete.   Which is a tad different than shoulder adjustment or running along the LOS.  Agreed if he had run faster, assuming he could have and was the play call, then I agree.   Without getting into a long post again, not sure if he ran the correct route and should of been shielded from butler by a rub from Kearse that never happened due to Browner chucking him combine with a throw too far inside by Wilson. 


Its tricky to point blame and/or credit.  But agreed if he ran along the same line that he did and could have run faster I understand your point.


btw, sorry for long post but you missed a good reference to The Byrds in my long post. :)



Usually I'm OK with stuff that requires some brain matter but I'm worn out with the last 1:52 of the SB as well as the deflation issue. NE won the game fair and square . Seattle was fortunate to be in the position they were after the Kearse catch. From there they totally brain farted the game away. 

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Usually I'm OK with stuff that requires some brain matter but I'm worn out with the last 1:52 of the SB as well as the deflation issue. NE won the game fair and square . Seattle was fortunate to be in the position they were after the Kearse catch. From there they totally brain farted the game away. 


I hear yah, its been a long week.  I wanted to start a thread defending Pete C. for the play calls, then was going to post in the thread about coaches being brainless, but too did not have the energy to spend the time to lay down my thoughts, I person can only take so much of a single subject.

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