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Andrew Luck will be greatest ever


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What is it with you guys always wanting our QB to be declared the GOAT? Dont do that to this guy...he is off to an amazing start to his career but it is way too premature to be thinking that way. Let's just hope he can get his first road playoff win next week. Kid is still paying his dues at this point.

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What is it with you guys always wanting our QB to be declared the GOAT? Dont do that to this guy...he is off to an amazing start to his career but it is way too premature to be thinking that way. Let's just hope he get his first road playoff win next week.

The dude who wrote the article said it not me. I hope he turns out to be the GOAT though.

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You guys picked the right time to stink for one year. Class guy like Manning was .

Yeah .. funny how the cards fell . We lost Elway , which made Manning possible. PM misses one year in 15 and it's the year that brought us "luck," Then you need to add into it that both guys would have been 1.1 or 1.2 in the draft if they came out a year earlier. I've been a Colt fan since 1960 and it's been a crazy ride for sure. Robert Irsay really was just what his mother thought he was.

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  What you will see is the Colts doing everything possible to give him a good line.  Watch the draft and off season.. book it that they sign a nice guard and draft a T in the first 3 rounds.

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I am old enough to remember quite a few great QBs over the last 52 years. I started watching football when I was 8 years old. I can honestly say that Luck is the best I have witnessed in his 1st. 3 years. I said the same thing when P. Manning came into the league. Wins, losses and rings are team related and a QB can not be judged on those and those alone. So when your depressed or ticked off at things that happen from week to week all of us Colt fans are pretty lucky (no pun intended) we have something to look forward to for a few years yet to come. Remember the feeling or that trophy being raised in Indy?  Well, my friends it will be raised again.

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Depends on what criteria is used to define the GOAT. If it's championships, it's unlikely. We see from the Manning era, it's incredibly difficult to win even one Superbowl; even if, you have #18 under center.

Luck would have to depend on many variables that are out of his control. Does he have the tools? Yes. Can Grigson build a championship- caliber around him? Can you win a championship with Pagano? TBD.

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Yeah .. funny how the cards fell . We lost Elway , which made Manning possible. PM misses one year in 15 and it's the year that brought us "luck," Then you need to add into it that both guys would have been 1.1 or 1.2 in the draft if they came out a year earlier. I've been a Colt fan since 1960 and it's been a crazy ride for sure. Robert Irsay really was just what his mother thought he was.

If you take it from the Colts franchise angle, Unitas to Jones, Elway, Manning, then Luck. Pretty impressive run. Elway was ridiculous. Irsay should have called his bluff and let him languish in low A ball in the Yankees farm system for four years. That would have knocked the smirk off his face.

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I think our "luck" goes back to far. Right after Unitas left to SD, we got Bert Jones.  I think Colt fans often overlook him, but he was a great QB when he was healthy. He l leaves and we drafted Elway. I know that didn't work out.  But then Manning and then Luck.  So for a good part of our history, we have had a very good QB.

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I think our "luck" goes back to far. Right after Unitas left to SD, we got Bert Jones. I think Colt fans often overlook him, but he was a great QB when he was healthy. He l leaves and we drafted Elway. I know that didn't work out. But then Manning and then Luck. So for a good part of our history, we have had a very good QB.

Bert Jones was great and a league MVP. Injuries cut short a great career.

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Depends on what criteria is used to define the GOAT. If it's championships, it's unlikely. We see from the Manning era, it's incredibly difficult to win even one Superbowl; even if, you have #18 under center.

Luck would have to depend on many variables that are out of his control. Does he have the tools? Yes. Can Grigson build a championship- caliber around him? Can you win a championship with Pagano? TBD.

Rings are a team effort. Yes a great QB increases your odds at winning one but that is not what determines great QBs. One of the greatest QBs in history has no rings. (Marino)  Was McMahon, Plunkett, Hostetler, Rypien, Dilfer, Johnson or Eli Manning better than Marino? IMO I don't think so. The GOAT is in someone's opinion and we all can differ. The eyes don't lie.

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I am old enough to remember quite a few great QBs over the last 52 years. I started watching football when I was 8 years old. I can honestly say that Luck is the best I have witnessed in his 1st. 3 years. I said the same thing when P. Manning came into the league. Wins, losses and rings are team related and a QB can not be judged on those and those alone. So when your depressed or ticked off at things that happen from week to week all of us Colt fans are pretty lucky (no pun intended) we have something to look forward to for a few years yet to come. Remember the feeling or that trophy being raised in Indy?  Well, my friends it will be raised again.

Darn right CC1. Preach My Brother Preach! If we keep him upright & limit the necessity to throw with a steady ground game, the Colts will win at least 2 rings under the Luck regime. 


I love this kid. Andrew always takes responsibility for interceptions even if it was just a fluke drop or a blocked pass. Just a down to earth remarkable guy who will complement a teammate or coach before himself. 

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You guys picked the right time to stink for one year. Class guy like Manning was .

Yeah, I know I always say this but when Terrell Suggs can sack ya & you can make him smile you have arrived & earned his respect through hardwork, diligence, & praising your NFL elders. 


Actually, I'd say INDY drafting Luck had more to do with him finishing up his Master's degree in Architecture & remaining at Stanford University 1 more year than anything else. 


However TOC, I will admit that QB Curtis Painter playing awful was an asset in 2011. I can't deny that fact. 

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I think he's gonna be great obviously. But these kinda articles are just pointless and give people a reason to call Luck overrated.

People usually dislike QBs who end another team's season not what a reporter wrote about them. Andrew has no control over what a journalist's says about him in an article. Obvious, I know, but so be it. 


Overrated is often code for darn it we lost to Luck & Indy again. A good place to be. 

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I think he's gonna be great obviously. But these kinda articles are just pointless and give people a reason to call Luck overrated.

Explain why these articles are pointless. Sports articles are written for sports fans to read. If Jim Fassel said that about Luck so what? He has his right to his opinion just like you or me. I highly doubt that anyone calling Luck over rated is something to worries about. Matter of fact Luck, what difference does it make if some call Luck over rated? I think that happens to just about every QB or player in the NFL at one time or another because it is based on opinion.

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Explain why these articles are pointless. Sports articles are written for sports fans to read. If Jim Fassel said that about Luck so what? He has his right to his opinion just like you or me. I highly doubt that anyone calling Luck over rated is something to worries about. Matter of fact Luck, what difference does it make if some call Luck over rated? I think that happens to just about every QB or player in the NFL at one time or another because it is based on opinion.

Good point. If stories continue to be written about Andrew Luck that's something I certainly welcome. Why? Because it means that Andrew can enter the playoffs consistently as a sign or precursor to longevity. 


It's not like we are Woody Johnson & the New York Jets who only crave media attention: Bad, god awful, & you call yourself a professional football team? My point is this: Johnson just wants headlines as opposed to rings. 


I feel horrible for Center Nick Mangold though. Not only his injury, but because he's way too talented to be on such a pathetic team that will never win a ring in this century. 

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Yeah, I know I always say this but when Terrell Suggs can sack ya & you can make him smile you have arrived & earned his respect through hardwork, diligence, & praising your NFL elders.

Actually, I'd say INDY drafting Luck had more to do with him finishing up his Master's degree in Architecture & remaining at Stanford University 1 more year than anything else.

However TOC, I will admit that QB Curtis Painter playing awful was an asset in 2011. I can't deny that fact.

Irsay should be thanking Painter and not Jones-Drew. If I was still a Colts fan, and we had a horrible season to get Luck, I would be fine with it.

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There will never be one single undisputed GOAT at the quarterback position.


The only positions you could say there is an undisputed GOAT is at WR Rice, CB Sanders, Punter: Guy.  But at QB there is so much involved that there will always be major dispute over who's the GOAT there.

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I am old enough to remember quite a few great QBs over the last 52 years. I started watching football when I was 8 years old. I can honestly say that Luck is the best I have witnessed in his 1st. 3 years. I said the same thing when P. Manning came into the league. Wins, losses and rings are team related and a QB can not be judged on those and those alone. So when your depressed or ticked off at things that happen from week to week all of us Colt fans are pretty lucky (no pun intended) we have something to look forward to for a few years yet to come. Remember the feeling or that trophy being raised in Indy?  Well, my friends it will be raised again.

Me 2

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It will be forever Johnny U for me, but as a Baltimore fan , I can't help but like Manning and Luck. Obviously Joe is my favorite now, but Manning and Luck are old school guys with corny ways and great values like the old NFL guys. Even when they befuddle the Ravens , you have to take your hat off to great quarterbacking, excellent sportsmanship, and a maximum effort at all times.

I will never forget Manning going over to see Ray Lewis after that devastating loss he had with Denver. Pure class. Luck saying great hit after being sacked, you have to love that. It's not easy to get Suggs respect , but he's got it.

What can you say, I call a great QB a great QB.

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I think he's gonna be great obviously. But these kinda articles are just pointless and give people a reason to call Luck overrated.


I disagree 3 years in Luck has looked better than Manning did at 3 years with less , And thats not just my opinion - these kinda articles  give you perspective from a person with a high I.Q in professional football And confirms what most Colts fans already knew 12 is special ..


In the 2012 draft all the pundits & many on these boards believed in the overrated RG3  now 3 years in we see the ROY will most likely be the only thing RG3 ever Wins while the # 1 pick goes on too greatness I view the article as a progress report .




12 & 18 each have  1  Win & I like the Colts chances in Denver if the Colts come home with a Win there will no doubt more articles & at the end of the day those people who are just HATERS the same people who HATED on 18 when the Colts started doing good no matter what he accomplished here in Indy so there opinions are clouded & easily ignored ..

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Sometimes, I tend to forget that Luck is in only his third year, due to what level he already plays at. When he does make a bad read or bad throw, the natural reaction is "Ahh geez Andrew, bad throw."  When really, it's just growing pains. I think that speaks volumes to how truly talented he is so early in his career, when the positives out weigh the negatives that greatly that it's like he is a 10 year vet playing in the prime of his career.


Scary to think (for other teams, not us) when he gets to that level, exactly how great will he be? When he has reading the defenses mastered and doesn't force the ball like he tends to do at times now... 10 seasons of 50TD, 0INT!


Not really, but no, really...

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It will be forever Johnny U for me, but as a Baltimore fan , I can't help but like Manning and Luck. Obviously Joe is my favorite now, but Manning and Luck are old school guys with corny ways and great values like the old NFL guys. Even when they befuddle the Ravens , you have to take your hat off to great quarterbacking, excellent sportsmanship, and a maximum effort at all times.

I will never forget Manning going over to see Ray Lewis after that devastating loss he had with Denver. Pure class. Luck saying great hit after being sacked, you have to love that. It's not easy to get Suggs respect , but he's got it.

What can you say, I call a great QB a great QB.


It will be forever Johnny U for me, but as a Baltimore fan , I can't help but like Manning and Luck. Obviously Joe is my favorite now, but Manning and Luck are old school guys with corny ways and great values like the old NFL guys. Even when they befuddle the Ravens , you have to take your hat off to great quarterbacking, excellent sportsmanship, and a maximum effort at all times.

I will never forget Manning going over to see Ray Lewis after that devastating loss he had with Denver. Pure class. Luck saying great hit after being sacked, you have to love that. It's not easy to get Suggs respect , but he's got it.

What can you say, I call a great QB a great QB.


Mornin Crow


Johnny U meant something special to 18 as you know so you & many Baltimore fans have something in common they recognize class & perfection as does our former QB .


The history of the COLTS is complicated  with many highs & lows with old & new fans mixed in & in its 2'nd home as in its first the QB position is well represented & has a young Colt with great promise for the future going against the old Colt a  Bronco looking for another chance to make it to the big dance this for me is the SB .  Could you imagine a Johnny U  - Joe Flacco  game :woah:


I do envy you Crow as a Indianapolis Colts fan there is much I never got to enjoy while IMO you have & thats why I appreciate your posts while recognizing your passion for football.  I have enjoyed since 1984 the highs & lows of our Cardiac Colts .


How sweet it is ...

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There will never be one single undisputed GOAT at the quarterback position.


The only positions you could say there is an undisputed GOAT is at WR Rice, CB Sanders, Punter: Guy.  But at QB there is so much involved that there will always be major dispute over who's the GOAT there.

Agree with this - but would say you could make a decent argument for Calvin Johnson at WR.  Today, Rice is the GOAT, but Calvin's got some gas in the tank left.  No one will ever reach Rice's numbers, but he played for so long and I just don't think it's likely anyone that good could every play for that long again.  But I don't think that there's been a WR that can dominate a game like Calvin Johnson can.

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Agree with this - but would say you could make a decent argument for Calvin Johnson at WR.  Today, Rice is the GOAT, but Calvin's got some gas in the tank left.  No one will ever reach Rice's numbers, but he played for so long and I just don't think it's likely anyone that good could every play for that long again.  But I don't think that there's been a WR that can dominate a game like Calvin Johnson can.


Part of determining who the GOAT is has to do with how long they played the game and where effective though.  That's why it's the greatest of all time and not just the greatest for a couple of seasons.  Rice was having 1000 yard seasons I believe in his 40's and played in an era when DB's could do more to defend receivers.  


Calvin Johnson will have to play a lot more years and put up big numbers in order to surpass Rice IMO.  

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Rings are a team effort. Yes a great QB increases your odds at winning one but that is not what determines great QBs. One of the greatest QBs in history has no rings. (Marino)  Was McMahon, Plunkett, Hostetler, Rypien, Dilfer, Johnson or Eli Manning better than Marino? IMO I don't think so. The GOAT is in someone's opinion and we all can differ. The eyes don't lie.

I agree 100%. Football is the ultimate team game. I'm just mentioning the lack of championship rings argument that others use to disparage Manning, an argument with which I don't agree. I think Manning is currently the GOAT by a wide margin. Imagine Manning on those 80s 49ers teams, 90s Cowboys, or early 2000s Patriot teams. I think he outshines Joe Montana easily.

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Irsay should be thanking Painter and not Jones-Drew. If I was still a Colts fan, and we had a horrible season to get Luck, I would be fine with it.


No, Irsay should be thanking Caldwell and Christiansen (I guess he kind of did thank Clyde since he still has a job with the team) because they're the ones that didn't change up the offense for Painter.  They didn't change things up until really late in the season when they switched to Orlovsky.  Painter gets a really bad wrap around here.  He was in a no-win situation considering how the coaching staff handled the situation.  They should have never tried having Painter run Manning's offense.  I'm not saying Painter is even a good QB, but that season was by far more on the coaches than on him.

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Part of determining who the GOAT is has to do with how long they played the game and where effective though.  That's why it's the greatest of all time and not just the greatest for a couple of seasons.  Rice was having 1000 yard seasons I believe in his 40's and played in an era when DB's could do more to defend receivers.  


Calvin Johnson will have to play a lot more years and put up big numbers in order to surpass Rice IMO.  

Yeah, I hear ya and don't totally disagree.  It's one thing when its a guy like Terrell Davis who only played a couple yeras in the league.  But when we're talking about guys who play a "complete" career and put up crazy numbers throughout, I think the career length factor is a little less important.  So I am with you, if Megatron's numbers started to fall off in the next year or two and he wasn't putting up such obscene numbers, I'd say Rice is the GOAT. 



By way of example, if Receiver A put up 12,000 yards over 9 seasons and Receiver B put up 18,000 over 18 seasons, I'd say that Receiver A was more dominate, even though Receiver B has the career record.  That's just me.  I get that others may say Receiver B was the GOAT.  It's a compelling argument.  I just wouldn't say that one is the undisputed.  That's all.

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