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Our defense is absolutely horrible......


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Just please quit saying unimformed things. It is insulting.  The Colts defense, which Grigson brought in almost every guy on it via free agency, was absolutely horrible.  Robert Mathis would have made little difference when a scrub runningback looks like Jim Brown tonight.  And they have absolute no adjustments, no answers, nothing.  It was like the playoff game last year all over again.


The Colts are going to win their division.  And they always have the ability to beat anyone with their offensive players. But you gotta wonder how good Manusky is. And this is not knee jerk. It is easy to look solid against bad teams.  But as soon as you put a decent offense in front of the Colts, their defense disappears.

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There was no running game for us tonight, but I don't think it was as big an issue as the run defense being so terrible.

I think it's possible we could have won the game offensively without the running game if we could ever have stopped the

run on any of those possesions.  I'm really concerned with where we are at right now.

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I mentioned this at the beginning of the season the after the denver and philly game, The colts were being out coached and out played if your players don t buy into what you are trying to do you will loose and so far the coaching has not been too impressive yes the colts have won some games but they are so far off from adjustments at half time. And you would of thought for the past three years after playing new england you would of figured out by now what their basic game plan would be and what they were going to use against us and we still cannot stop them from running the ball, Totally disapointed in they way this coaches prepared for this game and or any of the games this year

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Belichick could put the guy selling popcorn in at RB and they'd block well for him. Their o-line is superior. Our o-line sucks and Trent is horrible/can't find holes. Good RBs find holes and cover up the blemishes of their weak o-line. Trent is NOT a good RB. He's not even decent.


Again, Trent isn't the only reason we lost, but he certainly didn't help. It would be different if he had 180yrds and 3tds on the night and we still lost.

Ok I hear ya but even Bradshaw didnt have yards put Murray behind our line and he still has no yards sorry

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Our coaching and game plan was pathetic tonight . Side not they just showed Pats DB highlights and every play was a PI not called

No they were not. Unfortunately, the one who always makes stupid plays is Toler... and I have never seen a guy get caught pushing off/holding so much. It is like watching a little kid who can't stay out of the cookie jar. I do bet Gronkowski gets a fine for his purposefully slamming the guy into the camera man though. If he doesn't that would be a pretty silly, and for Collinsworth to say he is not harmless is equally so because the guy makes a fool out of himself constantly. 

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Yeah, right.

And Fleener didn't push off multiple times.


there were 3 penalties in one play that shouldve been called on the Patriots defense. The refs are paid for. Even my brother who is a pats fan laughs at how the Patriots get away with so much that no other team does...


Wouldnt be surprised though, we see it in boxing all the time and endless times in the NBA. Its a business!!! The business men will not profit off of the Colts winning the super bowl but they will profit huge if the Pats, Packers, Cowboys or Broncos win...

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   had one bad year out of like 9 seasons and it was mostly from the colts puttin beathea in man coverage on guys llike kendall wright haha come on beathea is having a pro bowl year on of the best safties and the colts gifted him to the niners for dirt cheap then grigson signs a 35 year old saftey to replace him..... grigson always got rid of freeney for erik walden he is replacing hall of fammers with back ups its disgusting to watch

that 35 year old safety picked of TB twice.... just sayin

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The defense has potential and if they play well, this team is dangerous, but having down games like this one can kill anyone.


Brady didn't play well, yet they won by 22. 


It's not that the defense is horrible, they're just inconsistent and that's frustrating. 

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No they were not. Unfortunately, the one who always makes stupid plays is Toler... and I have never seen a guy get caught pushing off/holding so much. It is like watching a little kid who can't stay out of the cookie jar. I do bet Gronkowski gets a fine for his purposefully slamming the guy into the camera man though. If he doesn't that would be a pretty silly, and for Collinsworth to say he is not harmless is equally so because the guy makes a fool out of himself constantly. 

Say what you want to but they showed 5 plays and all were obvious PI or holding worse than anything Toler got called for . Watch a few times some were so bad it's comical they were not called .

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Say what you want to but they showed 5 plays and all were obvious PI or holding worse than anything Toler got called for . Watch a few times some were so bad it's comical they were not called .

I watched the game, and technically any contact should be called. I saw one in which T.Y. was knocked on the ground... but was busy making a cup of coffee so I didn't see it close enough.

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No they were not. Unfortunately, the one who always makes stupid plays is Toler... and I have never seen a guy get caught pushing off/holding so much. It is like watching a little kid who can't stay out of the cookie jar. I do bet Gronkowski gets a fine for his purposefully slamming the guy into the camera man though. If he doesn't that would be a pretty silly, and for Collinsworth to say he is not harmless is equally so because the guy makes a fool out of himself constantly. 



 I agree with you on toler, but the entire team was not up to the task tonight and I do remember Pagano taking blame for the steelers game because the team came in unprepared, Well i see the same coaches not even attempting to make any adjustments during half time. and if the team contiunes to play the same schemes through out the game the end result is a lose. sorry but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you have to game plan each team different and the pats do this every year against this same coaches who look so lost on the sidelines as if they did not expect them to run

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We won't win many playoff games doing this. Thats what scares me Krunk.

You should never be unprepared in the NFL. As a professional being unprepared in unacceptable. If anything you should be overprepared every week. Worse case should just be bing plain old prepared.

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Colts allowed 40+ points in 9 of Manning's 227 starts (4.0%) Colts allowed 40+ points in 8 of Luck's 45 starts (17.8%) @BradWellsNFL

— Scott Kacsmar (@FO_ScottKacsmar)

November 17, 2014

A lot of that can be contributed to our offenses, though. Especially 1999-2006 when we could actually run the ball and control the clock. Teams were forced to play catchup which was the only way to make our defense look better than it actually was.


2007 beyond the run game and pass blocking went up in thin air. The defense and special teams remained awful per the norm and we were carried solely on our passing offense after 2007 in spite of no pass blocking to speak of. Says a lot about or QB and receivers then. Even managed to make the SB again but we all know that story.

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 I agree with you on toler, but the entire team was not up to the task tonight and I do remember Pagano taking blame for the steelers game because the team came in unprepared, Well i see the same coaches not even attempting to make any adjustments during half time. and if the team contiunes to play the same schemes through out the game the end result is a lose. sorry but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you have to game plan each team different and the pats do this every year against this same coaches who look so lost on the sidelines as if they did not expect them to run

You can make changes, but you have to have the talent to make them work. I question whether we have that after watching the last 10 games. Things need to change there, and that has not been something the coaches are quick to make on either side. I hope this game opens some eyes. 

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Our defense has been a huge disappointment tonight.


I think it's clear we're not as talented as we need to be when we face other elite teams.


When we play the lower level and mid-level teams,  our defense can do very, very well.


But against elite teams,  we get exposed.   We get worked.   


We've got a ways to go.


By the way,  our offense wasn't much better.    The o-line was also very disappointing tonight.



and are offense is same way as defense.

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You can make changes, but you have to have the talent to make them work. I question whether we have that after watching the last 10 games. Things need to change there, and that has not been something the coaches are quick to make on either side. I hope this game opens some eyes. 


Your are right need the talent to a certain degree and I hope the coaches open their eyes on this, But talent goes only so far it is up to the coaches to get the most out of the players they have and so far the coaching staff has under performed in getting this players mentally ready for some of this game. and I understand if a couple of players having a bad day but when your entire defense gets blown out in two games and the camera looks at the DC and he looks totally lost then their is a promblem.  

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I watched the game, and technically any contact should be called. I saw one in which T.Y. was knocked on the ground... but was busy making a cup of coffee so I didn't see it close enough.

Not to mention that revis was all over TY on that pass in the end zone that should have been called for defensive PI, but wasn't and the Colts had to settle for a filed goal.  Notice how the pats only got called for a penalty two times tonight?  One face-mask and a celebration penalty on gronk, yet they called every little nonsense call they can make up against the colts.  


there were 3 penalties in one play that shouldve been called on the Patriots defense. The refs are paid for. Even my brother who is a pats fan laughs at how the Patriots get away with so much that no other team does...


Wouldnt be surprised though, we see it in boxing all the time and endless times in the NBA. Its a business!!! The business men will not profit off of the Colts winning the super bowl but they will profit huge if the Pats, Packers, Cowboys or Broncos win...

I've been saying this my pal for the last couple of years, "At least let me have my illusions of impartiality."  Lately, it seems that the refs don't even care enough to do that.  

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Well, lets be honest.  We padded our defensive record against some bad QBs and catching QBs on bad days.  I think what is so frustrating about watching our team vs Pats is that we make no adjustments.  They just keep doing the same thing over and over and over.  Meanwhile, the Pats change all the time.  I feel badly for Luck.  He has to throw on every play because they can't run or ever stop the other team.  And it is embarrassing that we are totally dominated by totally mediocre players in some spots.  I think it just shows the Patriots coaching and strategy is just that much better than everyone else.

Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different outcomes is what we do best! Of course, that is also the definition of insanity.

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A lot of that can be contributed to our offenses, though. Especially 1999-2006 when we could actually run the ball and control the clock. Teams were forced to play catchup which was the only way to make our defense look better than it actually was.


2007 beyond the run game and pass blocking went up in thin air. The defense and special teams remained awful per the norm and we were carried solely on our passing offense after 2007 in spite of no pass blocking to speak of. Says a lot about or QB and receivers then. Even managed to make the SB again but we all know that story.

Wells must have had a blackout period during much of the Dungy years

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Your are right need the talent to a certain degree and I hope the coaches open their eyes on this, But talent goes only so far it is up to the coaches to get the most out of the players they have and so far the coaching staff has under performed in getting this players mentally ready for some of this game. and I understand if a couple of players having a bad day but when your entire defense gets blown out in two games and the camera looks at the DC and he looks totally lost then their is a promblem.

yep agree 200,000,000%. Excellent Coaches are what make a good team GREAT!. And sadly we have no excellent coaches... Just mediocre.
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