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lesean mccoy the cheapskate?


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Getting back to the issue at hand..... the terrible tip.

I've had terrible service. We've all had terrible service. That happens.

But, a 20 cent tip? I've never pulled that stunt.

I think LeSean is going to regret that. At least, I hope he does.

Prediction: LeSean is going to claim the service was terrible. I mean, what else can he say to defend himself?

I have left without leaving a tip a couple times due to bad service

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The owner posted the receipt, here is his statement:



I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad butt sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.

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I have left without leaving a tip a couple times due to bad service


I understand.    You're not the first to do that.   I suspect that's pretty common.


I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it.


But I think 20 cents is just an added poke in the eye.   And I think it's unnecessary.


I also suspect the service wasn't bad,  but LeSean is going to claim that it was because he's got no where else to go.....


Sure feels like something is missing from this.    Because most servers will not trash a customer on social networks, because businesses think it's bad for their business.   Many servers have lost their jobs because they ripped a customer publicly.


I wouldn't be surprised if this server does as well......

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I regularly don't leave tips from my card....that way the server gets all the tip and there is no way the business takes any out of it or anything....most of the time I pay with my credit card and then leave cash tips....who knows...maybe he did that? Its all speculation anyways.

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The owner posted the receipt, here is his statement:



I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad butt sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.

Well then, I go back to my original thought. McCoy is a jerk. All hate mail should go to the Philadelphia Eagles attn: LeSean McCoy.

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The owner posted the receipt, here is his statement:



I would like to address the LeSean McCoy tipping situation and our role in it.

For starters, I take total and complete responsibility for sharing this receipt. It was not our server's decision, it was mine. I am to blame.

I decided to take action after some serious thought. And while I'd like to apologize to Mr McCoy, I cannot in good conscience do so. I stand by my actions one hundred percent.

Mr McCoy and his three companions came into my place on Monday afternoon, and immediately the whole staff was excited. Mr McCoy is a skilled athlete and is one of our beloved Philadelphia Eagles. A true Philly legend and a sports hero. Understandably my staff was really pumped, especially on the heels of they terrific win the day before. (Go Eagles!).

Mr McCoy and his friend sat inside at a booth next to my management and next to me. They were given excellent service. Impeccable service. If anything, our server was a little nervous as was our food runner, because they are big, big fans.

He and his group, from the moment they sat down, were verbally abusive to our staff in the most insulting ways. The derogatory statements about women and their sheer contempt for the staff serving them wasn't the end, however. After Mr McCoy and his group left I looked over and saw their server, my friend, with his head bowed down and with a very confused look on his face. I took the receipt out of his hand and I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. Mr McCoy had left a .03% tip for our staff. Our staff that was beyond excited to see him walk into our burger joint and was excited to serve him. That's twenty cents on a tab of over $60. Twenty cents that our server has to split with the food runner and the bartender. Two dimes from an insulting multimillionaire.

I bet Mr McCoy is usually an awesome dude. And everyone has their bad days. But I'm from Philly and have had the pleasure of meeting many of our bad butt sports heroes. Ron Jaworski I met as a kid and I love. Iverson I loved. Mike Schmidt! You name 'em. I love all of our athletes past and present. Hometown heroes who treat those below them with some respect. And maybe Mr McCoy was having a "bad day" after his big victory all that, but the reports of him receiving "bad service" is a complete slanderous lie, and my crew here is better than that and deserves better than that.

At the end of the day, I did what I felt my heart told me to do. And I don't want anything from Mr McCoy, but...maybe an apology to his server who gave him excellent service would be cool.

Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends.

Hate mail should be directed to tommy@pytburger.com. I will respond to you right after I catch up on this mornings hate mail.

Wow...don't know what to make of that...but just wow. Still not a professional thing to do...who else would want to go there and fear that they may be singled out as well...but that whole story looks bad on both sides.

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He sounds like an elitist young punk who's high on his own ****! Good for the restaurant owner, it would be my favorite restaurant if I lived there. Man I just can't stand some classless punk act like he's above everyone, and pretend your king **** in a hamburger restaurant of all places? What a tiny, tiny man.

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Even after bad service, I tip.  Not full 20%, but 15%. But I don't go back for awhile, either.  I'm on the road a lot too.  Guees if I was a millionaire, I could feel superior enough to leave pennies in my wake.  In that respect, I'm glad I'm not.

I travel a lot too. I try to tip the hotel employees and the waiters at restaurants I eat at, 20% is my standard tip in most restaurants.

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Four people, a meal tab coming to $60.00. Seems pretty reasonable to me. As far as the tip is concerned? Maybe the service or the meal was that bad?


If your meal is bad you don't take it out on the server.  They make like $3/hour and rely on tips to survive.  You tip waiters/waitresses for serving you while you dine, you don't tip them based on the quality of the food which they have zero control over.


If you can't afford to tip, then you shouldn't be going to restaurants in the first place.  Sounds like they were total D-bags if this is a true story.  Millionaires taking out their bad burger on a waiter that makes $3/hour..  what is this world coming to.

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im not much of a burger person, but ive never spent more then 20 bucks and I have a somewhat big family. it basically means everyone bought something around 12 bucks per person. what burger joint has 12 buck meals


I dunno, a burger, large fries and a drink can easily come to like $10 or more dollars at a place like Five Guys Burgers and Fries..


They're also NFL athletes, they cuold have easily scarfed down 2 burgers, or additional sides, etc..

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Wow...don't know what to make of that...but just wow. Still not a professional thing to do...who else would want to go there and fear that they may be singled out as well...but that whole story looks bad on both sides.


Its karma.


He owns the restaurant so he can do whatever he wants.  If someone insulted and disrespected my entire staff like that I'd try to make them accountable for it too.


His business will probably take a hit for this though, hopefully crazy Eagle fans don't vandalize his place but the owner had every right to make the decision he did and post that.

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Even after bad service, I tip.  Not full 20%, but 15%. But I don't go back for awhile, either.  I'm on the road a lot too.  Guees if I was a millionaire, I could feel superior enough to leave pennies in my wake.  In that respect, I'm glad I'm not.




Whenever ive had bad service, i will tip 15% as a protest to the poor service.  Ive never left nothing for a tip, thats just disgusting to do unless the server was being completely rude and disrespectful.. but as someone who goes out to eat ALL the time, i find this hard to believe and if it does happen, I would imagine it is EXTREMELY rare that someone in the service industry that relies on tips for their livelihood would go out of their way to insult the very customers that provide that livelihood.


I think people who tip nothing are just looking for an excuse to be cheapskates and still feel good about themselves.


If you can't afford the tip, DON'T GO OUT TO EAT!  Stay home and cook your own meal.

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One thing I never really understood at restaurants is why the tip is based on a % of the meal.

If I order a $50 steak vs. $5 burger, im expected to tip the waiter/waitress more even tho the amount of work remains the same.


This turned into a scene along time ago at a company dinner of mine.  They ordered a $800 bottle of wine for a christmas dinner rather than a $50 or so bottle..


They basically cut out that part of the tip on the wine and "only" tipped about $100 for the meal at the end of the night.  The server came over and was completely furious...


Thats the only scenario ive ever seen where you could make a valid case against tipping less than 20%..  It takes the same effort to bring out a $20 bottle of wine as it does a $1000 bottle of wine.. 


going by strict tipping etiquette, you should tip $2 on the first bottle and $200 on the second?  I dont think so haha


Im not that rich so luckily thats not a situation ill ever run into, so ill continue to tip 20-25%, unless i have bad service in which case ill tip 15%.  Tipping someone 0% who is waiting on you and serving you is a total scum bag move, unless they do something completely out of line which I have like never seen in 20 or so years of going out to eat about 3-4 times a week at a sit down restaurant.


Cheap skates are just that, cheap skates. 

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You do if he or she is rude or provides horrible service.


I think thats completey subjective, and also people who are total jerks often times rub people the wrong way and instigate that type of response.


I go out to eat all the time, I don't cook any of my meals and I can only remember like 1 time where i had a server that i felt was "horrible" and could be considered "rude."  I still tipped them around 10-15%, because they still SERVED ME for like over an hour and waited on me.. just because i didn't think they did a stellar job doesn't mean im going to totally screw them over and be a cheap skate. 


Tipping is a part of going out.  You're paying the waiter for bringing your food, drinks, napkins, etc while you sit and feast on a meal you didn't have to cook.  The tip goes to the bus boys that clean your filthy mess up after you get up and leave.  It goes to the hostess that greets you, takes your name down and escorts you to your table.  People just like to find one thing that rubs them the wrong way so they can justify not having to pay the gratuity to save themselves a couple bucks and still be able to have the luxury of going out and eating a nice meal they didn't have to prepare or do anything for themselves.


I've seen all types of people, and from my experiences its the customers that are usually the awful ones.. ive seen people pull every trick in the book to get out of paying for entire meals, or to avoid the 20% tip so they can save some money.  An entire family devours their whole meal, then the mother and/or father asks for the manager and complains about every single thing they ordered to try and get a free meal on the house.. 


Its disgusting.

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I think thats completey subjective, and also people who are total jerks often times rub people the wrong way and instigate that type of response.


I go out to eat all the time, I don't cook any of my meals and I can only remember like 1 time where i had a server that i felt was "horrible" and could be considered "rude."  I still tipped them around 10-15%, because they still SERVED ME for like over an hour and waited on me.. just because i didn't think they did a stellar job doesn't mean im going to totally screw them over and be a cheap skate. 


Tipping is a part of going out.  You're paying the waiter for bringing your food, drinks, napkins, etc while you sit and feast on a meal you didn't have to cook.  The tip goes to the bus boys that clean your filthy mess up after you get up and leave.  It goes to the hostess that greets you, takes your name down and escorts you to your table.  People just like to find one thing that rubs them the wrong way so they can justify not having to pay the gratuity to save themselves a couple bucks and still be able to have the luxury of going out and eating a nice meal they didn't have to prepare or do anything for themselves.


I've seen all types of people, and from my experiences its the customers that are usually the awful ones.. ive seen people pull every trick in the book to get out of paying for entire meals, or to avoid the 20% tip so they can save some money.  An entire family devours their whole meal, then the mother and/or father asks for the manager and complains about every single thing they ordered to try and get a free meal on the house.. 


Its disgusting.


I agree 100%.


I work in customer service for an insurance company, and most of the time, if someone tells you that the previous rep or employee gave them bad service...


They're lying.

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Its karma.


He owns the restaurant so he can do whatever he wants.  If someone insulted and disrespected my entire staff like that I'd try to make them accountable for it too.


His business will probably take a hit for this though, hopefully crazy Eagle fans don't vandalize his place but the owner had every right to make the decision he did and post that.

it might be karma but it's a terrible business decision. What other star or famous person is going to go there. They will feel like they could be extorted for a big tip by this guy and his attitude. It sounds like a terrible thing McCoy did but take it up with him. Email him write him a letter confront him but taking it public. That's not a classy thing and makes u just as low as the act he did. I try to live my life without regrets and to take the high road. Owner didn't do that. If story is true he is just as crappy as McCoy. As a man that has run businesses my whole career and dealt with public bad good rich and poor u rise above the crap and u hold onto your honor and morals. Seems neither had much in this situation.

I've never not tipped. Can't imagine what would have to happen to cause that. One time me and my wife waited an entire hour and waiter came out and told me the chef walked out and they were so far behind and apologized. We still tipped him.... Had no respect for management that couldn't come talk to us and never went back but still tipped him. That said tipping is very very subjective. If u work in that industry u have to realize that going in...some people see it differently and that doesn't make them a bad person. I like to make someone's night sometimes so some extra unexpected money is nice. One time I overheard a waitress argue she wanted the bigger party ( bigger tip) and not me as I was by myself. I got great service from my waitress and decided to tip her extra just to spite that other girl... And I know I made her night because she told me I left the wrong bill on the table when I went up front to pay. Told her I didn't. Buy her kid a birthday present ( discussed during waiting) made me feel really good. All in all it's so subjective I can't say 1 view is right or wrong but the businessman in me thinks the guy made a terrible mistake.

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it might be karma but it's a terrible business decision. What other star or famous person is going to go there. They will feel like they could be extorted for a big tip by this guy and his attitude. It sounds like a terrible thing McCoy did but take it up with him. Email him write him a letter confront him but taking it public. That's not a classy thing and makes u just as low as the act he did. I try to live my life without regrets and to take the high road. Owner didn't do that. If story is true he is just as crappy as McCoy. As a man that has run businesses my whole career and dealt with public bad good rich and poor u rise above the crap and u hold onto your honor and morals. Seems neither had much in this situation.

I've never not tipped. Can't imagine what would have to happen to cause that. One time me and my wife waited an entire hour and waiter came out and told me the chef walked out and they were so far behind and apologized. We still tipped him.... Had no respect for management that couldn't come talk to us and never went back but still tipped him. That said tipping is very very subjective. If u work in that industry u have to realize that going in...some people see it differently and that doesn't make them a bad person. I like to make someone's night sometimes so some extra unexpected money is nice. One time I overheard a waitress argue she wanted the bigger party ( bigger tip) and not me as I was by myself. I got great service from my waitress and decided to tip her extra just to spite that other girl... And I know I made her night because she told me I left the wrong bill on the table when I went up front to pay. Told her I didn't. Buy her kid a birthday present ( discussed during waiting) made me feel really good. All in all it's so subjective I can't say 1 view is right or wrong but the businessman in me thinks the guy made a terrible mistake.


I'd agree with that, it certainly wasn't a great business decision and he was thinking purely with emotion. The only thing that I think puts him in a more positive light is that he did it to defend his hard working employees.


He could have taken it up with McCoy, or at least tried to, but if what hes saying is true in how they were acting, I doubt that would have ended well.  Hes owned that business for awhile and has no history of extorting tips or taking advantage of famous athletes.  I think he just made a decision out of pure emotion, which is not a great business decision but I don't think it makes him a bad person wanting McCoy to be held accountable for treating his employees like they're subhuman.


Keep in mind, McCoy was my #1 keeper on my fantasy team so I have a lot at stake here!  lol :)  It appears that he may be a gigantic jerk, but ill still keep him on my fantasy team scoring points!


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Even after bad service, I tip. Not full 20%, but 15%. But I don't go back for awhile, either. I'm on the road a lot too. Guees if I was a millionaire, I could feel superior enough to leave pennies in my wake. In that respect, I'm glad I'm not.

Same here. I do not feel comfortable not leaving a tip, even when the service is poor. The least I will leave is 15%. I routinely leave more than 25%. Yesterday, my check for lunch was $16.11. I gave my server $5 tip because he provided superior service.

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I think thats completey subjective, and also people who are total jerks often times rub people the wrong way and instigate that type of response.

I go out to eat all the time, I don't cook any of my meals and I can only remember like 1 time where i had a server that i felt was "horrible" and could be considered "rude." I still tipped them around 10-15%, because they still SERVED ME for like over an hour and waited on me.. just because i didn't think they did a stellar job doesn't mean im going to totally screw them over and be a cheap skate.

Tipping is a part of going out. You're paying the waiter for bringing your food, drinks, napkins, etc while you sit and feast on a meal you didn't have to cook. The tip goes to the bus boys that clean your filthy mess up after you get up and leave. It goes to the hostess that greets you, takes your name down and escorts you to your table. People just like to find one thing that rubs them the wrong way so they can justify not having to pay the gratuity to save themselves a couple bucks and still be able to have the luxury of going out and eating a nice meal they didn't have to prepare or do anything for themselves.

I've seen all types of people, and from my experiences its the customers that are usually the awful ones.. ive seen people pull every trick in the book to get out of paying for entire meals, or to avoid the 20% tip so they can save some money. An entire family devours their whole meal, then the mother and/or father asks for the manager and complains about every single thing they ordered to try and get a free meal on the house..

Its disgusting.

I agree. The waiter is providing a service and should be tipped. And if there is a promotional discount, the tip should be based on what the check would have been without the discount. For example, a friend took me out to dinner at an upscale restaurant. Since it was my birthday, the restaurant gave us a $50 discount. The bill was $182 minus $50. My friend tipped based on $182, not $132. He left a $36 tip. I never thought to do that before. I would have probably left 20% of $132, but the waiter would have been shortchanged.

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Dang, I usually will tip decent money for a good cup of coffee knowing the waitresses depend on those tips. This is ridiculous, but posting it for all to see is silly. The last time I saw someone do this they claimed the people stiffed them for religious reasons which turned out to be a lie.   

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I regularly don't leave tips from my card....that way the server gets all the tip and there is no way the business takes any out of it or anything....most of the time I pay with my credit card and then leave cash tips....who knows...maybe he did that? Its all speculation anyways.

bravo to you. that's the best way to leave a tip. In many restaurants the servers only get their cash tips that day and the credit tips will go on a payroll check.

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One thing I never really understood at restaurants is why the tip is based on a % of the meal.

If I order a $50 steak vs. $5 burger, im expected to tip the waiter/waitress more even tho the amount of work remains the same.


It might have to do with how long you will take up a table.  A full steak meal can easily go 60 - 90 from salad to dessert/coffee.  How long will it take to munch down a burger and some fries and then freeing the table up for the next customer?  So in instances like this, the Total $ and Total time seem to be commiserate, so the % application seems a fair fit. 

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I agree. The waiter is providing a service and should be tipped. And if there is a promotional discount, the tip should be based on what the check would have been without the discount. For example, a friend took me out to dinner at an upscale restaurant. Since it was my birthday, the restaurant gave us a $50 discount. The bill was $182 minus $50. My friend tipped based on $182, not $132. He left a $36 tip. I never thought to do that before. I would have probably left 20% of $132, but the waiter would have been shortchanged.


Right! The discount is on product ordered, not service rendered.

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bravo to you. that's the best way to leave a tip. In many restaurants the servers only get their cash tips that day and the credit tips will go on a payroll check.


You mean they would have to wait for their paycheck to get paid like the rest of the working world? The horror.

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Lets remember this quote from the article.


"Commenters are skeptical, knowing that these check can be (and have been) easily faked as stunts."


People have literally made tens of thousands of dollars by faking this stuff and getting people to feel sorry for them so they all send them money only to have people track it down and the card was charged for a much larger tip.


So lets wait and find out if this if for real first.  

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"Again, I am the owner and I take full responsibility for my actions. Eagles fans, I feel ya. Id be * too. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and stick up for his friends"

Just make sure you stick up for your friends several days after the fact and don't do anything when you're LITERALLY sitting right next to the guy that is verbally abusive and demeaning women in a business that you own.

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