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Manning Gone?


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i cant believe so many peeps are acting like manning is gonna play forever. really just stop. manning is gonna save us coming back from nerve surgery and will never get hurt again. we should rely on manning and put all our eggs in one basket

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coltsrule no one is saying to put all our eggs in one basket, if anything its those that want luck that are doing so. everyone is that is "pro trade" want a better team overall. How is that putting your eggs in one basket? We are simply suggesting that we grab 4-5 players who can start now oppose to someone who will ride the pine for 3 years. Also I know Manning wont play forever. But could he play for 3-4 more years? yes that is very plausible, especially with a player like Manning. That is all we are saying, why everyone who wants Luck believes that we all think Manning is superman and will never retire is beyond me.

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We won't know anything until manning and his doctors say he can practice. Then he can see if he is up to another season or if it just doesn't feel the same. I think relying on manning next year and not getting a good quality qb in the draft is a huge risk. Manning coming off neck surgery all it's going to take is one bad hit and we r reliving this season over again next year.

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coltsrule no one is saying to put all our eggs in one basket, if anything its those that want luck that are doing so. everyone is that is "pro trade" want a better team overall. How is that putting your eggs in one basket? We are simply suggesting that we grab 4-5 players who can start now oppose to someone who will ride the pine for 3 years. Also I know Manning wont play forever. But could he play for 3-4 more years? yes that is very plausible, especially with a player like Manning. That is all we are saying, why everyone who wants Luck believes that we all think Manning is superman and will never retire is beyond me.

this isnt any old surgery peyton is coming back from. its to restore nerves. who knows how that will effect peyton's play. we need a backup plan and thats luck. and i dont know why everyone who doesnt want luck think that we dont have other draft picks and fa

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Thank you Fvantagio, that is what I am saying. Peyton has a few more years in him. If anyone can remember so far back as a few year ago everyone was thinking that Tom Brady might not play again because of his torn ACL. Infact he came back even stronger. Lets not forget that these players have the top doctors in the world to work with. If he was so bad that he wont play again, it would have been leaked by now. Peyton will play a few more years. Its up to the Colts to decide if its with them or someone else. This happened for Montana. Lets not forget that. He had a bad injury and the Niners traded him to the Chiefs. Remeber that Montana was great for the Chiefs his last few years.

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Ok, well here you go..





Ok, enough said. If those do not back up the fact the alot of people thaught that Brady wouldnt be back then I dont know what to tell you.

ones a thread and the others dont say anything about him being done. just that hes lost for the season.

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Thank you Fvantagio, that is what I am saying. Peyton has a few more years in him. If anyone can remember so far back as a few year ago everyone was thinking that Tom Brady might not play again because of his torn ACL. Infact he came back even stronger. Lets not forget that these players have the top doctors in the world to work with. If he was so bad that he wont play again, it would have been leaked by now. Peyton will play a few more years. Its up to the Colts to decide if its with them or someone else. This happened for Montana. Lets not forget that. He had a bad injury and the Niners traded him to the Chiefs. Remeber that Montana was great for the Chiefs his last few years.

Were you one of the thousands who said he would be ready for week one?

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None of those say anything about career.......

Why would people be worried about a non-mobile QB tearing an ACL? Wr and RB have been coming back from those for 10 years now.

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Here's my delima. We have the best QB in the league, but for how long? Hopefully we won't be drafting first more than this year, and we have a shot at another QB who could be as good as Manning. (or almost, as I personally think Manning is one of a kind) Would you pass at the chance of having another Peyton Manning on your roster for the next decade?

What ever happens, it's going to be interesting to witness.

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Here's my delima. We have the best QB in the league, but for how long? Hopefully we won't be drafting first more than this year, and we have a shot at another QB who could be as good as Manning. (or almost, as I personally think Manning is one of a kind) Would you pass at the chance of having another Peyton Manning on your roster for the next decade?

What ever happens, it's going to be interesting to witness.

Luck doesn't play like Manning, so this offensive system won't work for him. Luck relies on a ridiculous running game in front of him (yes, the team depends more on that than they do on Luck), so this offensive system won't work for him. It isn't even reasonable to suggest that he could be as good as Manning, or even Tim Tebow at this point. He's a college player, in a gimmicky system that doesn't translate to the NFL. He guarantees nothing, he shores up nothing, and may not even want to come here anyway.

this isnt any old surgery peyton is coming back from. its to restore nerves. who knows how that will effect peyton's play. we need a backup plan and thats luck. and i dont know why everyone who doesnt want luck think that we dont have other draft picks and fa

It's not like it was a major injury that took him out of a game and he's been sitting ever since. It was a nagging pain that he played through, and could have continued to do so. Doctors informed him, however, that he would have developed further weakness in his throwing arm, which readily explains the decline in his deep passes. The surgery has also been described as "routine" and "career-saving," so I don't understand why people are acting as though this will be any different. If anything, Manning will feel better than he has the last three years, and will have a renaissance of sorts, the way Brady is better at 34 than he was at 24; the way Hasslebeck has; the way Warner did at 38 in Arizona; the way Favre did at 39 in Minnesota, etc. There are examples of it happening everywhere, to QB's who are nowhere near as good as Peyton.

He is the now, and is the immediate future. The Luck pick is a wasted pick if Manning is healthy. It's a waste for us if we plan on maximizing our chances to win Super Bowls in the next 5 years, and it's a waste for Luck who could be forging a legacy somewhere else instead of sitting on the bench.

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Everyone should calm down! Peyton isnt going anywhere! All these NFL analysts and ESPN writers are applying their opinion to start conversations. Manning will be back late this year, if not next season. The guy is a machine, he is fine. All this Luck talk is fueling the Manning trade/retirement talks and none of it has any truth. Number 18 has 3-5 years left of prime football playing. After, we all know he will stay in Indy as a coach/coordinator for how ever long. The guy isnt going anywhere! Yes, Polian might draft Luck, that means one thing.....that we drafted Luck. Thats it, it has notta to do with 18 except Luck will learn from him and at some point be coached by him. Thats it! IMHO, the only way we do draft Luck is if 18 is medically retired and will not play again. We do not need a QB, we have the best! We need to look at other areas, O and D lines, and RB to start.

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When did Polian become a neurosurgeon with predictive powers about nerve regeneration?

When did Polian have a clue about anything?

Even if Manning were to make an unlikely recover the 1st pick (we're getting it) should be used to get an elite QB. Manning should then be traded or released to rebuild. Part of rebuilding must also involve removing the Polians and hiring a new GM who can recruit a proper head coach and re-vamp the coaching team. This season has shown that the rot is deep and major surgery is required.

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Even if Manning is coming back, we need to rebuild this roster. Manning, Freeney, Mathis, Wayne, Clark, Brackett are not going to lead this team into the future. That window has closed.

All the more reason the Colts HAVE to take the best player available in the draft, and it looks more and more like they'll be the number 1. They have to take Luck, I don't even know how it's a debate at this point.

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All the more reason the Colts HAVE to take the best player available in the draft, and it looks more and more like they'll be the number 1. They have to take Luck, I don't even know how it's a debate at this point.

Does anyone question Luck's ability to play well next year?

......His 2011 season has not been the kind that opens the doors to the hall of Fame...and that's not in a strong conference

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I'm starting to look at it this way:

We normally pick in late 20's or even 30s. So basically, we get a free "pre-1st rd" pick this year. Since we will prob have the 1st overall pick, 2nd rd is like a 1st for us, 3rd, 4th are like 2nd & 3rd, etc.

At the beginning of the season (training camp) most were excited about the team and the talent on the team. CB was really the only concern besides perhaps safety. The additions at OL , DT, and RB were applauded 'round here.Injuries at OL, DT (our new rookies) as well as to Addai, Clark, Foster, etc, etc has had a major impact. Then theres the loss of manning. I'm very surprised we haven't won at least one game! I'm thinkin this is what I'd do if:

1. manning looks 100% (or close to it) by end of year. he practices with team but doesn't necessarily have to play in game for me. just that the team is pretty confident he is "ok". And has good chance of lasting another 2 or 3 years minimum. (in my mind another 3 years of manning is best case scenario. I hope more, but don't see it.I'm speculating here.)

A. I still like taking Luck (or other QB if is "the guy") Use all the other picks on Defense (CB,DT, maybe OL, safety) The rookie cap helps with Luck and do re-do a 3 year deal with manning. Now we have Manning back (we are assuming this) to make a run, we have our backup and heir apparent learning really good habits (film study, running offense, etc) from manning. If Manning's neck has issues, we are ready. If manning is healthy, then we have an asset in Luck we can trade, or sign to set the team up for the next 10 years.

B. We could trade the 1st pick to "beef up" for a manning run. I just think this is risky IF you truly feel Luck is as good as most think and there is that big of a gap between he and say barkley. If not, trade first pick, and take barkely or another QB and load up for manning. No one seems to mention the $$$ we'd be paying these better players when we "load up". More han the Luck cost I'm sure. I just have this feeling if we pass on Luck, the decision going forward will be as linked to the Colts as was the manning pick. But in a different way. As the biggest mistake the franchise has made. Asuming, of course, that Luck turns out to be what most think. IMO, you pay "a little more" for 2 QBs and you are protected. We need a quality backup even if Manning makes a run. The odds of him playing all 16 games in future ar far lower than they've been. We've been lucky until this year.

2. Manning's neck is still "not ready" by Feb when bonus decision needs to be made. I feel, by this date, the team still won't know the future of manning's condition. I can't see the team spending the $28 million so decisions must be made. I would hope manning would sign a 2 or 3 year deal contingent on play, etc that could escalate if things went well. If he's not "ready" by draft time, agree on this type of contract which would allow Manning to try to make his comeback while still part of the team. It could take all next year. I just don't think waiting 2 or 3 yrs for Luck is that big of a deal. It Peyton freaking Manning we're talking about. I wouldn't think Manning would want to start all over with a new team, especially coming of this injury/surgery. I could see manning taking a "pay cut" for the team allowing him this try at a "comeback" from this injury. Maybe I'm naive.

If manning isn't "ready" dy draft day, you take Luck! (assuming you think he's what most think)

If you think this year has been bad, just imagine when manning finally is done. Whether it is now or 5 years from now, things are gonna change. We've been fortunate to see ,almost intimately, what a TOP tier QB can do. Not a "good" QB, a GREAT QB. Imagine GB if Rodgers wouldn't have been what he has. Now imagine the Colts with a less-than top QB. You're looking at it now, every week. Every way I look at it, i just can't see passing on Luck. How do you "pass on Luck"? its bad kharma. And a QB named Luck with a horseshoe on the side of his head. It seems pre-ordained.

No matter what happens, next year's draft will be VERY interesting. As well as the events leading up to it.

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I'm starting to look at it this way:

We normally pick in late 20's or even 30s. So basically, we get a free "pre-1st rd" pick this year. Since we will prob have the 1st overall pick, 2nd rd is like a 1st for us, 3rd, 4th are like 2nd & 3rd, etc.

At the beginning of the season (training camp) most were excited about the team and the talent on the team. CB was really the only concern besides perhaps safety. The additions at OL , DT, and RB were applauded 'round here.Injuries at OL, DT (our new rookies) as well as to Addai, Clark, Foster, etc, etc has had a major impact. Then theres the loss of manning. I'm very surprised we haven't won at least one game! I'm thinkin this is what I'd do if:

1. manning looks 100% (or close to it) by end of year. he practices with team but doesn't necessarily have to play in game for me. just that the team is pretty confident he is "ok". And has good chance of lasting another 2 or 3 years minimum. (in my mind another 3 years of manning is best case scenario. I hope more, but don't see it.I'm speculating here.)

A. I still like taking Luck (or other QB if is "the guy") Use all the other picks on Defense (CB,DT, maybe OL, safety) The rookie cap helps with Luck and do re-do a 3 year deal with manning. Now we have Manning back (we are assuming this) to make a run, we have our backup and heir apparent learning really good habits (film study, running offense, etc) from manning. If Manning's neck has issues, we are ready. If manning is healthy, then we have an asset in Luck we can trade, or sign to set the team up for the next 10 years.

B. We could trade the 1st pick to "beef up" for a manning run. I just think this is risky IF you truly feel Luck is as good as most think and there is that big of a gap between he and say barkley. If not, trade first pick, and take barkely or another QB and load up for manning. No one seems to mention the $$$ we'd be paying these better players when we "load up". More han the Luck cost I'm sure. I just have this feeling if we pass on Luck, the decision going forward will be as linked to the Colts as was the manning pick. But in a different way. As the biggest mistake the franchise has made. Asuming, of course, that Luck turns out to be what most think. IMO, you pay "a little more" for 2 QBs and you are protected. We need a quality backup even if Manning makes a run. The odds of him playing all 16 games in future ar far lower than they've been. We've been lucky until this year.

2. Manning's neck is still "not ready" by Feb when bonus decision needs to be made. I feel, by this date, the team still won't know the future of manning's condition. I can't see the team spending the $28 million so decisions must be made. I would hope manning would sign a 2 or 3 year deal contingent on play, etc that could escalate if things went well. If he's not "ready" by draft time, agree on this type of contract which would allow Manning to try to make his comeback while still part of the team. It could take all next year. I just don't think waiting 2 or 3 yrs for Luck is that big of a deal. It Peyton freaking Manning we're talking about. I wouldn't think Manning would want to start all over with a new team, especially coming of this injury/surgery. I could see manning taking a "pay cut" for the team allowing him this try at a "comeback" from this injury. Maybe I'm naive.

If manning isn't "ready" dy draft day, you take Luck! (assuming you think he's what most think)

If you think this year has been bad, just imagine when manning finally is done. Whether it is now or 5 years from now, things are gonna change. We've been fortunate to see ,almost intimately, what a TOP tier QB can do. Not a "good" QB, a GREAT QB. Imagine GB if Rodgers wouldn't have been what he has. Now imagine the Colts with a less-than top QB. You're looking at it now, every week. Every way I look at it, i just can't see passing on Luck. How do you "pass on Luck"? its bad kharma. And a QB named Luck with a horseshoe on the side of his head. It seems pre-ordained.

No matter what happens, next year's draft will be VERY interesting. As well as the events leading up to it.

i agree good post
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I'm starting to look at it this way:

We normally pick in late 20's or even 30s. So basically, we get a free "pre-1st rd" pick this year. Since we will prob have the 1st overall pick, 2nd rd is like a 1st for us, 3rd, 4th are like 2nd & 3rd, etc.

At the beginning of the season (training camp) most were excited about the team and the talent on the team. CB was really the only concern besides perhaps safety. The additions at OL , DT, and RB were applauded 'round here.Injuries at OL, DT (our new rookies) as well as to Addai, Clark, Foster, etc, etc has had a major impact. Then theres the loss of manning. I'm very surprised we haven't won at least one game! I'm thinkin this is what I'd do if:

1. manning looks 100% (or close to it) by end of year. he practices with team but doesn't necessarily have to play in game for me. just that the team is pretty confident he is "ok". And has good chance of lasting another 2 or 3 years minimum. (in my mind another 3 years of manning is best case scenario. I hope more, but don't see it.I'm speculating here.)

A. I still like taking Luck (or other QB if is "the guy") Use all the other picks on Defense (CB,DT, maybe OL, safety) The rookie cap helps with Luck and do re-do a 3 year deal with manning. Now we have Manning back (we are assuming this) to make a run, we have our backup and heir apparent learning really good habits (film study, running offense, etc) from manning. If Manning's neck has issues, we are ready. If manning is healthy, then we have an asset in Luck we can trade, or sign to set the team up for the next 10 years.

B. We could trade the 1st pick to "beef up" for a manning run. I just think this is risky IF you truly feel Luck is as good as most think and there is that big of a gap between he and say barkley. If not, trade first pick, and take barkely or another QB and load up for manning. No one seems to mention the $$$ we'd be paying these better players when we "load up". More han the Luck cost I'm sure. I just have this feeling if we pass on Luck, the decision going forward will be as linked to the Colts as was the manning pick. But in a different way. As the biggest mistake the franchise has made. Asuming, of course, that Luck turns out to be what most think. IMO, you pay "a little more" for 2 QBs and you are protected. We need a quality backup even if Manning makes a run. The odds of him playing all 16 games in future ar far lower than they've been. We've been lucky until this year.

2. Manning's neck is still "not ready" by Feb when bonus decision needs to be made. I feel, by this date, the team still won't know the future of manning's condition. I can't see the team spending the $28 million so decisions must be made. I would hope manning would sign a 2 or 3 year deal contingent on play, etc that could escalate if things went well. If he's not "ready" by draft time, agree on this type of contract which would allow Manning to try to make his comeback while still part of the team. It could take all next year. I just don't think waiting 2 or 3 yrs for Luck is that big of a deal. It Peyton freaking Manning we're talking about. I wouldn't think Manning would want to start all over with a new team, especially coming of this injury/surgery. I could see manning taking a "pay cut" for the team allowing him this try at a "comeback" from this injury. Maybe I'm naive.

If manning isn't "ready" dy draft day, you take Luck! (assuming you think he's what most think)

If you think this year has been bad, just imagine when manning finally is done. Whether it is now or 5 years from now, things are gonna change. We've been fortunate to see ,almost intimately, what a TOP tier QB can do. Not a "good" QB, a GREAT QB. Imagine GB if Rodgers wouldn't have been what he has. Now imagine the Colts with a less-than top QB. You're looking at it now, every week. Every way I look at it, i just can't see passing on Luck. How do you "pass on Luck"? its bad kharma. And a QB named Luck with a horseshoe on the side of his head. It seems pre-ordained.

No matter what happens, next year's draft will be VERY interesting. As well as the events leading up to it.

there are future NFL QBs in this coming draft not named Luck...

Maybe we should try our luck with them.. and repair the 'd" in the first 2 rounds..

I'm worried that if we draft Andrew Luck and Manning cant play..we're 0-16 again..

..because Andrew might prove to be a better player on SportsCenter than he is any place else..

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We won't know anything until manning and his doctors say he can practice. Then he can see if he is up to another season or if it just doesn't feel the same. I think relying on manning next year and not getting a good quality qb in the draft is a huge risk. Manning coming off neck surgery all it's going to take is one bad hit and we r reliving this season over again next year.

Did Manning hurt his neck because he was hit....

Doenst his family have a history of back problems

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When did Polian become a neurosurgeon with predictive powers about nerve regeneration?

I was unaware neurosurgeons are responsible for player management for NFL organizations :rolleyes:

Polian obviously thinks Manning will be back healthy or he wouldn't say that

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Thank you Fvantagio, that is what I am saying. Peyton has a few more years in him. If anyone can remember so far back as a few year ago everyone was thinking that Tom Brady might not play again because of his torn ACL. Infact he came back even stronger. Lets not forget that these players have the top doctors in the world to work with. If he was so bad that he wont play again, it would have been leaked by now. Peyton will play a few more years. Its up to the Colts to decide if its with them or someone else. This happened for Montana. Lets not forget that. He had a bad injury and the Niners traded him to the Chiefs. Remeber that Montana was great for the Chiefs his last few years.

No one knows how many years Peyton has. He may not have any. Or, he may decide that football isn't worth the potential injury, now that he has twin daughters.

Neck injuries have ended careers before, even players who decided to be cautious (see: Andy Katzenmoyer).

He may return, but his neck motion will be more limited than it was before, and you have no idea how his nerves in his neck will act.

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No one knows how many years Peyton has. He may not have any. Or, he may decide that football isn't worth the potential injury, now that he has twin daughters.

Neck injuries have ended careers before, even players who decided to be cautious (see: Andy Katzenmoyer).

He may return, but his neck motion will be more limited than it was before, and you have no idea how his nerves in his neck will act.

Small correction. Peyton (or I should say Ashley :) ) had a boy and a girl.

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When it comes to Petyon you two possibilities, the first being his career is over and you move on. Option 2 is he returns next year plays and has maybe 3-4 years left max in his career. Either way we are at the end of his career and thus the team must begin the process of replacment and reorganization. With that thought you have to look at whom is the best option for the QB position post Manning, so it's up to the Polians to make that decision if that player is in this upcoming draft or a year or so out.

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The whole situation is simple. If Peyton is healthy, then we trade down and use all our picks on defense. Wee also gtab ajother qb in the later rounds as we definitely know we need a better qb. My personal choice would be moore who would be a perfect understudy to manning. If Peyton is not healthy then we take a qb who could start right away. I wiuld rather trade down n grab barkley or RG3. Luck is good but he doesnt wow me more than those two. everything depends on manning's health. I still am 100% confident he'll play next year n lead us to a sb.

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I cant believe so many peeps are acting like Manning is gone forever. Really. Just stop. Manning is going to be back next year so calm down. We need alot of help, and I think he knows it. So just wait to see what happens in the off season and stop thinking that some kid out of college is the answer.

How do you know Manning is going to be back next year? Do you have some insider information? Because the last time he spoke to the media it sounded like he was still having the same problem he had before he had surgery. He still said that his nerve regeneration was going slow. If that nerve doesn't come back then we will probably have seen the last of Manning.

Your last sentence is particularly amusing. Whether you think Manning is done or you think he is going to play until he is 50, at some point a QB out of college is going to have to be the answer.

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How do you know Manning is going to be back next year? Do you have some insider information? Because the last time he spoke to the media it sounded like he was still having the same problem he had before he had surgery. He still said that his nerve regeneration was going slow. If that nerve doesn't come back then we will probably have seen the last of Manning.

Your last sentence is particularly amusing. Whether you think Manning is done or you think he is going to play until he is 50, at some point a QB out of college is going to have to be the answer.

Bingo! I've not watched enough college football to know if passing on Luck and going for Barkley or Jones or RG3 makes sense, but if there is a stand-out who has the CHANCE to be great, it will be hard to pass it by.

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How do you know Manning is going to be back next year? Do you have some insider information? Because the last time he spoke to the media it sounded like he was still having the same problem he had before he had surgery. He still said that his nerve regeneration was going slow. If that nerve doesn't come back then we will probably have seen the last of Manning.

Your last sentence is particularly amusing. Whether you think Manning is done or you think he is going to play until he is 50, at some point a QB out of college is going to have to be the answer.

You actually responded with this 50 year old stuff. C'mon Man! Of course we will need another QB. I think its great to pick Luck or Barkley. But, no college QB is going to come in here next year and get us into the playoffs. That just doesnt happen. It will take a few years, and take alot of other changes for that to happen, unless Peyton is healthy next year.

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You actually responded with this 50 year old stuff. C'mon Man! Of course we will need another QB. I think its great to pick Luck or Barkley. But, no college QB is going to come in here next year and get us into the playoffs. That just doesnt happen. It will take a few years, and take alot of other changes for that to happen, unless Peyton is healthy next year.

That's not what you said in your original post. As Jim Irsay says, it's not one or the other, we could possibly keep Manning and draft a QB number 1 overall. No on in their right mind thinks that Luck or Barkley could come in here next year and take this joke of a team to the playoffs, but at some point we are going to need to draft a QB to take us in a new direction. Even if they clear Manning to play next year, I still think we need to draft a QB. Manning is going to be 36 years old, and he would be coming off his 3rd neck surgery. He is one good hit from being done.

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I was unaware neurosurgeons are responsible for player management for NFL organizations :rolleyes:

Polian obviously thinks Manning will be back healthy or he wouldn't say that

I'll not respond - I can't give an honest response without getting crosswise with the mods for being negative! :)


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With a lot of the hype and hysteria over Luck in the media (and with some fans) you would think that Luck is the last franchise quarterback who will ever be available.

If Peyton actually has 4 more years, his replacement may not even be in college yet. A player we haven't heard of yet could end up being an even better prospect than Luck. We just don't know.

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