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colts run game


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I have no idea what this means........

It means taht he doesn't watch the games, just sees the box score and watches thigns like the espn game tracker, and listens to the radio when possible.  Which is why he responded "nice excuse" because that person said to Loneranger that he probably didn't watch the game and just read the box score to form his opinion on whether Trent is good or bad.

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Trent runs tough past the line of scrimmage but when ther is no hole he does the stutter step thing which never works. He should be our 3rd down back or releas valve in passing situations

The stutter step has never fooled anyone, don't know why the coaches haven't beaten that out of him yet.

I guess some men are born to dance and you just can't take that out of them.

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There where a couple times where it seemed to me that he missed cutback lanes where he could have picked up 5 yards as opposed to 1 or 2.


I'm a little worried that he lacks vision.

[ /quote] I agree, Trent doesn't seem to have vision, he makes the wrong read a lot of the time. I want Richardson to excel more than anyone, but I just don't see it happening, he simply doesn't have the vision to hit the right lane. When confused about which lane to take, he almost comes to a complete stop, and then starts stutter stepping. I hate this, and have been behind Trent all the way, but it's time to stop making excuses, and try to figure out who is going take his carries and help this team win. Trent is a very good pass blocker and as a receiver and we can still use him for this, but if after three or four games we're getting the same results, I say give his carries to Herron or Tipton. Herron has great burst and good moves, but seems weak at pass blocking. Tipton has great vision and explodes when he sees a lane, I'd like to see how Tipton could do with some first team carries, and he's the type of back that would get stronger, and dish out more punishment as the game goes on. Like I said I've been behind Trent the whole time, and can still see the power and speed, but vision is a must, and a natural ability, all good running backs are born with it, you can't teach it.

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Nice excuse. Almost as good as last weeks or even last year's. I have already said that I cannot get a feed on the game. I listened on radio and watched on a play by play site on the internet. 2.3 to 2.5 yards per carry is all this guy has done since he came to the Colts. He is the third best or lower running back on this team. When will everyone including management just realized he is a bust and move on with some journeymen running backs who will be much better than TR.

Excuse..? You admitted you didn't see the game, so how can you give an assessment when all you have to go on is what you heard, or think you heard, and the stats you read. Funny how those of us who watched the game share a different view than yourself.

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Trent lacks toughness it takes


Yeah you got to explode to the line and he doesn't do that he dances around he lacks toughness

I hardly think its a lack of toughness. The dude played 9 games in his rookie season with two broken ribs. I think the problem is he has to slow down to wait for the hole to open and although he's fast, he doesn't have the acceleration of someone like Donald Brown to squeeze through the tiny creases that our terrible line produces. I think as the season goes on and hopefully the line starts to gel while Holmes, Mewhort and Thornton improve, then holes should open up better and Trent can explode through with a head of steam. I also think TRich would look much better if you stop putting him into the power formations. We don't have the line to play like the 49ers. I expect for most every pick, from now on, to be put into the offensive line and defense.

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How can you call a guy a bust when he rushed for 950yrds and received for over 350yrds in his rookie season?.  Last season was a complete disruption for him, with having to change teams after a few games into the season.


Also, everyone seems to totally disregard all he does when he's not got the ball--the protection he gives Luck would be up there with any RB in the League.  He didn't get the ypc of a Foles last year, but at least he protected his QB from getting repeatedly sacked.

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How can you call a guy a bust when he rushed for 950yrds and received for over 350yrds in his rookie season?.  Last season was a complete disruption for him, with having to change teams after a few games into the season.


Also, everyone seems to totally disregard all he does when he's not got the ball--the protection he gives Luck would be up there with any RB in the League.  He didn't get the ypc of a Foles last year, but at least he protected his QB from getting repeatedly sacked.

He throws some great blocks downfield too. There were a couple times they split him out and although I don't think he had any catches, he made some great blocks to get additional yardage for the receiver.

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2 games into the PRE SEASON and people like the loneranger are ready too give up hope on TRich after limited number of carries? C'mon. The first game against the jets before Holmes went out Trent looked great. Against the giants with a center and starting guard out of course its going too be hard for anyone to really run the ball. However this year I dont think our O-line is going too be nearly as bad, but our biggest negative in the run game is Pep. The colts are not a run too set up the pass, we are a pass to set up the run and thats going too be the way it stays for a long time. If we keep shoving the ball into the defense with power formation then of course its not going too work. Its as predictable as the leaves changing every year. Trent will have success if we pass to set up the run and not be as predictable. Yea there's an amount of making excuses for a guy, however calling someone terrible when there thrown into crappy situations should be self explanatory. This thread makes me wonder how many "colts fans" will be boooing when he plays well

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If he needs a top 10 offensive line to be effective then he is a bust to the Colts because they are years from having that. Too many high dollar players to keep to bring in anyone good, and Grigson seems to be in no hurry to draft a decent line.


Grigson has had 3 drafts.


In his 2nd draft,  he used his 2nd and 3rd picks on OL  (3rd round Thornton and 4th round Holmes)  


And in his 3rd draft he used his 1st pick on an OL (2nd round, Mewhort)


He's used premium picks to build his OL....   it's just taking longer than anyone would like....


Sometimes that happens.....

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Trent lacks toughness it takes


One thing Trent does not lack is toughness.


We need to run formations that look the same, but can be ran or passed from based on the looks that Luck gets. Someone stated earlier in the thread about it bn obvious when we're running and I'd agree with that. Lets give the guys a chance


Play calling and O-line, but mostly play calling IMO. It's so so obvious when we are going to run... There's like 7 guys on the line, and a fullback, which is a formation that I haven't seen us pass out of very much at all. In my opinion, we should try running some out of the shotgun w/5-6 lineman and no fullback, and similar formations. As for the o-line, we were missing 2 starters tonight, so that's my excuse for that.



I agree.  I don't think the first team threw the ball out of 21 personnel even once, but they did quite a bit with the 2nd and 3rd teams.  IMO, if they want the run game to be successful with 21 personnel then they need to throw more out of those formations.

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I always liked that about Tom Moore, that he was brilliant and gave Peyton "concepts" and he could change the same formation from a pass to a run, either side, depending on how the defense is lining up. Even the best get stuffed at times when they know whats coming... Our run game will be fine, as long as we stick with it and let them run downhill through the 4th quarter and beat up their backers and safties... ha ha.

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I always liked that about Tom Moore, that he was brilliant and gave Peyton "concepts" and he could change the same formation from a pass to a run, either side, depending on how the defense is lining up. Even the best get stuffed at times when they know whats coming... Our run game will be fine, as long as we stick with it and let them run downhill through the 4th quarter and beat up their backers and safties... ha ha.

of course this is just pre season and they're testing things..........I'm betting we'll see some play action out of those bunch sets that they like to run out of so much........at least the pass blocking is vastly improved so far.

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The problem is Richardson, he still doesn't have the vision and dances behind the line of scrimmage instead of making one cut and go. The o-line isn't the best but it's serviceable, Brown and Bradshaw both ran the ball well last year. So far, Boom Herron has played like the best RB on the roster.

He's developed some bad RB habits with his stutter-step. Keeps him from making an explosive start (which he doesn't naturally have). He might be able to unlearn those habits. Time will tell (but he doesn't have very long).

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I agree.  I don't think the first team threw the ball out of 21 personnel even once, but they did quite a bit with the 2nd and 3rd teams.  IMO, if they want the run game to be successful with 21 personnel then they need to throw more out of those formations.


They ran Spider 3 Y Banana the very first time they used that grouping, and Luck hit a stumbling, bumbling Mario Harvey in the right flat for a four yard gain. You never go broke making a profit... but it would be nice if Harvey could get his hands and feet to work at the same time.

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Grigson has had 3 drafts.


In his 2nd draft,  he used his 2nd and 3rd picks on OL  (3rd round Thornton and 4th round Holmes)  


And in his 3rd draft he used his 1st pick on an OL (2nd round, Mewhort)


He's used premium picks to build his OL....   it's just taking longer than anyone would like....


Sometimes that happens.....


I didn't feel like wasting my energy making this point, but I'm glad someone took the time to do so.

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They ran Spider 3 Y Banana the very first time they used that grouping, and Luck hit a stumbling, bumbling Mario Harvey in the right flat for a four yard gain. You never go broke making a profit... but it would be nice if Harvey could get his hands and feet to work at the same time.

Ah yes I'd forgotten about that. Yeah Harvey was less than graceful on that play lol
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Are you kidding?    I stole my post from a recent one of yours.    I was concerned you might sue me for plagiarism!!


Sorry I didn't give you credit!


That's kind of my point, LOL. Only so many times you can repeat the same thing over and over again before you start going crazy.

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When Trent gets stuffed at the line, there just isn't a hole to go threw. The D always seems to be

waiting for him. It has nothing to do with vision or Burst. Jim Brown wouldn't get yards either.

I know some of say Donald Brown played behind the same line and got yards. Well he wasn't going threw

the same holes, and he did get some blocking.

Numbers can be very misleading.

The reason being is that Brown was quick enough to get through the line before it would close. T- Rich is

so frickin' slow, our linemen have to hold the block for an eternity until he can waddle through the opening.


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He's developed some bad RB habits with his stutter-step. Keeps him from making an explosive start (which he doesn't naturally have). He might be able to unlearn those habits. Time will tell (but he doesn't have very long).

If Bradshaw is healthy, he should get the majority of the carries. He's a better RB then Trent in every way, I don't see any improvement in Trent's game. Bradshaw will do better with the same offensive line.

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Brown and Bradshaw ran well last season? Really? The Colts were rated 26th in the league last year.


 So you have NO idea at all how many times they carried the ball last season or how productive they were when they did. Thanks for the input.


 We have no quality O-Lineman. Holmes has the best shot to be a top 15 at his position but....

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    • Yes. Just like you might want to try to make a player drop to you, you might want to bump up the stock of another player so he gets taken ahead of you and this drops another player you actually like to your team.  This to me looks even worse. This provides even further layers of anonymity and even more questions about the veracity of the report. With what McGinn is doing at least we know where(generally) this is coming from and what the potential pitfalls might be(conflict of interest). If he generalizes it to "People are saying"... this could be anyone... it could be a scout... it could be an exec... it could be an actual coach of the player(this might actually be valuable)... or it could be a water boy the player didn't give an autograph to... In a certain way it makes it easier to ignore, but it feels worse to me because of lack of specificity about the reliability of the source.  There is a lot of appetite for more and more information about the players. I'm not so sure there is a ton of appetite for anonymous reports about character failings specifically. In fact, I think those are some of my least favorite pieces of content around the draft. I think there is TONS of good(and some bad) substantiated, analytical, narrative content for fans to consume without going into the gutter of dirt that a lot of those anonymous reports are dealing with. Unless it is factually substantiated(example, player X is being charged with Y crime, i.e. there's actual case... it's all fair game to explore that...)    Someone pointed out that it was Ballard that went to Marcus Peters' house and spent a couple of days with him and his family to give the OK to the Chiefs to draft him. Ballard is not a stranger to having to clear a prospect's character for his team so they'd be able to draft him. IMO he seems very confident in his read on Mitchell. I don't think he'd go to that length to defend his player the day he drafts him if he didn't really think the things he said. And I really think he feels strongly about this. I guess we will see in due time if he was right. 
    • Does the same dynamic and conflict exist when it's a positive report, based on unnamed sources?    What if a reporter just generalizes this information, without offering quotes? 'People I've talked to have concerns about this player's maturity...' Is the standard the same in that case?   I think if media didn't share these anonymous insights, the stuff we love to consume during draft season would dry up, and we'd be in the dark. There's a voracious appetite for this kind of information. That doesn't mean the media has no responsibility and shouldn't be held to some kind of standard, but I think your standard is more strict than it needs to be. JMO.   To the bolded, I think that's the job of the scouts, and it's one of the reasons there's a HUGE difference between watching video, and actually scouting. That's why teams who have access to film and independent scouting reports still pay their own scouts to go into the schools, talk to the coaches, talk to family and friends, etc., and write up in-depth reports on players that they'll likely never draft. I'm confident the Colts got sufficient answers to those questions, which is why I'm not concerned about it. If the Colts didn't have a reputation for being so thorough with stuff like this, I might feel differently.
    • Not sure. To me a lot of those (not just about AD) read very gross and icky, especially coming from people who have things to gain from perpetuating a narrative. IMO unless it's factually supported, you probably shouldn't print it(this is specifically about character/attitude things... things that we cannot see with our own eyes on the field - about those... go wild... print whatever you want, unless you are concerned with looking foolish). Or at the very least you should make everything possible to corroborate it with people who are close to the situation - for example, your anonymous scout tells you AD Mitchell is uncoachable. You do NOT print this unless a coach who has worked with him confirms it. Your anonymous scout tells you that when AD Mitchell is not taking care of his blood sugar levels, he's hard to work with. OK, this seems reasonable enough. But does it give an accurate picture of what it is like to work with Mitchell? In other words - how often does that actually happen? Because Mitchell's interview with Destin seems to suggest that he's been taking the necessary measures to control his blood sugar levels. Did it happen like once or twice in the span of 3 years in college? Or is it happening every second practice? Because when you write it like McGinn wrote it and then suggest that he's uncoachable, what's the picture that comes to your head? And the fact that your scout also told you "but when his blood sugar is ok, he's great", doesn't really do anything to balance the story here. 
    • Got it. But what do you think should be done about this?
    • I mean that anonymous scouts and anonymous execs work for some team in the league. Those teams have interests very separate from the interests of the reporters giving them platform... 
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