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Terry Bradshaw criticizes peyton


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bradshaw wasn't good even compared to others of his time. Stabler, Tarkenton Zorn

Statistically speaking, none of them are impressive compared to modern standards. Heck, both Stabler and Zorn have more interceptions than TD's. I just don't like comparing statistics when one guy played 35 yrs ago. Having said that, Bradshaw can't hold Manning's jock.

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This is the most anyone's cared about anything Terry Bradshaw said in a long time.


It sounds like it was an off-the-cuff remark. It's not the Super Bowls that hurt Manning IMO as much as his overall playoff record. Even a lot of the all-time greats hover around .500, but being sub-.500 doesn't jive with the rest of his career performances/numbers. Don't get me wrong, it's a team sport, and I'm not one to bash needlessly. But I do believe in the validity of win/loss records for QBs, assuming there is an adequate enough sampling.




What Bradshaw said does have an element of truth in it but sometimes, when a guy acts like a clown and played on loaded teams, and cries wolf several times during his time as an analyst, his words will definitely not be taken as seriously, fair or not.


Like I alluded to it before, Peyton's turnovers in playoff games have often put the Colts and recently Broncos in a tough spot, field position wise, that more often than not the defense cannot overcome it and he won only when his D overcame it. However, to give credit where it is due, he had 1 INT going into the 2009 SB and 2013 SB vs the Saints and Seahawks respectively having played an outstanding AFCCG prior to that, much like the 2006 SB. But then, that is the most you can expect from Peyton, it seems like, one real good playoff game in a run where he performs like the "expected" norm, with the expectations coming from a regular season of .500-.600 opponents that has to be factored in. The rest of the playoff games, his team support comes into picture more often than not.


One stat I am curious about, what is Peyton's record in the regular season vs opponents that had a bye week to study him and he had a bye week too? Because Peyton does not offer too much "out of the box" improvization, it seems like he is easier to prepare for given 2 weeks for elite Ds because his tendencies are simple that he relies on timing and out-executing opponents but if there is a checkmate on plays against elite Ds, there is no extra element of Houdini escape like Eli did or hail mary Flacco arm or Rodgers/Big Ben movement outside the pocket etc. and he tends to force it. The fact that it rained in 2006 actually helped the Colts (though the Bears played in an outside stadium) because it indirectly forced Peyton to go away from his pass happy ways, I felt and Rex Grossman sealed the deal on the other side. Colts still had 3 turnovers but the Bears had 5 :). Of course, I will take a SB, no matter how I get it but matchups do matter when it is the playoffs.

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Bradshaw should stick to being a terrible talking head, and making abysmal weight loss commercials. To quote Richard Pryor "Tell Terry to have a Coke and smile and shut the heck up." Okay so I cleaned that quote up a bit. Just a bit.

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AND...He better NOT!!!


That would be the best way to lose his job!  He is pompous enough without mouthing off about something as serious as cancer.

I think the fact that Kelly lost 4 super bowls in a row not the fact he has cancer is what was being commented on.

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That's a tad unfair. It's not like Manning could post his modern numbers in the NFL of 1975

I was thinking the same thing. The defenses dominated in those days. head slaps, holding the receivers, chop blocks, head shots and the QB getting the crap beat out of him was the norm in the days Bradshaw played. QBs were not protected and Bradshaw himself suffered some pretty serious injuries in his carreer. To compare the numbers of old QBs to todays QBs is being way too narrow minded in my opinion.

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I think a difference with Favre can be that not many call him the GOAT publicly or best ever like they do with Manning. People have come to EXPECT more from Peyton.....the best ever label has been going on for some time. With the best ever label also comes more criticism when you don't deliver in big games whether it is fair or not. Same with Lebron James at times in the NBA. Many think Favre is among the best ever but they don't often call him GOAT like they do with Manning/Brady.


Favre also doesn't seem to still have the rabid following Peyton has. Favre has had his media ups and downs over the years and lost some of that golden boy image. Manning has a much more revered image for the NFL and fans.

Wow, Jules that 1st sentence is sheer poetry especially the part "People have come to EXPECT more from Peyton." That is the crux of the argument right there. With all the attention #18 garnishes or generates by the media, coaches, & his peers I expect more success than I typically see. Now, given that Peyton was instrumental in guiding his team to the SB, I will lessen my level of scrutiny on Manning for now because he exceeded my expectations & got to the big dance since 2009. 


It still disturbs me that Peyton fails to own up individually to his Seattle SB loss in February & the media is okay with no critique from Manning regarding his role in the less than stellar performance. I don't know maybe it's a defense mechanism on 18's part pretend it didn't happen, not discuss the final outcome, & just move on. Personally, I would have more respect for a QB who says "I tried to win, had an off night, & crashed & burned." Never, never, never use the team persona as a human shield to duck responsibility from a Lombardi loss. "We did not play well." Ah no, you did not play well 18. Yes, football is a team sport but the buck stops with the HC & the QB & this is a results oriented business. 


I'm trying to think back to 4 Jim Kelly Buffalo Bills SB losses in a row & whether or not he took the brunt of the blame as the figure head of the franchise in the 1990's or not. I need to look that up out of fairness to Peyton & my issue with Manning's lack of personal ownership over the Broncos meltdown in February. 


I'm not trying to discredit Manning or upset diehard 18 fans here, but I still believe Peyton handled the loss completely wrong publicly via the Natl. media. Let the backlash begin...


I am glad that John Elway went heavy on defense this off season. I'm not rooting for the Broncos to fail. I just need everyone on that squad to be honest about why they lost: Poor protection on the o-line, no intimidation on defense, & WRs who were not used to be punched in the mouth & physically manhandled. The Broncos learned valuable lessons from this collapse. I just hope that Denver gets tough, mean, & nasty ASAP. 


I pardon Wes Welker from any WR criticism BTW because that dude was still working hard to make catches all game long. I will never call Wes Welker soft ever. I love that man's fire & grit!  :thmup:

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The dude was an average QB with the all-time most dominant defense during the entire 70s.  If Manning had the 2000 Ravens defense for 7 years, he would have won 7 superbowls.  Heck, most QBs who had that defense for 7 years would have won 7 superbowls - even Bradshaw at his then current age.

Bingo! I often wonder if you switched cities & brothers Peyton would have 3 SBs in the Big Apple easy. Why? Because GM Jerry Reese's bread & butter is defensive pass rush vs GM Bill Polian who loved offensive quickness & speed. My point here is this: 18 can make anybody look like a Pro Bowl TE or WR but, Manning has no control over the defense.


Give Manning Tuck, JPP, & Strahan in their prime & everything thing else will fall into place... :lombardi:  :lombardi:  :lombardi:


There is the double edged sword though: If Peyton failed to win a SB in NY he was expected to win & didn't the enormous media market there would never allow Peyton to duck responsibility for his role in a SB loss. There is nowhere & I mean nowhere an elite QB can hide in Gotham City.


They will hunt you down & demand an answer & a nonsense PC answer will never fly in a million years. Just ask Eli he knows what I'm talking about exceptionally well.  haha

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Couldn't the same argument be made about Brett Favre as well Terry? Another soon to be HOF QB that you revered & hold in the highest esteem? Favre lost SBs or SB runs in 1998 & 2009 & without  Desmond Howard's kickoff return for a TD Favre would have no ring period. Remember that Terry. 


Also considering that you played with the 70's Steel Curtain during your career, don't you think that they played a large role in your overall success? Hmmm...

Garauntee that one bad A.. team

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I pardon Wes Welker from any WR criticism BTW because that dude was still working hard to make catches all game long. I will never call Wes Welker soft ever. I love that man's fire & grit!  :thmup:

Note to HC John Fox: Never put Wes Welker on on punt return duties ever again please because I just don't trust him serving in that capacity. NE fans will probably back me up on this one too. Clutch 3rd & long WR. PR? I can't even look man. Yikes!   :whew:  :beg:  :Yikes:


Sorry Wes I love ya to death man, but SW1 calls it like he sees it.


P.S. I defended you during that crucial SB drop & I always will...I root for tough as nails short guys because my youngest nephew is short, but a scrappy little wrestler man.


He never quits or throws in the towel just like Welker. Okay, back on topic. My bad. 

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Terry Bradshaw is one man... a delusional old man who would rather toot his own horn than praise someone else.


I can find an equally senile man that thinks Peyton is the greatest. Who do we believe?

Yeah FX is right. Terry Bradshaw is the Forrest Gump of NFL TV pundits hands down. I never take that fool seriously. Howie Long is the counter balance of reason on Fox sports & he looks like Albert Einstein next to Terry.

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I'm trying to think back to 4 Jim Kelly Buffalo Bills SB losses in a row & whether or not he took the brunt of the blame as the figure head of the franchise in the 1990's or not. I need to look that up out of fairness to Peyton & my issue with Manning's lack of personal ownership over the Broncos meltdown in February. 

This is the closest article I have ever seen addressing the Buffalo Bills 4 consecutive SB losses. See Below: 




"The further we're removed from those games," Kelly said, "the more people appreciate what we were able to do." 


VL made this great point once. Bill Belichick is a HOF coach because he won 3 Championships in the free agency era. Remember Reggie White went to Green Bay in 1992 at the onset of Free Agency from Philadelphia. How much did Buffalo Bills HC Marv Levy & GM Bill Polian have to contend with free agency during their historical NFL run? Not much. 


Kelly: "As time went by, people started realizing how hard it was to go back year after year, and lose. If you talk to any player about that, I guarantee 99% of the players would say that would never be done again, and probably say they don't know how we did it..."People always ask, would you rather win one time or go four times and lose. It's a hard question. But to be honest with you, I would rather go four times and lose."


Wow Jim, I'm greedy but practical. If I was in your shoes knowing then what I know now, I'd say that I would take 1 ring vs 4 SB losses. Just like if I were 18, I'd trade in 3 of my 5 MVPs for 2 SB rings. But, maybe I am in the minority here with my projected dream for lack of a better phrase. Rings mean everything to me legacy wise though. I will acknowledge that openly without any reservations. 


Yes, I realize NFL careers entail more than just rings, but let's get real here: What's the 1st question the HOF selection committee asks when evaluating a player's credentials into this exclusive yellow jacket club? How many SBs did he play in & how many did he actually win? 


Hades, I want Championships plural so bad that if I were Peyton Manning I would trade all my MVP Awards combined just for a 2nd SB ring. Nobody remembers season stats or TD records 50 years from now, but bling lasts forever baby & as HOF 49ers QB Steve Young infamously said, "Nobody can ever, ever take a Championship away from you." 

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What brought this on??  


Has Manning ever knocked Bradshaw?


it was a comment he made on some one-one interview with himself. the link is provided in the first page of the thread by a poster

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What brought this on??  


Has Manning ever knocked Bradshaw?

Terry Bradshaw being his usual class clown self. He just loves being in the limelight for saying stupid stuff & getting his name mentioned all over the internet & social media. Manning is always a gentlemen who won't stoop to these lame 3 Stooges tactics. And why should he? Terry Bradshaw has never been known as a deep thinker with profound insight. This is exactly what happens when an aging HOF QB can't handle the fact that many of his younger viewing audience only knows Terry as a goof ball commentator vs Pittsburgh field general. 


Translation: Terry is ticked off that Manning gets more praise by current NFL fans than he does outside of Pennsylvania. Could Terry have taken another franchise to the SB after a severe neck injury? Absolutely not. 


Let's put Terry Bradshaw in Dallas with a crappy defense & see what he does. I'd love to watch that train wreck. LOL!  "I've got my popcorn ready." --Terrell Owens famous line. 


Look, I've been tough on Manning but fair vs Bradshaw who inserts the symbolic knife in 18's back & says "What? What did I say? How come the masses are getting so angry at me? The difference here is that I believe the Manning window is not closed yet. There is still time to make his presence felt & show the league what 18 is really made of after that embarrassing loss. The Broncos last SB run proved that they can get to the SB. Now just seal the deal & cross the darn finish line.  


Perfect weather at Met Life stadium & the Broncos come up short. Sigh...That's the biggest indictment against 18 that I can never shake. How do you fizzle out with great conditions? No wind, no rain, & no snow? Sigh...

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For what it's worth,  here's the story about this quip....




There's video too.     Apparently,  Bradshaw had a one-man stage show where he talks about his life and about football to the audience and he says the joke just sort of popped out.     Insists he was kidding, but he won't apologize because while the joke was tasteless, he says it was only a joke, so no need to apologize.    He think Manning will brush it off...





No offense....but another controversial statement promoted by TMZ.  Real winners.  Are they trying to be the National Enquirer gossip mag for the interent?

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No offense....but another controversial statement promoted by TMZ.  Real winners.  Are they trying to be the National Enquirer gossip mag for the interent?


Say what you will about TMZ,  but when they come out with a story,  they're rarely wrong.


They cover entertainment....    it's filled with all sorts of characters....


Not sure what your objection is...

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Terry Bradshaw being his usual class clown self. He just loves being in the limelight for saying stupid stuff & getting his name mentioned all over the internet & social media. Manning is always a gentlemen who won't stoop to these lame 3 Stooges tactics. And why should he? Terry Bradshaw has never been known as a deep thinker with profound insight. This is exactly what happens when an aging HOF QB can't handle the fact that many of his younger viewing audience only knows Terry as a goof ball commentator vs Pittsburgh field general. 


Translation: Terry is ticked off that Manning gets more praise by current NFL fans than he does outside of Pennsylvania. Could Terry have taken another franchise to the SB after a severe neck injury? Absolutely not. 


Let's put Terry Bradshaw in Dallas with a crappy defense & see what he does. I'd love to watch that train wreck. LOL!  "I've got my popcorn ready." --Terrell Owens famous line. 


Look, I've been tough on Manning but fair vs Bradshaw who inserts the symbolic knife in 18's back & says "What? What did I say? How come the masses are getting so angry at me? The difference here is that I believe the Manning window is not closed yet. There is still time to make his presence felt & show the league what 18 is really made of after that embarrassing loss. The Broncos last SB run proved that they can get to the SB. Now just seal the deal & cross the darn finish line.  


Perfect weather at Met Life stadium & the Broncos come up short. Sigh...That's the biggest indictment against 18 that I can never shake. How do you fizzle out with great conditions? No wind, no rain, & no snow? Sigh...

 Low temperatures were your biggest perceived achilles heel & the powers that be took that weakness away. I'm not blaming Peyton here. I just can't wrap my head around why a gift like that was not taken advantage of. Okay yes, that Seattle defense was a monster I know even NE would have lost to them I think given the extent of their roster injuries. I just wish I knew why Brady excels in bad weather & Manning doesn't exactly flourish. He struggles in snow to be kind. 


I wanna solve this dilemma not crucify Manning for it. I do respect Brady because he can win in almost any type of bad weather. I am just stumped over this weather pink elephant in the room that's all. I know how hard both men prepare to win. I just wish I could close this 18 weather pandora's box once & for all. 

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No offense....but another controversial statement promoted by TMZ.  Real winners.  Are they trying to be the National Enquirer gossip mag for the interent?

NCF was just trying to provide another resource which had a link that played Terry Bradshaw's exact words & captured his tone, a very useful tool IMHO. 


Besides, if I remember correctly, NCF acknowledged that TMZ was not the most reputable news agency. To me, he provided all the necessary details: Tone, context, exact words, & he informed his audience what all responsible journalists do: He admitted that TMZ is not as objective & trustworthy as say the NY Times. Thank you NCF.  :thmup:

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Thanks.....    I'll be sure to pass it along to the people I know who work for the show!


If you look at the Bradshaw story and tape,   there's not much to be wrong about.   It's all right there on the tape.

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Thanks..... I'll be sure to pass it along to the people I know who work for the show!

If you look at the Bradshaw story and tape, there's not much to be wrong about. It's all right there on the tape.

fair enough, but they aren't a reputable news source

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Say what you will about TMZ,  but when they come out with a story,  they're rarely wrong.


They cover entertainment....    it's filled with all sorts of characters....


Not sure what your objection is...


For me, its not about accuracy...its about content and intent.  Using a relatively obscure statement, or even a private one, to spark controversy, or embarrassment, in order to increase viewers seems like a chinsey way to make a living.


Back in the day, when media people had to go to journalism school, and be trained by newspapers, TV, Radio stations etc,before they could get heard, the less talented reporters would chase accidents and try to get all of the gore on TV.....increase ratings.  The station managers wouldn't allow it.


And...it was always possible for any bimbo to hide a tape recorder, press the record button, and leave it on until her old sugar daddy said something stupid.  She could pop the tape out the next day, and try to sell it to the radio station.  The less talented DJ's would try to use that tape to embarrass the old fool and start controversy because it helped ratings, and ultimately money.  But the properly trained station managers wouldn't allow that kind of thing, which sacrificed ratings.


Now, any bimbo with a recorder can sell it to any crackpot with a website, and the money can flow into that website unfettered.


I guess I object to the people who choose to profit off of someone else's embarrassment and controversy as a career path.

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fair enough, but they aren't a reputable news source

I agree TMZ is not a high caliber news organization Jvan, but I think most people know that going in or reading a story like that. As long as a person knows speed or being the 1st to hit the media market with a controversial hook to land the story is all that TMZ is concerned with: Landmark developments surrounding famous celebrities vs concrete, validated facts. 


If people wanna take issue with TMZ's overall reputation in the news industry that's justified & perfectly within their rights, I just appreciated NCF's link & background commentary because you can't put a price on Terry Bradshaw's own words verbatim & how he said them. Tone means everything as well as the overall delivery. I love humor & especially sarcastic comedy so I am well versed in deciphering a person's intent once I saw the original recording & heard it for my own eyes & ears.


He meant every word of it & got caught speaking what he truly believes. That's why Terry is bothered by this tape: He got busted expressing his truthful assessment of Peyton Manning. A great regular season QB who will never win another ring. 


This is where I hope legitimate news organizations pick this TMZ trash up & run with it. Hold Bradshaw's feet to the fire & don't let him play dumb & say "I was only joking. Lighten up would ya." nonsense Terry, the NFL readers wanna know what motivated you to say that & what led you to that overall conclusion? We're waiting Terry..." 


Then go straight to Peyton & say "Terry believes your washed up, done in this league, & can never win the Big one anymore. How do you respond to that? Will his less than favorable words about your Playoff career prompt you to take the NFL world by storm & fuel your desire to kick caboose, prove doubters wrong, & acquire a 2nd ring?" 


The plot thickens...I do enjoy NFL soap operas don't you? Man, this is just getting good ladies & gentlemen.  haha 


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For me, its not about accuracy...its about content and intent.  Using a relatively obscure statement, or even a private one, to spark controversy, or embarrassment, in order to increase viewers seems like a chinsey way to make a living.


Back in the day, when media people had to go to journalism school, and be trained by newspapers, TV, Radio stations etc,before they could get heard, the less talented reporters would chase accidents and try to get all of the gore on TV.....increase ratings.  The station managers wouldn't allow it.


And...it was always possible for any bimbo to hide a tape recorder, press the record button, and leave it on until her old sugar daddy said something stupid.  She could pop the tape out the next day, and try to sell it to the radio station.  The less talented DJ's would try to use that tape to embarrass the old fool and start controversy because it helped ratings, and ultimately money.  But the properly trained station managers wouldn't allow that kind of thing, which sacrificed ratings.


Now, any bimbo with a recorder can sell it to any crackpot with a website, and the money can flow into that website unfettered.


I guess I object to the people who choose to profit off of someone else's embarrassment and controversy as a career path.


Yes, the journalism world, which I was a part of for 30 years, has changed dramatically...   and not for the better.


But I'm much less worried about the TMZ's and the tabloid world that is so popular and much, much, much more worried about the real journalism that we all need to be an informed society.


I'm talking about real newspapers which are dying...


I'm talking about real TV and radio networks which are a shadow of what they once were.   Now every night there is material broadcast that rarely would've happened back in the days when I got into the business.


Few people trust journalism anymore,  and journalism has only itself to blame. 


What that gives us is a much less informed society and that's not good for anyone....  no matter your politics or religious views... 

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I agree TMZ is not a high caliber news organization Jvan, but I think most people know that going in or reading a story like that. As long as a person knows speed or being the 1st to hit the media market with a controversial hook to land the story is all that TMZ is concerned with: Landmark developments surrounding famous celebrities vs concrete, validated facts. 


If people wanna take issue with TMZ's overall reputation in the news industry that's justified & perfectly within their rights, I just appreciated NCF's link & background commentary because you can't put a price on Terry Bradshaw's own words verbatim & how he said them. Tone means everything as well as the overall delivery. I love humor & especially sarcastic comedy so I am well versed in deciphering a person's intent once I saw the original recording & heard it for my own eyes & ears.


He meant every word of it & got caught speaking what he truly believes. That's why Terry is bothered by this tape: He got busted expressing his truthful assessment of Peyton Manning. A great regular season QB who will never win another ring. 


This is where I hope legitimate news organizations pick this TMZ trash up & run with it. Hold Bradshaw's feet to the fire & don't let him play dumb & say "I was only joking. Lighten up would ya." nonsense Terry, the NFL readers wanna know what motivated you to say that & what led you to that overall conclusion? We're waiting Terry..." 


Then go straight to Peyton & say "Terry believes your washed up, done in this league, & can never win the Big one anymore. How do you respond to that? Will his less than favorable words about your Playoff career prompt you to take the NFL world by storm & fuel your desire to kick caboose, prove doubters wrong, & acquire a 2nd ring?" 


The plot thickens...I do enjoy NFL soap operas don't you? Man, this is just getting good ladies & gentlemen.  haha 



Peyton would probably just say "Opinions vary. Terry's entitled to his views & I'm entitled to mine. Next Question."
Darn it Manning! Just once in your life step out onto the ledge & be bold, brash, & daring please...Stoke the flame & pour just a hint of gasoline in it. No guts; no glory baby as my dad always says. 
Then again that "Throwing TD ducks" line never panned out either did it? Sigh...I don't know major bummer. Just Kidding!  
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I'm jealous.

I criticize Peyton all the time (as well as Brady) and I don't get single topics devoted to my quotes with the wagons circling to all talk about how crazy I am.

that's because you are even less credible than papa Bradshaw

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Like ALL the one and dones! Woot Woot!

Weak division, and over 40% of his reg season wins against 7 teams, Houston, Jags, Bengals, Browns, Bills, Raiders, Titans.

Played indoors so much. A huge asteric compared to the prior generations.

Played scared in the pocket (Happy Feet) his 1st 5 years with 100 Int`s to show for it.

Pass happy and ONLY Won a SB because of his running game and defense. 3TD`s 7 Int`s that year in playoffs.

Not that he wasn`t VG of course. :thmup: 

Loved the $$$ & his Manning. And my favorite, EARNED $26M to rehab. What a guy!!

WOW, lol, lets just discredit the guy for 40% of his career regular season wins because he just so happened to dominate the schedule he was given year in and year out, get a grip. I guess you fall into the category of people that don't like him very much. I hate to break it to you, but he just had the greatest season by a quarterback in NFL history. 55 TD passes, 5477 Passing Yards (both single season records), 115.1 quarterback rating in 2013 to earn his fifth career MVP (also NFL record)  :thmup: .You're pretty foolish if you honestly think that Manning isn't a great quarterback. No one has done it more consistently year in and year out in NFL history. 2nd all-time (soon to be first) in career touchdown passes and passing yards, including the highest TD-INT differential by a quarterback in NFL history (272). Look, its pretty pathetic when it gets to the point where we're discrediting players' greatness for what venues they played at. You could have come up with something better than that. Prior generations have nothing to do with who Manning faced on the field throughout his career. And yeah, he earned $26M in 2011 to rehab when he unfortunately was forced to undergo 4 neck surgeries because of a herniated disc after he had just directed one of the most successful thirteen year runs by a team in history while doing so many great things and leaving a lasting mark within the Indianapolis community. What a guy!!

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Yes, the journalism world, which I was a part of for 30 years, has changed dramatically...   and not for the better.


But I'm much less worried about the TMZ's and the tabloid world that is so popular and much, much, much more worried about the real journalism that we all need to be an informed society.


I'm talking about real newspapers which are dying...


I'm talking about real TV and radio networks which are a shadow of what they once were.   Now every night there is material broadcast that rarely would've happened back in the days when I got into the business.


Few people trust journalism anymore,  and journalism has only itself to blame. 


What that gives us is a much less informed society and that's not good for anyone....  no matter your politics or religious views... 

I'm no journalist by any means, but I do respect those individuals who excel at it. It's obvious to me that you NCF were a very good one. Why do I say that? You're last line. I grew up reading newspapers & I was always drawn to really good investigative journalism as opposed to pure sensationalism which is what floods the marketplace now pure innuendo & speculation. I always liked reporters that took the reader with them & made their case like a prosecutor at trial: Here's my opening statement, drop in my primary argument/thesis, provide the evidence that validates my overall point of view, & close out the entire perspective with the final conclusion. 


Rubbing elbows with celebrities is not the goal here, but rather building a resume of trust by balancing all sides & being more concerned about the facts & what evidence helped you reach that closing argument than gaining access to an A list inner circle of powerful athletes or wealthy movers & shakers. I admire journalist who understand that most football fans are busy at work & they don't have time to dissect a complicated free agency pickup or a new coaching hire. They just wanna know how this move is gonna help my team win & get in the post season to do some serious damage & get us further than our team did last year. 


The best reporters are the ones who put their personality on paper, give you [the fan] a voice, & make you feel like yeah man this journalist is talking to me & speaking my language. Even if you disagree with them on an article you respect them because hopefully they can admit when they mess up prediction wise & their motivation is genuine meaning that losses kill them emotionally all week & they wanna win a SB as badly as you do. 

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I'm jealous.



I criticize Peyton all the time (as well as Brady) and I don't get single topics devoted to my quotes with the wagons circling to all talk about how crazy I am.

I'll take full responsibility for dominating this topic tonight & I want to apologize to all my friends & thank them for letting me blow of some pent up steam. I wanted a Denver victory so bad I could taste it. Can the Broncos use the San Antonio Spurs as a template for motivation? Lose a Championship last season & come back with a resounding vengeance? Sports is a copycat league after all, so anything is possible. 


It's ironic really. 1st SW1 gets grief for supporting INDY in Packers Country. And now, I get grief because I don't automatically kiss RW's backside. That's okay. I know elite teams when I see them & both the Colts & Broncos will do very well. I couldn't care less who in my family thinks I'm nuts.  haha

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Yes, the journalism world, which I was a part of for 30 years, has changed dramatically...   and not for the better.


But I'm much less worried about the TMZ's and the tabloid world that is so popular and much, much, much more worried about the real journalism that we all need to be an informed society.


I'm talking about real newspapers which are dying...


I'm talking about real TV and radio networks which are a shadow of what they once were.   Now every night there is material broadcast that rarely would've happened back in the days when I got into the business.


Few people trust journalism anymore,  and journalism has only itself to blame. 


What that gives us is a much less informed society and that's not good for anyone....  no matter your politics or religious views... 

Hey there, just caught your post.


I worked in public relations for many years before staying home to raise my kids. I saw the media landscape changed before my eyes when the blogosphere emerged and then social media on its heels. I think what was tough for journalists is how people began to consume information. In the span of just a few years from when the Internet emerged, people went from buying their morning paper and reading it on the way to work to craving information at an insatiable rate on the Internet. Not that long ago a news story was only believed if it had three sources; now a news story is believed by how many times it is posted on the Internet. Outlets like TMZ exist purely on people's appetite for gossip.


Also because the Internet is free, the cost for publishing print newspapers became a financial albatross so the heads of publications began migrating content online and luring online advertisers. I am not sure another field has been affected more than journalism and PR by the Internet age. Anyone who was slow to the online game was gone almost overnight. And now, of course, with all the hand-held devices information is being consumed even more rapidly which has caused a ridiculous amount of drivel to appear. I really miss the quality of the writing the most. I worked with some brilliant journalists over my career who could really turn a phrase and write thought provoking pieces. Now we have McDonald's information 24x7. I really don't think it was the fault of journalists at all for the demise of traditional, quality reporting. The rules just changed too dramatically and too quickly for anyone to keep up.


Sorry to somewhat derail this thread but if you would like to chat more on this please PM me. Would love to hear viewpoint on the media landscape.

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