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Peyton Speaks To Media/says Healing Is Slow Going. (Merge)

Peyton and Eli fan

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Because that No.1 pick can go to a team that NEEDS a QB for multiple picks..

..and we certainly need multiple high picks to stock our secondary..

...we're the kind of bad back there...

Okay so we get "multiple" picks that still doesn't mean the defense will be massivly improved and you have possibly traded away the chance at the replacement for Peyton who has similar skills.

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I have yet to hear one sound reason for playing him in any Decemeber games let alone just 1. There is no way he would be ready and we know this from the last time he missed all of training camp. The team gains nothing from him playing and in fact lose much more by him possibly playing.

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I have yet to hear one sound reason for playing him in any Decemeber games let alone just 1. There is no way he would be ready and we know this from the last time he missed all of training camp. The team gains nothing from him playing and in fact lose much more by him possibly playing.

How about 28 million dollar roster bonus. That is enough reason to play him if he is cleared by the doctors. You have to know what you are getting for that amount of money. If Peyton is cleared and just does not have the arm strength or accuracy anymore you go to know that going into the offseason. It would be reckless to not play him because you could end up having that money dead money if he just cannot play anymore. Then you add first round pick money with Luck and you are going to have way to much money tied up into two QBs and one might be done completely because of injury. You just got to see what he has left in that.

We better pray that he comes back totally healthy are we are screwed even after picking Luck.

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It's a deep QB draft. You can get Peyton's replacement and some defensive players if you trade appropriately

I thin getting top - 32 picks on defense WOULD mean we'd be better than with street players we have now..

I have nothing against getting Peyton's replacement...

I like Kellen Moore of Boise...He fits what we do better than Luck.

But I respectfully suggest than Manning will return...although I can only go by what outside (not his) doctors have said

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Nothing has changed. If he's cleared on Dec.1 as expected

he'll play in the final home games..

They've said as much but we arent listening..

Clean the crap out of your ears. You are the one not listening. There is not a snowball's chance in h-e double hockey sticks that he plays this year. He may practice but we will positively not play.

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How about 28 million dollar roster bonus. That is enough reason to play him if he is cleared by the doctors. You have to know what you are getting for that amount of money. If Peyton is cleared and just does not have the arm strength or accuracy anymore you go to know that going into the offseason. It would be reckless to not play him because you could end up having that money dead money if he just cannot play anymore. Then you add first round pick money with Luck and you are going to have way to much money tied up into two QBs and one might be done completely because of injury. You just got to see what he has left in that.

We better pray that he comes back totally healthy are we are screwed even after picking Luck.

Again, you can't play him in an effort to evaluate him, this soon after his surgery. All you will find out is that he's not ready to play. He will be innacurate becuase of lack of timing with his receivers, and his throws will lack some zip. We've already seen this last year when he came back from missing the preseason. It took him 4 weeks into the season to get back on track. Trying to evaluate him this soon and in only 1 game is not a fair evaluation. You gain nothing by playing him. Edited by Flash777
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After everything Peyton's done to fix this, the process shouldn't be going slow at any time. There's literally nothing that hasn't been done to fix this. Every effort has been exhausted and it's STILL slow.

Is it even a remote possibility that it's not slow, but rather it CAN'T fully heal?

If you think there's not you live in an imaginary world so far from this one it's a total mystery how you got here...

If the nerves can't/won't fully regenerate then things seeming "slow" would be the first indication of that.

And when have we, or Manning come out and said anything that wasn't optimistic about an injury? I think Peyton's making it seem a little better than it really is by selling it as "slow". Even if it WAS slow, Peyton would still come out and give the usual "It's coming along normally. Doing some light workouts, and hoping to be cleared to increase them soon." The fact that Peyton himself says "Eh, yeah, things kinda suck right now, not going the way I'd like" is pretty alarming to me.

It's starting to look more and more to me like there is no full recovery from this to me...

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Well, take this for what it's worth...

Michael Lombardi was one of the first to come out n say that Manning would miss time this season...and one of the first to report his most recent surgery, also. Like him or not, he's usually pretty much spot on with what he says.

Last night, on Inside the NFL, Lombardi said that his "sources" have told him that Peyton IS making progress and is ALREADY ahead of where he was in training camp/pre season, leading up to his last surgery.

He ALSO said that his "sources" have told him that assuming that Peyton looks like he'll be ready to go next season, by the start of the new NFL business year (March), that the Colts WILL in fact TRADE the #1 pick IF we have it.

If you watch the video of Manning from today, he is moving his head/neck freely, and seems a lot more "upbeat" than if you just read the interview instead of watching it.

I think that he will be good to go, by next season...he's just frustrated/says its going slow, based on his desire to play THIS season.

I could very well be wrong, but if he's healthy and ready to play next season, could you imagine the chip on his shoulder and the motivation/determination he'll have for next year?

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Well, take this for what it's worth...

Michael Lombardi was one of the first to come out n say that Manning would miss time this season...and one of the first to report his most recent surgery, also. Like him or not, he's usually pretty much spot on with what he says.

Last night, on Inside the NFL, Lombardi said that his "sources" have told him that Peyton IS making progress and is ALREADY ahead of where he was in training camp/pre season, leading up to his last surgery.

He ALSO said that his "sources" have told him that assuming that Peyton looks like he'll be ready to go next season, by the start of the new NFL business year (March), that the Colts WILL in fact TRADE the #1 pick IF we have it.

If you watch the video of Manning from today, he is moving his head/neck freely, and seems a lot more "upbeat" than if you just read the interview instead of watching it.

I think that he will be good to go, by next season...he's just frustrated/says its going slow, based on his desire to play THIS season.

I could very well be wrong, but if he's healthy and ready to play next season, could you imagine the chip on his shoulder and the motivation/determination he'll have for next year?

Do you have a link to the video? Thanks.

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Nothing has changed. If he's cleared on Dec.1 as expected

he'll play in the final home games..

They've said as much but we arent listening..

Perhaps you should read that article again. the fusion hasn't yet taken. That will not happen miraculously in the next 3 weeks.

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But Maureen.

Thats what they told us in September...3 months.

Did anybody expect him to be cleared from practice after 2 months..

You can be pessimistic...but nothing said today is new.

(I understand why Peyton doesnt talk about this a lot.)

They may have said that but no body knows. Honestly I don't know how guys come back the season after acl surgery. I had that surgery 2 years ago and I'm still rehabbing.

And this involves fusion and nerves.........so, who knows

I do think that article does give a much more ominous feel to Peyton's prognosis.

In particular the quote where Peyton mentions February

"We're in full discloser with each other," Manning said. "If I'm not healthy in February, I think it's fair for the Colts to make their decision."

gave me a knot in my stomach

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Because that No.1 pick can go to a team that NEEDS a QB for multiple picks..

..and we certainly need multiple high picks to stock our secondary..

...we're the kind of bad back there...

Agree, maybe the Colts will find somebody like Ditka who will give a whole draft for that pick (Luck should bring more than Ricky Williams) or like the Vikings gave away the future for hopes that Hershell Walker would bring them a championship.

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I have repeatedly said a good hard fusion that is needed for a football player takes 6 months, I have said this from day 1 of all this, then said nerve must regenerate and just because fusion takes place it doesn't have to, if & once regenerated it supplies nerve nutrition to the triceps and strength can be gained but to what degree is anyone's guess if at all

I am Not a pessimist, I am an Optimist but also a realist

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His health revolves two different issues - fusion and nerve regeneration.

Peyton did some weird things to try and accelerate the fusion, but it is hardly surprising that it isn't done yet. The full process takes a year. When he says it's "slow" I take that to mean that he is disappointed that it isn't happening absurdly fast, not that there is a medical problem. His neck will heal in time. Frankly I've never understood the suggestions that he should play at all this season. He would be pushing the medical envelope, and even if he did it there is no way that it was because of doctors recommending it. Therefore his comments about the fusion don't bother me one iota.

The suggestion that the nerve regeneration still is a problem is much more concerning. According the Nsurg, THAT is what would be likely to force him to retire, not the fusion. It is hard to tell from his comments whether there has been SOME improvement, but he wanted more, or if there is no improvement. Massive, massive difference. The post regarding Lombardi is significantly more encouraging in that regard. I hope he is on the money.


Didn't mean to discount you Bayone, and I was typing at the same time you were. Your input on this topic has been very useful as well.

Edited by MAC
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I'm not usually one to draw up the crazy conspiracies, but all of the sudden this whole thing doesn't seem right to me...

Maybe I'm just trying to finger something that isn't actually there, but could it be even a slight possibility that we re-signed Manning KNOWING that the chances were better than not that he would never be back because if he DID beat the odds on the injury and he COULD come back we wanted him here rather than elsewhere? I mean sure, we wasted a huge chunk of cap this season on him, but that was the sacrifice we had to make to see if he could ever come back or not...

And could it be possible that we knew early on that this latest procedure on Peyton's neck was the last resort, and that the odds were potentially against him?

I mean look at this tweets by Irsay:

September 12th

There will b some shocking,dramatic,inspiring,unimaginable things happening n Coltsland the next 18 months...buckle up,stay faithful,BELIEVE

Shocking? Dramatic? Unimaginable? Not exactly inspiring the line of thought that business will be back to normal in just a short time... Could these terms have ANYTHING to do with the knowledge or assumption that Manning's recovery would never be 100%, but to not take that chance and have him be back to 100% somewhere else?

And his tweets this week:

We'll b back on top,keep the FAITH...we're a lot tougher than these bitter times..I told u 2 months ago,the next 18 months would b turbulent

Now, I'm not usually one to nitpick over words, but going from "Shocking, dramatic, unimaginable" to "turbulent" seems kind of significant, if for no other reason that it's ominousness... "Shocking, dramatic, unimaginable" could have been used to describe good times. That would describe our 2009 team pretty well, and the '08 entry as well. But "turbulent" isn't exactly a great way to describe your team that should get back to it's winning ways when your QB get's healthy... Of course the whole 18 month modifier seems to dispute that any of this would be directed at winning/losing games, so then just what does it describe?

I think they knew. They knew the changes of a full comeback were against Peyton when they signed him. But because there were efforts not yet exhausted they took the chance and signed him and included the clause (At whoever's request... That's really beside the point... The team could have opted not to go with it and make Peyton exclusive property no "if's", "and's" or "but's") with just a sliver of hope that he would return.

And now.... Now it's becoming clear that what we knew all along is coming to fruition: Peyton won't ever fully recover, and they're trying to get us ready for the painful separation... Irsay warning us of "turbulence" and even Peyton himself.... He's helping out, trying to brace people for it by casting ominous signs during his recovery... When was the last time we, or Peyton weren't optimistic about an injury? What if Peyton is making it seem better than it really is by selling his current recovery as "slow"? I mean even if it WAS slow Peyton would still come out and say something totally optimistic like "Well, I've been doing light workouts, we're hoping that we can get cleared to increase them soon, and after that we'll be working hard to get back onto the practice field..." But the fact that Peyton himself is coming out and going "Eh, yeah, things kinda suck right now" is as troubling as anything we've seen yet, to me.

I think they're trying to start setting us up and letting us down easy. They tried. Everyone tried. But for whatever reason, Manning's not going to make a full recovery and they're all aware of that now, and now the process of ending this ride we've all been on together has begun...

Who knows? Maybe I am being over dramatic here and over thinking this... I dunno... But the scenario above certainly makes sense, at least to me, and if true, it was the right thing to do.. But the end result is the biggest loss this organization, and possibly even the NFL, has ever seen, and that's enough to make anyone a little coo coo in the brain...

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It would also be the biggest goof up if we don't take Luck and Peyton can't play anymore.

That'd be a pretty big way to miss the bus. We'll have an "upgraded defense" (Unless, you know, we pick more first round busts) but with Curtis Painter or David Garrard at the wheel, we're still going nowhere. We're a QB driven team in a QB driven league. Why not take the best shot to stay at, or near the top of that totem for the next 15 years?

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Does anybody know how Mannings knows or not knows how well/poor the nerve regeneration is doing? Are there tests for that? Or is he just throwing the ball or lifting weights and can feel (or not feel) the difference?

When the nerve isn't working, the muscles can't function. I had the same surgery, and beforehand I lacked the strength to even open a car door from the inside with my left arm. It made for some pathetically comical exit machinations I assure you.

By all accounts Peyton's primary problem was triceps weakness preventing him from throwing the ball properly. The second surgery failed to correct the problem, so they resorted to the more aggressive surgery - I would guess on the assumption that SOMETHING must still be impinging the nerve or preventing it from re-generating. It clearly didn't leap back to normalcy immediately after the surgery, so who knows whether it was impinged or not. All we can know is that the nerve was damaged at some point and has yet to heal completely. It is possible that it never will.

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His health revolves two different issues - fusion and nerve regeneration.

Peyton did some weird things to try and accelerate the fusion, but it is hardly surprising that it isn't done yet. The full process takes a year. When he says it's "slow" I take that to mean that he is disappointed that it isn't happening absurdly fast, not that there is a medical problem. His neck will heal in time. Frankly I've never understood the suggestions that he should play at all this season. He would be pushing the medical envelope, and even if he did it there is no way that it was because of doctors recommending it. Therefore his comments about the fusion don't bother me one iota.

The suggestion that the nerve regeneration still is a problem is much more concerning. According the Nsurg, THAT is what would be likely to force him to retire, not the fusion. It is hard to tell from his comments whether there has been SOME improvement, but he wanted more, or if there is no improvement. Massive, massive difference. The post regarding Lombardi is significantly more encouraging in that regard. I hope he is on the money.


Didn't mean to discount you Bayone, and I was typing at the same time you were. Your input on this topic has been very useful as well.

No problem and in full agreement, the regeneration is the critical issue , without that no way can the muscle gain strength

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I'm not usually one to draw up the crazy conspiracies, but all of the sudden this whole thing doesn't seem right to me...

Maybe I'm just trying to finger something that isn't actually there, but could it be even a slight possibility that we re-signed Manning KNOWING that the chances were better than not that he would never be back because if he DID beat the odds on the injury and he COULD come back we wanted him here rather than elsewhere? I mean sure, we wasted a huge chunk of cap this season on him, but that was the sacrifice we had to make to see if he could ever come back or not...

And could it be possible that we knew early on that this latest procedure on Peyton's neck was the last resort, and that the odds were potentially against him?

I mean look at this tweets by Irsay:

September 12th

Shocking? Dramatic? Unimaginable? Not exactly inspiring the line of thought that business will be back to normal in just a short time... Could these terms have ANYTHING to do with the knowledge or assumption that Manning's recovery would never be 100%, but to not take that chance and have him be back to 100% somewhere else?

And his tweets this week:

Now, I'm not usually one to nitpick over words, but going from "Shocking, dramatic, unimaginable" to "turbulent" seems kind of significant, if for no other reason that it's ominousness... "Shocking, dramatic, unimaginable" could have been used to describe good times. That would describe our 2009 team pretty well, and the '08 entry as well. But "turbulent" isn't exactly a great way to describe your team that should get back to it's winning ways when your QB get's healthy... Of course the whole 18 month modifier seems to dispute that any of this would be directed at winning/losing games, so then just what does it describe?

I think they knew. They knew the changes of a full comeback were against Peyton when they signed him. But because there were efforts not yet exhausted they took the chance and signed him and included the clause (At whoever's request... That's really beside the point... The team could have opted not to go with it and make Peyton exclusive property no "if's", "and's" or "but's") with just a sliver of hope that he would return.

And now.... Now it's becoming clear that what we knew all along is coming to fruition: Peyton won't ever fully recover, and they're trying to get us ready for the painful separation... Irsay warning us of "turbulence" and even Peyton himself.... He's helping out, trying to brace people for it by casting ominous signs during his recovery... When was the last time we, or Peyton weren't optimistic about an injury? What if Peyton is making it seem better than it really is by selling his current recovery as "slow"? I mean even if it WAS slow Peyton would still come out and say something totally optimistic like "Well, I've been doing light workouts, we're hoping that we can get cleared to increase them soon, and after that we'll be working hard to get back onto the practice field..." But the fact that Peyton himself is coming out and going "Eh, yeah, things kinda suck right now" is as troubling as anything we've seen yet, to me.

I think they're trying to start setting us up and letting us down easy. They tried. Everyone tried. But for whatever reason, Manning's not going to make a full recovery and they're all aware of that now, and now the process of ending this ride we've all been on together has begun...

Who knows? Maybe I am being over dramatic here and over thinking this... I dunno... But the scenario above certainly makes sense, at least to me, and if true, it was the right thing to do.. But the end result is the biggest loss this organization, and possibly even the NFL, has ever seen, and that's enough to make anyone a little coo coo in the brain...

If what you are saying is remotely true no wonder they have not fired Caldwell yet. They know we have to lose as many games as we can to be able to get our next franchise QB.(whoever that may be) I think the brass are probably panicking more than they are letting on right now. I also think they know a lot more than they are letting on. They are one of the most secretive teams in the league. This is not looking good by any stretch. At the beginning of the season somebody posted that Irsay had said that Peyton is probably done. They had a friend or something that played golf with Irsay. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Edited by presto123
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The Colts and Peyton knew this injury was a lot more serious than they let on. Why would he sign a one year contract with a four year extension otherwise. This makes the front office even more guilty of not finding a suitable replacement in time.

If this were a coporation Bill and his son would have been fired long ago.

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The Colts and Peyton knew this injury was a lot more serious than they let on. Why would he sign a one year contract with a four year extension otherwise. This makes the front office even more guilty of not finding a suitable replacement in time.

If this were a coporation Bill and his son would have been fired long ago.

+1000!! Bill better hope the whole truth never comes out.

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The Colts and Peyton knew this injury was a lot more serious than they let on. Why would he sign a one year contract with a four year extension otherwise. This makes the front office even more guilty of not finding a suitable replacement in time.

If this were a coporation Bill and his son would have been fired long ago.

Umm, you think Irsay wasn't aware?

Also, thought I'd heard that we approached Hasselbeck, but he'd agree with the Titans.

Who else was available? Brett Favre?

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If what you are saying is remotely true no wonder they have not fired Caldwell yet. They know we have to lose as many games as we can to be able to get our next franchise QB.(whoever that may be) I think the brass are probably panicking more than they are letting on right now. I also think they know a lot more than they are letting on. They are one of the most secretive teams in the league. This is not looking good by any stretch. At the beginning of the season somebody posted that Irsay had said that Peyton is probably done. They had a friend or something that played golf with Irsay. Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Yeah, but I thought we decided not to believe any of jim's posts...... ^_^

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"We're in full disclosure with each other," Manning said. "If I'm not healthy in February, I think it's fair for the Colts to make their decision."

oldunclemark needs to read this quote very carefully, go for a walk, and begin the mourning process stages.

well, maybe not yet. but we all have 3 more months to be on the edge of our seats. February is going to be HUGE for news for us. and we need that #1 pick.

Edited by Phil J
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As uncertain as Peyton sounded in that statement....I think its safe to say that we can't say anything definitive about his situation here without sounding like complete fools. We can hope for what we want....but any concrete statements made here are absolute rubbish.

I was happy to hear that he and the club sound 100% in sync as far as the business end of this lousy set of circumstances. And Peyton has proven himself again to be the polar opposite of the typical "me first" professional athlete.

Whatever the outcome....THAT is as valuable as what he's done on the field, IMO.

Great post and earned a +1 from me. I also think Peyton has been completely up front with the organization and Irsay. Wishing him a speedy recovery.

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I' m starting to get bummed about this whole thing, if we have indeed seen the last of Manning. Manning is bar none my favorite player of all time, it has been like Christmas every year having him on my favorite team. This guy took this team from joke status to champions.

Growing up in Indiana there weren't too many Colts fans around, alot of Cowboys, Steelers and Bears fans and man I took a beating for being a Colts fan, in '89 I even named our 6th grade flag football team the Colts, people made fun of me for it BUT we won the championship. It really wasn't until Captain Comeback came along that there were some fans coming out of the woodwork, and then came Manning. At first I was a little upset about Harbaugh but Manning did show some promise and got better and better, then we got Edge and BAM, lights out fantastic up until this last year, and every year he got smarter and as he has aged he has gotten more savvy. It has been a great time to be a Colts fan. He has made them what they are today and he is/was worth every penny they paid him. Making my team a feared winner is complete vindication of all the ridicule I endured early on as a fan and has made the run that much sweeter for me.

Let us all hope and pray that those nerves calm down and start firing right so that he can recover and go out how I am sure we all imagined, a champion, not broke down and filled with what ifs and what could have beens. I want his swan song to more along the lines of Elway, not Marino and most definately not Favre. To go out on his own terms on top of the mountain. And if it comes down that he can't lace them up for us again a statue needs to be made of him and put out in front of that stadium within 6 months of that announcement to show how much he was appreciated and just what he meant to this city and to all of us fans.

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I have an eerie feeling he will never play again. I wish I would have been a few years older when he was first drafted.

Football will never be the same for me without Peyton on the field. Not only because I'm from Indiana, but because he is by far the most entertaining QB I've ever seen play. The way he recognizes coverages and does generally whatever he wants. The way only a select few have been able to give him a hard time (Chargers, Samuels, Warren). It's unreal. This guy is like my hero.

I will NEVER forget the comeback in the Pats playoff game or the infamous regular season game where Belichick went for it.

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Today's interview was not news, and he did not say that healing was going slower than expected. It said it is going slow, and when you're anxious for results they can't come fast enough. He is exactly where most experts, the team and himself thought he would be. He didn't seem to have any trouble turning that big head back and forth for the media and was actually pretty animated from the neck up.

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I will be the first to say my gut said he was going to play week one! Reading this and with him saying that the same problem with last surgery is that the nerves are not regenerating makes me nervous! I hate this waiting game he has to go threw !I wish all our prayers for him to heal will be answerd real soon! for all of you wanting to get luck what happens if we do get luck and he sucks

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