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Bucs new logo and helmet unveild.


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Where's the peg leg, parrot, eye patch, & bottle of rum man? Just Kidding! Not to mention scurry, black death, & pillaged, burning villages? I kid; I kid. 


Not intimidating enough IMHO. Go with something more like this with orange eyes/nose & a dark, red tinted outside glow with smoke rising in the background...




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The hard part with altering a NFL logo/symbol is that once a company/corporation trademarks something, you are so identified with your traditional look that if you alter too much your consumer audience closes their wallets & gives the ownership fiscal backlash. 


I will acknowledge though that a team's winning percentage matters most to the fans, but a lame design can lead to a drop in merchandise sales. See my example in the NBA below to prove my point: 


[Not a tough or enduring mascot/logo to me. At least a hornet can sting you vs drop on your adversary.]



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Who exactly gets to offer feedback on helmet design upgrades? The owners I get obviously, but are Tampa Bay players asked for their input? Do they narrow it down to 3 altered versions & ask fans to vote for their favorite on their official website? 


Before we even talk about final approval, what prompts an owner to say "Hey, our season record was hideous last year let's change our helmet logo that will change our franchise's fortunes & make us play better." Please tell me no NFL owner is foolish enough to believe that. 


Does Roger Goodell have to sign off on any new design before it can be green lighted & placed into mass production? 


If LA ever gets another NFL stadium & team again, can we call them the palm tree aliens or liposuction lizards? Just teasing. I just associate California with pampered celebrities I guess. 


Yes, I know there are humble hardworking people who live & work there. I did not mean to pigeonhole the entire West Coast. My apologizes. 


Liposuction Lizards...good alliteration right there & it rolls right of the tongue too. LOL! Also, to draw in the female demographic, you can give away free spa, facial, & makeover sessions during  family appreciation week & the kids get free hot dogs & waffle fries that look like lizards. 

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The problem they face is that they basically have a logo within a logo. It looks like they chose to feature the jolly roger part of the logo at the expense of the flag and saber part of the logo.

I see that. I think it would have looked better at about 85% its size, still allowing the Jolly Roger to be the focus, but not causing the odd and awkward looking tangencies. The flag needs "room to breathe".
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That's not their helmet. 

Edit: I guess they have two helmets? The official Bucs twitter account posted the picture of the black Bucs helmet as well... hmmm 



The new logo looks alright under the spotlight there MTC, a red glow in the eyes would look more spooky, sinister, & plunder pirate like IMO. 


How come owners never ask tattoo artists to design emblems for helmets anyway? I've come across a few tattoo artists in my day who were groundbreaking masters at intricate detail.  Plus, the use of shadows is essential as well. 


Also, I associate pirates with ships & the open sea in ancient folklore. Something more like this: [No, I have no desire to scare children, but fear matters symbolically in any pirate design to me.] 


In addition, Tampa Bay's flag is not worn, tattered, dirty, & shredded enough by intense winds & choppy waters. It looks to clean, crisp, & new. It doesn't create the right ambiance at all. 



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I suppose there is a delicate balancing act here in order to not mimic the Oakland Raiders & the Black Hole too closely. Oakland kind of has cornered the market on the freak show Halloween look. 


No one wants to replicate the goofy "Tales From The Crypt" motif or go off the deep end. I understand that completely. 


Looking at Tampa's Bay's new logo, I am really disappointed in the width & depth of their sword blades too. Not realistic enough with a razor sharp, steel blade that sparkles in the daylight. The handle on the swords are not detailed enough either with brass to counteract the blades. 


I know a few tattoo artists who clued me into depth, shadows, sparkle, & items that shimmer to create contrast within the same design to make it landmark & one of a kind etc. etc. 

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Who exactly gets to offer feedback on helmet design upgrades? The owners I get obviously, but are Tampa Bay players asked for their input? Do they narrow it down to 3 altered versions & ask fans to vote for their favorite on their official website? 


Before we even talk about final approval, what prompts an owner to say "Hey, our season record was hideous last year let's change our helmet logo that will change our franchise's fortunes & make us play better." Please tell me no NFL owner is foolish enough to believe that. 


Does Roger Goodell have to sign off on any new design before it can be green lighted & placed into mass production? 


If LA ever gets another NFL stadium & team again, can we call them the palm tree aliens or liposuction lizards? Just teasing. I just associate California with pampered celebrities I guess. 


Yes, I know there are humble hardworking people who live & work there. I did not mean to pigeonhole the entire West Coast. My apologizes. 


Liposuction Lizards...good alliteration right there & it rolls right of the tongue too. LOL! Also, to draw in the female demographic, you can give away free spa, facial, & makeover sessions during  family appreciation week & the kids get free hot dogs & waffle fries that look like lizards. 


They should call themselves the Rams or the Jaguars, whichever comes first.  lol.

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