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NFL may dissolve the Extra Point...YOU SAY?


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I like this idea actually. Especially if like goodell says that a touchdown is 7 points. You can go for a conversion if you win you get the extra point if you lose then you lose the extra point. So you can get 6 if you miss the play, or 8 if you win the play. I kinda dig it...it'd probably speed the game up also.

What say you folks ?

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Make the extra point more exciting. Move the kick back to the 25 yard line.


So you either take the kick at the 25 or go for 2 at the 5.

I was going to say something similar.


Either way, I don't know that I "get" the specific idea in the article. How do you essentially change the value of a TD, but present the possibility of it being worth less. If the extra point is too automatic, then have everyone go for two every time. On average it might work out to TD's ending up being worth 7 points anyway (if the average team makes it 50% of the time), but it makes each attempt meaningful and entertaining, and provides the opportunity for teams to separate themselves.


But fundamentally the most logical solution is for them to look at what football was like in (for example) the 60s. What percentage of extra points were made then? If, say, 90%, then move the extra-point line back to whatever line marker would - on average - result in a 90% success rate.


Since they also are worried about kickoffs being tied to injuries, they could run the two together. Make it like field goals. If you go for two or convert the extra point the other team immediately gets the ball at the twenty without a kickoff. If you miss the extra point they get the ball at the spot of the kick. It would eliminate the onside kick, but that's pretty much a gimmick (having little to do with the skill of the teams) anyway.

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Make the extra point more exciting. Move the kick back to the 25 yard line.


So you either take the kick at the 25 or go for 2 at the 5.

Yes that's what Belichick has advocated for a while now. Make it interesting or better yet- is it better to risk a longer kick or go for 2. His premise is and always has been make the game entertaining for the fans.

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Yes that's what Belichick has advocated for a while now. Make it interesting or better yet- is it better to risk a longer kick or go for 2. His premise is and always has been make the game entertaining for the fans.

i seriously doubt that very much. He‘s always been so warm and kind to fans.lol....i would face palm you right now, butmy phone won‘t allow it.
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Quit changing things for the sake of changing them.


It's like watching politicians at work. How many laws can we come up with so that people think we're doing something? Regardless of whether they're actually good laws or not. (Usually not)


Exactly MOW. Just because you can change something doesn't mean you should.


"The extra point is almost automatic." --Roger Goodell    Really? 


Tell that to the Seahawks in last year's playoffs Mr. NFL Commissioner. It's not that FGs are nearly automatic sir. It's the pressure of post season elimination that makes FGs so compelling in regulation. 

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It may well be the most pointless exercise in sports... it brings little to the table in terms of skill or entertainment and simply wastes time.


At least the XFL got something right.


Acutally while the XFL, was a far less quality product, the NFL has adopted quite a few of the things XFL brought to the table....Mostly the camera work. The overhead/onfield (SkyCam) etc. Directly influenced by the XFL...Sometimes you see movement on the kicking line during kickoffs, also an influence from the XFL....Now the extra points.....


Pretty neat for a rag tag start up that only lasted 1 year... 

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Acutally while the XFL, was a far less quality product, the NFL has adopted quite a few of the things XFL brought to the table....Mostly the camera work. The overhead/onfield (SkyCam) etc. Directly influenced by the XFL...Sometimes you see movement on the kicking line during kickoffs, also an influence from the XFL....Now the extra points.....


Pretty neat for a rag tag start up that only lasted 1 year... 


SkyCam is not so much an NFL product, as a product of the networks who broadcast it. So really it was NBC who brought it to the fore.


From a rules standpoint, I believe this is the first thing you could relate back to the XFL.


I did like it though, had it not been for the seedy sideshows and of course it being a product of the equally ridiculous WWF, it could have been something.

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I would not mind seeing them get rid of the extra points entirely and just make the teams go for two.  There was only 5 missed extra points this entire season out over 1200.  It is basically an automatic score and it is just boring from my standpoint.  Honestly, nobody pays attention to extra points really.  They have become so automatic that most people I am sure use it as a bathroom break or to go grab something from the fridge.


The NFL is all about entertainment and the extra points are not entertaining so I am not surprised they are looking into changing this.

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It may well be the most pointless exercise in sports... it brings little to the table in terms of skill or entertainment and simply wastes time.


At least the XFL got something right.



I would not mind seeing them get rid of the extra points entirely and just make the teams go for two.  There was only 5 missed extra points this entire season out over 1200.  It is basically an automatic score and it is just boring from my standpoint.  Honestly, nobody pays attention to extra points really.  They have become so automatic that most people I am sure use it as a bathroom break or to go grab something from the fridge.


The NFL is all about entertainment and the extra points are not entertaining so I am not surprised they are looking into changing this.


I'm with these guys. The extra point is a pretty useless exercise.


I like the idea of eliminating them entirely and having teams go for two. I think moving it back to the 25 is going to be nearly as automatic as the current set-up. Kickers are too good these days. I don't know the history of the extra point but would guess that it was brought in at a time when position players used to handle kicking duties (like Gino Cappellitti did for the Patriots in the 60s). 

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In addition, Adam Vinatieri will being going into the NFL HOF as a 4 time SB Champion kicking FGs. Are you going to eliminate the very thing that got him a yellow jacket? I sincerely hope not. 


Special team players never get enough respect IMO. There should be a special HOF category for the best one's in this league. 

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Forget the extra point. How about bringing back actual kickoffs instead of touchback after touchback? The kickoff used to be one of the most exciting plays in football and now it is just a formality like the extra point ...

See no need for the extra point change, but I'd go for it if it came as a package deal with this change as well.

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I still don't get the need to change one of the oldest plays the NFL has.

Sooner or later the game will look nothing like what we know.

Heck the sac fly/bunt is almost automatic. MLB should just propose exchanging an out to advance baserunners.

The NFL already essentially eliminated kickoffs they need to stop this mind set of progressiveness.

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