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Tickets for Saturdays playoff game sold out?


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The coaching has made some good gaffs and the coordinators have had some lackluster game plans off and on throughout the season. Young staff getting acclimated to the way an NFL team is run with a pretty young team and we have all seen improvement with them over the season so there is hope some stuff gets cleaned up. The fact they are not a penalized team is an amazing feat though and 11 wins really is nice but we kinda were given 6 wins just being in our division :)

Right..we were given 6 divisional wins in a division most pundits said we would finish 2nd or 3rd in. Can you please explain how we won the other 5  games (San Fran, Seattle, Denver, KC, Oakland) Also you didnt address least turnovers in the NFL. Did the other teams give us a break there too? 

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There may be tickets avail and while its disappointing, I can understand why. The Colys have not been consistent all season, they have had some really lackluster games, the coaching at times makes fans scratch their heads, the economy is still sluggish and Christmas just happened so people have bills to pay for and then there is the pacers playing well and those people who had moved over from the Reggie miller winning pacers to the Peyton manning winning colts have moved back to the hot ticket. Many cant do both.

I will say, the last 2 home games were the worst energized home game wins I have seen in years. This team just lacks the excitement for some reason that they had back in the manning days. I think if the new colts win, they will come but I think the avg fan doesn't trust spending their money on a product they aren't sold on yet. Show me!!!

Well by using that standard, is there any team that would sell out? What a bunch of garbage. I can understand not wanting to pay $$$, but the rest is nonsense. The Colts have "rebuilt" by going 11-5 in back to back years, and beating the Chiefs, Broncos, Seahawks, and 49ers in one season. They have overcome a ton of injuries, and still win. They don't turn the ball over, and don't commit penalties. If you can't appreciate this team, then we really have one of the worst fanbases in sports.


I think its all moot anyway...other teams aren't selling out either, and WTHR will buy the tickets.

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Right..we were given 6 divisional wins in a division most pundits said we would finish 2nd or 3rd in. Can you please explain how we won the other 5 games (San Fran, Seattle, Denver, KC, Oakland) Also you didnt address least turnovers in the NFL. Did the other teams give us a break there too?

Jags are bad, Houston won the first pick in the draft this year and Tennessee just isn't there in talent yet and their coach was rumored to be on the hot seat. That's 6 easy games I don't care what pundits predict, they are often wrong. I honestly have no idea how we won against Denver, Seattle or San Fran but they did and congrats. They almost got beat by Oakland. By Oakland!! Miami beat us at LOS. Arizona throttled us. St. Louis throttled us. Cincy throttled us. Sad Diego beat us soundly. Only the last 2 made the playoffs of those teams that beat us. Game plans and adjustments sucked.

What I will give the coaching credit for is the discipline to make as few of penalties as they did and not turning over the ball. I do give them credit for getting the team prepared following a loss as well. Some good fundamentals coaching. Decision making however I question. They have resisted in playing the better olineman and stuck with satele at center when he clearly has been garbage for 2 seasons. We continued for too long to use trich properly to what our line can block. Just kept running him straight into a solid wall of people for losses. Defense stayed in man even in the face of getting beat on every play in several games. Just stuck with it when clearly they faired better once they got into some zone. The coaching either isn't getting on the coordinators and for into them to adjust quicker or they are telling them to stay the course. Either way they took to long to adjust. Past 3 games have been against teams not so great and I put KC in that group sort of; paper tigers IMO. We are going to trot satele out there at center when we should be putting Mcfly at center and reitz at LG with Thorton at RG but they will use Satele and Mcfly because they are stubborn/stupid. Coaching is young and they have improved near the end of the season so I give them credit for that and hope with an offseason together they can fix some issues of play calls and personnel. I hope they can have honest discussions of who is best for this team moving forward. We shall see. If Satele is still on the 2014 roster that will tell us a lot. And get rid of the FB spot, it's a wasted position for this team the way it's constructed.

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Jags are bad, Houston won the first pick in the draft this year and Tennessee just isn't there in talent yet and their coach was rumored to be on the hot seat. That's 6 easy games I don't care what pundits predict, they are often wrong. I honestly have no idea how we won against Denver, Seattle or San Fran but they did and congrats. They almost got beat by Oakland. By Oakland!! Miami beat us at LOS. Arizona throttled us. St. Louis throttled us. Cincy throttled us. Sad Diego beat us soundly. Only the last 2 made the playoffs of those teams that beat us. Game plans and adjustments sucked.

What I will give the coaching credit for is the discipline to make as few of penalties as they did and not turning over the ball. I do give them credit for getting the team prepared following a loss as well. Some good fundamentals coaching. Decision making however I question. They have resisted in playing the better olineman and stuck with satele at center when he clearly has been garbage for 2 seasons. We continued for too long to use trich properly to what our line can block. Just kept running him straight into a solid wall of people for losses. Defense stayed in man even in the face of getting beat on every play in several games. Just stuck with it when clearly they faired better once they got into some zone. The coaching either isn't getting on the coordinators and for into them to adjust quicker or they are telling them to stay the course. Either way they took to long to adjust. Past 3 games have been against teams not so great and I put KC in that group sort of; paper tigers IMO. We are going to trot satele out there at center when we should be putting Mcfly at center and reitz at LG with Thorton at RG but they will use Satele and Mcfly because they are stubborn/stupid. Coaching is young and they have improved near the end of the season so I give them credit for that and hope with an offseason together they can fix some issues of play calls and personnel. I hope they can have honest discussions of who is best for this team moving forward. We shall see. If Satele is still on the 2014 roster that will tell us a lot. And get rid of the FB spot, it's a wasted position for this team the way it's constructed.

Year 2 of a complete rebuild and we have won 22 games. Sorry, Im not going to complain. I have the feeling if we had won all 32 regular season games and went unscored on, you would be complaining about the other team getting an occassional a first down.

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Heh. No. Reminds me of when Kentucky fans claimed they were bringing 10,000 fans to 17K Assembly Hall.

I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few Chief fans but the prices put most tickets out of reach for many who just got done paying for Christmas lol.


I live here in Kentucky and I hear it all the time unfortunately but Kentucky b-ball fans do TRAVEL! Those tickets weren't available trust me or they would have sold. One of the reason's Calipari quite playing the game because they wanted the games at big venues like Conseco so their fans could come to a game....makes sense because that is really frustrating to play a team a few hundred miles away and not be able to go see it....especially those big donners. I was sad to see that rivalry go because it always had some of the best talent in college basketball in those games...especially local talent when Knight and Petino was around.


There are lots of fans that will travel...seeing those Seattle fans in Arizona was surprising after that TNF game...I bet there will be some red speckled in pretty good this week....it will just be up to the Colts to silence them.

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I am surprised that the playoff games are not selling out.  I can understand the Christmas theory, but if you are a fan "your" team is playing in the NFL PLAYOFFS!! 


I hope there are alot of fellow Chiefs at the game...and I do think it should be a pretty good game.  The Colts throttled KC at home, and it was really the only stinker of a game the Chiefs played.  They had their chances in all of their other losses and the "true" homers would say they should have beaten San Diego both times.  But they didn't.


I was having some buyer's remorse myself after buying tickets the other day...but after listening to sports radio all day today, I can't wait for the trip and the game!  After all its the PLAYOFFS!!  I can't wait to see Lucas Oil Stadum...and I think the game will be pretty exciting too.  Who wins?  I hope the Chiefs....but either way it will be a blast!  



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I am surprised that the playoff games are not selling out.  I can understand the Christmas theory, but if you are a fan "your" team is playing in the NFL PLAYOFFS!!


Get a grip. This isn't something new to us around here. We're pretty sure how this process works. 


Ticket prices are nuts. We have a bad snowstorm coming in Saturday into Sunday, and the price of gas has skyrocketed within the last week. It's not exactly the best conditions to expect folks to come out in the masses.

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Get a grip. This isn't something new to us around here. We're pretty sure how this process works. 


Ticket prices are nuts. We have a bad snowstorm coming in Saturday into Sunday, and the price of gas has skyrocketed within the last week. It's not exactly the best conditions to expect folks to come out in the masses.


I agree with the premise of your argument but gas prices "skyrocketing" (from $3.05 to about $3.50 here in Greenwood) would impact a 200 mile round trip in a typical family sedan (30 mpg) about $6. Hardly even noticeable in comparison to the cost of a single bud light at the stadium :D

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I agree with the premise of your argument but gas prices "skyrocketing" (from $3.05 to about $3.50 here in Greenwood) would impact a 200 mile round trip in a typical family sedan (30 mpg) about $6. Hardly even noticeable in comparison to the cost of a single bud light at the stadium :D


It was 3.70 on the West side yesterday, and indications are that it will be going up to above the  $4 mark before Sunday. 


And 30 MPG is a luxury that I, like many others, don't have. 

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Year 2 of a complete rebuild and we have won 22 games. Sorry, Im not going to complain. I have the feeling if we had won all 32 regular season games and went unscored on, you would be complaining about the other team getting an occassional a first down.

If you can't see their are flaws in the coaching or the way they have called games, *, they are a young coaching staff and have improved towards the end but they have had several WTH moments so far. If they put out the line up of Satele and Mcfly on Saturday after the struggles these two clowns have had together yet watching Reitz and even a new OT play gaurd better, I will have to again question what they are doing/seeing that we fans are not. Saying they have had some questionable coaching decisions is far from calling for their heads or anything like that so maybe you could back off the hypebole just a bit. js

Edited by Nadine
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If you can't see their are flaws in the coaching or the way they have called games, *, they are a young coaching staff and have improved towards the end but they have had several WTH moments so far. If they put out the line up of Satele and Mcfly on Saturday after the struggles these two clowns have had together yet watching Reitz and even a new OT play gaurd better, I will have to again question what they are doing/seeing that we fans are not. Saying they have had some questionable coaching decisions is far from calling for their heads or anything like that so maybe you could back off the hypebole just a bit. js

You're either not a Colts fan or one of the worst fans out there.

It is really difficult to sweep your division no matter how bad it is. How many other teams did that this year? ZERO!

The Colts weren't handed 6 wins.

Okay Arizona and St. Louis "throttled" us.

We barely lost to Miami and SD.

The Cincinnati game was still very winnable especially had the refs not handed Cincinnati 7 points.

If this team is not for real, how do you explain us sweeping the division, and beating Seattle, Denver, and San Francisco?

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I think this has more to do with the economy than anything, although it makes a lot more sense for a team like Green Bay.  Who wants to pay top dollar to go sit in -47 degrees in a freezing cold seat for 4 hours when you can watch from the comfort of your living room in high def with commentary and highlights.


Im sure the Colts will sell out though, even if Irsay has to personally pay for the final bit of tickets to ensure there is no black out.  This is most definitely a sign of the times right now though and the overall economy.

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I've said it before if winning the Super Bowl is the only way you think you had a good season then you are going to be disappointed just about every year you follow your team is going to be a bad season.


Enjoy the ride.  Honestly if anyone had told you about midway through the fourth quarter of the Saints game two years ago that the Colts would win 11 games the next two seasons and make the playoffs both years including winning the division the second year and they were going to do this after cutting Peyton Manning and gutting the roster and there was no way to get around either of the later two things which of us wouldn't have signed up for that in a heart beat? 


Honestly our fan base is so spoiled at times I am not sure how other teams fans put up with us.  We had Peyton Manning for 13 years one bad season and then got Andrew Luck and some complain like we've been the Jags for the past 20 years.  We've 10 or more games 13 of the past 15 years.  That just doesn't happen in the NFL unless you are the Colts or the Pats.  Look at KC would you like to trade places with them?  They haven't won a playoff game in 20 years and haven't been to the Super Bowl in since Super Bowl IV. 


Some fans just need to enjoy the here and now and not have such crazy ridiculously high expectations that unless you win a Super Bowl you are displeased with the season. 

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You're either not a Colts fan or one of the worst fans out there.

It is really difficult to sweep your division no matter how bad it is. How many other teams did that this year? ZERO!

The Colts weren't handed 6 wins.

Okay Arizona and St. Louis "throttled" us.

We barely lost to Miami and SD.

The Cincinnati game was still very winnable especially had the refs not handed Cincinnati 7 points.

If this team is not for real, how do you explain us sweeping the division, and beating Seattle, Denver, and San Francisco?

Pretty sure I am a Colts fan or otherwise I have wasted a lot of cash on my season tix over the past 17 years or so. As for the worst fan, I am sure there are far worse out there than me. So you must think the AFC South division is a strong division, right? Playoff contenders at all 4 teams? I can sit here today and say I honestly have no idea how we beat Seatle or how in the world we beat Denver but we did and thats great. The fact remains, we don't have the best of coaching right now in all phases. Pagano and staff have done well in the fundamentals of not turning the ball over and not causing penalties. Pagano has not figured out how to and when to use time outs correctly near the halves. Pagano either has directed his coordinators to use certain players when its clear to almost everyone else but him that certain players have outplayed said starters. So you can be the pom pom holding fan who sees the glass half full and let me sit back and see the glass half empty and we can walk our separate paths just happy little clams. One  of us is right, who cares.

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I've said it before if winning the Super Bowl is the only way you think you had a good season then you are going to be disappointed just about every year you follow your team is going to be a bad season.


Enjoy the ride.  Honestly if anyone had told you about midway through the fourth quarter of the Saints game two years ago that the Colts would win 11 games the next two seasons and make the playoffs both years including winning the division the second year and they were going to do this after cutting Peyton Manning and gutting the roster and there was no way to get around either of the later two things which of us wouldn't have signed up for that in a heart beat? 


Honestly our fan base is so spoiled at times I am not sure how other teams fans put up with us.  We had Peyton Manning for 13 years one bad season and then got Andrew Luck and some complain like we've been the Jags for the past 20 years.  We've 10 or more games 13 of the past 15 years.  That just doesn't happen in the NFL unless you are the Colts or the Pats.  Look at KC would you like to trade places with them?  They haven't won a playoff game in 20 years and haven't been to the Super Bowl in since Super Bowl IV. 


Some fans just need to enjoy the here and now and not have such crazy ridiculously high expectations that unless you win a Super Bowl you are displeased with the season. 

I am a paying fan and it is always the teams expectations that they make the super bowl or the season was a failure. They say it all the time. I have the same expectation. If they do not make it to a super bowl, the season was for nothing. My season ticket is $1260 every year. My post season tickets come out and cost me more so yeah, I am kind of invested in the team and expect some form of reward at the end. If I was a fan who sits at home and not paying for season tickets, I would probably care less whether they made the super bowl trip or not perhaps but it is what it is. not jumping off a bridge though because they didn't make it.  

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13 of the last 15 years 10 wins or more. Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck. By NFL standards the Colts have done pretty good and better than most teams at delivering on the value for their tickets. If you don't thinks its enough then give up your tickets. No one is making you go but odds are it's not going to get much better than it has been since 1998. The Colts have rewritten the record book in terms of winning. This is a good franchise but if you don't think you are getting your money's worth no one is making you buy tickets.

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I am sure there are a lot of places to hangout on Friday and Saturday before the game but does anyone have any suggestions as to the best place?  I will be getting in on Friday around 6 or 7 and plan on hitting some places but I have not been to downtown Indy in 10 years.

Well, as I live not too far away, I consider myself a local now.....I went to over a dozen bars the last time I was in town. Let your eyes do the work for you, and you'll be just fine! I did like McNivens though, and the one directly across the street from it. On Mass Ave,



Local Boy

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Well, as I live not too far away, I consider myself a local now.....I went to over a dozen bars the last time I was in town. Let your eyes do the work for you, and you'll be just fine! I did like McNivens though, and the one directly across the street from it. On Mass Ave,



Local Boy

Really, you're recommending an Irish pub?  I guess McNiven could also be Scottish.  As long as they have Killian's or some other type of Amber beer, I'm good.


Too bad you're not going to be in town Braveheart if you were I would definitely buy you a beer or two.  

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Really, you're recommending an Irish pub?  I guess McNiven could also be Scottish.  As long as they have Killian's or some other type of Amber beer, I'm good.


Too bad you're not going to be in town Braveheart if you were I would definitely buy you a beer or two.

Hi Coffee. McNivens is definitely Scottish. The owner left the promised land when he was about 10, and moved around Texas, and ended up in Indy. I did have a few beers in an Irish pub on the way from the LOS to Mass Ave, but can't remember its name. Nice barman though. I'd love to share a beer, perhaps next year? Enjoy sir, I hope the game is as good as the one I was lucky enough to witness......

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I think this has more to do with the economy than anything, although it makes a lot more sense for a team like Green Bay.  Who wants to pay top dollar to go sit in -47 degrees in a freezing cold seat for 4 hours when you can watch from the comfort of your living room in high def with commentary and highlights.


Im sure the Colts will sell out though, even if Irsay has to personally pay for the final bit of tickets to ensure there is no black out.  This is most definitely a sign of the times right now though and the overall economy.

Those tickets went on sale well before Packers fans knew it was going to be -20.

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