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maybe pagano is doing the right thing

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I am talking about not starting da' rick rogers right away. His biggest problem was being lazy and not putting in the work, so he has been putting in the work and got activated to the to 53 man roster. 


Now if Pagano just puts him in the game so soon after activating him what is to say rogers won't go back to being lazy and entitled?


Maybe its Pagano's plan to keep rogers on his feet and working hard for longer so he can learn to become a better player in the long run.

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or maybe we're good with the wr's we have on the field now (not too high on dhb right now hopefully that will change) but rogers is just for insurance for now just in case we lose another wr

could be but i don't think that  the coaches are thinking we are doing good at wr right now with the combo of dhb , hilton, and whalen. Could be better.

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He had one drop on like 3 targets. That's pretty bad.

That drop would have put them in the redzone as well.

Eh, the whole team sucked in the first half. I'll let him pass on that. The catch he made where dude held him in the air like a child being held by it's dad made up for the drop

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But in fairness this is a guy who played his final year of college ball for tennessee tech against FCS level talent. We didnt see much of him in the preseason if I recall, for a different team no less. So I would say he's more of an unknown quantity than most.

But he tore it up and led the sec in his sophomore year and yeah he played at tenn tech but he did good with that crap team
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And you came to that conclusion after only seeing him in action for like 3 months? Hmm, you're pretty good. Best talent evaluator I've ever came across

So tell me, how do you think Johnny Manziel & Bridgewater are gonna pan out in the NFL?



and they will both suck

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the slow, white wr



i am pretty sure i saw him



I know Reggie is injured, but can he jog?  Like, if we were to just put him on the line of scrimmage, could he take a step and catch the ball and then fall down?  We could do that 3 times in a row and get first downs.

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From what I heard during the Lamey show before the game, Da'Rick was deactivated because he hasn't had enough reps with the first team offense.


I think that is the best decision Pagano could have made instead of bringing a guy into a game he wasn't going to be prepared for.


Also I don't see Rodgers being the big playmaker we all think he will be. He will be our 5th option at WR, and will probably play like such.

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hmmmmm?   You mean effort and play in practice can influence a coaches decision on whether or not to play a person?


heheheeeee   Just a guess...  but IMO DaLegend will NEVER see meaningful minutes for the INDY Colts...


I hope I am wrong...     I really do..   But, stupid is as stupid does.

I am talking about not starting da' rick rogers right away. His biggest problem was being lazy and not putting in the work, so he has been putting in the work and got activated to the to 53 man roster. 


Now if Pagano just puts him in the game so soon after activating him what is to say rogers won't go back to being lazy and entitled?


Maybe its Pagano's plan to keep rogers on his feet and working hard for longer so he can learn to become a better player in the long run.

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he's very good at getting separation which collie did too he's not very fast but he can get the job done he just hasn't gotten alot of looks but that could change


Agree he gets separation. He is at best a mediocre receiver. If Collie wouldn't have been injured, he would have been one of the top slot receivers in the game. Whalen, from what he's shown since Reggie went down and in college, is no where near that. Collie stepped in the minute he was drafted and produced immediately at a high level. Whalen did not. I'm not hating on Whalen. He is what he is; I just get tired of the hype he gets. I hope he proves me wrong, and I will eat crow if he does, but I don't think he will. 

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And you came to that conclusion after only seeing him in action for like 3 months? Hmm, you're pretty good. Best talent evaluator I've ever came across

So tell me, how do you think Johnny Manziel & Bridgewater are gonna pan out in the NFL?

Manziel will win 45 SB championships with the Browns strictly because of his nickname, "Johnny Football." He is the mother of football. Perhaps a god of sorts, kind of like Tim Tebow.

Bridgewater will pull a Jamarcus Russell and get chubby. After that he will declare bankruptcy then become homeless. He will live down under a bridge by the water.

I'm personally not the best talent evaluator but there's my two nickels, er two cents.......


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