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Who Else Is Rooting For A Colt's Loss Every Week?

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With the colts falling to 0-6 and chalking up a few losses to teams under .500 Is anyone else here rooting for the colts to lose? I know I am and I'l also rooting for STL to get some wins. That #1 overall pick is juicy and there are a ton of teams that would practically trade every draft pick in 2011 for Luck.

Just wondering if anyone else is thinking the way I am. I mean nothing good can come from a 6-10 season except a mediocre draft pick, why not go all out?

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I would have -1 that thread if i could.... you play to win... if you want to intentionally lose games then play madden, Because player, past player, or organization... and you can include me in that as i expect most fans aswell, wants to lose.

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With the colts falling to 0-6 and chalking up a few losses to teams under .500 Is anyone else here rooting for the colts to lose? I know I am and I'l also rooting for STL to get some wins. That #1 overall pick is juicy and there are a ton of teams that would practically trade every draft pick in 2011 for Luck.

Just wondering if anyone else is thinking the way I am. I mean nothing good can come from a 6-10 season except a mediocre draft pick, why not go all out?

Seems unethical to me. Like quitting on a 14-0 season. Think we should rest our starters at 0-14?

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I would have -1 that thread if i could.... you play to win... if you want to intentionally lose games then play madden, Because player, past player, or organization... and you can include me in that as i expect most fans aswell, wants to lose.

The colts are not intentionally losing games, they are just that bad. I'm just wondering who else is rooting for them to lose. No one said anything about intentionally throwing games.

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I was so glad to see DC get a spark for us with that TD. The Chiefs game will still be our best points production for a while, 24 points is the most I can expect our team to score but we are short of talent in the secondary and outside linebacker coverage abilities. We can only hope that we make some free agency moves to get someone for our secondary, otherwise we will be like last year's Texans secondary by the end of the season unable to hold leads.

Edited by chad72
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If you're a real fan you never root for a loss. I have to be realistic with my predictions (I don't want to look like a fool), but on the inside I'm really hoping for a win. If I would want to see the Colts win as many games as they can. I love my team, and if you loved them too, you would want them to win. I know we have to think about he future, but tanking it should never be an option. Hope for a win, but think about the future, but NEVER ROOT for a loss. I -1 this.

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If you're a real fan you never root for a loss. I have to be realistic with my predictions (I don't want to look like a fool), but on the inside I'm really hoping for a win. If I would want to see the Colts win as many games as they can. I love my team, and if you loved them too, you would want them to win. I know we have to think about he future, but tanking it should never be an option. Hope for a win, but think about the future, but NEVER ROOT for a loss. I -1 this.

Thanks Andy that was a +1 from me on that post. By the way glad to see you back on the chat yesterday. See ya next week on chat.

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If you're a real fan you never root for a loss. I have to be realistic with my predictions (I don't want to look like a fool), but on the inside I'm really hoping for a win. If I would want to see the Colts win as many games as they can. I love my team, and if you loved them too, you would want them to win. I know we have to think about he future, but tanking it should never be an option. Hope for a win, but think about the future, but NEVER ROOT for a loss. I -1 this.

That's not true. I'm a real fan, have been for a long time, I'm not sure what hoping for a win does except provide a warm fuzzy feeling that your hoping your team can win a game and still finish last in the divison. Maybe it's just because I' m a realist that I think like this.

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Go Colts! I don't root for losses. To be honest, I abhorred the thought of Painter taking a snap for Indy, but since game 3 of the preseason, I've seen real improvement. In the event P-Money had to retire, I want to know Curtis ISN'T our next starting QB before we draft one.

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That's not true. I'm a real fan, have been for a long time, I'm not sure what hoping for a win does except provide a warm fuzzy feeling that your hoping your team can win a game and still finish last in the divison. Maybe it's just because I' m a realist that I think like this.

I understand, but still even if we come in last, I want the team to win. I go in week in and week out hoping for a win. You should to. I know you're a Colts fan, but this thread is just weird, why would hope for a loss. The team doesn't tank, they go all out every week, and in the last week the Colts have only lost by a total of 24 points, we can win. I'm not saying we're gonna win the division, but come on have a heart, root for your team.

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I have been a fan since '84 when the Colts first came to Indy when I was 13 yrs. old. The only games I've missed is when I was in the Army in '90 and '91 and was in Germany.(back in those days there was no internet or easy access to the games when you're 5000 miles away from home). Back in '97 when the Colts were terrible and were in the running for the 1st pick, im not ashamed to admit that I was actively pulling for the Colts to lose so we could get Manning and since it has paid off for the franchise like it has, I don't feel bad about it at all. Im not quite to the point where I want to see the Colts lose every game the rest of this yr. so we can get the 1st pick, but I sure don't look bad at those who are. I see the reasoning for it if were just gonna win a game or 2 then get a worse pick then there's not much point, but it goes against everything fans are suppose to feel.

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If you're a real fan you never root for a loss. I have to be realistic with my predictions (I don't want to look like a fool), but on the inside I'm really hoping for a win. If I would want to see the Colts win as many games as they can. I love my team, and if you loved them too, you would want them to win. I know we have to think about he future, but tanking it should never be an option. Hope for a win, but think about the future, but NEVER ROOT for a loss. I -1 this.

I think that I am going to have to jump in here for a moment . . . having lost Brady in '08 I understand how frustrating things are after week 1 when the fan base feels like it is going to be a tough road, and when your team is SB or bust in given year (especially so after two great seasons (16-0) for the pats a year before TB went down, and the colts 14-0 two years before iron man PM misses portions of the season), its makes for a tough autumn of Sundays, and for some, a difficult time watching on Sunday when one has been used to getting excited about Janaury, and perhaps too beginning to count down the years left on the run and realize one year has been lost . . . . and yes i agree it may not be in the spirit to the sport to start the race for the #1 draft pick week one . . . I personally I would not want my team to tank a season, even if the team for the most part has no real chance at the playoffs from week one . . . but with the above said I would like to say the following and see some feedback for those who have already posted . . . and too newer posters . . but first a few questions of reflection . . .

1) Are you happy you have PM on the team?

2) Have you enjoyed the run the last 12 years (especially 2003-2009)?

3) Have you enjoyed the week to week games, the excitement of the off season, the excitement of late summer getting ready for another run after the SB? (not just one year but at least nine years you have had this . . . '03-'11)

4) Do you care, or did you care, about the 1997 season . . .?

5) Is PM one the best in the game today?

think a moment about those five questions . . . your team has had one of the greatest runs in our sport, starting with the pick of PM, and then the additional coach Dundy, Freeney , Mathis, Wayne, Clark, Sanders in the 01-03 period and you were off and running for your '03-'11 run . . . it is has been a fun and exciting time, perhaps frustrating at times, but tons of fun, and many of you have enjoyed it, not too different than what i have enjoyed in NE (lots of excited and times of frustration) . . . a big reason for this run has to do with PM as the centerpiece on the team, and considered by many to be one of the best in the game . . . however may not have been as good if you did not get PM 1st overall in 1998 . . ., surely you might of gotten a QB later, and maybe even a good one, and had a handful of division titles and even a SB . . . but you DID have it with PM . . . many division tiles, #1 seeds, 2 SBs with one won . . .

I didn't follow the colts too closely in 1997, but i think it was Bill Polian's first year, and colts went 3-13, with Jim "handshake" :nono: Harbaugh under center and perhaps may not been viewed as one to take the team to the promise land . . . . with PM in the wings and consisted to be great (along to a degree Ryan Leaf who admittly was a bust so not all top picks are successful), the colts got PM and the rest is history . . . i don't recall if the colts tanked the season late in the season or what, but they did end up with PM and the colts fan base has what is has had the last nine years . . .

with the above said and reflected upon, i don't see what is wrong with a team being in a position to get a another prospect that could be as good as PM and perhaps extend the run for the next 10 years . . . surely there is no right or wrong answer and no one can gaurantee results (see Ryan Leaf), but if you are not going to make the playoffs and one is used to playoffs year in and year out, does it matter if you end up 22nd overall or 32nd overall, but the latter might get you a 10 yr extension on the run you have enjoyed autumn and autumn from 2003? Are 10 spots in the draft that important?

I agree and state that I would want my team to try to win every week to keep the intergy of the game and of our team, but also admit that if they tried and lost I would not be dissappointed knowing what I would get, the possibility of another ten years of what I have enjoyed here in NE . . . and also would not be too angry at one who would not be against his team loosing . . . so it is one thing to root for your team and honor the intergry of the sport, but to a degree secretly hope they loose to help your future . . . it is a fair question . . . surely it easy to take the high road and state "i want my team to win, it bad for the sport etc." and frankly i think it is the best position . . . But i can see that behind the scenes I can see how some might not mind a team trying but losing . . . take a few steps back (ten spots in the draft) to maybe take 10 years of steps forward . . .

TB and PM are on the back nine of their careers and 2-4 years down the road, they may not be on our beloved teams . . . its kind of sad . . . but just like 1997, we need to look forward to a degree to 2014-2024 . . . yes it would be perfect to try and get a 3rd rounder QB that could be an understudy of PM for 3-4 years and go on to a HOF career 2015-2024, and perhaps that might happen, but can understand how some might want to go with a "sure" bet of a overall #1, or trade the #1 (i.e. trade Luck) for a boat load of future picks where one of them might just be that 3rd rounder HOFer, but you got the other picks from the Luck trade . . .

so in summation, i can see where the OP is coming from . . .

Edited by Yehoodi
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I want the top draft pick just as much as the next guy for obvious reasons, but every week I am rooting for the Colts to WIN. The Colts are bad enough on their own to take care of being in the mix for the first pick this year. It's not necessary to actively root for them to lose.

I will say though that with each passing loss the sting of losing gets less and less as the likelihood of procuring the first pick becomes more of a reality.

Edited by Coltsman1788
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thanks for the post from the Patriots fan, I knew you guys would have felt something like this w/ TB going down. But this bad? Can they give a MVP to somone who does NOT play? When I did watch games at home in the past I used to stand and watch the whole game and get excited, jump up and down, blast the pre-game music,now I am literally sitting back in reclining chair with a I dont care attitude. And I have no ambitions to go to the game even though I can get seats 6 rows off the field. Fall this year is no fun.

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I think that I am going to have to jump in here for a moment . . . having lost Brady in '08 I understand how frustrating things are after week 1 when the fan base feels like it is going to be a tough road, and when your team is SB or bust in given year (especially so after two great seasons (16-0) for the pats a year before TB went down, and the colts 14-0 two years before iron man PM misses portions of the season), its makes for a tough autumn of Sundays, and for some, a difficult time watching on Sunday when one has been used to getting excited about Janaury, and perhaps too beginning to count down the years left on the run and realize one year has been lost . . . . and yes i agree it may not be in the spirit to the sport to start the race for the #1 draft pick week one . . . I personally I would not want my team to tank a season, even if the team for the most part has no real chance at the playoffs from week one . . . but with the above said I would like to say the following and see some feedback for those who have already posted . . . and too newer posters . . but first a few questions of reflection . . .

1) Are you happy you have PM on the team?

2) Have you enjoyed the run the last 12 years (especially 2003-2009)?

3) Have you enjoyed the week to week games, the excitement of the off season, the excitement of late summer getting ready for another run after the SB? (not just one year but at least nine years you have had this . . . '03-'11)

4) Do you care, or did you care, about the 1997 season . . .?

5) Is PM one the best in the game today?

think a moment about those five questions . . . your team has had one of the greatest runs in our sport, starting with the pick of PM, and then the additional coach Dundy, Freeney , Mathis, Wayne, Clark, Sanders in the 01-03 period and you were off and running for your '03-'11 run . . . it is has been a fun and exciting time, perhaps frustrating at times, but tons of fun, and many of you have enjoyed it, not too different than what i have enjoyed in NE (lots of excited and times of frustration) . . . a big reason for this run has to do with PM as the centerpiece on the team, and considered by many to be one of the best in the game . . . however may not have been as good if you did not get PM 1st overall in 1998 . . ., surely you might of gotten a QB later, and maybe even a good one, and had a handful of division titles and even a SB . . . but you DID have it with PM . . . many division tiles, #1 seeds, 2 SBs with one won . . .

I didn't follow the colts too closely in 1997, but i think it was Bill Polian's first year, and colts went 3-13, with Jim "handshake" :nono: Harbaugh under center and perhaps may not been viewed as one to take the team to the promise land . . . . with PM in the wings and consisted to be great (along to a degree Ryan Leaf who admittly was a bust so not all top picks are successful), the colts got PM and the rest is history . . . i don't recall if the colts tanked the season late in the season or what, but they did end up with PM and the colts fan base has what is has had the last nine years . . .

with the above said and reflected upon, i don't see what is wrong with a team being in a position to get a another prospect that could be as good as PM and perhaps extend the run for the next 10 years . . . surely there is no right or wrong answer and no one can gaurantee results (see Ryan Leaf), but if you are not going to make the playoffs and one is used to playoffs year in and year out, does it matter if you end up 22nd overall or 32nd overall, but the latter might get you a 10 yr extension on the run you have enjoyed autumn and autumn from 2003? Are 10 spots in the draft that important?

I agree and state that I would want my team to try to win every week to keep the intergy of the game and of our team, but also admit that if they tried and lost I would not be dissappointed knowing what I would get, the possibility of another ten years of what I have enjoyed here in NE . . . and also would not be too angry at one who would not be against his team loosing . . . so it is one thing to root for your team and honor the intergry of the sport, but to a degree secretly hope they loose to help your future . . . it is a fair question . . . surely it easy to take the high road and state "i want my team to win, it bad for the sport etc." and frankly i think it is the best position . . . But i can see that behind the scenes I can see how some might not mind a team trying but losing . . . take a few steps back (ten spots in the draft) to maybe take 10 years of steps forward . . .

TB and PM are on the back nine of their careers and 2-4 years down the road, they may not be on our beloved teams . . . its kind of sad . . . but just like 1997, we need to look forward to a degree to 2014-2024 . . . yes it would be perfect to try and get a 3rd rounder QB that could be an understudy of PM for 3-4 years and go on to a HOF career 2015-2024, and perhaps that might happen, but can understand how some might want to go with a "sure" bet of a overall #1, or trade the #1 (i.e. trade Luck) for a boat load of future picks where one of them might just be that 3rd rounder HOFer, but you got the other picks from the Luck trade . . .

so in summation, i can see where the OP is coming from . . .

My dear god~.It took a patriot fan to inject a genuine perspective.And i actually respect his insight(much more than the vast majority of these fake colt fans here).I hate the patriots,but their fanbase is TRUE and Genuine.They love their patriots no matter what happens and i for one am ashamed of our own fanbase.They disgust me.Its even difficult trying to have a human discussion with them.

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I never root for the Colts to lose, but I do not get as upset when we do because in the back of my mind we are going to get a chance to grab a guy like Luck, Blackmon, Jeffery, or Coples.

still though you have to feel bad that your team is struggling

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I don't know about "rooting" for them to lose from here on out, but the games that we had our best chances to win are now behind us and we still have a big goose egg in the win column. I'll be rooting for us to win but with the exception of one of the Jacksonville games I don't see it happening.

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If we do end up getting the first pick, not only do we get our franchise quarterback for the next 10-15 years, our second pick is on or around where we normally pick our first rounder most years.

Most of the games I thought we would win we have already played, and it looks like we were trying to win. What games are potentially wins from this point out?

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This "not a real fan" crap is annoying. We're all real fans here, we just have different opinions. The purpose of hoping the team loses every game is to improve the team's future. Those who would say they're rooting for that outcome are only doing so because they recognize the opportunity presented by a season this horrendous. This is a real chance to inject some more top quality talent into this roster and set us up for another decade of success. Because in the long run, isn't one terrible season worth 10 more great ones? How many awful years did we suffer through before Peyton was drafted and we became legitimate contenders?

It goes against some people's grain to hope their team loses. "You play to win the game!" is a valid point. If you're not playing to win, why are you playing at all?

I think the middle ground here lies in expecting the players to play hard every week, but still losing. I'm able to watch and cheer during the game, but smile when they lose because this team is giving solid effort every week, but they're just not good enough to win. Every loss brings us closer to rebuilding this team for the future, and I can still say I'm proud of the fight in the guys on this roster. They may not be talented, they may not be well-coached, they may not be used properly, but they go out and fight their tails off. When the players buy into the "Suck for Luck" campaign, that's when the coach is fired immediately and the fans stop watching completely.

I'm hoping they go 0-16 and get the #1 pick, but I hope they go down swinging in each and every game.

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still though you have to feel bad that your team is struggling

It sucks seeing our team like this, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel. We get Peyton back and maybe we grab Ashlon Jeffery who will bring physical tools Peyton has never seen on this team. God forbid the worse and Peyton is done we will have the chance to grab one of the best prospects at QB to come out in a long time.

I much rather look at it that way then to get all ticked off, be a jerk around people because my team lost, and just be miserable like some people I know.

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I dont know if I could say I root for them to lose. But I guess I do, because I can tell you I really really really want the first pick. We then have the opportunity to make a choice that few teams get to make. If P Money comes back healthy next year, I still beleive we have a strangle hold on this division yet we have the opportunity to flush this team with new talent like we haven't in quite a while.

I am a real fan and do not want my team to tank the season ( maybe if we have 0 wins in week 13 I might want that)

I just want the chance to draft Luck or however we would use that pick. Us winning 3 games and miami winning 2 does nothing but hurt our team's future

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For someone to hope they lose would mean that they would have to be disappointed if they win, which I cannot fathom feeling that way.

I think the better question is; If the Colts were 1-14 and there was another team at 1-14 going into week 17, would anyone here, at that point, just fore-go rooting for them and hope they lose to secure the best pick? At that point, I think I would.

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My expectations is lower than when PM was under center.

With PM, when we lost, I'd be depressed for the whole week. With KC or CP, when we lost, I'd only be depressed on the following Monday.

But no I'd never root for the Colts to lose.

Success at college level doesn't automatically translate to success at the NFL level. Andrew Luck has as much chance of being the next Peyton Manning as he is the next Ryan Leaf.

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I think that I am going to have to jump in here for a moment . . . having lost Brady in '08 I understand how frustrating things are after week 1 when the fan base feels like it is going to be a tough road, and when your team is SB or bust in given year (especially so after two great seasons (16-0) for the pats a year before TB went down, and the colts 14-0 two years before iron man PM misses portions of the season), its makes for a tough autumn of Sundays, and for some, a difficult time watching on Sunday when one has been used to getting excited about Janaury, and perhaps too beginning to count down the years left on the run and realize one year has been lost . . . . and yes i agree it may not be in the spirit to the sport to start the race for the #1 draft pick week one . . . I personally I would not want my team to tank a season, even if the team for the most part has no real chance at the playoffs from week one . . . but with the above said I would like to say the following and see some feedback for those who have already posted . . . and too newer posters . . but first a few questions of reflection . . .

1) Are you happy you have PM on the team?

2) Have you enjoyed the run the last 12 years (especially 2003-2009)?

3) Have you enjoyed the week to week games, the excitement of the off season, the excitement of late summer getting ready for another run after the SB? (not just one year but at least nine years you have had this . . . '03-'11)

4) Do you care, or did you care, about the 1997 season . . .?

5) Is PM one the best in the game today?

think a moment about those five questions . . . your team has had one of the greatest runs in our sport, starting with the pick of PM, and then the additional coach Dundy, Freeney , Mathis, Wayne, Clark, Sanders in the 01-03 period and you were off and running for your '03-'11 run . . . it is has been a fun and exciting time, perhaps frustrating at times, but tons of fun, and many of you have enjoyed it, not too different than what i have enjoyed in NE (lots of excited and times of frustration) . . . a big reason for this run has to do with PM as the centerpiece on the team, and considered by many to be one of the best in the game . . . however may not have been as good if you did not get PM 1st overall in 1998 . . ., surely you might of gotten a QB later, and maybe even a good one, and had a handful of division titles and even a SB . . . but you DID have it with PM . . . many division tiles, #1 seeds, 2 SBs with one won . . .

I didn't follow the colts too closely in 1997, but i think it was Bill Polian's first year, and colts went 3-13, with Jim "handshake" :nono: Harbaugh under center and perhaps may not been viewed as one to take the team to the promise land . . . . with PM in the wings and consisted to be great (along to a degree Ryan Leaf who admittly was a bust so not all top picks are successful), the colts got PM and the rest is history . . . i don't recall if the colts tanked the season late in the season or what, but they did end up with PM and the colts fan base has what is has had the last nine years . . .

with the above said and reflected upon, i don't see what is wrong with a team being in a position to get a another prospect that could be as good as PM and perhaps extend the run for the next 10 years . . . surely there is no right or wrong answer and no one can gaurantee results (see Ryan Leaf), but if you are not going to make the playoffs and one is used to playoffs year in and year out, does it matter if you end up 22nd overall or 32nd overall, but the latter might get you a 10 yr extension on the run you have enjoyed autumn and autumn from 2003? Are 10 spots in the draft that important?

I agree and state that I would want my team to try to win every week to keep the intergy of the game and of our team, but also admit that if they tried and lost I would not be dissappointed knowing what I would get, the possibility of another ten years of what I have enjoyed here in NE . . . and also would not be too angry at one who would not be against his team loosing . . . so it is one thing to root for your team and honor the intergry of the sport, but to a degree secretly hope they loose to help your future . . . it is a fair question . . . surely it easy to take the high road and state "i want my team to win, it bad for the sport etc." and frankly i think it is the best position . . . But i can see that behind the scenes I can see how some might not mind a team trying but losing . . . take a few steps back (ten spots in the draft) to maybe take 10 years of steps forward . . .

TB and PM are on the back nine of their careers and 2-4 years down the road, they may not be on our beloved teams . . . its kind of sad . . . but just like 1997, we need to look forward to a degree to 2014-2024 . . . yes it would be perfect to try and get a 3rd rounder QB that could be an understudy of PM for 3-4 years and go on to a HOF career 2015-2024, and perhaps that might happen, but can understand how some might want to go with a "sure" bet of a overall #1, or trade the #1 (i.e. trade Luck) for a boat load of future picks where one of them might just be that 3rd rounder HOFer, but you got the other picks from the Luck trade . . .

so in summation, i can see where the OP is coming from . . .

Wow! Good insight! I understand that Brady was a big loss for the Pats, so you probably understand how it feels. Anyways, I was happy for the last 12 years, and I do understand why the OP might think of this, but I never go into a game hoping to lose. I bleed blue! I hope you see where I'm coming from, but as a fan that has been through the good and the bad, I never want to lose. I hate losing, it sucks, that's why it ticks me off a bit when someone makes a thread saying that he wants the Colts to lose. Well, I guess it seperates the fakes from the real. Now this guy confuses me, he says he's a fan, but he wants us to lose....

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This "not a real fan" crap is annoying. We're all real fans here, we just have different opinions. The purpose of hoping the team loses every game is to improve the team's future. Those who would say they're rooting for that outcome are only doing so because they recognize the opportunity presented by a season this horrendous. This is a real chance to inject some more top quality talent into this roster and set us up for another decade of success. Because in the long run, isn't one terrible season worth 10 more great ones? How many awful years did we suffer through before Peyton was drafted and we became legitimate contenders?

It goes against some people's grain to hope their team loses. "You play to win the game!" is a valid point. If you're not playing to win, why are you playing at all?

I think the middle ground here lies in expecting the players to play hard every week, but still losing. I'm able to watch and cheer during the game, but smile when they lose because this team is giving solid effort every week, but they're just not good enough to win. Every loss brings us closer to rebuilding this team for the future, and I can still say I'm proud of the fight in the guys on this roster. They may not be talented, they may not be well-coached, they may not be used properly, but they go out and fight their tails off. When the players buy into the "Suck for Luck" campaign, that's when the coach is fired immediately and the fans stop watching completely.

I'm hoping they go 0-16 and get the #1 pick, but I hope they go down swinging in each and every game.

I'm hoping they go 10-6, get to the playoffs, and win the super bowl at Indy....Think we would rest the starters at 8-6?...

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In 1997 I was actively rooting for the Colts to lose for the sake of drafting Peyton, and I was pretty happy with how that turned out. I'm not unfamiliar with the thought process, but I just can't do it now. For one thing, Peyton is far from finished, and I do NOT want to see a QB controversy.

More importantly, this is not the dysfunctional Colts on the verge of starting over after 20 years of utter crud - only interrupted by occasional bouts of mediocrity. This is a team that's just come off one of the most successful runs in the history of the NFL, still filled with players that I love and admire. No matter what the intellectual thought process during the week, when the game is on I'm rooting for them to win as hard as I ever have. These guys need some wins, and a break - as do all of us - for collective pride if nothing else.

I will say that the pain of loosing is lessened but that's only because the expectations are lessened - not the desire.

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I would have -1 that thread if i could.... you play to win... if you want to intentionally lose games then play madden, Because player, past player, or organization... and you can include me in that as i expect most fans aswell, wants to lose.

The problem with that logic is that you aren't a player. Of course players play to win each week because they have a personal agenda contracts, free-agency, personal safety, and so on. People who have an interest in the long-term stability of the franchise do no think that way. GM and coaches (espeially with this franchise) intentionally loose game about every year. Some say in the interest of resting starters. I think that it may be to get a spot or two higher in the draft as well.

A fan who talks like a player is a bit childish. "Let's take one game at a time. Don't get caught looking ahead. Play to win." It's all kids stuff really.

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