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Late Night Superlatives: Colts-Texans via Jimmy Fallon/ crack at Griff Whalen (merge)


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I do appreciate whenever the Colts get mentioned in a comedy routine because it means that we are getting more media exposure on a Natl. scale as a small market NFL franchise. Jimmy Fallon is not funny. I watched that skit twice & I didn't laugh once.


If I want a side splitting joke pertaining to INDY, I will watch David Letterman. This is the person scheduled to take over "The Tonight Show" on NBC next year? Keep Jay Leno's number on speed dial. 


Humor, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Mr. Fallon gets a C+ for his noble attempt at standup in front of a live audience though. Carry on...

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Recently Jimmy Fallon did a skit on his show making jokes about the Indy and Houston players regarding what their NFL.com headshots looked like. About Whalen's picture, Fallon said something to the effect that Whalen looked liked he would be the player most likely to perform "glad hands" as a touchdown dance, implying I suppose that Griff is what? A secret member of the Glee cast? Effeminate? Not a 'real man'? Gay?


I hope Griff scores four touchdowns and knocks someone's head off on his way to the endzone tonight. GO GRIFF!  :heh:  :flaming:

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I think it's important to make a distinction between being a homosexual and being camp, because they're not synonymous. You can be gay and have a thoroughly masculine personality and you can be straight whilst having a very effeminate personality. 


I always associate 'jazz hands' with campness rather than homosexuality so I don't think this joke is over the line, personally. I think it's close to it and I didn't really think it was funny but I think it was ok. 


What I don't like is when jokes are made that insinuate that being gay is a bad thing. You see it all the time in sitcoms. One character will suggest that another may be gay and they are outraged and feel the need to convince everybody that they are not. 

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I think if the media doesn't bow down to the great and mighty Colts this forum jumps at any excuse to cry "Foul". It was a joke...a funny one because Griff doesn't have that "Football look"...there are many others you could say that about and by no means does that mean they can't ball out. If he was making comments about Trindon Holliday it probably would have been something about his demunitive stature and Cutler would have been something about him and feminine products implying he is a....you catch my drift. I believe people should chill....omg...a comedian being a comedian lol....whats next...

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I'm not positive, but I think Fallon has done this before every SNF game.


A few of his comments are somewhat funny, but I find most of them to be just plain dumb.


But, it's not like he is picking on any one player or team. 


Here are his superlatives prior to the Patriots/Falcons game and the Cowboys/Redskins game:









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I do appreciate whenever the Colts get mentioned in a comedy routine because it means that we are getting more media exposure on a Natl. scale as a small market NFL franchise. Jimmy Fallon is not funny. I watched that skit twice & I didn't laugh once.


If I want a side splitting joke pertaining to INDY, I will watch David Letterman. This is the person scheduled to take over "The Tonight Show" on NBC next year? Keep Jay Leno's number on speed dial. 


Humor, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Mr. Fallon gets a C+ for his noble attempt at standup in front of a live audience though. Carry on...

Comedy is like politics and religion...to each their own.

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I think if the media doesn't bow down to the great and mighty Colts this forum jumps at any excuse to cry "Foul". It was a joke...a funny one because Griff doesn't have that "Football look"...there are many others you could say that about and by no means does that mean they can't ball out. If he was making comments about Trindon Holliday it probably would have been something about his demunitive stature and Cutler would have been something about him and feminine products implying he is a....you catch my drift. I believe people should chill....omg...a comedian being a comedian lol....whats next...



I'm not positive, but I think Fallon has done this before every SNF game.


A few of his comments are somewhat funny, but I find most of them to be just plain dumb.


But, it's not like he is picking on any one player or team. 


Here are his superlatives prior to the Patriots/Falcons game and the Cowboys/Redskins game:










I think the OP was more concerned with the subject of the joke, rather than the fact that a joke was being made.

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Its not even like Griff Whalen will see the field. Hes the 4th option at WR, and should only see serious playtime of another WR goes down. Hes a practice squad WR, not the answer to all problems so many on this board want him to be.

Sky.....he's going to be on the field in Houston..

He'll be in as a backup...

His familiarity with Pep and Andrew cant be overestimated as we go Post-Reggie.

I'm looking forward to him getting a couple of throws his way

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I think it's important to make a distinction between being a homosexual and being camp, because they're not synonymous. You can be gay and have a thoroughly masculine personality and you can be straight whilst having a very effeminate personality. 


I always associate 'jazz hands' with campness rather than homosexuality so I don't think this joke is over the line, personally. I think it's close to it and I didn't really think it was funny but I think it was ok. 


What I don't like is when jokes are made that insinuate that being gay is a bad thing. You see it all the time in sitcoms. One character will suggest that another may be gay and they are outraged and feel the need to convince everybody that they are not. 


Not that there's anything wrong with that!

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I think the OP was more concerned with the subject of the joke, rather than the fact that a joke was being made.


Oh, I understand that. 


The point I was trying to make was that Fallon has been doing this type of skit all season in regard to players of many teams.


Some of his little jokes, I find to be a bit funny.  Some, I find to be in bad taste.


Personally, I don't have a problem with the jokes that poke fun at a player's expression, hair style, facial hair, etc.; because those are all things that can easily be changed.


However, I don't like the jokes that poke fun at a player for something that is beyond his control such as the superlative that was given to Peyton.


But, to each his own. 

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what? Nonsense

Its like trying to compare Adrian Peterson and Donald Brown, except in this case the action considered is entertaining people. I can only assume using that analogy that Gandalf thinks Craig Ferguson is much more entertaining than Jimmy Fallon. However entertainment value is very subjective. Further, Jimmy and Craig don't have to compete with each other since there is such a thing as Tivo or the internet to catch highlights or old episodes.

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